It's the first time she's been able to let the monster beat herself up so badly in so many years.

Lu Chen glanced at Yuluan in the Pihuo Pagoda, and smiled at her.

Immediately, before Yuluan could react, Lu Chen suddenly stepped on his feet and jumped up from the ground.

With a sound of "Hoo!", Chase Lu appeared directly beside the bruised and swollen Fen Tianjiu on the ground like a shooting star.

Before Yu Luan could react, Lu Chen closed his eyes, and directly operated the magic power, sensing the abnormally abundant energy between heaven and earth. As soon as Lu Chen put his hands on Fen Tianjiu's body, he began to absorb the energy from it.

At this moment, the brown flame on Fen Tianyu's body had already been shattered by itself, like a candle in the wind, completely incomparable with Lu Chen's lawful fire.

At the same time, what Fen Tianjiu saw was like this -

No matter how much it begs for mercy, how good it says, how much it racks its brains to destroy the relationship between the fire unicorn and this human being, this rock-headed fire unicorn will not listen at all, and ruthlessly slaps one paw after another. Hit it hard on the forehead.

However, Fen Tianjiu has no way to resist at all. It feels that under the pressure of the fire unicorn, it has no way to function with any magic energy.Therefore, I can only carry it alive, and let the Huo Qilin beat it hard one after another.

Every time he struck, Fen Tianjiu felt that his inner breath had dissipated, and the magic energy would be directly scattered by this powerful force and consume more than half of it. What's the situation?Can anyone tell it?

Fen Tianjiu was a bitter man in his heart, didn't he just want to practice his hands with a human who broke into the ancient world, how could he become like this!

Who would have thought that a weak human race like an ant could control the fire unicorn?

Isn't it okay that it's wrong?

God!Who can come and save it, pull away this lunatic Huo Qilin!



In the end, Fen Tianjiu finally felt that the magic energy in his body collapsed, his breath was unstable, and he couldn't fly immediately, and fell straight to the ground.


Fen Tianjiu can be said to have lived most of his life, except when he was in a mess when he was caught by Gu Gu, he had never been so humiliated.

It buried its head directly in the soil.

Even so, the human and the fire unicorn still did not let themselves go.

It clearly felt that the human jumped behind him, and then, together with the fire unicorn, he started to suck his own power!

This is obviously planning not to let it live!

No, it can't just die like this!

Fen Tianjiu always remembers the prosperous world he saw when he followed Dian Dian, everything was so beautiful.It has been preparing to go to the Demon God Continent to take a look after it has been cultivated until it can transform itself!How could he just die like this?

It was also planning to find a female to reproduce, how could it just die like this?

It must find a way to live, to live well!

This human being is so powerful that even Huo Qilin is willing to submit, if he is willing to submit, then it is not ashamed!

Yuluan looked at this scene in shock, feeling extremely shocked and excited in his heart!After a while, she blinked her eyes, what is Chase Lu doing?

Yuluan stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, did he make a mistake, is Lu Chen absorbing the power of Fen Tianjiu?

What's more, Fen Tianjiu was still motionless and let Lu Chen absorb it.

Yuluan gently covered her red lips with her jade hand, which subverted her imagination. She felt that her brain stopped functioning for a moment, and she stared blankly at this scene.

for a while

Fen Tianjiu finally moved, it raised its head from the pit.

Then it heard a cold voice with Ling Ran's killing intent, as if floating from the Nine Nether Hell.

"Do you want to die?"

Fen Tianjiu shuddered all over and shuddered, this was the voice of that human being!

Lu Chen's words were like thunder from nine heavens, and Fen Tianjiu was shocked in place immediately!

The strength of this human being is originally that of ants and cannot be weak.Later, it exploded suddenly, and unexpectedly had the power to summon the fire unicorn.

This is the power only a demon god can have!What crossing the tribulation realm, the devil emperor and the devil saint are all farting in front of the devil god.

Having lived for tens of thousands of years, Fen Tianyu's mind turned, he immediately laughed, and said, "A great man, I dare not move. I just want to tell you, why don't you accept me as your younger brother?"

Lu Chen, who was multitasking, almost broke his skills when he heard this sentence, and when he calmed down, Lu Chen couldn't help but the corners of his mouth twitched.

When Yu Luan heard such a sentence, she was completely stunned. This sentence was beyond her comprehension. Fen Tianjiu actually said that he wanted to recognize a human being as the master?

Take the initiative to recognize a weak human being as the master?

It was so shocking. This incident plus everything that happened today was completely beyond Yuluan's tolerance, and he couldn't digest it at all for a while.

"I was wrong, master, boss, just treat me as a fart and let me go, sir, don't remember the life of a villain, okay?" Fen Tianjiu continued to speak, trying to recall the human beings he had seen in his childhood When begging for mercy, he said back, "I am very powerful, I can serve as an underling for Huo Qilin, and I can serve as a mount for my master!"

A wise monster also has self-respect and face, but today Fen Tianjiu looked at the Huo Qilin staring at him, and completely forgot about face.

You can't eat or drink for face, the most important thing is to live!

Fen Tianjiu spared no effort to promote himself, and kept blinking at the ferocious Huo Qilin in front of him: "Master, in this ancient world, who is more familiar than me? I am an ancient master who personally put it in." Beast! You keep me, and I shall be of great use!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Yuluan stared dumbfounded at Fen Tianjiu's careful flattery to the air in front of her, and her mind was about to fly away again after she barely pulled it back. It turned out that the ancient super monster was so shameless.

An ancient super monster, trying to be a monster for humans, and winking at the air in front of him.

Yuluan knew that what she saw must be different from what Fen Tianjiu saw, but this did not prevent her from despising Fen Tianjiu at all.

"cough cough"

Lu Chen's violent cough woke Yuluan up from the shock. He smiled slightly at Fen Tianjiu, and immediately said, "Okay, then try to perform well. Now, sign me an ancient magic beast contract."

"Yes yes yes!" Seeing Lu Chen finally nodding his head, Fen Tianyu was overwhelmed with gratitude, and quickly sat up from the pit he made, then waved his paw and slashed at his heart.

A drop of brown flame blood came out, Fen Tianjiu murmured into the air for a while, read out the spell of the ancient Warcraft contract, and then two black-colored laws fell from the sky and entered the bodies of Fen Tianjiu and Lu Chen .

Only then did Lu Chen loosen his brows: "Okay, you didn't play tricks, and you signed the ancient Warcraft master-servant contract."

After finishing speaking, Yu Luan saw Lu Chen nodding to the air in front of Fen Tianjiu, and said, "Then I'll be your younger brother, come back."


As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, Fen Tianjiu saw the imposing Huo Qilin in front of him nodding, and obediently got into Lu Chen's body.

With a flick of his fingers, Lu Chen directly gave Fen Tianyu three sleeping pills that had been refined long ago, and inserted them into Fen Tianyu's mouth.

Before Fen Tianjiu asked anything, it felt sleepy for a while, and then its upper and lower eyelids fought.


In an instant, Fen Tianjiu fell into the pit again and fell into a deep sleep.


When Lu Chen saw that Fen Tianyu had finally fallen down, he quickly waved his hand and put it directly into the Qiankun Time and Space Realm, and put it in the Lingtian World.

"Pfft" After finishing all this, Lu Chen fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Just now he has been consuming all his mind, magic energy, mental power, and demon soul, and he has been running tensely, if he hadn't tried to find a way to absorb part of the energy in the air and the energy of Fen Tianjiao just now .At this moment, I'm afraid that he will directly collapse and become unconscious.

Lu Chen glanced at the world that had gradually calmed down, waved his hand, and withdrew his mental power from the fire tower.

Yuluan watched the fire tower disappear, and immediately rushed over out of breath.

Suddenly stopping in front of Lu Chen, Yuluan looked at Lu Chen who was slowly looking towards her, his eyes turned red instantly.

At this time, Lu Chen sat on the ground tiredly, covered in blood.Look at it, how embarrassing it is, how embarrassing it is.

Yuluan watched, and suddenly her beautiful eyes widened and she rushed over.

Those blood-red eyes, that messy skirt and long hair made Lu Chen couldn't help but move.

"Lu Chen, why are you injured so badly?"

Yuluan grabbed Lu Chen's arm. At this time, there was almost no magic energy left in Lu Chen's body. Not only that, his meridians were also severely damaged and split.

Even, some of the meridians were completely burned by the burning fire. If they burned for a second longer, they would all be turned into flying smoke!

"I can't die." The voice was so hoarse that it was almost inaudible, and his breath was extremely chaotic, but Lu Chen didn't see the slightest panic.

While talking to Yuluan, Lu Chen observed the surrounding situation and said, "Go and set up a magic circle to prevent any monsters from coming over at this moment."

When Yuluan heard this, he gritted his silver teeth, but his subordinates did not dare to be slow, quickly wrapped Lu Chen with magic yuan, and began to transport magic yuan support into his body.At the same time, Yuluan freed up her other hand and waved directly at the sky. The seven-level magic circle map she had hidden for a long time became larger in the air, and then separated from the picture.

The magic circle shone with silver light and landed on the ground, directly surrounding Yuluan and Lu Chen.

Now, Lu Chen was slightly relieved.If there is another Fen Tianjiu coming at this moment, he doesn't even need to look at it, he just takes Yuluan to Lingtian World.

Yuluan immediately took out a magic pill from his arms, and put his hand into Lu Chen's mouth.

"Eat it, hurry up."

Lu Chen glanced at the elixir, it turned out to be the Nine-Turn Resurrection Demon Pill!

This is the long-lost holy medicine in the Demon God Continent, not only can life and death human flesh and bones, but can even heal injuries such as demon souls and spiritual power!

What a precious medicine this is!It should be a rare item obtained by Yuluan at Shaking Sky Auction.

Lu Chen shook his head: "No, it's too precious, you keep it well."

Although he was seriously injured, it wasn't impossible for him to be treated. He was about to die and didn't need such precious medicine.

Yuluan frowned, glanced at Lu Chen immediately, and asked, "What happened just now?"

"Just..." Lu Chen had just opened his mouth when Yuluan moved his jade finger, and while he opened his mouth, he directly fed the pill into his mouth.

The elixir melted in the mouth, and Lu Chen's pale face, which was almost ashes, suddenly turned red.

The efficacy of this medicine can be seen to be overbearing!

"Use the magic element to guide and bring the effect of this medicine into the lower abdomen." Yuluan said, took a deep breath, and suddenly hit Lu Chen's lower abdomen with a palm.

Immediately, the magic element penetrated straight in, shaking away the menacing aura of internal injury.

"Word" Lu Chen frowned and looked down.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure, you are the most important." Yuluan propped up a smiling face, and held Lu Chen's hand tightly.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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