Sitting on the chair in silence, Lu Chen picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip.

"Hehe, my lord, I don't know if the experience of shaking the sky today is good?" Walking slowly into the waiting room, Yuluan's water snake waist swayed, releasing a seductive style.

"Not bad." Chase Lu shrank back and nodded.

Seeing Lu Chen nodding, and seeing that he didn't look dissatisfied, Yuluan felt a little relieved, and smiled at him with a charming smile.

Shocked by the smile, Lu Chen asked directly, "Where is Director Wang?"

"The supervisor is going to deal with some matters, so I will personally entertain you." Smiling, he nodded his snow-white chin, and Yu Luan raised his hand, a light blue magic card and crystal box appeared in his hand, and said with a smile: "My lord, the entire amount of the auction, after deducting your consumption and the tax rate, the remaining amount is all in the card. In addition, Buddha Lotus is in this crystal box."

Reaching out to take the blue magic card, after getting it, it was warm and comfortable, obviously expensive, stroked the magic card, and Lu Chen nodded.But he didn't look at Folian, but just put it away.

"The price has exceeded my expectations, I am very satisfied"

Hearing this, Yuluan's pretty face was slightly happy, her bright eyes were looking forward, very attractive, she pursed her rosy lips and smiled lightly, Yuluan said sweetly: "If your lord still needs to auction off the medicine in the future, please feel free to shake it." Sky auction house, we will definitely get the best price for you."

While laughing, Yuluan handed him the Dan Fang book for auction.

Nodding his head, Lu Chen put away his things, and quickly flipped through them with Mohun, with some joy in his eyes: "It's not bad, this recipe is worth the price."

Hearing that he was satisfied, Yuluan's narrow and beautiful eyes curved into a beautiful arc.

"Okay, I still have something to do, so I won't stay any longer."

Seeing that everything was done, Chase Lu stood up, waved his hands, and walked straight outside.

"Old man, Yuluan sees you off." Yuluan stepped forward quickly, leading the way attentively.

The people at Shaking Sky Auction looked at Yuluan respectfully leading the way, they couldn't help being surprised, and secretly speculated.

Lu Chen declined the escort, and flew into the sky in a flash and disappeared.

Just in case, Lu Chen turned into an alley and quickly went back to Lingtian World.

As soon as he landed, Lu Chen couldn't wait to open the box containing the lotus, and a faint fresh fragrance rippling in the sky and the earth.


Just smelling it, Lu Chen was pleasantly surprised to find that his demon soul was extremely comfortable, as if there were signs of a breakthrough.

"Master!" Cai'er descended from the sky.

Lu Chen quickly cut the Buddha lotus in half with the magic yuan, and then handed it to Cai'er: "You go and give this to Suzaku, this is half of the Buddha lotus."

"This is Folian?" Cai'er looked at half of the lotus in surprise, "Master, you are really amazing! I also have a surprise for you!"

Lu Chen is now full of thoughts about going back to refine the Buddha lotus as soon as possible, and Zhu Xin is still waiting outside.

He immediately said, "Okay, I'll come and see next time."

After speaking, he hurriedly disappeared into Ling Tian's world.

Cai'er shook her head helplessly, well, the master is indeed too busy.

After Lu Chen came out of Lingtian World, he hurried to the agreed place.

Zhu Xin was already full of anger for waiting. Seeing Lu Chen, she couldn't help laughing and said, "You are really arrogant. Not only did you go to such a high-end place, but you also made me wait for you for so long."

Lu Chen smiled and apologized, for this Zhuxin, he always subconsciously wanted to be soft.

He invited Zhu Xin to go directly to a barbecue restaurant for dinner, and then told her that he would not be coming out anytime soon, and he had to prepare a monthly competition.

"Xiao Bi?" Zhu Xin nodded, "Xiao Bi of Dizang College is very strict, you really need to step up your preparations."

After parting, Chase Lu went back to the academy directly over the wall according to the old road.

After setting up formations everywhere, Lu Chen sat down with peace of mind, took out the Buddha lotus and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

The Buddha lotus is different from the magic lotus. This kind of medicine that purely nourishes the demon soul can be swallowed directly to exert the greatest effect.

The cool and fragrant lotus flower turns into thick and moist juice at the entrance, and goes down the throat to the stomach. Finally, under the action of digestion, it turns into thick energy and directly enters the demon soul.

Lu Chen only felt that he had arrived at a particularly comfortable place. Vaguely, he felt as comfortable and comfortable as a baby returning to the mother's body. With an incomparable sense of security, he just fell asleep sitting up.

Vaguely, I don't know how long it took before Lu Chen woke up refreshed and stretched lazily.

He turned his head only to realize that Chu Yu had arrived at some time and was jumping angrily outside his room.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Chen stepped forward and opened the door.

"What are you doing?" Chu Yu's beard was about to fly in anger, "I shouldn't tell you, did you sleep for five days!"

"Slept for five days?" Lu Chen was extremely surprised.

"That's right! Today is the day of the monthly competition!" Chu Yu said helplessly, "You haven't gone to Xueshu Pavilion these days, and you haven't gone to class, but you're just staying in this house. What are you doing? Embroidery !"

Chase Lu:

After being scolded by Chu Yu, Lu Chen quickly washed up and followed him.

The monthly comparison, although it bears the name of the month, but the essence is this: take one month out of each year to take the exam.

Therefore, the monthly contest is also a major event of the Dizang Academy.

As the No. [-] college in the East Mirror, Dizang College naturally attracts attention in every move, and the monthly Xiaobi is no exception.

In the monthly competition, those who are usually in the academy will show up, and many talented students will also show up.In this way, the forces of all parties will have a better choice to reserve talents.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lu Chen heard early in the morning that this monthly contest will be held in the largest student square in the college, but he was shocked when he entered.There was a sea of ​​people inside, and countless students from the Ksitigarbha College rushed into the seats on the square. From the stands, all of them were black heads and the noise that went straight into the sky.

This student square is like an arena, and the sea of ​​people sitting around the square can clearly see the whole square.

When he arrived, a competition was going on in the square.

The two figures in the square flashed and staggered with each other, and the ferocious fluctuations of the magic energy that shrank between the contact of their palms made the surrounding stands burst into exclamation from time to time.

"I'll go, it's hard to see men and women clearly." Lu Chen looked at this scene in surprise.

"Look, hurry up and sign up!" Chu Yu slapped Lu Chen directly, "ignoring the fiery gazes from around, he trotted Lu Chen into the specially arranged stands, and said with a smile: "Late coming It's too late. "

Listening to Chu Yu's fight with the registered tutor, Lu Chen stared at the competition on the stage boredly.

While the two were whispering, three more battles had passed in the square.

"Next, senior year, Lu Chen, against senior year, Song Yan."

As the voice from the referee's seat fell, the noisy square suddenly became much quieter, and countless eyes turned to Lu Chen's direction.

In just a few days, Lu Chen's name has already been firmly remembered by the students and even the instructors of the Dizang College. After all, he is the only direct disciple of the great elder of the Dizang College and defeated the master of the Douwu Pavilion , and the instructors knew even more that this Chase Lu had a great relationship with the city lord.

Facing the countless gazes that shot over, Lu Chen nodded lightly, his eyes scanned the surrounding area, and he said to Chu Yu, "Master, I'm going."

In a quiet atmosphere, Lu Chen walked slowly towards the competition platform.

After he walked slowly for 2 minutes, some whispers finally sounded.

"My God, what is he doing? Walk up?"

"Yeah, why did Chase Lu leave? Can't he fly?"

"call out!"

Just as everyone was discussing, Lu Chen looked at the high platform above the square, and suddenly he stepped hard and shot onto the high platform.

"Senior year, Lu Chen!"

Lu Chen stretched out his hand to summon the Red Flame Knife, raised his head slightly, and the faint voice was like thunder, booming in the ears of everyone around the square.

"Is he that Lu Chen?" Lu Chen, who was facing the wind from the jade tree in the stands, and Song Yan, who was in the audience, touched his nose. He was really amazing, and Shen Wan'er liked it. "The breath is quite calm, maybe he has some skills. But , and that’s all.”

He also jumped onto the high platform, carrying a huge long knife on his back, and nodded slightly to Lu Chen: "Song Yan."

"You are not worthy of Wan'er." Song Yan said looking straight at Lu Chen.

"You actually made her sad by rejecting Wan'er in public."

"You also seduce women outside the school."

Song Yan spoke slowly as if counting Lu Chen's sins.

"Others are afraid of you, but I am not. Let me tell you, your troubles will continue..." Song Yan sneered, and immediately pointed the long knife in his hand at Lu Chen: "I will defeat you in front of her. Let Wan'er I know, you are an incompetent mediocre."

Lu Chen suddenly felt a little helpless, as expected, he was still a group of jealous kids.

In this monthly contest, what he is most afraid of is those literary contests.

Is this a martial arts competition? Lu Chen dares to say that even if there are elders at the peak of the Tribulation Transcendence Realm in this academy, they may not be his opponents.

Lu Chen took a step forward, and the pressure of the demon soul all over his body was released.


Song Yan was a little unsteady at the time, and shook a few times.

How is this going?Song Yan looked at Lu Chen in horror, and now Lu Chen in his eyes was like the demon god coming from the Nine Nether Hell.

Lu Chen felt satisfied with the power of the demon soul that he had already stepped into the first level of the demon saint, and then put it away.

After all, if you fight with a child, you still have to give way, otherwise what should you do if you cry?

"what's the situation?"

Feeling the coercion that suddenly disappeared, Song Yan's eyes widened.Could it be that some super expert just looked over?But he didn't continue to think about it, but looked at Chase Lu intently.

Lu Chen smiled lightly at Song Yan: "Come on, I won't bully you, and I hope you don't hold back."

"Oh?" Song Yan sneered.Said: "I'm not afraid that the strong wind will flash my tongue."

"Can we start?" Chase Lu turned his gaze to the referee's seat where ten very old people were sitting.

"let's start!"

"Go to hell!" Song Yan slammed his foot on the ground, and the magic energy in his body turned wildly. All the magic energy at the peak of the demon phase poured into the long knife, and slashed down on Lu Chen from midair.

Last time I was shocked by the Douwu Pavilion master. I didn't expect that there would be a very powerful student in the senior year, and he was also a peak demon. No wonder he had the confidence to compete with himself!

As expected of Ksitigarbha Academy, a single student has such high strength.

It seems that I still can't take it lightly.

Thoughts in his mind turned like tides, Lu Chen took a deep breath.

Then, facing Song Yan's attack in full view, he threw the Red Flame Knife into the air, and quickly rolled up his sleeves with both hands.

What are you doing?

The auditorium was a little dumbfounded.

Facing the opponent's fierce offensive, actually threw away the magic weapon and started rolling up his sleeves?

Seeing Lu Chen's appearance, the sea of ​​people around the square suddenly became quiet.Regarding Chase Lu's performance at this time.They only have one word to describe: crazy.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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