Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2850 Strength rises

Feeling this change in amazement, Chase Lu subconsciously stretched out his hand to force the light to wave—"Boom!" A thumb-sized golden-red flame suddenly appeared in the air in front of him!It's just this little ball, with an aura of destruction.

Lu Chen's eyes widened, and he was shocked. This turned out to be something that had come out of him.

The world is so big, it really has various forms, and there are all kinds of wonders. This kind of secret method of cultivation is simply unheard of in the entire continent.

He immediately suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and slowly immersed himself in a new round of cultivation.

Lu Chen crossed his legs, handed over his hands, and made a strange seal in front of him, his eyes were closed, and his breathing was steady and powerful.

During the slight ups and downs of breathing, his whole body actually reflected a little bit of blue light, which was quite miraculous.

Lu Chen's chest was slightly heaved, and there was a sense of rhythm between his breaths. With the delay of the practice time, the breath of the whole person rose slowly, and finally the blue light spots followed his breath and penetrated into his body.

The light spot entered the body, and instantly turned into a blue shining light, which spontaneously converged into the meridians and started to circulate. Lu Chen's face also seemed to suddenly emit a luster like warm jade.

The next moment, he stretched out his left hand, moving the magic energy slowly to activate the magic energy in the blue light's body, and the magic energy in the body of the blue light was almost instantly evacuated, and a sky thunder suddenly exploded from his hand!


Thunder and lightning, thunder clouds billowing, the magic energy in the body is almost exhausted, but there is righteousness filling the meridians, which is the addition of panic.

Lu Chen turned around again, thunderclouds surged, the only remaining magic energy in his body was drained instantly, and a finger-thick lightning flashed from his arm. This time, Lu Chen didn't rush to let it bomb, but With an idea, the mental power slowly wraps around the magic element and stabilizes it slightly.

The blue lightning crackled and shone in his hands, and one could feel the power to destroy everything in it if one looked closely.

Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction, only the thumb-thick lightning can have such power, which is very good!

The morning sun is warm and beautiful.

In the room, on the bed that had been vacant all night, Lu Chen's figure suddenly appeared.

He twisted his body slightly, took a breath of the cool morning air, and a sense of comfort gradually spread from his heart and lungs to his whole body.

Well, Chase Lu watched his changes with surprise and satisfaction.

Looking at it now, his confidence in fighting others has increased.

Moreover, it is obvious that the means of thunder and flame are full of the rules of the power of heaven and earth.

This is the best exercise against the Yaozu!

Lu Chen was full of joy. With stronger skills, he would have one more chance to live better.To have another chance to climb to the top of the upper world and go back as soon as possible!

Next, there is the magic power!

Lu Chen slowly penetrated his consciousness to the method in his mind, and he suddenly felt a burst of coolness.

Then, an icy blue beam of light appeared in his mind, with golden characters faintly appearing on it.

The magical skill of the underworld: "Those who are in the sea are also in Tianchi."There is Yuyan, whose area is thousands of miles away, and no one knows how to cultivate it. ’ You said: ‘Besides, the accumulation of water is not thick, so it is also weak to carry the big boat.Cover the cup of water on the col hall, and the boat will be mustard, and the cup will be glued. The water is shallow and the boat is big. 'That's why the method of this sect is specially used for accumulating energy.The magic element and power are thick, and the whole world is in the bag.

The power of all things in the world can be refined and accumulated for me!

After practicing miraculous skills, every acupoint in the body can absorb people's internal energy and transform into a demonic element with both yin and yang in the body.And compatible performance, highly toxic and non-invasive.He is fierce and domineering, and he has great power to attack casually.The defense of the zhenqi shield is greatly increased, and the enemy will be shocked when attacked.

The more Lu Chen looked at it, the more startled he was, and the more excited he was in his mind.

Everything in the world can be refined!

How powerful this is!

Without thinking about it, he simply closed his eyes, followed the heart of the exercise with his heart, and began to practice this magic magic skill again and again.

After practicing without sun and moon, I don't know how long I stayed, and Lu Chen finally woke up.

At this time, as soon as he opened his eyes, the whole world trembled faintly, even the world outside the sacred mountain also shook. The sky thunder rolled, carrying boundless majesty, but it seemed to be celebrating something.

Feeling the realm of the third level of his demon king, Lu Chen couldn't help smiling slightly.

I didn't expect to practice here so fast, and this magic power has accelerated the speed of cultivation.If it is an ordinary person, it will take at least three to five hundred years of hard work to rise to the level of the demon king.

Lu Chen stretched his waist, remembering that he hadn't finished his work yet, looking at the place in the distance that he couldn't get close to, he smiled lightly.

It seems that this place was developed on its own according to the evolution level of Lingtian World, and nothing can be forced.

Then let's take a look when we have time, it's better to go out to find Chu Yu to discuss the serious matter now.

However, just as Lu Chen stood up, he suddenly remembered that he still had one most important thing to finish.

He closed his eyes, slowly summoned the demon from his body, and then took out his own lotus seat.

The practice of dividing demons can also help the cultivation of the body.

I believe that if it wasn't for the part of the power that was taken away by the demon division this time, I could reach the fifth level of the demon king stage in one fell swoop.

However, it is much better to have a demon than not to have a demon, which means that I have an extra life!

Lu Chen placed Fenmo on the lotus seat to practice. He forgot to take it out before. This time, Fenmo can practice here all the time, but he made the best use of it.

However, he didn't intend to tell Cai'er and the others about the demon division.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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For Cai'er and Suzaku, it's not that he doesn't trust them, but he trusts them. It's better to be cautious about his other life.

When it really comes to that juncture, it must be a terrible thing. It is always good to have one less person to know.

Lu Chen's experience of living for tens of thousands of years told him that people must leave a way for themselves.

After finally settling everything, Lu Chen slowly withdrew from the cave.

When he got outside, he filled a bottle of spirit liquid in the small pit.

He knew that this spiritual liquid must be more than just a simple spiritual liquid. If he encounters irresistible factors outside, he can use it himself.If you have time to refine medicine, you should also analyze in detail what the specific effects of this spirit liquid are.

Then, Chase Lu arranged several magic circles in the outermost cave, and set up restrictions on the sacred mountain.

Here will be Chase Lu, the last and only resurrection point.

"Master!" Cai'er and little Suzaku sat on the clouds in the sky.

As soon as Lu Chen came out, the whole world immediately changed, and the three-day wind and snow stopped, so they immediately noticed Lu Chen's figure.

"Uncle, you finally came out, why did you go in for three days!" Little Suzaku rushed over.

However, he was surprised in the next moment: "Uncle, why did your realm suddenly become so high! It's only been three days!"

Cai'er was also a little surprised, she always knew that her master was very talented and powerful, but she was also surprised by his rocket-like cultivation speed.

Lu Chen said in a happy mood: "Well, there is indeed my adventure here, and it is also good luck."

It's really lucky, not everyone can have the seed of the small world, he just got it, not everyone can generate the acquired world, he also generated it himself.

That's why this sacred mountain appeared.

By the way, luck.

Lu Chen's expression tightened. Because he had done a lot of good deeds unintentionally before, he had a golden light of merit. This merit can improve people's luck.

He began to scoff at this function all the time, not caring much.I feel that I can't directly defend or attack in battle, except for luck and dealing with evil spirits, it is really a bit tasteless.

Now he suddenly understands that this luck is the most indispensable existence for a person.

That is to say, when he just arrived in the Demon God Continent, he didn't have much strength on his body, and he was seriously injured, but he was rescued by someone. By accident, he knew the way to seize the house, and he survived in the end.

Here, if there is no luck, even a formidable person will probably be killed by various things.

Lu Chen vaguely felt that he had realized something, as if there was something wrong with the goal he had been pursuing all along

what is it?

There seems to be a thin film in my brain, it seems that the answer will appear soon, but it is always blocked

"Uncle Uncle!"

Seeing that Lu Chen hadn't answered, Little Suzaku couldn't bear to scream.

Lu Chen was awakened suddenly, he shook his head with a wry smile, it was God's will.

Forget it, it seems that these matters of cultivation and comprehension, it is best to be alone in the future, with others around, there will always be times when they will be disturbed.

He nodded immediately, and said: "Recently, I will trouble you to help me keep an eye on this evil clansman."

"Yes, master, don't worry!" Cai'er looked at Lu Chen and replied gently.

Lu Chen nodded, and then took out a jade bottle: "This is the treasure I got in the sacred mountain. You, Little Suzaku and Suzaku each take a drop."


Lu Chen arranged things simply, and left Lingtian World directly.

"Bang bang bang!"

As soon as Lu Chen came out of Lingtian World, more than ten yellow talismans suddenly descended in front of him.

"Lu Chen, are you awake? Come out and meet me!"

"Lu Chen disciple, are you still practicing?"


More than a dozen sound transmission talismans were originally left by Chu Yu.

He came to Lu Chen to discuss matters, but saw that the door was closed and there was a formation outside. He knew in his heart that this guy was practicing, so he simply drew a sound transmission talisman and came in.

Lu Chen looked at the talismans that were automatically burned after the sound was transmitted, and stepped forward to open the door.

"Good guy, what are you doing!"

Coincidentally, just as Lu Chen opened the door, Chu Yu happened to come looking for him again.

"Master, you are not asking too much, you know that I am practicing, what else can I do?"

"Hey, let me tell you, this time you're really crazy, and you missed meeting the dean's wife!"

"Mrs. Dean?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised: "Why did I see her?"


Seeing Lu Chen's look of not waking up, Chu Yu almost laughed angrily: "What are you talking about? You didn't promise Shen Wan'er to meet her mother?"

Lu Chen: "I just agreed casually, who knows that she will take it seriously."

Chu Yu said helplessly: "Compared to other things, this matter is still a trivial matter."

Lu Chen nodded, this was a trivial matter: "What else?"

Chu Yu said: "Other things, hey, let me tell you, apart from Yiming Academy, first-class academies in the northern and western regions, as well as the city lords of their various places, including the lords of the black region that I heard have also arrived! Now all To snatch the classical tomb!"


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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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