Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2762 Level 6 masterpiece

Not long after, a waiter walked into Chase Lu's arena.Ask Lu Chen to choose a few levels of natural materials and earth treasures, and Lu Chen naturally chooses level six.Then the waiter put down a storage bag and turned away.

Lu Chen held the storage bag, and the demon soul moved.A pile of ores and natural treasures appeared on the ground, and the level of these natural treasures has reached level six.

Chase Lu turned his head and looked around, and some people chose level [-] materials.Some people choose four-level materials, and the platform area is too large.Without using the demon soul, Lu Chen couldn't see all the materials in his eyes.

But Chase Lu didn't believe that someone was cheating in full view.I don't even believe that Donghuamen will give the green light to their demon disciples for this reason.

So Lu Chen stopped thinking about it, but sat on the futon.Looking at the ores and treasures in front of him, the matching method of these treasures automatically appeared in his mind.There was also a refining plan, as well as the shape of the magic sword to be refined.

Now Chase Lu has broken through to the late stage of the realm of the devil, with the realm of Chen Lu.It is completely possible to refine a sixth-level peerless magic weapon, but it is just a refining slot for this kind of competition.How can it be comparable to the Good Fortune Magic Furnace, so can it be refined.Only try to know!

Opening the earth fire seal on the refining tank, Lu Chen threw the ore in first.Then use the demon soul to pull the ore to heat and melt evenly, and then add the treasures of heaven, material and earth little by little.

It controls the liquid that turns the ore into a liquid that blends with the liquid that is turned into heaven, material and earth treasures.Then the demon soul enveloped the liquid, and the true essence in the body began to be released.While compressing the liquid in conjunction with the demon soul, it is also refining the impurities in it.

The quenching process before condensing the blank is the step that determines the quality of the magic weapon.Don't be sloppy, in order to make the quality of the magic weapon the best.

Lu Chen used the ninety-nine refining method, and the real yuan and demon soul repeatedly tempered the liquid ball 81 times.With the cooperation of the Good Fortune Magic Furnace, after nine times of tempering, Lu Chen can achieve the current effect.

From this too, a good stove.How important it is for an instrument master or alchemist.

By the time Chase Lu finished tempering, the other platforms had already started to agglomerate blanks.Lu Chen was not in a hurry, and the demon soul rolled up a black liquid ball.Let it bake over the ground fire again.

This time it is not for refining, but for better integration of various ores in the liquid with heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Only when it is integrated can it be used to shape the blank.There will be no variegation and no loss of quality.

After the other platforms had condensed the blanks, Chase Lu completed the baking step.The stage situation of 500 people including Lu Chen,

In fact, it is reflected in real time on the formation light curtain above the auditorium.Many of them set their sights on more than a dozen sixth-level weapon masters, including Lu Chen.

As for the fifth-level and fourth-level weapon masters who participated in the competition, few people paid attention to them.After all, it is not common to see this kind of public refining scene.Observing high-grade craftsmen forging crafts is a rare learning opportunity in itself.

Naturally, the instrument masters in the auditorium would not waste such a precious opportunity.Among them, the most people watched Lu Chen's refining screen, and they were not the only ones watching.Even the elders and sect masters of Donghuamen were watching, as well as people from Qianhuanzong were watching Lu Chen.

Although there were occasional discussions, his eyes widened a little bit.Especially when Chase Lu repeatedly tempered and baked, some craftsmen were suddenly enlightened.

Although he didn't know the specific steps of the nine-nine tempering method, it was what Lu Chen did.But let them understand that there is still a spirit of excellence in the refining process.

This is the quality that an instrument master should have.Only by striving for excellence in every step can a high-quality magic weapon be refined.

Picking up the casting hammer, Lu Chen used the demon soul to control the level of the ground fire.While beating on the liquid ball, soon the prototype of a magic sword was born in Lu Chen's hands.This is the blank!

Then Lu Chen began to use the demon soul to attract the true essence to engrave the formation on the blank.As the formation continued to form, the blanks gradually became smoother and smoother.

Until the nine attack formations are connected.A black magic sword that reflected cold light appeared in Lu Chen's hand.

At this time, [-]% of the refining equipment has been completed, and the remaining achievement is the magic injection.This infusion is not an artifact, but an infusion of true essence to activate the magic sword formation.Let it be born with the level of coercion that it should have. If it is from the outside world, it can also induce the injection of heaven and earth demon energy.

It's just that this is the Artifact Refining Contest, and the demonic energy of heaven and earth cannot be aroused outside the mask of the demon soul detection mask.You can only use your own true energy to complete the magic injection, and your own consumption will be greater.

The pitch-black sword body was injected with Lu Chen's true essence.And a fierce sword light bloomed, and the nine attacking formations engraved on the body of the sword.Connected and combined with each other, strands of sword energy filled vertically and horizontally in the mask.

The outside world can't feel the sword energy of the magic sword, but can see the sword energy from the light curtain, cutting the air vertically and horizontally.If it wasn't for the barrier of the mask, the sword energy would have shot into the void.

The pitch-black magic sword is activated by the nine formations.It turned into a blue long sword, but the bursts of precious light gave people a kingly air.

The sword is the head of a hundred soldiers and has the demeanor of a king!Standing proudly in the void, like a domineering emperor, shocking the audience!

Feeling the magic sword, Lu Chen showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.This magic sword that has not yet been named is a sixth-level peerless magic sword.

"From now on, you will be called Qinghongjian!"

The magic sword hummed softly, as if it heard it.A cyan glow bloomed from the sword body, like a rainbow.

When Lu Chen looked up and looked around, the people around had all handed in their magic swords.Only myself hadn't handed it in yet, and all these people's eyes were on me at this moment.

And a waiter also walked outside the mask, waiting outside.Four hours have passed since the refining started.

Chase Lu closed the formation, and the mask dissipated.The Qinghong sword uttered a sword cry, which resounded through the world!

The fierce sword energy gallops vertically and horizontally.Attracting everyone's attention, just now a sixth-level weapon master refined a sixth-level magic sword.

When each magic sword appeared in front of Zhongren, there was also the sound of the sword.There is also sword energy volleying in the air, but compared with Lu Chen's, it looks much weaker.

Lu Chen handed the Qinghong sword to the waiter beside him.And said: "My sword is called Qinghong!"

The waiter took it carefully, when the Qinghong sword was in his hand.Only the waiter in the Yuan Demon Realm almost threw the Qinghong Sword away.It is really that Qinghong Sword's aura is too strong and its coercion is too strong.

Far from being able to be used by the Yuan Demon Realm, this is like an ordinary person going to get a cannonball.At best, he can touch it, but he cannot exert the power of the shell.

The waiter quickly put the Qinghong sword into the sword box that had been prepared earlier.Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, and then returned to the hosting platform.

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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One Sword Sovereign

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At this time, there were nine old men sitting on the host stage.Every old man is wearing a purple robe that symbolizes an eighth-rank weapon master.

Two of them are from Donghuamen, and two are from Loose Cultivators.Two are from the Demon Gate faction, and three are from the Artifact Refining Alliance.

They are all eighth-rank weapon masters, the existence of the realm of magic generals.And the eighth-grade weapon masters from the refining alliance are Na Lancheng and Dong Feihong.

At this time, these nine people, as referees, were tasting the magic swords refined by the contestants one by one.

Each magic sword will be passed by nine people once, and then the evaluation will be written in a jade slip.Then the waiters on the side cooperated with the elder master of ceremonies to rank them according to their evaluation and grade.

Because Lu Chen's refining time was an hour slower than others.Therefore, when the Qinghong Sword was brought to the judge's seat, the master of ceremonies and the envoys had already selected the top 99 magic swords according to their grades and evaluations.

In the heart of the master of ceremonies, he is the successor of the extraordinary master.It will definitely have a place in the top [-], although the refining speed is slower.But Dabi didn't ask for time either.As long as it is not too outrageous, it is within the scope of the rules.

As the host of the Donghuamen, it is natural for them to taste first.Waiting for the first-level eighth-grade utensil master, that is, the great elder of Donghuamen.When taking out the Qinghong sword from the sword box.After just one glance, he exclaimed, "Good sword!"

Then he began to inspect the tasting very seriously, and it was already half an hour later when he looked up again.To the teasing gazes of the other eight,

The Great Elder of Donghuamen.His face remained unchanged, with a hint of appreciation and admiration in his eyes.Then he picked up the blank jade slip and recorded his own comments.

The second eighth-level weapon master of Donghuamen is the current owner of Donghuamen.He and the Great Elder are the two strongest eighth-level weapon masters in Donghuamen.

It took him half an hour to check the Qinghong Sword again and again.Apart from Na Lancheng and Dong Feihong, the other seven people became more and more looking forward to it.

Prior to the inspection tasting.Each magic weapon can be inspected and tasted in about a few breaths, but now it takes two quarters of an hour, a full hundred times longer.

After waiting for the few people, they also spent the same time checking after the tasting.Even the audience in the auditorium became looking forward to it.The magic sword refined by a sixth-level weapon master can allow an eighth-level weapon master to inspect and taste it for half an hour.

It is conceivable that this is such an excellent magic sword.It is said that there are no worthless people under a great reputation, and Chase Lu explained this very well.

Even Na Lancheng and Dong Feihong spent half an hour checking and tasting.It's not that the two of them are putting on airs, but that Lu Chen's martial arts skills are indeed very profound.

The method of tempering, the method of engraving, the method of shaping, and the method of infusing magic.In each craft, there are places that these eighth-level instrument masters can learn from and think about.Naturally, it will take a certain amount of time, and everyone looks like they got something after tasting.

When the master of ceremonies took over the sword box and there were still nine pieces of record jade slips.I was immediately shocked by the content inside, and the nine people seemed to have discussed it.The tasting content is extremely unified, even if the words are different, the meaning is the same.

The door master's tasting jade slip reads: "The sixth-grade magic sword is perfectly crafted, and its power is comparable to that of the seventh-grade low-grade magic sword. The refiner has the level of a master."

A few dozen or so words are the highest evaluation for an instrument master!

This kind of tasting, as well as the magic sword grade.Naturally it should be number one, the elder master of ceremonies thought without hesitation.

Then he got up and came to the host stage, and said loudly: "Okay, now all the contestants' works have been tasted by nine eighth-grade craftsmen, and I have also ranked them.

I will announce the list and results of the top [-] below.If you don't read your name, it means you have been eliminated.Please leave the competition platform by yourself in a while, thank you for your cooperation. "

"It's finally about to start, so nervous!"

"There's nothing to be nervous about, those fourth-level weapon masters are there to accompany them."

"That's right, these 500 people not only have sixth-level weapon masters, but also descendants of extraordinary masters. In my opinion, not only fourth-level weapon masters, but even fifth-level weapon masters, most of them are studying with the prince. Role."

"I feel that the successor of the Extraordinary Grandmaster named Lu Chen might be number one!"

"I can't see it! Although the tasting time of the nine eighth-grade utensil masters has been longer, it doesn't show how strong he is."

"He is the successor of the extraordinary master, and he is also the candidate for the general leader of the Artifact Refining Alliance. His own strength is in the late stage of the Demon General realm. With the combination of these three points, I think Lu Chen will definitely be the first!"

"Oh? It seems that you are very optimistic about Chen Lu, why don't we make a bet. I bet that Chen Wuyi will become the first, so let's bet 100 yuan for the low-grade magic stone."

"Okay, I'll bet with you. I'll bet on Lu Chen to win the championship, and I'll use 100 yuan for the low-grade magic stone."

Such dialogues and bets appeared in every corner of the auditorium.There are thousands of people and faces, and the audience here has reached 10,000+ people.Because of their own preferences and feelings, the contestants who value are also different.

However, among them, Lu Chen and Chen Wuyi won the most championships, followed by the two sixth-level weapon masters from Donghuamen.The rest are uneven, and the bets range from tens of thousands of magic stones to a few pieces of magic stones.

Su Yurong and Su Panpan both looked nervous.They don't know the way of weapons, and the Thousand Illusion Sect doesn't have a powerful weapon master.This leads to chaos when they are a little concerned.

Wang Zhi was also very nervous at this time, not because his apprentice was about to be eliminated.Instead, I was worried about Lu Chen's grades, and just saw the serious tasting by nine eighth-level weapon masters.

My heart was inexplicably relieved again, I couldn't help Lu Chen's total score.But concerning his future and destiny, it is impossible not to be nervous.

As for Wang Qimeng, who was only a fourth-level weapon master, Wang Zhi didn't worry too much.Because being eliminated is already doomed, after all, Wang Qimeng's training time is still too short,

It can reach the level of the fourth-level instrument master today.He is already considered a genius, and Wang Zhi will not ask for too much.

"No.1 in the first competition is the successor of the extraordinary master. It comes from Lu Chen of the Refining Alliance, and the magic sword he refined. The grade is a sixth-level superb magic sword, and its power is comparable to a seventh-level low-level magic sword. Sword. Let us congratulate him together!"

"I'm going to go, the sixth-level magic weapon! It is worthy of being the successor of the extraordinary master!"

"Master Shuangjue, every shot is a magic weapon. It's really extraordinary!"

"Hahaha I won, you bastards. Give me the magic stone, haha"

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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