"Go away! Leave me alone!" Yuluan shouted, "Senior Fen Tianjiu, even if I can't give you the Magic Transformation Pill immediately, I still have many other precious treasures here, you can see them, as long as you If you need it, you can take it if you want it! Just please let Lu Chen go! If you want to eat it, you can eat it from me!"

For some reason, thinking of the scene where Lu Chen might be tortured to death by Fen Tianjiu, Yuluan felt an indescribable pain in her heart, which almost made her unable to breathe.

No, no matter what, she can't let Lu Chen have an accident.

Yu Luan, who has always only cared about his family's interests and his own interests, is completely willing to go all out at this moment.

Before he had time to think about the reason for his heartache, Yuluan's brain was running at high speed, and he couldn't help telling himself that now, saving Chase Lu is equivalent to saving a genius with a bright future.The worst thing for her is to die, but if Lu Chen can live, he can bring infinite honor and future to the family.

Fen Tianyu was taken aback. Since arriving in the ancient world, it has lived in this ancient world for tens of thousands of years. It is used to seeing monsters that eat the weak and the strong, and has never had contact with human races. Never seen anything like this.It's really interesting.

Before Fen Tianyu could say anything, Lu Chen suddenly said: "Yuluan, don't ask him, this guy doesn't want to have a good time, so I'll just have a good time with him!"

"Haha! How courageous!" Seeing Lu Chen's actions.Fen Tianjiu suddenly let out a loud laugh that shook the earth.After a long while, the laughter slowly subsided.But the voice gradually became colder: "You are not weak, your fire has awakened my Burning Brown Flame. I look forward to your performance, but I hope you will not be killed by me."

Of course, Fen Tianjiu never thought that Chase Lu would win from the beginning, and the condition he put forward was just to guarantee it.In case, this cunning person will win, and he will not lose money.

"You don't need to worry too much about this." Lu Chen responded lightly, and Lu Chen was too lazy to chat with this cunning monster, so he raised his arm lightly.

And as he raised his palm, a small red tornado suddenly appeared in the sky. The tornado was only two meters in size at first, but after a while, the tornado storm swelled against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it became a land of more than ten feet. Huge tornado.

Between the sky and the earth, the tornado of red flame whizzed and whirled, and the giant trees on the ground were constantly being forcibly pulled out, and then twisted into sawdust by the violent whirlwind.

"Hmph, when it comes to using fire, it's not your turn to play wild!" Looking at the ever-increasing tornado storm, Fen Tianyu yelled, and a low-pitched roar resounded through his huge mouth. This piece of heaven and earth.

With the sound of the roar, the brown crystal on its body glowed brightly, and in the blink of an eye, a raging brown flame burst out from its body.

The brown flames gradually curled and rolled, and finally gathered into a huge brown fire pillar, which shot straight into the sky. The scorching heat, even if the fire towers were separated, still made Yu Luan below sweat profusely.

Yu Luan stomped her feet anxiously, why is Lu Chen so stubborn!

If you discuss with Fen Tianjiu, you may not be dead. If you fight with Fen Tianjiu, it is obvious that Lu Chen will die from death!

Yuluan wiped the sweat that rolled down his forehead, and stared at the huge tornado and fire pillar in the distant sky in shock.This flame is more violent than Lu Chen's, with a tyrannical air!

Above the misty sky, a huge red storm swept towards Fen Tianyu crazily with the sound of violent wind whistling between Lu Chen's waving hands.

Wherever the storm passed, the forest below was torn into a piece of dirt.Even the arrogant and arrogant Demon Flower in the distance was ripped away by the red flames at this moment.

Yu Luan in the fire tower looked at this scene, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Humph!" Looking at the storm of flames that swept over, Fen Tianyu let out a roaring hum from his huge mouth, flapped his wings, and the huge brown pillar of fire that reached two or three feet above his body was also separated from his body. out, and then hit the storm away.


"Lu Chen, be careful!"

Accompanied by Yuluan's exclamation, the two giants collided with lightning in the air, and at the moment of the collision, the space was almost silent.

"Boom!" A huge roar exploded in the sky.

These two huge flame beams collided ferociously, releasing terrifying energy crazily to each other. Where the two meet, the space seems to be slightly rippling with this terrifying energy and terrifying temperature.

"Bang!" The red flame storm and the brown flame pillar, after a few minutes of stalemate with each other, finally annihilated out of thin air with a muffled sound resounding through the sky.

When it dissipated, Lu Chen, who was standing still on the ground, finally made a move. He saw a little under his feet, and his body turned into a flash of lightning, passing through the energy turbulent zone in an instant, and then appeared in Fen Tianyu place under body.

The red flame knife stabbed out quickly in his hand, and the red flame on the knife turned into several small flying knives that circled continuously with Lu Chen's intention, making a buzzing sound.

"Ding ding."

The Red Flame Knife carried several sharp Chiyan Flying Knives and flew straight into the sky, slashing on the surface of Fen Tianjiu's body, and a series of crisp sounds resounded in midair.

However, the lightning stab of the Red Flame Knife only left white marks on the layer of brown crystals.And the white marks only existed for a moment before they completely dissipated.

Not paying attention to Lu Chen's attack, Fen Tianjiu swung the giant, and a half-meter-thick huge brown flame shot out from above his head, blasting towards Lu Chen below him.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The power of burning everything carried in the fiery brown flame immediately made Lu Chen frown slightly.

He immediately turned his mind, letting the red fire of law form a thick flame armor on the surface of his body.

Then his big hand formed a weird handprint in front of him: "Thunder is rolling!"

As the sound fell, a violent thunderbolt surged out of his body.

Immediately, the power of thunder and lightning whizzed out with Lu Chen's mind, rushing into the misty sky, and a huge mushroom thundercloud with a radius of hundreds of miles was formed in an instant!


Countless sky thunders descended, directly resisting the huge brown flame.

This is the method that Lu Chen realized when he attacked the seven-star formation. He can use the thunder of law in his body to induce the power of thunder and punishment that God already has, so as to achieve the purpose of borrowing strength.Just like the seven-star formation, you can use the power of the seven stars in the sky to assist the battle formation.

After several thunderclaps, Lu Chen stood on the ground unharmed.

Seeing that the brown fire attack was ineffective, the purple light in Fen Tianyan's animal pupils suddenly flourished, and the huge claws suddenly brought out a gorgeous brown light.Slammed down on Lu Chen angrily, where the palms and claws passed.It actually tore through the air barrier, and a sharp sound wave rang out piercingly above the sky.

Looking at Fen Tianjiu's fierce offensive, Lu Chen's face was slightly solemn.

If he bears the huge demonic power on this claw, his muscles and bones will be broken and his blood will burst!

It seems that the only thing left to do is to try the Moming Dafa.

With a thought in Lu Chen's mind, the power of the magic element under his feet was a little bit, and his whole body shot from the ground, reaching a distance of ten feet in an instant.

Then, Lu Chen took out the talisman that Chu Yu gave him, and suddenly threw it towards Fen Tianyu. With a sudden turn of his thoughts, crimson flames instantly gathered on the surface of Lu Chen's body, forming an armor more than 100 meters thick. .At the same time, Lu Chen threw out the talisman with one hand, and quickly took out the refined magic shield with the other hand.

This magic weapon shield is the perfect level of the eighth-level mid-grade, and Lu Chen was originally going to use it when he was going to die.

The magic shield swelled against the wind, and instantly turned into a round shield with a height of ten meters, firmly protecting Lu Chen.


All these preparations sound complicated, but in fact, they only happened within two breaths.

The giant palm bombarded the huge shield, the brown light was shining, the scorching temperature accompanied by huge energy, immediately smashed the eighth-level shield into pieces all over the sky!

In the burning of brown flames, the fragments were quickly dissipated by the wind.

Fen Tianjiu's attack was so tyrannical.

"Lu Chen!" Seeing this, Yuluan's canthus were almost shattered, and he wished he could rush out of the tower immediately!

After breaking through the opponent's defense, Fen Tianjiu let out a deep roar from his huge mouth, his huge body twisted slightly, and his frenzied and frightening attack speed did not match that huge body size at all.

However, when he was about to continue to pat with his paw, Chase Lu disappeared below!


Lu Chen appeared behind Fen Tianjiu, forcibly held back the blood that was about to be spurted, and swallowed it by himself.

At the moment when the giant claw fell, he directly used the magic magic power with all his strength, and instantly sucked away part of the powerful energy that burst out after breaking the shield with his powerful power. The shield and Fen Tianjiu's power surged, they directly chose a direction, and fled quickly.

The whole person is like a shooting star, slashing towards Fen Tianjiu's back, all of this is just a blink of an eye.

Therefore, Fen Tianjiu's huge body couldn't react to the change of Lu Chen's position after the blow.

At the same time, because of Fen Tianjiu's own powerful fluctuations, Chen Lu instantly left close to the ground, and Fen Tianjiu couldn't tell where he appeared later.

Relying on the power of Fen Tianjiu he sucked in, Lu Chen ran with all his strength, and his whole body stuck to the ground behind Fen Tianjiu.

This is the power that belongs to Fen Tianjiu, and it is almost integrated with Fen Tianjiu. As long as it is not discerned by the naked eye in a short period of time, it is difficult to find the existence of Chase Lu.

And what Chase Lu wanted was this short-term difference.

It is not a smart move to collide with this perverted monster.

Moreover, Lu Chen can't fly now, but this guy is not only strong, but also able to fly, which is the biggest advantage of Warcraft.


Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled, then closed his eyes gently.

From Fen Tianjiu's point of view, it was really absurd that that insignificant human being, who could be dealt with directly with a slap, disappeared in an instant, and couldn't even sense his breath for a while.

But the absurd fact is also the fact, Fen Tianjiu carefully sensed it with the power of the demon soul, indeed, this human has really disappeared

Fen Tianyu looked at the small fire tower on the ground in surprise, there was only a demon woman inside, and there was no sign of the man.

How is this going?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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