Sure enough, Chase Lu's intuition never disappointed him.

Seeing the things on the table clearly, Lu Chen felt extremely excited and excited.

First of all, on the top is a handbook of classical life notes. Open it lightly and read it. In addition to the classical understanding of cultivation, there are also comprehensions of swordsmanship and knife skills in this handbook. Introduction of local customs and situations in various parts of the mainland.

Although this book seems ordinary, for Lu Chen, as long as he reads it carefully, every content in this book will benefit him a lot.

Putting this book away quickly, Yuluan has already opened the second book.

I don't know what material this book is made of. The green cover and pages, after opening, there is no word in it.

It wasn't until Lu Chen and Yuluan probed into their spiritual power that they sensed a line of large golden characters printed on the cover of the book.

Open this notebook, and a green grass shadow jumps out directly in front of Lu Chen and Yuluan.

The green grass is jagged, and as Lu Chen observed, it began to gradually wither from a lush state, then turned into a small grass seed, and then gradually germinated and grew up from a small seed. withered

As Lu Chen watched, the green grass showed him all the states of a small grass from growing to withering.

Then a line of golden characters appeared on the page:

Sawgrass is a magic plant of the grass family. It is excavated when it is withered, washed, boiled or steamed to the heart, dried in the sun, and the fibrous roots are removed.It can break blood and promote qi, and treat tumbling and swelling.

After Lu Chen moved his eyes away, it took a few minutes for the line of words to slowly disappear from the book.

It turned out that this was a book introducing the rare magic plants in the Demon God Continent, and it was marked and written by Classic himself.

When Lu Chen frowned, he heard Yuluan say: "Please take this book away, and then go back and lend it to me for copying!"

Lu Chen couldn't help smiling: "Okay."

After he put away the book, the two of them looked at the last book on the desk.

But I saw that the book was made of several sheets of straw paper, which were stapled together in bulk.

Lu Chen's mind moved, and the excitement and joy in his heart became clearer.

He slowly opened the crude book, only to find that the paper was blank.

Yuluan also frowned: "It seems that this is similar to that draft."

However, when Yuluan released his spiritual power, he couldn't sense anything, Yuluan couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "What's going on?"

Lu Chen also used his mental strength to explore just now, but found nothing.

Immediately, a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, and he began to practice the demon-slaying method he had learned from the token key.

Then Lu Chen suppressed the power of the Demon Slaying Dafa in his eyes, and looked at the nameless loose book.


With a flash of golden light in front of his eyes, Chase Lu saw a miniature version of the classics appearing in this book.

"Hello, passer-by, this book is amazing. If you can read it, it means that you are really smart. It is worthwhile for me to pass it on to you. This book is my own innovation, and it is called one-time transmission. I record it here. The most important thing is my own experience in alchemy, just demonstrate it once, as much as you can remember!"

As soon as Xiao Dian finished speaking, he immediately sat down cross-legged and began to demonstrate the method of refining medicine to Lu Chen.

A crimson flame gushed out of Xiao Classic's body just like Lu Chen's. With Xiao Classic's explanation, Lu Chen could also feel that he gradually exported his spiritual power out of his body, and then slowly merged with the crimson flame, This flame and spiritual power gradually synthesized the thing that Chase Lu is most familiar with - the alchemy furnace.

Xiao Dianji transformed medicinal herbs out of thin air, and put them directly into the alchemy furnace that synthesized the fire of law and spiritual power.

With the refinement and fusion of Xiao Dian, it was finally refined into a shining golden magic pill, which was collected by Xiao Dian.

Then, Little Classic slowly stood up from the book, and smiled mischievously at Lu Chen: "How about it, my successor? Have you learned it?"

Without waiting for Lu Chen to think, the little classic made a few handprints, and the magic pill in his hand flew directly into the pages of the book.

"As you can see, all the elixirs I have refined have entered the pages of this book. Each page is a kind of elixir that I have sealed. You can use it as you please. As for my alchemy technique, it is my own. I created it, and I named it Gu Lian. Remember, by combining the fire of law and spiritual power, you can refine a very good elixir. The erysipelas contained in this elixir is at least the same as that of other alchemy techniques outside the world. Half of the erysipelas produced. If you handle it well, the erysipelas can be even smaller."

After the little classic finished speaking, he cupped his fists at Lu Chen: "Okay, my task is completed, the bamboo and apricot flowers outside, including my three thatched huts, if you like it, just take it away, from you From the moment you are recognized by the token key, this place belongs to you. Just use your spiritual power to close it. As for the ancient world outside, I naturally have a lot of things for future generations who are destined to come. What you get from trials. Remember, people who are destined to get it. Don't think about trying to catch them all."

After finishing speaking, the little classic smiled at Lu Chen, and the small figure slowly disappeared in front of Lu Chen like dots of starlight.

Watching the little classic disappear, Lu Chen was stunned for a long time.

"Lu Chen, Lu Chen" Yu Luan anxiously called into Lu Chen's ear, and finally woke Lu Chen up.

"what happened?"

Yuluan looked at Lu Chen and asked anxiously: "Are you okay? Just now I saw that you were looking at this loose book as if you were possessed by a demon. Is there any remaining evil spirit? Why didn't I sense the evil spirit? What about breath?"

Lu Chen frowned, smiled, and said, "No, it was the demon soul of the classical remnant talking to me just now."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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He held up the book in his hand and said, "There are sealed magic pills inside."

"The sealed magic pill?" Yuluan was very surprised, how could the magic pill be sealed in the book?

Lu Chen nodded, and he looked at the books that gradually showed handwriting as the classics disappeared.

There are a few large characters written on it: "Baidan Book"

Turning a page, this book says a kind of elixir: Zhuxie Pill.Taking this elixir can remove the evil breath polluted by evil spirits in the body. If evil spirits take it, they will die immediately.Recipe: One millennium sawgrass, one red blood fruit

Here is not only the introduction of the elixirs, but also the formulas of each kind of elixirs created by the ancients themselves!

Lu Chen and Yuluan watched, excited and full of surprises.

Each of this classical and original medicinal pill formula is priceless!Today they actually got all one hundred kinds of inheritance in one fell swoop!

Yuluan smacked his lips and sighed: "It seems that the best treasure has already been obtained by you."

Lu Chen smiled noncommittally, this time he didn't refuse anything, and directly put away the loose book: "I'll share this magic pill with you later."

Then he took Yuluan out and said, "The thatched house and the bamboos have just been given to me by Gu Gu."

"What?" Yuluan was shocked, she never thought that this thatched house, which is really imperceptible, would be a treasure, "What kind of luck are you! If I hadn't experienced so much life and death with you Come on, I can't wait to hack you to death!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, waved to Fen Tianjiu who was bouncing around, and said, "You and Yuluan wait outside the hall, I will take it here."

"What?" Hearing these words, Fen Tianjiu was also shocked. Chase Lu actually wanted to take this place?

"The classic old man actually gave you this!" Fen Tianyu exclaimed, "This is a holy-level ninth-grade magic weapon that he has worked so hard to refine! It doesn't mean that he will die in this room, even I If you go to sleep in this room at night, you will be kicked out by him, why did you agree to let it go to you?"

"What?" As soon as Fen Tianyu's words came out, Lu Chen and Yuluan were also shocked: "You said this is a ninth-rank holy magic weapon?"

"That's right!" Fen Tianjiu nodded, "The home that the classical old man made for himself is also the coffin he made for himself. I didn't expect that he would even give the coffin to you in the end! Master, who is making a lot of money for you?" !"


After hearing Fen Tianyu's words, Lu Chen and Yuluan felt helpless and shocked.

For a moment, they couldn't believe their ears.

After all, this holy-level ninth-grade magic weapon, not to mention Dongjing, even if it is the entire Demon God Continent combined in the Middle Realm, I am afraid that it will not be able to find a second one!

Gu Gu actually refined a holy-level ninth-grade magic weapon into three huts, and there was no energy fluctuation in the disguise!

Not only that, this magic weapon was actually used as a coffin by Gu Gu!

Don't tell me you've heard of this, it's just that no one dares to think so.

Take a holy-level magic weapon or a ninth-grade magic weapon as a coffin

If you think so, you will be beaten to death.

Lu Chen shook his head, what is this.

In the end, he beckoned to Yuluan and Fen Tianyu feebly: "Come on, you guys go over and put it away, I'll put it away."

With that said, Chase Lu tried to release a strand of his spiritual power into the thatched cottage.

Then Lu Chen had a thought, and said a word: "Take it!"


Suddenly, the ground in the entire hall trembled.

I saw it trembling and shrinking slowly.

Moreover, this house does not shrink alone, but shrinks together with that piece of land.

The thatched hut slowly shrunk together with the bamboo and apricot blossoms in front of the door. Under the gaze of Lu Chen and Yuluan, the thatched hut gradually shrank to the size of a palm, and then jumped into Lu Chen's arms with a "swoosh" inside.

Yuluan was stunned: "Lu Chen, I really don't want to say anything about your luck. You completely make me want to hack you to death and seize treasures."

Lu Chen raised his brows, put away the shrunken hut, and said with a smile: "It's not that troublesome, if you want it, it's easy, marrying me is not a family, this is your thing."

"Bah!" A blush flashed across Yu Luanyu's face, and she gave Lu Chen a winking look.

She turned to think, if it wasn't because Lu Chen saved her, she was still wandering outside looking for the classical tomb at this moment, how could she get the 320 magic weapon that she had just put away?

Each of these magical weapons, when taken out, is an existence that can make the Demon God Continent tremble three times.

With these treasures, and Lu Chen just said that he would share the magic pill equally with himself, what extravagance does she have in her heart?

Yuluan is a very measured person, and she has always understood the saying that there are limits to advancing and retreating.

Not greedy for what you don't deserve is the foundation for a person to stand in the world.

Lu Chen immediately smiled, stretched his waist, and asked Fen Tianyu: "Is there any other exit here? Do we have to go back the same way?"

Fen Tianjiu shook his head: "Why not, look ahead, the hut you just put away, isn't there a teleportation array?"


Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and immediately looked ahead.

Sure enough, there was a big formation with a slight silver light in front of it.

This large formation is the teleportation formation that Lu Chen is not familiar with.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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