Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2807 Auction Magic Weapon

When seeing Zhu Xin, Lu Chen couldn't help but froze.

She changed into a long blue dress, with three thousand soft blue silks hanging down her fragrant shoulders, her aura as cold as a fairy, like a lotus blooming at the beginning

When she saw Lu Chen, Zhu Xin stood with her hands behind her back, her slender figure was refined and aura, and then she smiled: "How is it? Is my body okay?"

Lu Chen nodded: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

The two got into the magic car together, but when passing by an alley, Lu Chen suddenly remembered something and asked Zhu Xin to stop the car.

"What are you going to do?" Zhu Xin was very strange.

However, Lu Chen waved her hand and said, "I think it's better for us to act separately. Later, you go directly to your Zhu's box, and I will find them alone. If there is Buddha Lotus at the opening tonight, I will definitely Buy it with all your strength. When the time comes, we will meet you here."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen jumped out of the car, turned into a remote alley, and quickly put a black cloak in the ring on his body.

The huge robe covered it, which not only covered up Chen Lu's appearance, but also covered up his thin body.

After covering his figure, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. It can't be blamed for him being too cautious. He just remembered that the object of Folian is too precious.Ordinary demons would not understand this at all, and demon nobles who understand it would probably be crazy about it.

Although there are a few people from the Zhu family who are friends with him, he can't relax his vigilance too much, after all, there are many people from the other Zhu family.And if he arrived in the same car with Zhu Xin, I'm afraid that other forces would also be eyeing her, which would be too much of a favor.

In order to save some unnecessary troubles, Lu Chen felt that it might be a good idea to be so sneaky

After pausing for a while, Lu Chen walked out of the alley slowly, and then walked towards the shaking sky auction venue.

Lu Chenfei stopped and arrived soon.

Glancing at the Zhu's Magic Chariot at the door, Lu Chen walked straight in without stopping under the vigilant eyes of several armed guards at the door.

This is the second time to enter, and Lu Chen glanced across the resplendent hall, and found that the door of the room next to him was printed with three big characters of "Treasure Appreciation Room" in glittering gold.

He immediately walked over, opened the door and entered, the gorgeous house was a bit empty.

A middle-aged man was sitting on a chair by the table and was eating. Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, the middle-aged man raised his head and looked at the figure wrapped in a black robe. Immediately, a professional smile appeared on his face: "Mr. , are you Jianbao?"


Under the black robe, Lu Chen deliberately lowered his voice.

"Start directly?" Lu Chen looked at the door behind him that seemed to be pushed open at any time.

The middle-aged man quickly stood up, pressed a button on the table beside him, and the door was automatically locked.

"Yes sir, that is all right now."

Lu Chen took two steps forward, took out a magic bag from his arms, and placed it gently on the table.

"This is?"

"Everything I'm going to auction is in there."

Blinking his eyes suspiciously, the middle-aged man carefully picked up the magic bag on the table.

This magic bag is bulging and full of things.

He put on a pair of gloves carefully, then took out a huge crystal tray, opened the magic bag, took out the contents, and put them out one by one.

Just taking out the first eighth-grade magic fan, his face changed slightly.

But there's something in the magic bag

"Oh my God!"

Nine eight-level middle-grade magic weapons were taken out one by one, and the middle-aged man's usually stable heart was already trembling with excitement.When he took out the third magic weapon, his hands were already shaking, and now his legs feel weak!


The eyes of the middle-aged man looked at Lu Chen, full of awe, and asked respectfully: "My lord, you, do you need to auction all these?"

"Yeah." Lu Chen nodded.

The middle-aged man carefully put the empty magic bag back on the table, and said respectfully, "My lord, can you wait for a moment? Your magic weapons are too precious, I need to ask Master Nick from our auction house to come and appraise them!"

"Well, hurry up." Waving his hand, Lu Chen was not polite, sat down on the chair beside him, and then closed his eyes to rest.

The middle-aged man nodded quickly, and then hurried out of the room.

Sitting on the chair, Lu Chen looked at the room in silence. It was indeed a very gorgeous room. The walls of the room were actually made of the top-sized Lingbi stone. This material is extremely strong, not to mention sound insulation, and it also has some magic element defense. Function.It is really a good refining material for arrays and magic weapons.

After staying in the room for a while, the middle-aged man returned, but this time, he also brought a silver-haired old man.

In addition to silver hair, this old man also has two small short horns on his head.

It turned out that they were beastmen.

Sweeping his eyes over the old man, Chase Lu found a small silver leaf diamond brooch on the chest of his clothes, shining with noble light.

"My lord, this is Master Nick from our auction house, a first-class treasure appraiser in the entire city of never falling." The middle-aged man introduced respectfully.

Lu Chen nodded, indicating that he understood.

While Chase Lu was sizing up the other party, Nick also glanced at him without a trace, and heard that someone came to auction nine pieces of eighth-rank magic weapons.Nick was also shocked. Although he is the top treasure appraiser in the city, he has never seen anyone who can take out nine eight-grade magic weapons for auction at one time.Even for those big forces, there are at most three eighth-rank magic weapons at a time.Nick has only seen more than a dozen times in tens of thousands of years of magic weapon auctions.

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Therefore, when Nick was looking at him, he secretly guessed Lu Chen's identity in his heart.What kind of existence against the sky is it that can produce so many eighth-rank magic weapons with such a shocking generosity?

After Nick and Chase Lu greeted each other simply and respectfully, they went straight forward to check the magic weapon.

Looking at the gleaming magic weapon on the crystal plate, Nick's old eyes narrowed slightly, and the pupils of his eyes kept emitting dazzling light.

He took out a special inspection instrument, carefully hit the magic weapon, and then input the magic elements one by one to check

Holding up one magic weapon after another with trembling hands, looking over and over again, feeling the thick energy in it, Nick's eyes widened and became rounder, and finally let out a sigh of admiration: "It's really good, it's not in vain. I've lived so long"

After a while, Nick carefully returned all the magic weapons to their original positions, then saluted Lu Chen respectfully, turned his head and said to the middle-aged man in a deep voice: "These are perfect eighth-level middle-grade magic weapons!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged people breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled eagerly at Lu Chen: "My lord, are you planning to auction them all?"

"There are so many magic tools, the base price is 900 billion high-grade magic stones."

"Well, shoot today."

"No problem, no problem, get ready now! Sir, do you want to go to the VIP room later, or do you want to take a look at the auction as well?" the middle-aged man asked cautiously and respectfully.

Lu Chen nodded: "I'll go and see if there are any good items."

"By the way." As if suddenly remembering something, Lu Chen suddenly asked, "I heard that there is a Buddha lotus in Buluocheng recently? Is there tonight?"

In just one sentence, Nick was stunned, and the middle-aged man was sweating profusely.

Ordinary people don't know about Folian, they don't know what it is at all.

There will be news about Folian in Buluocheng recently, except for the top forces in the city, no one knows it at all.This mysterious person is really big!Not so big!

The middle-aged man, who was originally respectful to Lu Chen because of the magic weapon, now wanted to flatter the sky, nodded and bowed again and again, and said, "Yes, my lord, the finale tonight is Buddha Lotus. The people invited to participate in the auction this time are just not falling into the city." first-class aristocrats.”

"Okay." Chase Lu nodded, "I'm going to the auction."

Glancing at each other with Nick, the middle-aged man said cautiously, "Okay, I'll take you there now."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man took Lu Chen directly through a secret VIP passage in the house, and while walking, he apologized: "My lord, I didn't know before that my lord is very interested in Folian, otherwise I will prepare it for you." Yes. Now that the news has been released, I’m really sorry.”

Folian is very precious, but this person who can casually take out nine eighth-rank magic weapons is even more precious!The middle-aged people have been in this store for many years, and they are already as good as human beings.He has already regarded Lu Chen as the supreme guest in his heart, this is a living supreme treasure!

"It's okay." Lu Chen nodded lightly.

"Yes, yes," the middle-aged man smiled, "If you need help with anything in the future, please feel free to come to me. I am a human race, named Wang Batian. Now I am the person in charge of the Shaking Sky Auction House."

"The person in charge?" Chase Lu was a little surprised that the person in charge would actually be guarding the treasure room.

"Yes, yes, our Shaking Sky Auction is different from other places. Only a first-level master can be a treasure appraiser. I am not talented, but I happen to be a first-level master. In order to ensure the quality of the treasures here, I went on the stage by myself." Wang Batian Hehe laughed and said, "As for Master Nick, he belongs to the top treasure appraiser in the city, and he is more experienced and knowledgeable than me."

Directly brought Lu Chen to the third floor, stepping on the soft carpet, Wang Batian chuckled: "Please watch the auction here, and call me if you need anything."

With that said, Wang Batian personally opened the door of a room marked "Heaven" for Lu Chen, and two rows of maids with different looks walked up beside him.Wang Batian smiled and said: "Please choose your maid at will."

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, and turned his head to glance at the twenty maids, all of whom were beautiful and beautiful, with different temperaments.

Pure, glamorous, charming, fairy, seductive, cute

If it were another man, wouldn't it feel like he was in heaven?But in terms of glamor and cuteness alone, they are still inferior to Su Yurong and Wang Qimeng, and I have seen Zhuxin's fairy spirit, and the others are just like fake tricks of painting tigers.Shen Wan'er is pure and beautiful

Naturally, Lu Chen thought lightly in his heart, and waved his hand directly: "No, I like cleanliness."

"Yes! Then they are all waiting outside. If you need anything, you can tell me at any time."

Wang batian personally sent Lu Chen in, introduced the facilities in the room carefully and enthusiastically, then exited the room respectfully, and closed the door.

"Huh..." Wang batian let out a deep breath. He was a human race, and he was able to become a supervisor in the orc clan's powerful Shaking Sky Auction. Apart from his talent, he relied on his tact and thoughtfulness. It was really not easy.

"Remember, I will serve this lord respectfully and respectfully! Don't offend me in the slightest! If there is a friendship, I will reward you a lot!" Wang Batian floated away with a cold sentence. Go, prepare to take care of the auction of that batch of magic weapons in person.

"Yes!" All the maids replied respectfully, with expectant smiles on their faces.

Those who can enter the third floor are unimaginable existences.

Who doesn't want to reach the sky in one step?

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