However, when Fen Tianjiu jumped up and fully saw his position and the coercion he felt on his body, he immediately collapsed on the ground.

"Master! Why are you here!"

Fen Tianyu's huge body lay on the ground and trembled: "Master, this is not a fun place! Let's leave, shall we go outside to the Demon God Continent!"

Seeing Fen Tianyu's appearance, both Lu Chen and Yuluan frowned.

Fen Tianjiu was equivalent to a monster that could walk sideways in the Demon God Continent in ancient times. This guy had a bad temper before, so why did he become so frightened when he saw the light curtain now.

"We want to go in." Chase Lu said to Fen Tianjiu, "This is an order, not a discussion, we must go in. Is this the tomb of classics?"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Fen Tianjiu was stunned for a moment, then the whole body trembled even more violently, trembling even with the land.

"Master!" Fen Tianjiu said, "This is indeed the tomb of the classic old man, but he won't let us in, so that none of us can go there."

Fen Tianjiu said: "I am the most powerful monster in this ancient world, and I was also put here by the classical old man himself. But if I want to go in, I will be killed! The classical old man said, except those who have the key Descendants, don’t even think about going in.”

"You put it here personally?" Yu Luan frowned.

However, Lu Chen reached out his hand to signal Yu Luan to stop, and he asked, "Wait a minute, what did you just say? Except for the descendants who have the key? The key?"

Fen Tianyu nodded and said: "Yes, except for those who have the key, whoever enters will die. This is what the classical old man specially explained. Believe me, master, what this classical old man said must be true!"

Lu Chen's eyebrows moved, and his face immediately softened. While reaching into the magic bag to get the token key, he asked, "So, you should be the guardian here, why do you still want to kill me?"

As soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, Fen Tianjiu immediately trembled: "Master, I, my mission is to protect the ancient world. If there are alien human races, I must drive them out! As for the killing heart at that time, the classical old man said However, if someone wants to kill me with malicious intentions, I can use the killer as well."

"Really?" Lu Chen frowned, "Then you think I'm the master?"

Fen Tianyu shivered and said: "The old classical man also said that if there is a righteous person that I really can't beat, it's okay for me to admit defeat. Master, don't you have the guy who is the golden unicorn? This guy only has righteous and pure people It will just let it be driven, master, if you have him, can you still be a righteous and good person, I will not lose to you, and it is not against the classic old man."

"" Listening to Fen Tianyu spitting out a classical old man, Lu Chen seemed to understand something, and finally asked:

"Then after we defeated you, we didn't encounter obstacles here, so what's going on?"

Fen Tianyu said: "Master, I recognize you as the master. Naturally, this ancient world understands that you are one of our own, so we can let you go, so there is nothing to hinder."

It turned out

Lu Chen smiled, and then flashed behind Fen Tianjiu's huge vertical pupils: "Look, what is this?"

Fen Tianyu's eyes widened, looking at the gleaming token key that appeared in Lu Chen's hand, he was a little stunned immediately.

"Token Key"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and directly showed the token key to Fen Tianjiu: "The key you mentioned is this, right?"

Yuluan followed suit with a smile, and said: "I think, this is a classic trick. People who don't get his approval, even if they enter this ancient world by chance, can't enter it. Even if they enter, they will die.

"However, I thought of a question. The coercion here is already so strong. If we go there, I don't know how much suppression there is on the cultivation base." Lu Chen frowned slightly and said.

"Maybe." Yuluan covered his mouth with a chuckle, and said, "However, although this kind of energy coercion is strong, since Gu Gu left the token key on purpose, it will not be harmful to us."

"Go ahead and talk." Lu Chen shook his head, looked at the light curtain in front of him, then stretched out his palm to Yuluan, and said with a smile, "Let's go, go in."

"En." Yuluan nodded gently, and then put her jade hand in Lu Chen's.

"As for you, do you want to wait outside here, or come with us?" Lu Chen looked at Fen Tianjiu.

Fen Tianyu said: "I am willing to be a mount for you, master, let's go in together."

Yuluan looked at Lu Chen with a smile, and let the latter lead her, and walked slowly into the huge light curtain, followed by the extremely huge Fen Tianjiu.

With the steps of two people and one beast gradually entering the light curtain, the faint golden light also slowly diffused from the token key in Lu Chen's hand, resisting all the tyrannical coercion from the light curtain And down.

This energy light curtain is about hundreds of feet away. Because of the token key, Lu Chen and Fen Tianjiu walked quite easily, almost as if they could not feel the coercion. It took 10 minutes to see the light ahead.

"Going out"

Lu Chen squinted slightly and looked at the energy light curtain not far away, he also breathed a sigh of relief, his pace suddenly accelerated, and then he pulled Yuluan through the extremely thick light curtain.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Passing through the light curtain, the energy of the token key covering the whole body dissipated invisibly in an instant.

Lu Chen put away the keys, and just about to breathe a sigh of relief, Yuluan's slightly hasty voice quickly rang in his ears: "Be careful!"

Lu Chen's heart tightened, and he quickly circulated the magic energy in his whole body, and then flashed to the side.


Just as Lu Chen dodged, a few extremely sharp death auras rushed like lightning.

After Lu Chen hid, he frowned slightly and looked around, only to see that they were on a lone peak now.

Then, their eyes were all looking in the distant direction at this time, and their expressions became extraordinarily dignified.

All I saw was a thick gray mist as thick as a sky barrier suddenly appeared between the distant mountains and mountains. The gray air was extremely cold, and there seemed to be countless cold ghost howling sounds coming from there. .

In the midair, the shadows of countless tombs appeared faintly, with a deathly aura.

The classical tomb has finally arrived.

But how could there be death energy attacking the living?

Could it be that these dead spirits are also conscious?

Lu Chen was frowning and thinking, when Yu Luan suddenly said: "Lu Chen, take out the token key."

Just as Lu Chen was thinking for a moment, the dead air around him began to move again, but they didn't feel anything when they first came out.Yuluan suddenly realized that it might be because Lu Chen put away the token key.

As soon as Yuluan spoke, Lu Chen quickly took out the token key.

Only then did Fen Tianyu behind him make a sound: "Oh my God, I was scared to death! Master, please don't take the key away suddenly, I was almost scared to death by the dead energy here just now!"

Lu Chen frowned: "You are a super monster walking sideways in ancient times, and you will be scared to death by the death here?"

But Fen Tianjiu said cautiously behind Lu Chen: "Master, you don't know, this is not only the burial place of the classical old man, but also the burial place of some ancient monster races. He just wanted to die with those monster races. He chose to die here, otherwise how could he survive the catastrophe? He is the one who is about to ascend!"

"The place where the demon clan is buried?"

"That's right! After the ancient demon war, there were still some monsters that could not be resolved in time. They were hiding in the Demon God Continent to do evil. Ever since Gu Gu knew about this, he had been planning to kill these monsters completely. I It was also picked up by him on the road of planning, and he has been following him since then, witnessing his deeds of destroying these monster races. He is also guarding outside, waiting for the successor he approves to come in with the key. Master, if you take the key from the beginning I won’t attack you if you bring out the token key, I’m afraid those magic bees outside won’t dare to provoke you at will.”

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If he knew it, he wouldn't have put away the keys so early.I thought the key was useless except to open the door.But this is where the monsters are buried

Lu Chen's scalp tightened instantly: "That is to say, there are still many demon souls here?"

"No, no, no." Fen Tianjiu said, "How could that old man in Gu Gu allow the demon souls of the demon clan to still exist? This is the place of ten absolutes that he set up with ancient treasures, dedicated to exterminating demons. Back then even he It is very likely that there is not even a trace of my demon soul left, let alone those monster races!"

Fen Tianjiu's words moved Lu Chen's heart, filled with infinite admiration.

"It's just that I know the temperament of these monsters. Even if they die, they are still restless, and their obsessions still exist, so these dead breaths will not go away." Fen Tianjiu said, "However, I think The classical old man still has some means to control these obsessions, otherwise he will inevitably be attacked by them if he has a key."

Hearing this, Lu Chen and Yuluan looked into the distance.

I saw the gray death energy pervading the world, that cold feeling, accompanied by a trace of death energy entering the body, would gradually erode the magic energy in the human body.

Lu Chen and the others stood on the solitary peak, he could see the death energy pervading the sky and the ground, and as he looked at the huge death energy faintly emerging in mid-air, his expressions gradually became serious.

The classical tomb in front of him made him feel terrified.

Although this place is not as vast as the previous ancient world, the coercion is even greater, and the danger seems to be greater.

"It really deserves to be the burial place of evil spirits." Lu Chen sighed.

"In this classical tomb, there is more than one super demon clan that has fallen. As far as I know, there was a demon clan who came down from the upper realm when he entered here. Only after the Tribulation Realm was completed, he was able to stay in the Demon God Continent. But even so, he entered here, but he still didn’t escape.” Fen Tianjiu also nodded, that was the biggest hidden danger left over from back then, and also the most powerful monster. Clan, did not expect to fall in this classical tomb in the end.

And the more powerful an existence, once it falls, it will exude a monstrous death aura.

Lu Chen looked at the boundless world and thought in his heart: Dian Dian himself is already amazing in the world, but he never thought that he would exchange his own death for the death of all the evil spirits left after the demon war.He calculated in this way, and left behind the key. I don't know, what's so special about the tomb of Classic himself?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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