Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2823 Strange High


Gao Wei did cut through the air, but he also gave up the magic weapon attack, and instead punched Lu Chen directly behind him.

Just now, Lu Chen nodded his foot to avoid it, and Jianmang directly smashed the piece where he was.

Gao Wei seemed to be a prophet, he expressed his opinion, quickly withdrew the magic sword, and then teleported behind Lu Chen.

The magic yuan rolled like a raging storm, bringing up a fierce and domineering wind, and blasted towards Lu Chen mercilessly.

His sudden attack was obviously beyond the expectations of many people. He was obviously prepared for the power of his fists. His goal was not to use a sword, but to deal with Lu Chen directly with his fists!

Lu Chen was suddenly a little caught off guard, after all, he knew his own speed, and even Yulan, the descendant of the leopard man, couldn't catch up, so one can imagine how fast Lu Chen was.

He really didn't expect this height to be able to lock himself in an instant, he immediately frowned, continued to step a little, and dodged.

"Go to hell!"

Lu Chen took a step away, and actually moved to the opposite side, but this tall figure followed him like a shadow!

"it is good!"

Since this height is so weird that people can't avoid it, let's fight hard.

Lu Chen sneered, Dao Ji moved to the extreme in his body, and the magic element gushed out like a tide, and then he punched out, directly confronting Gao Wei's punch fiercely.


The magic element in Lu Chen's hand exploded quickly, and the black waves overlapped.

The air waves visible to the naked eye swept through the tower, and immediately swelled, shaking the air, making a low-pitched sound like thunder.

The air wave gradually dissipated, and those two figures also appeared under the gaze of countless eyes.

"What? Did you stop hiding at last?" Unexpectedly, Gao Wei was unscathed. He stared at Lu Chen with cold eyes, and sneered mockingly.

Lu Chen looked at Gao Wei and smiled coldly: "Gao Wei, don't you want to fight me? Now I will give you this chance."

Gao Qiang's eyes were filled with fiery fighting intent, and he said, "I will let the entire Dizang Academy know that you are a piece of garbage! Human races are all garbage!"

In a word, Lu Chen really had a fighting spirit in his eyes.

The magic element is running, and it is fully released!


Two powerful demonic elements swelled in the sky, blending and colliding.

The eyes of Lu Chen and Gao Wei were fierce almost instantaneously. With a movement of their bodies, the two rushed out at the same time. Only two powerful demonic elements were seen, which turned into two majestic torrents, and then ruthlessly impacted on the ground. Together.

The thunder resounded, and the gust of wind formed by the impact of the magic element raged wildly, almost shaking the entire trial tower.

The two torrents of demonic energy collided fiercely and impacted, relying on the most primitive level of majestic demonic energy.

And in this kind of confrontation, it should have been Lu Chen, a high-level person, who had the upper hand, but now I don't know what's going on, and the height is actually comparable to him.Even, there is a faint trend of surpassing.

It's not right, it's so wrong.

How is the height achieved?

The demonic soul can cultivate more vigorously than others, but what the demonic cultivation base shows is correct, how can it be other people who are several levels higher than themselves?

During the battle at this moment, Chase Lu doubted his life for a moment.

The high-level torrent of demonic energy whizzed out of his body continuously, and attracted the demonic energy between the heaven and the earth to join in. His robe was shaken, and he looked down at Lu Chen condescendingly, and said with a sneer: "Lu Dust, you are nothing more than that."

Something wrong

Lu Chen didn't speak, just closed his eyes lightly, feeling the aura of magic energy around him. Sure enough, not all of his magic energy came from his body, and a large part of it was faintly carried with him. The thick magic power emanating from a magic bag, and this magic power is still attracting the magic energy between heaven and earth to join it.

"I'm going to destroy you!" Looking at Lu Chen who was in the torrent of demonic energy, Gao Qiang's eyes flashed coldly, and he clenched his palms suddenly, and a low and dull sound resounded suddenly, only the vortex of demonic energy was moving at high speed. Spinning, an extremely powerful squeezing force swept away towards Lu Chen fiercely.

He has a treasure in his hand, even the peak of the Demon King may not be his opponent, let alone a mere Lu Chen!

Now, he wants to destroy all of Chase Lu's defenses!

He wants to completely crush this eyesore, Lu Chen who has snatched away the sight of many goddesses in the academy, Lu Chen who has taken the position of Chu Yu's disciple, and Lu Chen who is deeply in love with Shen Wan'er!

He wants to tell Chase Lu, tell the entire Ksitigarbha Academy, tell the entire Dongjing, the entire Demon God Continent, only he, tall, can be as dazzling and eye-catching as the stars in the nine heavens!

He is the best!


The huge torrent of demonic essence exuded astonishing destructive power, gathered a fierce killing intent, and then ruthlessly bombarded the torrent of demonic essence emitted by Lu Chen.


At the moment of impact, the black torrent really collapsed at the touch of a touch.

There was a ray of excitement in Gao Chang's eyes. His magic weapon, which is comparable to the realm of the devil king, is the most invincible existence. Chase Lu is just a piece of trash!

From the stands outside, there were some exclamations at this time. The state that Lu Chen burst out of just now is obviously the peak of the demon state. He is really extraordinary, but, unexpectedly, he lost to High? !

Chu Yu in the stands still looked composed and calm. He had a hunch that Lu Chen would definitely not lose.However, he also knows this guy guarding the third floor, he is obviously a student who has just been promoted to No. Just impressed.Obviously, the last time his cultivation base was still at the level of Demonic Form, how long has it been since then?Like Lu Chen, he was so lucky that he was able to sit directly on the sky cannon?

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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While Chu Yu was talking to himself, his heart suddenly moved, and he was concentrating on it, but he saw that the torrent of demonic essence that was constantly collapsing suddenly condensed at this moment, faintly, as if it had turned into an amazing sword intent.

This sword intent contains the power to cut through the rules of the world, and it seems that there is a strange sound of sword chant.

Seeing this, Gao Wei's face sank slightly, and a cold look flashed across his eyes. With a wave of his sleeves, the whirlwind torrent formed by the magic element suddenly accelerated, and waves of squeezing force that could easily crush the mountain peak continued. The impact of the sword intent formed by the magic element.


Facing the violent impact of the tornado of demonic essence, the sword intent formed by the torrent of demonic essence also made some humming sounds, and slashed.

Just such a slash, black circles of light continuously spread out, and tens of thousands of sword intents burst out, directly slashing at the violent tornado of magic essence!


In everyone's amazed eyes, the tornado of demonic origin, which was still invincible just now, crushed everything, was directly pierced, severed, and cut by thousands of fierce swords of demonic essence.

The terrifying power of the Moyuan tornado was directly pierced into a broken sieve by this sword intent, and it was defeated.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Lu Chen's magical sword intent was also recognized by countless people. When there was some surprise, he thought that Lu Chen was about to lose, but he didn't expect him to have such a unique method!

Gao Wei stared at Lu Chen coldly, not daring to say: "How is it possible! I don't believe it!"

"Heaven-Splitting Demon Knife!"

With a violent grasp of the tall palm, the torrent of demonic essence roared fiercely, and it turned into a handle more than ten meters long in the middle of the sky. Answered, a sharp wave, with vicious killing intent Rippling out, as if to split the sky.

"Go to hell!"

The tall wolf looked at Lu Chen like a wolf, flicked his fingers, and the giant knife shot out immediately, and appeared in front of Lu Chen in the blink of an eye.

However, Lu Chen remained motionless, a huge red flame reached, suddenly shot out from Lu Chen's hand, pierced the sky, and rushed to Lu Chen in an instant, directly split the magic knife, and then the red flame rolled Distributed and converged into a flame knife, facing the high radiation.


Facing the flame knife, Gao Chang's eyes turned cold, and he punched out. As the mighty demon roared, he directly punched the flame knife forcefully, trying to blow it away with a punch.

Unexpectedly, just as Gao Yang punched the flame knife, not only was the flame knife not exploded, but the flames swept up and directly engulfed Gao Yang's hand.

"What is this? An eighth-grade magic weapon?"

Gao Wei ran the magic element vigorously and blasted towards the flame in his hand. Not only did the flame not disperse, but it also faintly burned more and more vigorously. What the hell is this!

Gao Wei's eyes turned cold quickly, and the magic element in his palm rolled out and turned into traces of black air, and then slowly extinguished the flame.

"It's over!"

When Gao Wei extinguished the flame, Lu Chen held the flame knife in the hand of running the magic element, swung it lightly, and then directly gathered into a knife aura, and slashed at Gao Wei without hesitation.

"Break it for me!"

Gao Sheng leaned forward, his eyes were cold, and he slapped out a fierce palm, only a clear sound resounded, and the flaming saber energy was scattered by his magic essence, and gradually dissipated.

The flames scattered all over the sky, and there was a small, almost negligible saber intent, slashing at the mysterious magic bag on the tall waist.

Lu Chen stared indifferently at Gao Wei who was showing his might, and smiled coldly: "One, two"

"What?" Gao Sheng frowned, looking at Lu Chen with a whole body of vigilance.



As the voice fell, a small magic bag fell to the ground.

Gao Wei looked down subconsciously, his eyes saw things clearly, and immediately exclaimed: "No!"

"Boom!" Lu Chen watched the moment when the magic bag came off his body, and immediately radiated his majestic magic power.

Gao Wei bent down to pick up the magic bag, but the whole person fell down in an instant under the coercion.

"I go!"

"My God, what's going on?"

The spectators around were stunned for a moment, what's going on?

Gao Wei was able to fight Lu Chen for [-] rounds just now, and even looked like he was going to crush him, looking arrogant.Now, unexpectedly, suddenly fell down?

Lu Chen released the coercion, and took a few steps towards Gaowei: "I said, why are you so weird, it turns out that there is a treasure by your side."

He bent down lightly under the eyes of the tall man with cracked eyes, and picked up the magic bag.

"What? Want to take it back?"

He weighed the magic bag, and Chase Lu was a little bored. If he wasn't in the Ksitigarbha Academy at this time, he would have robbed Gao Wei.


The tall eyes on the ground stared at the magic bag, and spurted out a mouthful of blood anxiously.

He lost!

Lu Chen also smiled, and his tense body gradually relaxed, restraining the coercion of his own magic energy, then looked at the gloomy Gao Zhang, and said, "You don't need to fight any more?"

Gao Wei raised his head slowly, and stared at Lu Chen with gloomy eyes. It was this person who defeated him when he was about to succeed, and trampled on the arrogance in his heart!

For a moment, the corners of Gao Wei's mouth twitched a little, and a hideous look gathered in his pupils.

Looking at Gao Zhang's appearance, Lu Chen frowned. The cruel experience of tens of thousands of years of life made him feel a little dangerous at this time.

"I killed you!"

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