Shocking cheers rang out all around, and all the students flushed with excitement.

Especially some students of the human race, they waved their arms and looked at the slender figure in the tower with respect in their eyes.

"so amazing"

Yuan Hao's face was also flushed, his expression was excited, and his eyes were full of admiration. Lu Chen's performance this time completely conquered him.

Shen Wan'er looked at Lu Chen quietly, her rosy mouth outlined a slight arc, she always believed that brother Lu Chen would definitely win!

In the boiling atmosphere, Lu Chen raised his head and looked at Liu Yan whose face was scorched by lightning and flames.

Liu Yan's eyes were red, as if there were flames gushing out. He stared at Lu Chen closely: "Lu Chen, since I entered the Dizang Academy, you are the first person who can defeat me so far!"

"I admire your ability, but I was distracted and you beat me down just now. Today's battle is not over yet, just wait, one day, I will meet you in person!"

After a pause, Liu Yan's eyes became serious. He stared at Lu Chen, clasped his fists in his hands, and his low voice spread slowly: "I lost this battle."


"Lu Chen won!"

"I said Chen Lu would definitely win!"

"Haha, didn't you say that senior Liu Yan would definitely defeat Lu Chen? Say it, say it!"

Amidst the cheers that shook the sky, Lu Chen and Liu Yan nodded to each other, and then flew off the stage at the same time.

As the referee instructor announced the end of today's competition, the cheers that lasted for a long time also gradually weakened.

Lu Chen stepped onto the rostrum step by step, walked in front of Chu Yu, and completely relaxed his body.

"Good boy, this time, you are really good!" Chu Yu looked at Lu Chen with a smile, stood up and reached out to support him.

However, as soon as he helped Lu Chen, a trace of shock flashed across Chu Yu's face.

He could feel that there was no sign of lack of magic energy or injury in Chase Lu's body, which is enough to show that this guy has been competing with ease all the time, and I'm afraid his actual strength is much higher than this.

"Hehe Lu Chen, this time you are the second student who has passed the trial tower perfectly in the history of Ksitigarbha Academy! Congratulations!" The second elder beside him congratulated with a smile.

"Work hard and get ready for the essay test. After this month's competition is over, I will definitely send you a post to invite you to the "Three Pavilions"." The third elder also hurriedly took up the conversation.

"Okay, you go back to rest first, and you will study hard for a day tomorrow. The essay competition will be held the day after tomorrow." Chu Yu said to Lu Chen with a smile.

Lu Chen nodded, went directly to the passage from the time, and quietly returned to his room.

And with the end of today's competition and the departure of the senior year students, countless students in the square also left with some unfulfilled intentions. They looked at the trial tower that hadn't been put away in the future, thinking, this might be It has been the most exciting trial in the past thousand years.

Lu Chen went straight back to indulge, and as soon as he entered the room, he fell on the bed tiredly.

Although he was not exhausted and his magic energy was always abundant, he was still a little tired after so many continuous competitions with the top nine of the Ksitigarbha Academy.

He closed his eyes, secretly thinking and recalling everything he encountered today.

Other races do have too many advantages over humans

However, from the perspective of Yuan Hao's hidden strength, it seems that human beings are not so passive.

For example, didn't I just think of a way to restrain the dark race?


With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Lu Chen's closed eyes suddenly opened, mutual generation and mutual restraint!

All things are mutual generation and mutual restraint, no one is an exception!

Although other races have their strong sides, they also have their weak sides!

Compared with the simple practice of cultivation techniques and combat skills of the human race, the natural strength and functions of those races can easily find weaknesses. For example, the dark race is afraid of the existence of positive energy such as light and flames, and the actions of the earth race will be a little slower

The more Lu Chen thought about it, the brighter his eyes became.

Is this the best way that God bestows on human beings to save themselves?

Lu Chen felt that a force poured into his whole body, and he didn't feel tired at all. He took out the lotus seat, jumped up, and sat down while practicing and resting.

Tomorrow, he is going to look for Pang Hai and ask what is the current version of the treasure hunt.

The second day, today is Lu Chen's rest day.

However, the residual heat caused by his continuous martial arts competition yesterday still enveloped the Ksitigarbha College. For several days, the entire Ksitigarbha College was discussing this fierce battle of consecutive trials.

Countless students flocked to the square, looking forward to seeing Lu Chen's demeanor today.However, they didn't know that Lu Chen didn't go to watch the competition, but went straight out of the Ksitigarbha Academy from the old way.

Tens of thousands of years of survival experience made Lu Chen understand in his heart that in this world, if you want to protect yourself and your loved ones, then you need strength!

Therefore, the Classical Tomb is also a very important means that can help quickly improve one's cultivation.This is also the reason why Lu Chen agreed to Pang Hai without hesitation. He was unwilling to let go of any way that could help him become stronger.

Never Falling City, Sunshine Tavern.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"As I said, we already have better candidates, so you don't need to participate in this treasure hunt." In a hall, Zhu Xin looked at a middle-aged man in blue beside her, her voice Said coldly.

"Xin'er, although I know that you have a little prejudice against me, this matter is very important now, and it will start soon. In this city, I, Zhang Yu, am not the top among the younger generation, but it is not unusual. Characters can be replaced. With me here, you are more secure." The soft-looking middle-aged man in blue clothes slightly sank after hearing Zhu Xin's words.

However, he immediately showed a smiling face, and glanced at the stunning appearance and charming body of the woman in front of him from the corner of his eyes. There was a little obscenity in the depths of his eyes: "I have an obligation to protect your safety."

Zhu Xin gave him a disgusted look. Although this guy is good-looking, he is also a member of the plant family like Zhang Fan, and has always been a guest of the Zhu family.

But he used to have an extremely disgusting criminal record. She has lived for tens of thousands of years, and she knows everything about the former, so she doesn't have any good impressions.

"Zhang Yu, let's forget it this time, I will explain this to your father." Zhuqing who was on the other side smiled lightly and said softly.

Hearing this, the corners of Zhang Yu's eyes twitched slightly, and he lowered his head slightly, looking at Zhuqing's jade-like legs under the skirt, an evil fire surged in his lower abdomen.

However, he also knew that the status of the stunner in front of him was noble and unattainable, so he didn't dare to look directly at her face, for fear of being discovered by her, so he turned his eyes and looked at the two old men on the side seat.

"Zhuqing, didn't we agree a long time ago to let Zhang Yu replace the last spot? How can we just find someone to make up the number?" The two old men were both dressed in green robes, and one of them glanced carefully He glanced at Zhang Yu, looked at Zhuqing with a smile on his face, and said kindly.

"Or, let Zhang Yu participate. His tens of thousands of years of strength are obvious to all. Everything depends on strength." Another old man also nodded with a smile.

Zhuqing smiled slightly, and said: "Two stewards, we decided on this person not because of personal matters. It was because Mr. Pang, our guest guard chief, informed us of the news, and that gentleman was the one he personally invited. And , that gentleman's strength and background are also very strong, and this competition is quite important, everything is to win. Therefore, we have considered with Elder Zhuxin for a long time, and we have selected all the people. Is this the last one? , is indispensable. Mr. Zhang was not included in the list, so he was not added this time."

With just a few words, the atmosphere fell silent.

The meaning of Zhuqing's words is very clear, Zhang Yu is not used, not because of the so-called prejudice, but because he has not been considered in the first place.

Hearing this, the two old men also frowned slightly, obviously not believing such words.

Looking at each other, an old man suddenly smiled and said, "Even if it's the information provided by that Mr. Pang, doesn't he want to have a bigger chance of winning? I'm afraid the people he invites are probably as strong as himself. How can they compare with Zhang Yu?" Tens of thousands of years of cultivation. In my opinion, considering this aspect, Zhang Yu should be more suitable. I believe Mr. Pang can also understand."

In his opinion, Pang Hai was just a temporary employment of the Zhu family.A low-level servant, even if he provides information, his status is not very high, how can he invite a real high-level person, how can he be qualified to influence the candidates?

"My lord, I just said that that person's strength is not low." Zhu Qing looked at the old man firmly, and said lightly.

The other old man looked at Zhang Yu after hearing this, and a gleam flashed in his eyes: "Really? Since the eldest lady said so, it seems that the person you selected this time should have some skills It just so happens that the old couple have nothing to do, why don't you invite that gentleman to see, what is worse than Zhang Yu?"

"If so, this gentleman's strength is really not as good as Zhang Yu's. I think it's better to do as we said. Zhang Yu can replace him."

A gloomy look flashed in Zhang Yu's eyes, and he said, "Hehe, I think it's not bad. Besides, I'm also curious as to who is so good that the eldest lady can be so admired."

Seeing the three of them like this, Zhu Xin frowned slightly, and then gracefully picked up the teacup and took a sip, without answering for a while.

Zhuqing on the side had a look of worry in his beautiful eyes. From this appearance, these guys obviously wanted to take Lu Chen's place to participate.

After the news about the "Classical Tomb" was reported to the family, the family asked Zhu Xin and the others to discuss some candidates, and it was stipulated that only 30 people could participate.Because there are too many people, I am afraid that it will attract the attention of various forces, so it will be difficult to handle.

Everything was going well at first, but unexpectedly, Zhang Yu found out and disappeared, and he wanted to participate in everything.However, he is still an elder Keqing who is in the realm of Xiaoyuan, the devil king. It is related to the cooperation between the Zhang family and the Zhu family, and he cannot tear his face.

There was some worry in her heart, but Zhu Qing had no other choice. Her father intended to let her inherit the Zhu family. This time, she was given full power to deal with the two old men in front of her. They were the two chief managers of the Zhu family, The deputy general manager also has some weight in the family and cannot be easily offended.

Zhu Xin swallowed a sip of tea, but nodded gracefully: "That's fine, I agree."

Well, anyway, Brother Lu Chen is very powerful, and then he will scare these people silly!Sighing softly in his heart, Zhuqing had no choice but to sit aside and wait for Lu Chen to arrive.

Zhu Xin smiled slightly, it just happened to be Zhu Ling's birthday last time, these guys in front of me were all doing business in the northern border, and they just came back last night.I missed the time when Chase Lu showed his might and became famous.

But at that time, the entire Zhu family was sealed up by the Patriarch, who ordered not to discuss Lu Chen's identity indiscriminately.

Therefore, even if you tell these three fools that Lu Chen wants to participate, I'm afraid they still won't be convinced.That being the case, the only way to trouble Lu Chen is to come and give them a long-term perspective.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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