Looking up at the giant sword wrapped in light above his head, Lu Chen was very excited.

This is another time he has integrated the sword intent he learned in his previous life. The sword intent and sword intent have something in common.

When it is played out at this moment, reaching the realm of transformation, coupled with Lu Chen's own closeness to the laws of heaven and earth, he can induce the laws of heaven and earth, and comprehend more advanced sword techniques is a matter of course.

Whether it is the sword technique or the sword technique, people comprehend it by themselves. The comprehension of sword intent in the previous life is equivalent to giving Lu Chen a textbook, which saves him a lot of time to explore. can explode.

This time, Lu Chen was able to arouse the energy of heaven and earth under the opportunity of burning anger in his heart, and comprehend the giant sword of Qingtian by himself. He felt that it was already comparable to the top-grade magic skills!

Although this giant sword is a form of energy, it will not collapse unless Chase Lu detonates it himself.

Lu Chen held a giant sword ten times larger than his own, shouted coldly, and swung it fiercely. The blade of the sword drew a river of red swords in the air, which was extremely majestic.In an instant, like a flood, it smashed towards the magic element barrier that wrapped Huo Luan!

Seeing all this happening in front of his eyes, the elders of the two Yiming Academy were almost scared out of their eyes by Chase Lu!No one thought that for this reason, this young man still refused to give up, and actually came up with such an even more perverted thing!

The two of them are the closest, and they can feel the terrifying pressure emanating from the giant knife. Neither of them can guarantee that this thing can resist it when it hits them. Even though they are still wearing armor, this giant knife has brought them death. threat!


There was a loud sound of the front hitting the barrier, and the world seemed to tremble violently at this moment, and large swaths of cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the two elders of Yiming Academy.

Just hearing the crisp sound of "crack!", the faces of the two of them both turned pale, and a thought popped out of their minds.


It is indeed over!After this blow, the magic element barrier, like a mirror, produced countless cracks from the part hit by the Qingtian giant knife, and it was instantly shattered!

The barrier formed by the joint efforts of two elders from Yiming Academy was broken by a brat like that!

"My God"

"Damn it!"

Two elders from Yiming Academy and many onlookers shouted in disbelief.

Huo Luan stood aside tremblingly, none of the three nearby elders of Yiming Academy dared to rush over to block the red giant knife!After all, that is a terrible thing!

The red giant knife slashed straight down along the shattered halo, without any hindrance!

Huo Luan, who originally thought he was saved, scrambled and crawled away in panic to avoid the vital point. Half of his body felt a sharp pain as if being roasted by fire, he let out a miserable howl, rolled his eyes, and simply said fainted.

Lu Chen panted slightly holding the giant knife in his hand, with a sneer on his lips. Although he was not very handy in controlling the giant knife the first time, Huo Luan escaped death, but this time, the Chiyan knife also burned most of her magic energy and Xiao Banxiu. Because, it can be regarded as a lesson!

There was dead silence!In the camp of tens of thousands of people, not even a scream can be heard!

No one could have expected that Chase Lu would dare to destroy Huo Luan. Everyone only knew that if Huo Luan hadn't dodged a little just now, that terrifying giant knife would even kill her!

After a little silence, the dean of Yiming Academy who had arrived nearby was full of anger and shouted: "Damn you! How dare you hurt my sister in front of this old man, and my tutor at Yiming Academy? In your eyes?"

As soon as Lu Chen took a breath, the trembling coercion gathered towards him like a tide. The thick magic energy seemed to be extremely turbulent. He had just consumed all the magic energy in his body. It was actually under pressure that it was difficult to lift a finger.


Just as Lu Chen was about to run to release the coercion of the demon soul, Wan Ao, the lord of Unfallen City, and the dean of Ksitigarbha College rushed over.

Chu Yu also hurried over and stood in front of Lu Chen.

Seeing these people flying over, not only the dean of Yiming Academy stopped his movements in shock, but also made countless people jump violently at once, overly frightened.

Most of the people around here are Dongjing and Dongjing Unfallen City people, and others will not know you, but the city lord of this Unfalling City, the dean of Dongjing No. [-] Academy, Dongjing No. [-] talisman master, they Will you not recognize me?

They all came to guarantee Lu Chen!

"Lu Chen!"

From a distance, a gentle and handsome middle-aged man in a black gown came forward, with an excited expression on his face: "Lu Chen, why are you here?"

Thinking of the grand battle here that he had heard others talking about, the man paused, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said in a speechless turn: "That's great, it's really great."

"Well, Uncle Wang, I'm here." Lu Chen had already flown down from the sky at this time, and the giant knife turned into a fluorescent light and dissipated, and the flying knife floated invisible by his side.

His cold eyes softened a lot after coming into contact with this person, and this person was Wang Wukui.

I haven't seen him for more than a month, but Wang Wukui has become a bit darker. It must be because of the treasure hunt that he came to Dongjing together.

I don't know, have Su Yurong and the others come?

Lu Chen was a little distracted, and didn't notice that he and Wang Wukui met now, which horrified the people around him.

This Lu Chen can let the city lord be the guarantor, but he is also called the uncle of the leader of the Talisman Alliance?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The large groups of people stared straight at each other, and several adventurers muttered in a daze, like Mengyin: "My God, this guy is strong, and his background is against the sky!"

"Hey, are you stupid? This guy is so powerful, how can he have no background!"

"That's right, at this age, how can you be an ordinary person?"

Look at what this kid just did!First he cut a tribulation-crossing monster into a skeleton with a wave of his hand, then he boldly chased down the mentor of Yiming Academy all over the place, and finally he made a super perverted thing. The mentor was injured by the interception of the master of crossing the tribulation realm!

Any one of these things is enough to scare a group of people to death, and when added together, it is simply inferior to a beast!

How could it be possible for ordinary people to do it?Do ordinary people have the courage?

At this moment, several streamers of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and more than a dozen figures flew over from the distant sky, each of them carried a terrifying aura, and wherever they went, the air seemed to produce a certain amount of energy. Everyone is above the tribulation realm!

The two leading elders, who looked to be in their fifties, were hale and hearty. Their eyes were deep and unfathomable. When people looked at them, they would have a completely clear idea.

The corner of Lu Chen's eyes twitched, his face darkened, and he secretly guessed in his heart, why did he feel that the visitor was a bit unkind?

"What happened to this?"

Because of the soaring red light of Lu Chen's sky-high sword just now, these people who were still in the meeting were awakened, and they rushed all the way to check the situation.

Unexpectedly, they saw this extremely miserable scene in front of them, and their eyes were quite shocked.

"Oh my god! Sister Huo Luan!"

Before everyone could speak, a woman in a light yellow gown behind an old man exclaimed in a shrill voice, and then quickly ran to Huo Luan on the ground, tremblingly hugging the unconscious man.

"Who? Who hurt my future daughter-in-law!" The old man at the head was furious!

He, Yu Cheng, is the father of Yu Xiao, the lord of Yuyan City, and a guardian of the southern border, whose cultivation base is at the peak of the ninth floor of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm!

Although he is not the city lord of Yuyan city, as the guardian of the southern border, his status is more than three times higher than that of the city lord of Yuyan city.

This Huo Luan is the daughter-in-law he chose for his son after thousands of choices. No matter her background or the things in her body, they are all very beneficial to his son. The only existence in the world who can detoxify his son will only wait until she He can perfect his son after he reaches the ninth level of Tribulation Transcending Realm.

After all these years, Tiancaidibao had managed to raise him till now, but today he was crippled with half of his cultivation, and was seriously injured!When will this be kept!Can my only son wait until that time!

"Yes, which bastard hurt my sister Huo Luan?" The woman in the goose yellow gown had trembling lips and tears in her eyes, and she also raised her head and shouted angrily. The brother she loved so much since she was a child is still waiting for this Huo Luan to detoxify. Seeing that it is about to succeed, how uncomfortable is it to have to wait?

"It's me!" A faint cold voice sounded from the side.

Yu Cheng and the people behind him looked together, staring in shock at this cold and proud young man in black.

Since Lu Chen did it, he never intended to deny it, and his calm attitude even reached the point of indifference.

"What?" Dawson stared at him with cold eyes, Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and roared furiously, "Lu Chen, it's you again!"

The sharp blue light flashed, and Yu Cheng shot directly at Lu Chen, but was stopped by three figures before he got close to Lu Chen!

But Chu Yu, Wan Ao, and the dean of Ksitigarbha College all stood in front of Lu Chen ruthlessly, their determination was extremely obvious - no matter who it was, don't even try to get close to him!

"Lu Chen, you first injured the students of my Yiming Academy, then killed my family's monsters, and injured my sister. You are simply lawless! You really think that there are Jizo Academy and the city lord of Buluo City protecting you, so just Can you act recklessly like this?" The dean of Yiming Academy's eyes flickered coldly, and the magic element flashed, and he forced towards Lu Chen fiercely.

"Stop everything!"

Wan Ao, the lord of Buluo City, was silent for a long time, and finally spoke majestically, with a powerful shout, all voices and confrontation stopped temporarily.

"No one knows what the cause of this matter is. Why do you do it directly? It's too hurtful."

Wang Wukui nodded, and said, "Yes, if you want me to say, let's have a good talk, everyone is here to handle things, and now things haven't been done, if this hurts the harmony and vitality, it's a big deal." It’s not worth the candle.”

"What's more, this girl, although I think the injury is a bit serious, it's not impossible to recover. Why are you so hasty?"

Seeing that Wang Wukui also spoke for Lu Chen, behind him, the eight elders of the Artifact Refining Alliance slowly squeezed in, Yu Cheng's eyes also flickered.

The dean of Yiming Academy looked at the major forces behind Lu Chen, and couldn't help being a little suspicious. According to his understanding, the city owner of the never-falling city has always been unprofitable.He tried his best to protect this kid, maybe there is a reason behind it, he can't relax his vigilance, if he can't offend, it's better not to offend first.

So, he secretly nodded to Yu Cheng.

Yu Cheng's eyes moved to Lu Chen, glanced at him, and asked lightly: "What's going on, please tell the truth."

"What are you? Why do you ask me to say it?" Lu Chen also glanced at him lightly, and turned his head to look at him in disdain.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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