Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2820 The battle between the first place and the second place

When Chase Lu returned to the square, half of the competition was over.

After he submitted the dean's approval slip, he went back and sat on the chair to wait.

Lu Chen was talking with Chu Yu beside him in a low voice, but suddenly stopped talking, and turned his gaze to a special passage in the square.

There, a piercing gaze shot over.

But it was a person surrounded by a group of people who were surrounded by stars and moons, looking directly at this side.

Seeing Lu Chen's gaze, a smile could not help but appear on his handsome face.

"He is Liu Yan." Sensing Lu Chen's abnormality, Chu Yu turned his head and saw this scene.

He frowned slightly, and said to Lu Chen in detail: "Now, Liu Yan is No. 1 in the Ksitigarbha Academy's military value ranking. You will definitely fight against him at the end of your early consecutive trials. Compete with the No. 1 classmate of the year , is the rule of the academy, and those who propose consecutive tests without authorization must be taught a lesson."

There was a slight coldness in the dark eyes, but there was a faint smile on Lu Chen's face.

He looked at Liu Yan, smiled and said, "Lesson? I'll wait."

After sitting quietly for a while, the referee stood up and said, "Race 108, Senior Year Liu Yan vs. Senior Year Yuan Hao."


After the referee's voice fell, there was quite a commotion in the square.

"I'll go, it's so explosive!"

"It turned out to be the first pair and the second one. This time, some people saw it!"

"Right now, this can be regarded as the strongest battle in our academy! Then what is Lu Chen, this is the real battle of the best!"

Amidst the discussion of the crowd, Liu Yan, who was surrounded by the crowd, formed a long dark bridge directly under his feet, extending straight from the stands to the competition stage.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Liu Yan walked slowly to the competition stage step by step.

His steps were even and slow, his expression was indifferent, and he was tall and tall, just when there was a breeze blowing his long hair.


The simple way of appearance is the most handsome!As expected of the little prince of the Dark Clan, he is truly amazing!

This scene immediately fascinated all the female students, and some female students even flushed with excitement, holding their faces with their hands.

Looking at this scene, Yuan Hao almost choked.

Damn, this guy just likes to pretend. During the competition last year, if Liu Yan hadn't pretended to be compared, how could I have been cast aside by my beloved purely because I punched him one more time on stage, and actually called him a reckless man?


Yuan Hao directly summoned his long spear, poured it with magic energy, held the magic gun horizontally, and with a little foot, he spun and flew onto the competition platform.


Yuan Hao spun and landed steadily, pointing his spear at Liu Yan.

The next second, when everyone was still amazed at the way these two people came to the stage, Yuan Hao stepped on his feet, and his whole body turned into lightning, and rushed towards Liu Yan with a gun.

The spear is entwined with dark magic elements, with a sharp aura piercing the sky.

Seeing this, Liu Yan only took half a step back, and circulated the magic energy all over his body, directly letting the thick magic energy wrap his whole body, forming a thick defensive air barrier.


A deep voice sounded, and the two magic elements collided, and both of them took half a step back.

"Do you want to fight with me whose magic element is more powerful?"

Yuan Hao sneered and stomped his feet, only to see that Mo Yuan wrapped his legs in it, and the degree of tyranny of that Mo Yuan was not much worse than that of Liu Yan.


The magic element was poured into Yuan Hao's legs, and his speed also increased instantly, and his figure swept away, making people vaguely unable to see his figure, and he himself relied on this speed to move in an instant. , an extremely ferocious offensive broke out.

Bang bang bang!

Yuan Hao with his gun turned into a somewhat blurred figure, like a horizontal tornado that drilled towards Liu Yan, one after another fierce attack, mixed with berserk demon elements, enveloped Liu Yan overwhelmingly.


Outside the stage, many students were in an uproar when they saw Yuan Hao's sudden violent attack.They actually started fighting without saying a word on stage!And now there is no rest!

Lu Chen was also engrossed in watching the two fighting on the stage. After all, these two are indeed the two officially recognized as the strongest by the Dizang Academy. Moreover, this Liu Yan is definitely a dark race, and Yuan Hao is a human race.Observing this battle will be of great significance to Chase Lu.

Many gazes were all staring at a figure in the whirlwind of magic yuan. Liu Yan calmly avoided or received Yuan Hao's ferocious attack without any hesitation, as if Seeing through all of Yuan Hao's hidden attacks, it was like strolling on the stage.

"I'll go, this Liu Yan is too good!"

"Senior Liu Yan is so handsome!"

Lu Chen looked dignified. This Liu Yan's magic power is really powerful, and his ability to calculate people's offensive is also very high.If he added his own dark ability, the combat power would be really against the sky.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound on the stage, and Liu Yan made a sudden move, his sharp fingers were like a sharp dagger, the fingers were entwined with magic elements, they actually penetrated the whirlwind, and hit it as fast as lightning On top of Yuan Hao's swift figure.


A muffled sound sounded, the whirlwind of the long spear suddenly stopped, and Yuan Hao's figure staggered back a dozen steps.


There was an uproar around the stage. It was obvious that Yuan Hao, who had been attacking fiercely just now, would suddenly be repulsed by Liu Yan.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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"You!" Yuan Hao's face was as gloomy as water, he stared at Liu Yan firmly, and immediately took a deep breath.

Everyone saw that Yuan Hao closed his eyes, and the magic energy in his body was gradually circulated out of his body, gradually forming a sun-like magic energy sun on the top of his head.

Faintly, a violent fluctuation slowly emanated from the demonic sun.

The noise outside the arena soon began to subside, and many students watched this scene in horror.

Liu Yan stared coldly at Yuan Hao who was exerting all his strength, and a trace of caution flashed in his eyes.

He has never seen Yuan Hao's move before, so he must have just realized it.

However, this does not prevent him from being ready to defend.

Liu Yan stared at the round sun above Yuan Hao's head, swirled his palms, and operated the spell. At this time, the magic energy in his body vibrated rapidly, and the increase in layers was rippling.

Yuan Hao squinted his eyes lightly, his eyes were as sharp as a knife's edge, and he watched Liu Yan's movements straight.


Yuan Hao's body was shaken violently, and more than a dozen sharp arrows transformed from demonic yuan burst out from the magical sun. The oppression caused by the explosion of powerful demonic yuan instantly enveloped the entire competition platform.

"Hoo!" The domineering sharp arrows shot towards Liu Yan overwhelmingly, one after another!

The sea of ​​demonic essence vibrating in Liu Yan's body also quickly overflowed out of his body at this time, forming a vast and huge sea of ​​magical essence in front of him, with thick waves of magical essence swimming on it, carrying different powerful forces .

All of a sudden, the powerful force in the magic element sea shot out, turning into thousands of dark ribbons, like long eyes, directly entangled with the arrow of the magic element!

This is the power of darkness?

Lu Chen's pupils shrank, and this easily visible dark ribbon actually contained terrifying energy.

Although Liu Yan fought for a while, his handsome face never moved much. No matter how he fought, he just looked at Yuan Hao with flat eyes, as if he was always teasing Yuan Hao with ease.

In fact, Liu Yan did not feel tired at all.

Yuan Hao's ability is very strong, yes, the way of fighting is also very novel, he does have brains.But these alone are not enough.

The dark power of darkness gushed out of Liu Yan's body like a stream, and finally wrapped his entire right arm in it. An extremely strong fluctuation of energy suddenly took shape under his fist, followed by a Fist out!


This punch exploded with the most powerful force, the air seemed to be torn apart, like a landslide, mixed with billowing energy, swept out, and in the end directly in Yuan Hao's slightly discolored gaze, he traveled through time and space and hit his fist Chest!


A deep voice suddenly exploded in the field.The two figures separated at the touch, Yuan Hao was shocked back a few steps, his body bent, and with a puff, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Yuan Hao's aura became sluggish, and his pale complexion immediately caused some uproars to erupt around the stage.

Sure enough, Yuan Hao still lost

For three years, Yuan Hao fought against Liu Yan every time as the second, but every time he was defeated - this was still under the condition of Liu Yan's mercy.

There is such a big difference between the first and the second. It is worthy of the noble dark race, but the human race is still inferior!It seems that they can't catch up even if they flatter their horses!

"Brother Yan won!"

"Senior Liu Yan is so handsome!"

There was a burst of cheers from the audience, and the roaring sound almost overturned the entire square.

It's so handsome, there is such a wonderful battle, it really deserves to be the first and second battle!

Yuan Hao gritted his teeth unwillingly, but he had to admit that Liu Yan was indeed very powerful. Hey, is it really so difficult for the human race to win against other races?

Hearing the deafening cheers, Liu Yan smiled lightly, and nodded gracefully to Yuan Hao: "I have accepted."

Yuan Hao shook his head, only felt that those cheers cut his heart like a knife, and said with a wry smile, "You are still the best."

Chu Yu stroked his beard and sighed: "Look, this Liu Yan hasn't displayed his full strength yet. He can also summon dark monsters and poisonous insects, which are really hard to guard against. A member of the dark tribe who is at the peak level of demons, He can even leapfrog against the peak of the demon phase. When you fight against him, you must be careful."

Lu Chen nodded: "Yes."

The thoughts in his mind turned sharply. This dark power is really so powerful. He faintly felt that there were some rules of heaven and earth in this dark power. Could it be that it contained the dark power of the Demon God Continent?

Can the power of darkness be used by people?

Lu Chen frowned, thinking carefully about how to solve this.After all, although he has powerful demonic power, but he uses it easily and develops dependence, which will have great disadvantages for future cultivation.The competition is not a battle of life and death. In this case, it is best to use one's own cultivation as much as possible to fight.

Liu Yan is a member of the dark race. Although Kao Keyi summoned poisonous insects and monsters of the dark department, he would not easily summon such existences during the competition, otherwise it would be very dangerous for the Ksitigarbha Academy .Then, the most important thing is the dark power.

Moreover, the power of darkness is the source of all the power of dark creatures, as long as this is cracked, everything can be solved.

What should be used to decipher the dark power?

Darkness - the night corresponds to light, and what can cut through the night sky are flames, lightning, and light

There was a flash of inspiration in Lu Chen's mind, there is a way!

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