Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2782 Robbing and Anti-robbing

On the mountain peak of the grand and ancient temple of the Artifact Alliance, it was extraordinarily quiet and peaceful tonight.

On the mountain peak, a beautiful snow-white figure stood gracefully, her beautiful eyes stared at the brightly lit palaces in the distance, silent, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Are not you resting?"

A soft voice sounded, a touch of green clothes slowly came out from the forest, the moonlight poured down on that handsome cheek, it looked extraordinarily moving.

"Why didn't you find me when you were going to the East?" Qianying in Bai Yi turned her head to look at Lu Chen who was walking slowly, and frowned, "We will be your assistants, Qimeng and I will not be your drag."

"I'm going to practice, and I'm going to the Middle Realm by the way." Lu Chen sighed: "No one knows how many dangers there will be along the way."

Su Yurong frowned and said, "It was clearly said that you can only practice after breaking through the Demon Realm. Why did you suddenly change your mind? Is it because the Artifact Alliance is worried that some spirit race will come to make trouble for you, so it wants you to go out now?"

Lu Chen rubbed his nose, and he didn't tell Su Yurong and Wang Qimeng about the discussion in the afternoon.

There are still ten years to go before the Power Dividing Conference, and it is mainly because he now has a way to deal with Xuanyu who is in the Demonic Realm, so Wang Wukui is relieved to let him go.

Before going to Zhongjing, he needs a lot of strength improvement, Dongjing, there is a treasure there, he must get it.

"You stay here well, I promise you, I will pick you up when I investigate clearly in the middle ground and get a firm foothold." Lu Chen looked at Su Yurong firmly, his pair of star eyes filled with countless Qing Qing said affectionately, "Believe me, you are the most important people in this world to me, and I will definitely work hard to come back as soon as possible."

No matter how reluctant, Chase Lu still had to leave alone.The path of cultivation cannot be stopped, and it is destined to be full of loneliness.

However, he will definitely come back, because there is his lover here.

Glancing at Su Yurong for the last time, Lu Chen left her two newly refined eighth-grade intermediate magic weapons, a magic fan, and a magic umbrella: "Help me hand it over to Qimeng, she has the most temper." Fragile, I don't have any particular opinion, lest she be sad."

After finishing speaking, before Su Yurong could react, Lu Chen disappeared out of thin air.

With a tear on Su Yurongyu's face, she stared blankly at the cold night sky.

It turned out that this Chase Lu was actually the incarnation of Dividing Demons.

In order to avoid the pain of parting, Lu Chen actually sent Fenmo to say goodbye.

"Brother Lu Chen! Remember, you must come back early!"

"We are waiting for you!"

Tears slipped down, Su Yurong looked at the silent night sky with her beautiful eyes, she put her jade hand to her mouth and shouted into the distance, her crisp voice hovered among the mountains for a long time.

In the clear voice, there was a weakness that penetrated into the bone marrow.


As the sun sets and the lights come on, the beautiful scenery is picturesque, and the whole city of Buluo is brightly lit.

Buluocheng is the main city of Dongjing, and it is also the place where the headquarters of the Talisman Alliance is located.

Since the four major alliances are essentially from the same sect and were all created by humans, they all have teleportation formations between them.Lu Chen directly teleported from the Artifact Refining Alliance to the East Mirror Never Falling City.

Originally, it was fine to go directly to the headquarters of the Fulu Alliance, but Wang Wukui said that Lu Chen had to practice after all, and he had a heavy responsibility, so he just went directly to the main city.

Lu Chen looked at the buildings here in amazement, each of them looked very strange, a bit like those gothic styles.

Naturally, there are many strange races in the city, such as the plant race, the Zerg race, especially the orc race, and there are very few human races on the street.

There are so few human races in the main city. No wonder Wang Wukui said that the ancient inheritance of human races will be in the Ksitigarbha Academy in Dongjing. This is probably the least suspicious place.Of course, only the chief leaders and elders of the four major alliances know the current secret about inheritance, and outsiders have never heard of it.

Lu Chen touched his nose, and he had a feeling in his heart that this so-called inheritance was just waiting for his arrival!

The best place to inquire about a city is in a tavern.

Lu Chen stepped into the largest Riyao Tavern in Buluo City. There was a lot of people talking, laughing and talking, and the guests were full. It was the busiest time of the day.

Entering the Riyao Tavern, Lu Chen couldn't help but nodded slightly. Compared with ordinary taverns, there is an extra counter here dedicated to the purchase and sale of business. It is a good place to receive tourists from all walks of life.


With the sound of the huge wooden door of the tavern, the voices of the people inside suddenly quietened down strangely, and all eyes were focused on the person who had just entered the door.

A handsome young man in a black robe, who looked very young, walked in with a heavy cloth bag.

What attracted the attention of the people in the tavern was the big cloth bag in his hand.

It was a rather sturdy black bag, and as the young man put it on the table, "Dingling Sugar Palm" made a very pleasant sound.

Experienced people can directly hear that there are magic crystals inside.

All around, everyone stared with bated breath, their hearts pounding.

Lu Chen looked at the luxurious decoration in the tavern, admired it a little, walked past the crowd without looking sideways, came directly to the counter, and asked, "Twenty thousand magic crystals, buy a message."

The mouth of the huge cloth bag was opened, and the dazzling luster of the magic crystal immediately illuminated the roof, and surprised the charming little face of the waitress in charge of the reception.

There was a sudden commotion in the tavern, and the chatter was several times more lively than before.

"Oh, my God, there are so many magic crystals, can this person steal the magic?" A young man with bull horns said with a dumbfounded face.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Someone next to him picked it up immediately: "It's impossible to rob the devil. Could it be that he stole it from some large mercenary group that went out to practice?"

Although the discussion was loud, Chase Lu didn't care about everyone's gaze. He pointed to the cloth bag and said, "Help me find where the best ninth-level monster is."

Demon spirits are divided into nine levels. Generally, even level one demon spirits are the top materials that will be used in the Demon God Continent Formation.But the devil is not a substance, but a translucent spirit, which requires special tools to capture.

As soon as Lu Chen asked about the whereabouts of the ninth-level monster, all the people in the tavern who were listening to the movement stopped, and the whole tavern was extremely quiet for a while.

The waitress was stunned for a moment, nodded hurriedly, and showed a professional smile: "Okay, but sir, so many magic crystals are a huge sum of money, we need to count them before we can give you the specific number, you see Shall I have something to drink first?"

"Have a cup of drunkenness."

Qianlizui is a unique kind of fine wine, and it is also Wang Wukui's favorite. It is light and has a lingering fragrance.Wang Wukui said that this is a good wine that belongs to the taste of the nobles in the Demon God Mainland, and Lu Chen likes its taste very much.

"Wait a minute, sir, I'll go and count right away." The waitress brought a cup of thousand miles drunk with a smile, and was about to pick up the bag when she suddenly heard a loud roar.

"Wait a minute! The transaction cannot be carried out! This bag of magic crystals does not belong to her at all, he is a thief! This is the property of our Wild Waves expedition team, this damned person stole all the fruits of our hard work for half a month! "

Following this roar, more than a dozen sturdy demon soldiers rushed in from the outside. The leader was a bald man with elk-like horns on his head.

A dozen pairs of eyes fixed on Lu Chen as soon as he entered the door, as if there was such a thing.

"It's Mad Wave, this human race is in trouble!"

"These orcs know all day long that looters will be kicked to the iron plate sooner or later."

"Come on, behind the violent wave is the orc army, who else can control it?"

Many people in the tavern knew the bald head. From the comments of these people, Lu Chen knew their intentions, and immediately curled his lips with a sneer. The reason why he was so ostentatious was that Wang Wukui had explained that he must be conspicuous in his actions. Only then will I be able to get close to that madman from the Dizang Academy.

I'm really afraid that no one will come looking for trouble!

"Stinky boy, hand over the magic crystal, and we will spare you!" The bald man pointed at Lu Chen and shouted arrogantly.

"act recklessly."

Lu Chen glanced at them and said directly.

"I'll go, this human race is so bold, to be so angry with Kuang Lang's people!"

The bald-headed man was furious when he heard the words, and he immediately drew out his big sword with both hands and slashed towards him vigorously!

"How dare you steal our things like this!"

Everyone in the tavern watched this scene and couldn't help sighing, this time the mad wave robbed another fat sheep!


Just when everyone thought the ending was settled, the bald sword wind was kicked away by Lu Chen before even touching Lu Chen's body.


The bald head was kicked and flew to the door of the tavern, and it was studded!

Lu Chen didn't even look at him, he picked up the goblet, took a sip of Qianlizui, and said lightly: "It's a disappointment to bother me!"

Seeing this, the countless onlookers who were watching the excitement suddenly looked shocked.

He actually kicked the peak of the Demon General away!This human race is so good? !

"Is it Kuanglang? Except for the clothes, hand over everything, otherwise, leave everything today."

Lu Chen's voice was cold, and he said without a doubt.

The young man's mature and stable strange charm, his unique ruthless sexiness, immediately fascinated all the female creatures in the tavern.

How dare you speak like that?

The remaining people of Kuanglang were furious when they heard this sentence. How dare this human race say that, do they not want to live?

The rest of the people took action together. In the city of Buluo, they have always been the orcs who bully others and act as domineering, but now someone provokes them, and we must not tolerate it!

"Today, if I don't beat you into a cripple and hang you on the city wall, I won't be a beastman!"

Bang bang bang!

A group of people were directly kicked out by Chase Lu with his majestic magic energy, and they were embedded on the wall one after another, becoming the decorations of the tavern.

"Since you don't give it, I'll take it myself."

After all, Lu Chen directly sent out the demon-splitting avatar, quickly walked around the tavern, and took out all the things of the members of the mad wave.

"It's just these rags?" Lu Chen smiled coldly, and waved his hand disdainfully: "I have something to do now, forget it for now, I will spare your lives today, and next time you see me, don't run away, no matter who is behind you, It doesn't need to exist anymore."

"Good fight! This kind of villain just wants to teach him a lesson. He dares to rob here. Do we think we are air? Kill them!" Accompanied by a lively voice, a cute little girl like an elf jumped down from the second floor. In three steps, he jumped to Lu Chen's side and smiled, revealing two small dimples: "You are so amazing! But my sister Wuchen is even better, she is a strong man in the demon stage!"

Lu Chen was speechless for a while, it seems that he didn't say he was good, did he?

"Ling'er, don't cause trouble for others." A soft and bright voice came, and a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl dressed in white aristocratic costume came down the stairs on the second floor. The headband was casually tied behind the head, and it looked like the skin was finer than snow, and it was exquisitely elegant, with an elegant and noble temperament, which made people dare not desecrate it.

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Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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