Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2838 The Demon Slaying Order

Lu Chen has no interest in fighting with the spiders now, and the most important thing is to find the ancient tomb as soon as possible.

Knowing what it was, Chase Lu nodded, and immediately a powerful demon soul came out of his body, covering all the spiders except the demon tiger.

In a few seconds, the spiders who were still invincible just now fell to the ground one after another.

The demon tiger was terrified to see it, and after not seeing him for many days, the king became more and more perverted.Actually brought down a piece of demon king all at once, and there was another demon king Dzogchen!

Lu Chen originally wanted to leave these spiders here, but remembering that the Devil Tiger King said that these spiders had venom, he simply received them in the magic bag.


At this moment, the thunder was rolling, the dark clouds were overturned, the ground was shaking continuously, and there was a burst of huge coercion, and the Demon Tiger King was directly crushed to the ground and couldn't stand up.

Lu Chen's eyes lit up: "That's it! Go now!"

He picked up the devil tiger, poured some magic energy into him, and covered it with a powerful devil soul, so that it could walk normally.

The two continued on their way, and after a short walk, following the terrifying pressure, they found a hole in the ground.

His heart was pounding, looking at the entrance of the cave about half a meter away, Chen Lu glanced at the entrance of the cave, and it was pitch black.And a little bit of hot air rose out of it.

Lu Chen frowned. Fortunately, he is a demon soul at the level of a demon saint, otherwise he might be immobilized by this demon pressure right now.

Flipping his palm, a fist-sized magic bead appeared in Lu Chen's hand, and he threw it into the hole.

The magic bead emitted a faint light, and after rolling a few times in the dark hole, it disappeared completely.

Lu Chen frowned slightly: "It seems that this is not a straight line."

Lu Chen pondered for a while, and then slid down the cave with Mohu.

After sliding down for nearly half a moment, Chase Lu could already see the bottom of the passage.

At that moment, the soles of the feet were slightly bent, and the body fell to the ground in an arched shape.

After falling to the ground, Lu Chen directly took out the Red Flame Knife, filled with magic energy, and the Red Flame Knife became a guiding light.

After walking a few steps forward, Chase Lu glanced at the road ahead, and there was a dark passage.

Lu Chen's footsteps stopped slowly, and he whispered: "I don't know why, I feel a kind of joy in my heart"

With his cultivation base at his level, any feeling will not be groundless. Could it be that there is really some shocking classical tomb here.

Soon, before arriving at the cave, Chase Lu looked at the cave and found that the cave was overgrown with weeds and there were no traces of Warcraft activities!

The cave was pitch black, and Chase Lu walked in and found that the cave was not very deep, and it was covered with weeds, square and square.Obviously, this is not a Warcraft cave, but dug out by people!

The more you walk in, the greater the pressure will be.

Lu Chen firmly covered himself and the Demon Tiger with the Demon Soul, and the two walked in with difficulty.

"My lord! There is something on the wall!"

When Lu Chen concentrated on moving forward, the Demon Tiger King spoke suddenly.

Startled, Lu Chen raised the red flame knife in his hand high, and found that the color inside the cave was a bit strange, like fresh blood.

There are a lot of carvings on the walls!

Looking at the carvings, it turns out that there are all kinds of strange-looking orcs on it.

Lu Chen continued to look carefully. Suddenly, his brows tightened.

No, this is not an orc!It's a monster!

The Yaozu is a species in the chaos and belongs to the enemy of all races.It looks like a human, but it does evil things.It has a humanoid body and looks strange.

Lu Chen looked at the weird portrait on the wall, and the demonic claws on the portrait, and he was absolutely sure that it was a demon clan!

No matter what race people are, their hands must be human hands.

There are only monsters, in addition to their strange appearance, they also have goblin hands and sharp claws!

This is where they can't pretend!

Lu Chen was shocked, and then looked a little bit at the end, he found that on the top of his head, there was a black long dragon carved. The long dragon was lifelike, the shiny scales on its body shone with black light, and a pair of fist-sized eyes came alive.

Lu Chen looked at the sculpture on the top of his head, and couldn't help taking a breath. The dragon is the king of monsters. It is said that its strength can move mountains and seas, and it is omnipotent. It has always existed in legends, and no one has seen it. can see.

Unexpectedly, a lifelike dragon was carved here. What exactly opened up this cave before?

A heart was pounding, and the induction was getting stronger and stronger. In terms of his cultivation level, it was definitely something big and happy.

Chase Lu continued to move forward with the devil tiger, and finally saw a gate and a golden token floating in the air.

In the dark, Lu Chen subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch the golden token


When Lu Chen's hand touched the token, the next second, the blood-like red light in the entire cave began to surge instantly, as if alive, and the heat rose instantly!

The boundless blood turned into a raging fire and rolled up. For a moment, the extremely hot dark red fire shook the earth, covered the sky and the sun, and overshadowed everything.

A hot and powerful breath flew out, completely covering all the world on this side.

"Oops, hurry up." Lu Chen's face was already pale, and he rushed out quickly with the devil tiger.

However, they are fast, and the riot of fire is even faster.

A flame rolled up, and Lu Chen and Mohu couldn't run, and became part of the sea of ​​flames.

The red world was so hot that Lu Chen felt that his whole body was going to melt.

In the next moment, he wanted to transfer the Devil Tiger King to Lingtian World, but found that he couldn't move at all.

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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One Sword Sovereign

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Lu Chen circulated the magic energy all over his body, but found that the flame even used his magic energy as fuel.

He turned on the demon soul again, and similarly, Lu Chen was horrified to find that the demon soul was also being slowly burned!

However, once he stops functioning now, he will be swallowed by the flame immediately!

No, what to do!Are you going to die here?

Looking at the Demon Tiger King in a coma, a trace of regret flashed in Lu Chen's heart. He was so reckless just now. If he had been more careful, why would he have become like this!

"Can we just wait to die?" His body trembled slightly, Lu Chen clenched his fists tightly, his dark eyes flashed with unwillingness, there were still many things waiting for him.

The former hometown is waiting for him to return to rescue, the former wife and children need him to get back, and the humiliation he has suffered

"I can't die here!"

Words full of determination and stubbornness were slowly spit out from Lu Chen's mouth. Over the years, he has experienced so many hardships and so many lives have been successful.If you give up, wouldn't those difficulties be in vain?What should I do with my hometown, my wife, children and friends!

Lu Chen has lived for tens of thousands of years, and has experienced so many lives, he has already possessed a resilient temperament and roots!

Can't die, absolutely can't die!

Lu Chen gritted his teeth, and at the same time protected the Devil Tiger King with his demon soul. Although this subordinate can't help much now, a partner is a partner, and this cannot be given up!

I don't know how long it lasted, but as time went by, Chase Lu could only feel the hotter outside temperature.

But fortunately, after such a long time of smoking, he seemed to have adapted to the burning pain a little bit, and it wasn't as painful as it was at the beginning.

But Lu Chen was very worried and wondered what would happen if his magic yuan and magic soul were exhausted?

Will I die forever, just like this?

During the slow roasting, Lu Chen's mind was a little chaotic, and as the magic yuan was exhausted, the demon soul completely wrapped Lu Chen and the Demon Tiger King.

"Ah!" Lu Chen roared in pain. This kind of pain that penetrated directly into his soul made him want to die. It was okay to have the magic element just now, but now there is only the devil soul, and he will be directly roasted into the depths of the devil soul by this flame!

Is it dead this time?

Lu Chen's dazed consciousness became more and more confused, and as the demon soul was exhausted, he gave a wry smile.

Unexpectedly, after living so many lives, in this Demon God Continent, he was really doomed.Even the demon soul will be roasted to pieces.

Is this his punishment for taking his home?

Lu Chen was thinking about it in a daze, but he couldn't help it. If he did it all over again, he would still be like this.

With a dizzy head, Chase Lu stopped thinking and was about to faint.

However, just when he thought he was going to die, Lu Chen only felt a pain on the part of his leg touched by the flames, but it seemed to be bitten by some animal, and then a strong energy and heat flowed down That side continuously drilled into the body.

Huge power suddenly rushed into all parts of the body, every inch of the cell seemed to be roasted by fire, and under the impact of the huge and surging heat, Lu Chen seemed to be burned by the devil soul and the whole body. Steel needles stuck.This kind of strange severe pain is almost unbearable to anyone.

Lu Chen only felt that the whole world was surrounded by flames, and the meridians of his body were burned inch by inch by the flames. The pain was so painful that people wanted to faint, but for some reason, his consciousness was sober and terrifying.Moreover, he was stubbornly unwilling to faint.

There was a red light in front of him, and the heart in his heart was beating slowly. At some point, infinite magic energy gushed out from the dantian, and the surrounding flames suddenly exploded, but they couldn't hurt him at all.

A golden token slowly descended on Lu Chen's head in the monstrous flames.

In the dark, Lu Chen seemed to hear a crisp female voice.

"I finally waited for you. I thought I would completely destroy my demonic soul. It turned out that I could still meet you. With my soul, I poured it into you and passed on all the spells of the demon clan."


He seemed to hear the sound of glass breaking, and Lu Chen was wrapped in a golden light. In the blur, he saw a golden dragon rushing into his body. !

A vast consciousness appeared in his mind strangely with a string of rune formulas, and suddenly a lot of things appeared in Lu Chen's mind. The clearest thing was the "cut" that the consciousness forced him to remember Demon Dafa".


Lu Chen was dizzy for a while, and the scene in front of him became clear. He even saw the condition of his body's meridians, and clearly saw golden-red heat flowing in his body. There are no rules, but a big cycle is slowly formed, lightly transforming every part of the body, where there is no scorching pain, but a faintly comfortable coolness.

Before he had time to think about it, Chase Lu continued to observe the situation inside his body, becoming more and more puzzled the more he looked.

The originally weak body was mixed with flowing golden-red energy in the meridians of the body. Wherever the meridians passed by, the meridians that were burned by the fire seemed to be stimulated with hormones. After a while, they fully recovered, and they were much stronger and more flexible than before. times.My own strength has suddenly reached the Great Perfection of the Demon Phase Realm!

"Boss!" Chase Lu was thinking, when an ecstatic voice suddenly came from above his head.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, looked up, and found that the cave had been completely silent, and there was no blood-red light anymore.

And Devil Tiger King, this guy is squatting out of thin air above Chen Lu's head.

"Boss, I can fly!" The Devil Tiger King excitedly said, "I'm already a small consummation of the Devil King Realm, hahaha!"

Lu Chen frowned, and subconsciously looked at the token that caused the fire.

A few words "Devil Slaying Order" automatically appeared in my heart.

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