Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2903 Demon King Realm

Hearing his son's words, the mayor's younger brother knew it was not good. He regretted bringing his son here, hurriedly dodged towards him, and shouted: "Stop!"

But how could his speed be faster than Fen Tianjiu?

The magic fire danced, and sporadic flames burst into flames!

"Boom!" With a loud sound, the whole body of the tall and thin young man was on fire!


Several people carrying bamboo chairs next to him screamed and threw away the chairs in their hands. The flames spread extremely quickly. Under the high temperature, the man only had time to scream a little bit before turning into fly ash!

"Ah! Go to hell!" The mayor's younger brother's eyes turned red instantly!

How painful is it that my own son was instantly burned to ashes in front of him?

"Let's go together, kill him! Kill this bastard!"

Everyone in the law enforcement team also showed anger, Chase Lu's behavior was too arrogant!

Burning the mayor's younger brother's son to death in public is like a loud slap on their face. If they don't do it, their law enforcement team will lose face!

Everyone was about to rush forward, but a distant voice interrupted their actions.


The slightly majestic voice shocked the crowd, and they quickly parted a road to let the large group of people walk in.

Hearing this voice, the law enforcement captains did not act immediately, but all showed joy and shouted excitedly: "Great, it's the mayor!"

"The mayor is here!"

"Ah, Lord Tan Lin is here too! He is also at the seventh level of Demonic Aspect!"

"This time, that kid is going to be unlucky!

The people who watched the excitement in the distance also shouted in a hurry.

"Didn't it mean that this kid is probably in the realm of the devil king? This is what Wang Er said he saw with his own eyes!"

"Fuck off, you also believe the nonsense that Wang Er said! Last time Wang Er said that his ancestors were Master Classical, do you believe it?"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, a middle-aged man walked in. The middle-aged man who walked in was wearing a gray robe with a stiff expression on his face. Behind him was a team of hundreds of people. Overwhelmed by masters in the realm of possessing demons, more than a dozen of them are demon-level powerhouses.

This lineup is probably the strongest lineup that Xingbang Town can produce now. These strong men came here together, and the surrounding crowd just felt a little hard to breathe!

Tao Jiang had never seen such a big battle before, the hand that was holding Lu Chen's robe was tight, and his palm was full of cold sweat.

Lu Chen remained calm, patted his hand backhand and comforted in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, no matter what, I will keep you safe."

As he said that, he smiled meaningfully and glanced at Tan Lin, the demon figure behind Jiang Wen. When the latter met her playful gaze, his body shook, and he quickly lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look at her at all.

"Master Lu Chen, I don't want you to keep me safe, I just want you and my sister to be safe!" Tao Jiang whispered.

Lu Chen's heart warmed, and he was very moved. The so-called adversity shows the truth, Tao Jiang is not thinking about himself at this time, which shows his sincerity.

Yuluan also smiled and patted Tao Jiang's shoulder, stepped forward, and stood directly behind Lu Chen.

As soon as she came out, everyone around was silent.

What kind of peerless beauty is this, her eyes are like lacquer, she is delicate and elegant, and there is not a single blemish on her beautiful face.Even her figure is well-proportioned and beautiful, which is rare in the world.

The people around couldn't help but stare blankly for a moment, and they suddenly remembered what Lu Chen said, "send a companion". It turned out that those guys just offended this beauty.It's no wonder then that men want to protect their women.

At this time, Jiang Wen had already come close, he couldn't help but pause, and was awakened by a cry of pain.

"Big Brother!" The mayor's younger brother let out a mournful cry, and rushed over: "Big Brother! You must avenge Yao Er and Xian Er! This bastard, Yuan Er, was burned alive! We must kill him today! he"

Before he finished speaking, the mayor's younger brother suddenly felt a huge force coming.

"Slap!" A slap was thrown directly on his face, interrupting his words abruptly. This slap was so powerful that it made him dizzy with sparkling eyes. When he looked up, he saw Jiang Wen An extremely deep complexion.

"Naughty animal! This is all caused by children. You didn't apologize and came here! You dare to talk like that now, don't you think your life is too long? Shut up!"

"Big, big brother" the mayor's younger brother was dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.

The people next to him also fell into a daze, what's going on?

It's fine if Jiang Wen didn't hit Lu Chen, but why did he hit his younger brother instead?Is there something wrong with his head, and he can't even get rid of his enemies?

Jiang Wen didn't talk too much with his younger brother, and walked towards Lu Chen and Yuluan with a large group of masters behind him. He stopped suddenly when he was about three meters away from Lu Chen, and all the people behind him moved their right hands together, raised their left chests and bent over. A big gift was made respectfully.

"The mayor of Xingbang Town and all the powerful people in the town, pay homage to Lord Demon King!"

The voice of hundreds of people shouting in unison was extremely loud, and it became more and more ear-piercing.

The jaws of the surrounding audience fell to the ground on the spot!The collective was shocked!This title is more exciting than Jiang Yuan who Lu Chen just burned to death!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The mayor actually paid a visit to this person in person!This person is still in the realm of a demon king!They are really in the realm of demon kings!

In this black domain, if one reaches the level of a demon king, one can be regarded as a master in the black domain, and at least one can become the lord of a big city!

What does a master at the level of a demon king mean to a place like this town?

In Heiyu, when Lord Demon King arrives in a small village like Xingbang Town, of course the mayor of the town should lead all the strong people to greet him.

"Brother Lu Chen, are you really the devil?" Tao Jiang's face was hazy, as if he was dreaming, "You, didn't you just say you were?"

Lu Chen touched her head, and said with a smile: "I'm not, I'm a Demon Lord with great consummation. Your sister Yuluan and my Fen Tianjiu are both strong men above the peak of the Demon King's realm."

After hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned for a while, and then they understood. Looking at the respectful attitude of the mayor at this time, there is no doubt about Lu Chen's strength.

They remembered that earlier, a group of people said that two demon kings had come to the town!But they didn't believe it, this town is very poor, how could there be a devil king?It's robbery, people don't bother!That's why they wanted to watch the excitement, but they didn't expect the excitement to be missed, and they almost offended people!

"He is the devil?" Only the mayor's younger brother stared in astonishment, and shouted in disbelief: "How is this possible! I asked Ah San to listen to it just now, and he said that she is not in the realm of the devil! Lord Demon King How did you come to such a remote place? No way! The two of them can’t be the devil kings! Brother, don’t be fooled by him! It’s impossible.”

"Shut up!" Jiang Wen frowned and snapped, "You offended Lord Demon King, and you still refuse to repent! Tan Lin, drag him away!"

"Yes!" The skinny guard behind Jiang Wen flashed to the mayor's younger brother Jiang Cheng expressionlessly, and dragged him to the back. Said: "The strength of this lord is beyond doubt. When the incident happened just now, I was by the side of the square. I was suppressed by this female devil before I even made a move! They must be the strength of the devil. It doesn't matter if you seek death yourself, but don't Disaster affects the whole town!"

It can be said that it is easy for a demon king to destroy a small town like them!

After receiving the news, the mayor hurried over so nervously, because he was afraid that Jiang Cheng and others would anger Lu Chen and cause the entire Xingbang Town to suffer.

Hearing what Tan Lin said, Jiang Cheng immediately shivered, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, and he was fully awake.

Those law enforcement captains didn't dare to take a breath, thinking that they just yelled at two demon kings and a demon king Dzogchen, they were so frightened that their faces turned pale!

"My lord, I don't know that when you came to this town, you were far away. Please forgive me." Seeing that there was no one talking around, Mayor Jiang Wen once again saluted Lu Chen in front of him, respectfully Respectfully bowed his head and said: "I apologize to the adults on behalf of those ignorant juniors, and thank the adults for their grace of not killing."

Lu Chen glanced at him indifferently: "Mayor Jiang Wen, right? You are pretty good. You know how to judge the situation and inquire about the situation, and you know how to advance and retreat. No wonder you are the mayor."

"Today's matter is for your sake, I don't want to worry too much, you go." Lu Chen glanced at the crowd around him, waved his robe casually, and said: "These people should also leave. It's really noisy here, I just want to stay for one night. In return, I can help you strengthen the formation outside. We are all human races, and you are the mayor of the town. I hope you will lead the human race to prosperity. If someone Don’t blame me for being rude if you come here to disturb my cultivation.”

When the people who were still watching the excitement heard it, they scattered on the spot in horror. Many people wished to have two more legs, for fear that if they walked slowly, they would disturb this terrible ancestor.

The surrounding area soon became deserted, and Jiang Wen and his group were the only ones left.

Hearing what Lu Chen said, Jiang Wen and the others gasped, and then were overjoyed.

This master actually said that he would help strengthen the formation!

What a rare and honorable thing this is!

Although the formation outside Xingbang Town was jointly arranged by the ancestors and that expert back then, after so many years, the formation has long been loosened.

The people in the town have no ability to strengthen it. If something goes wrong with the formation one day, it will be much harder for Xingbang Town to resist the attacks of those monsters or other races in the future, and there may even be a danger of overturning !

"Thank you, my lord!" Jiang Wen was overjoyed, and immediately woke up with another big gift: "I don't know if you have any other orders? Although we are not as strong as your lord, in Xingbang Town, some trivial matters are handy. If your lord has anything If necessary, we are at our disposal."

"Mayor, you are good. Teach your son well in the future. Our human race is not easy. If we don't rejuvenate together, how can we still bully each other here?" Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction: "In that case, you can send me some information Come on, give me the situation of the evil wolf's dominion for nearly a hundred years and the distribution of all the forces, as well as the map you know, I will live in Tao Jiang's house."

Yuluan nodded and said, "The most important thing is, don't let anyone bother you when the things are delivered!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I must educate my son well! We will organize and deliver what adults need right away! No one will dare to bother you adults!" Jiang Wen nodded again and again, and then did not forget to continue flattering, Before leaving, he said with a smile: "Tao Jiang, you are fortunate to be appreciated by adults, and you are extremely talented. You will definitely rise up step by step."

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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