After finishing Mo Bo, Lu Chen slowly moved forward to Tantai Yuyang.

"Quick, stop him!"

Looking at Lu Chen who looked like a murderous god, Tantai Yuyang's legs trembled, and he ordered his subordinates to escort him quickly.

But after waiting for a while, except for Lu Chen who was approaching step by step, no one made a move!

Tantai Yuyang was furious immediately, just about to curse, but suddenly realized that all the orcs he had brought over had fallen down, not a single one was left!


Tantai Yuyang knelt on the ground all of a sudden, and said to Lu Chen in a very miserable way:

"Brother, uncle, please forgive me, I'm just a piece of trash, your prime minister can hold a boat in your stomach, so just treat me like a fart, okay?"

Now he doesn't care about face anymore, and he realizes that face is not as important as his own life at all!

Don't say he is cowardly, the key is that the half-step demon king has been slapped away by this human race. Isn't it just a slap in the face of his own demon commander?


"I'm not a thing!"


"I'm an asshole!"

Kneeling in front of Lu Chen, Tantai Yuyang, who had been extremely arrogant before, was now in a panic, and slapped himself hard!

"It's too late!"

A sneer appeared on Lu Chen's face, and then he was about to make a move.This Tantai Yuyang was a murderer against him, putting him back would be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain, it would be better to kill him.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

It turned out that Mo Bo didn't die directly, but was seriously injured. At this moment, Mo Bo was covered in blood, and he spoke intermittently.

"Mr. Chu, please don't kill the young master, I am willing to exchange treasures!"

"We have something that can save the young master's life!"

Mo Bo said with great certainty.

"Say!" There was only one word in response to Mo Bo, but the voice was so domineering, beyond doubt!

Mo Bo couldn't control his demon soul trembling, and immediately explained:

"Mr. Chu is obsessed with formations, and our family has a good eighth-level monster. Also, half of the formation talismans that fell from the upper realm!"

"In addition, we are also willing to give you treasures of the same value as above every year in the future, as long as you spare the young master's life!"

Hearing Mo Bo's words, Lu Chen was stunned for a moment. It seems that this orc tribe is indeed very fat. If it can be used for a long time, it would be good.

Lu Chen nodded and said:

"Yes, send them to the Dizang Institute before tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise, I guarantee that no one will be able to protect you."

Lu Chen thought for a while, killing the orc prince of Dongjing is crazy enough.But it's also foolish enough, if it really confronts the orcs, it will attract the attention of all the forces in the Demon God Continent at that time.

At that time, even if he wants to be quiet for a while, he can't do it, so how can he get the total inheritance and sneak into the middle realm?

Before all goals are achieved, those who should be low-key still have to be low-key.

"Now, hand over all the treasures on your body."

Lu Chen kicked Tantai Yuyang and said flatly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Tantai Yuyang didn't dare to be negligent, he got up immediately, and handed over the magic bag and the magic ring all over his body to Lu Che.

After receiving the things, Lu Chen ignored them and got into the car with Chu Yu directly, letting Hu Yuan, the fox ear, drive away from here.


Until Lu Chen's car disappeared, Tantai Yuyang's legs gave way, and he fell directly to the ground, panting heavily.


Mo Bo walked over tremblingly, he was the only one whose name was not Prince Tantai Yuyang, but Young Master.Because he took care of him and watched Tantai Yuyang grow up.

"Mo Bo, how are you?" Seeing Mo Bo's pale face, Tantai Yuyang asked hastily.


A wry smile appeared on Mo Bo's face.

"Ahem, my demon soul has been severely damaged, and my cultivation base has plummeted."

"Ahem, I really don't know what the background of this human race is, but there is such a powerful demon soul at such a young age."

Coughing constantly, Mo Bosheng said unrequitedly, "Could it be that his cultivation level in the demon division period is just a cover for others to see? My cultivation level, demon soul, if there is no magic medicine, I'm afraid It will take thousands of years to fully recover."

When he followed Chu Yu to Ksitigarbha College, Lu Chen was shocked.

Because Chu Yu directly took him out of the car and let that Hu Yuan drive in.Then Chu Yu took Lu Chen and climbed over the wall back to the academy together.

When he got into the thatched hut he built with his own hands with Chu Yu, Lu Chen was completely dumbfounded.

You can't enter the door with a good style, you have to climb over the wall.

Then, the Great Elder of Ksitigarbha College, who is so famous in the east mirror, lived in a thatched hut

Looking at the thatched cottage that didn't match the Gothic architectural style around him, Chen Lu, an old man who had lived for tens of thousands of years, felt that Chu Yu's character was indeed strange.


"Okay, now you can say, who are you? Why are you looking for me? I've put a barrier around me. If you have something to say, you can say it. No one else can hear you."

Just as Lu Chen was about to speak, Chu Yu did.

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at the old man with shining eyes.

"Master Chu Yu, do you remember the general inheritance of the four major alliances?"

After Lu Chen's words fell, Chu Yu couldn't help but move his shoulders, and his old face showed a look of excitement.


"it's me."

Lu Chen ran the Dao-based exercise and said, "You should be familiar with this exercise, right?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Dao foundation? It is a Dao foundation that only recognized human races can cultivate!" Chu Yu was really excited at this moment.

"Tens of thousands of years! Tens of thousands of years!"

"So it's you! Haha! That's great!"

Lu Chen didn't understand a word of Chu Yu's words.

"it is good!"

Chu Yu's eyes brightened, and he was very excited: "Finally someone has come here to pass on the inheritance. If you are the destined savior of the human race, I will be able to unload the burden of these tens of thousands of years!"

Lu Chen listened quietly, watching Chu Yu vent his excitement.

Waiting for Chu Yu to calm down a bit, Lu Chen continued to ask: "So, can we go to find the general inheritance now?"

"Now? No, no, no!"

Chu Yu shook his head, stood up, and poured Lu Chen a glass of water.

"You drink water first, listen to me!"

Chu Yu sat down and explained the matter in detail.

It turns out that this general inheritance is a major event that concerns the entire human race after all, how could it be taught by a simple person?

The starting point of the total inheritance, that is, the basic part, is here in Dongjing.

East, the direction of sunrise, represents hope.

As for the others, they are divided into three other parts, which are in the three realms.

"Three realms? Why didn't the leader of the Artifact Refining League tell me?"

Lu Chen was very strange.

"You listen to me first."

Chu Yu continued to speak.

The inheritance of each place has three checkpoints.Only by passing the checkpoint can one be recognized and inherited, and at the same time get a reminder of the location of the next inheritance.

The leaders of the four major alliances only know the starting point of Dongjing's inheritance, and they don't know that the inheritance is stored in different places.

"So, you're saying that I have to pass the test now to get the inheritance? Then let's go now, why do you want me to wait? These words can be said on the road!"

Lu Chen was a little anxious when he heard it.

"Can the land of human inheritance be entered casually?" Chu Yu glared at Lu Chen.

"Only by passing the graduation exam of the Ksitigarbha Academy can you enter the inheritance site."

"This is the first level."

"What?" Lu Chen's jaw almost dropped in shock. He has lived for tens of thousands of years and has never seen such a level.

"Yes." Chu Yu nodded, squinted at the cup on the table, and recalled, "I remember, it seems to be to prevent the successor of the human race from being a very talented fool. So, there is such a Regulation."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I mean, no, according to the meaning of inheritance, your first step now is to recruit students from the local Tibetan college."

"What kind of bird condition is this?" Lu Chen touched his chin and asked, "Can't I just take the exam?"

Chu Yu stroked his beard, shook his head, and said, "Even if it's not possible, there is one item in the graduation exam, which is to assess students' various situations in their daily lives. This requires a process."


In Buluo City, Tantai Yan, who was sleeping soundly in the palace of the orc clan, was awakened by someone, and when he came to the hall, he saw his son Tantai Yuyang with a red and swollen face, and his subordinate Mo Mo, whose breath was mottled and his strength was greatly reduced. Book.

"How is this going?"

Tantai Yan looked at all this with horror.

Mo Bo told Tantai Yan everything.


After listening to his words, Tantai Yan smashed the table with a slap, stood up abruptly, with a gloomy face dripping water:

"Dare to touch my son, court death!"

Tantai Yan was full of murderous intent and said: "Come here, summon troops! How dare you provoke my son, and even dare to kill my subordinates, you want to die!"

"My lord can't."

Mo Bo hastily persuaded: "Master, this young man is so amazing that he can defeat me and seriously injure me with a few moves. Now he is that Chu Yu's apprentice again, and he is standing behind the Ksitigarbha Academy! Besides, the young master said that the young man He is also very close to the Zhu family! Now it’s just a hair that affects the whole body, so don’t move around!”

Moreover, Mo Bo thought of the feeling of the demon soul being reduced, and now he was very afraid of speaking, and he could almost feel a chill rushing down his back.

Hearing this, Tantai Yan, who was originally very angry, sat down on the chair, stroked his beard, and said sharply: "Okay, if you don't want to provoke him, then don't provoke him, and send him what he wants. Let's try first. , I would like to see what kind of background is behind this human race, and when we succeed in our great cause, we don’t have to care about these things, and we will all do it together!”

On the second day, Lu Chen became a senior transfer student of Ksitigarbha College.

"The above is what happened. In order to generate income for the school and do research for the mainland, I got this demon from Lu Chen, and he became my student." Chu Yu shook the cat's ears. After the dean finished speaking, he said directly, "We don't want to cause trouble for the college. We will listen to the leader's arrangement. If you say you want him to live in the dormitory, he will live in the dormitory. If you say you want him to live with me, that's fine."

Dean: ""

Early in the morning, he knew that nothing good would happen when he was blocked in the courtyard by Chu Yu, who was always seeing his head and tail.

Transfer?Or is it cut first and played later?

Does Dizang College accept all cats and dogs?What about the shelter here?

The status of Dizang College in Dongjing is not one of the few big colleges, it is thriving!

How many aristocratic children wanted to come, but the college would not accept them, and now they are transferred to an inexplicable person!

How does this convince him?

However, this great elder is indeed one of the most powerful existences in the academy, and his cultivation in formation is the best in the Eastern Mirror. Can he not agree?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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