Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2755 Transforming the Magic Field

Waiting for the people present to understand the key.Immediately, I was chilled, this Chen Wuyi was upright on the surface.Be considerate of others everywhere, a loving role model of a big brother.

Unexpectedly, it was such an insidious and cunning person, and Chen Wuyi's actions.It's not about framing competitors, it's about killing people's hearts!

If it was a fight with swords and guns, even if you lost, you would be seriously injured at most.Dao Xin will be fine, but Chen Wuyi's approach.But it directly kills the heart, which belongs to the foundation of harming humanity.This kind of behavior is naturally more hateful.

"Lu Chen, you framed me, you all don't be fooled. I, Chen Wuyi, am an upright person. How could I be such a sinister villain? Please recall, I have never offended anyone in the 50 years since I entered the headquarters."

Chen Wuyi saw that the matter was out of control, so he naturally tried his best to restore it.It's just that when everyone looked at him again, they were no longer as close as they used to be.Instead, they all stayed away from him, even though they were indifferent but far away.

Make friends with such an insidious person, sell yourself and count the money for him.Such a person, who would dare to be with him.Isn't that seeking skin from a tiger? !

There are no fools among those present.Although Chen Wuyi's method of eliminating dissidents was brilliant, he was exposed by Lu Chen on the spot.Everyone also reacted, and Chen Wuyi said that he had never offended anyone in the 50 years he had been in the alliance headquarters.

It's even more chilling to think about it now, those people who are dedicated to studying the Tao.Sometimes there will be quarrels or even quarrels because of disagreements.When there is a quarrel, it is natural to offend or be offended.

But Chen Wuyi has never had any grudges with others, and used to think that others are good.Thinking about it now, Chen Wuyi must have done this on purpose.There is no such perfect person in the world!

And thinking about it now, throwing away Lu Chen and Liu Beibei.The remaining 33 people have already called Chen Wuyi brothers and sisters, and these people still meet for a while in Chen Wuyi's mansion every once in a while.

It seemed that they were having a good time, but now that they think about it, these 33 people have already recognized Chen Wuyi's status in their hearts.Even if some of them still maintain a competitive heart, they are dwarfs when it comes to addressing them.When it comes to the decisive battle, they will naturally fall into a passive position.

One party is still stuck in yesterday's joy, still smiling and calling senior brother.Then the elder brother also looked at you with a smile, and suddenly kicked you off the ring.Eliminate you, will you still believe in the so-called brotherhood at that time?

It's just that even if you regret and feel sad, you can't change the fate of being eliminated.Even if you continue to stay in the Artifact Refining Alliance, you want to take revenge on this senior brother.

But the eldest brother became the chief alliance leader, regardless of his status or status at that time.They are all a head taller than you, as long as you dare to show your head, you will completely disappear from the world.

Unite with the same door, help each other and love each other.This kind of thing is a practice that is praised and advocated by the Zongmen forces.But in a place similar to the Artifact Refining Alliance, where there are all competitors except itself.Unity and fraternity is a joke!

I don't understand now, it will be too late when we compete in the ring.Unless you have an indomitable heart from the beginning, as long as you have the heart to fight, you will fall into a trap.This is a brilliant conspiracy, an unreasonable and extremely insidious pit.

As time went by, a lot of onlookers figured it out.They spurned Chen Wuyi's actions one after another, causing Chen Wuyi's image of a modest gentleman to collapse.Not to mention becoming a rat crossing the street, it has also become an existence that people respect and stay away from.

Lu Chen glanced coldly, and Chen Wuyi pretended to smile.With a voice that only the two of them could hear, he said with a smile, "You're a little too tender for playing with me!"

After speaking, he took Liu Feiyang away, and Chen Wu, who stayed where he was, had a distorted and hideous face.The killing intent in his heart burst out from his eyes, looking at Lu Chen's back.

Chen Wuyi secretly blamed himself for always using a routine to dig holes.And without understanding the opponent, digging a hole rashly will only make you a hole.

This lesson was learned a bit late, and the cost was too great.Only relative to 35 competitors, it became two.The remaining 33 competitors were no longer rivals in his heart.

It is not an unacceptable thing, as long as he is within 400 years now.Chase Liu Beibei, and then find a way to eliminate Lu Chen.

Then the position of the leader of the alliance is at your fingertips. Anyway, the candidate for the leader of the alliance does not allow others to intervene.Whether it can stand out, the full screen has its own ability.

With the thought of how to eliminate Lu Chen, Chen Wuyi took two personal guards with him.He left with a gloomy face all the way, and the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed.

It's just that within a quarter of an hour, Lu Chen still had various conjectures about what he said.It has already spread to every corner of the headquarters, up to the leader and the elders.Everyone knows everything down to the guards and servants.

Naturally, the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise sees wisdom. Some people think that Chen Wuyi is despicable and shameless.Some people also recognized that Chen Wuyi's method was very clever.

This is also a way of competition, since the competitive relationship has been established from the beginning.As long as it is not a malicious killing, it is within the scope of the rules.

Lu Chen returned to the mansion and entered the backyard alone.First, use the specially purchased treasures of heaven and earth to transform the formation of the one-acre magic field.The space-time formation was integrated into it, and several other formations were arranged.

Just let the space in the magic field flow a hundred times faster than the outside world.At the same time, the combined power of various defensive formations has also increased by three times.

Don't talk about the realm of the devil general now, even if it is the realm of the devil prince who is not familiar with the formation.There is also the danger of dying if you rush into it rashly.

With Lu Chen's strength, he continued to recover.The means that can be used are also gradually increasing.The means are increasing, and the hole cards are also increasing invisible.

The four arts of magic, the pill formation talisman.Tens of thousands of various exercises, martial arts, soul techniques, and magical powers are all clear in his mind.As long as the realm is reached, the strongest power can be released!

It took Lu Chen half a month to reform the formation.Then it took another half a year to dispose of all the natural materials and earth treasures purchased this time.

All turned into magic tools and magic pills. This time, a total of ten six-level top-grade magic tools of different styles were refined.There are also thirty bottles, a total of three hundred various magic pills.

Although I haven't practiced well for half a year, but when refining magic weapons and magic pills.Every time the magic energy is exhausted and replenished, it is actually a thorough practice.

Because every time the magic element is exhausted, the magic element can be refined again when it is replenished.The more times of tempering, the quality and quantity of the magic element will naturally increase.

Although it didn't increase as much as the retreat practice, it still let Lu Chen's strength.Reached the mid-term peak of the Demon General realm, and is only one step away from the later stage.

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I believe that if you retreat for a few months, you can break through, but now it is far away from the refining ceremony of Donghuamen.There are only three months left to open, and Lu Chen can only give up his plan to retreat.

He took Liu Fei again and went to the exchange hall, still looking for the deacon from last time.Keep some spares of all the magic pills and magic weapons that have been refined.They sold all of them, providing Chase Lu with 7000 million low-grade magic stones.

Now Lu Chen's magic stone has reached an astonishing 2000 million.After returning to the mansion, Lu Chen called all the guards.

Then everyone distributed a storage bag, which contained a five-level super-grade magic sword, a fifth-level absolute magic armor, and one hundred thousand low-grade magic stones.

Said: "I am about to go to Donghuamen to participate in the Artifact Refining Ceremony. I will go alone, and you will stay in the mansion to practice with peace of mind. Try to break through the realm of the magic general! Now you are limited in helping me!

Looking at the storage bag in his hand, the eyes of a hundred guards.They are all full of gratitude and excitement. This resource is worth 300 million.One hundred people is [-] million, but the master provided for himself.Then the only way to repay the master is to be more loyal to him.

The reason why he didn't take everyone there was because Lu Chen was used to walking alone.Second, Chase Lu really felt that they were of little help to him.If you are alone, you can come and go like the wind, even if you encounter a crisis, you can escape.

But to take them there, although the momentum looks huge.In fact, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, if you encounter any situation.Lu Chen still needs to take care of them, so it's better to let them use these resources to break through to the realm of magic generals.At that time, it would be more helpful to Chase Lu!

The hundred guards also knew that there was nothing wrong with Lu Chen's words, but they felt somewhat uncomfortable.This is inevitable, after all, being treated favorably by the master.But it can't help the master. This feeling is like an ornamental pet kept in captivity.Fancy but not useful!

Walking out of the mansion alone, Lu Chen went to the meeting hall.After passing the pass, he walked in and saw Wang Wukui.After explaining his intention, Wang Wukui naturally wouldn't stop him.

After all, the Artifact Refining Ceremony is also one of the major events in Donglai Realm.Moreover, many elders of Donghuamen are also honorary elders of the Artifact Refining Alliance.

It is not a taboo for Lu Chen to participate as a candidate for the general leader.And this is something that Chase Lu had already agreed to before joining the Artifact Refining Alliance.Then handed Lu Chen an identity token for entering and leaving the headquarters.

Looking at Lu Chen's back, Wang Wukui knew it in his heart.This year's Donghuamen Artifact Refining Ceremony was attended by Lu Chen.If there is no accident, Lu Chen will surely win the top ten.As for whether he can win the top three or even the championship, it depends on Lu Chen himself.

There is a limit to the strength of the Artifact Refining Ceremony, and only demon cultivators below the sub-devil realm can participate.Because the Vermilion Bird's Gate has strength restrictions, no one who exceeds the Demon Separation Realm can enter.

This restriction also affected the rules of the Artifact Refining Ceremony. As for why the Suzaku Gate had such rules.Then I don't know, and Wang Wukui doesn't want to guess.

His current thinking is that as long as Lu Chen gets a good ranking.It will be famous in the East World, and it will also be a great publicity for the Artifact Refining Alliance.

After all, Lu Chen is no longer a casual cultivator, but has the status of a successor of an extraordinary master and a candidate for the leader of the Artifact Refining Alliance.

Transsion told Na Lancheng and Dong Feihong about Lu Chen's whereabouts.Wang Wukui continued to immerse himself in official duties, while Na Lancheng and Dong Feihong were on the other side.

After they also set off to gather, they caught up with Lu Chen.Hidden in the void and followed far away, neither approached nor let others discover.

There is a flying boat under Lu Chen, which was refined by Lu Chen himself.The sixth-level top-quality flying boat is three feet long and half a foot high.Travel one hundred thousand miles a day.

It needs to consume 1000 yuan of low-grade magic stones, and if you encounter danger, you can increase the speed by ten times.It's just that the consumption of magic stones will be calculated a hundred times.

According to this speed, fly to Donghuamen.It will take half a month, so Chase Lu is not in such a hurry.Going to Donghua Gate this time, Chase Lu has two goals.

One is to compete for the top three and return Wang Zhi's favor.Without his referral and introduction, Chase Lu himself would not be able to participate in the Artifact Refining Ceremony.Moreover, he might not be able to join the Artifact Refining Alliance, after all, because of his background.There is no way to prove that he is a native of Donglaijie.

That was under the guarantee of the successor of the Extraordinary Grandmaster and Wang Zhi.Only then did he become the candidate for the general leader of the Artifact Refining Alliance, so Lu Chen owed Wang Zhi two favors.

The deal with Wang Zhi was the case when Lu Chen got the top ten renunciation rewards.Informed Lu Chen of the whereabouts of Luyang Zhiyan, but Lu Chen wanted to compete for the top three.

Because of the double rewards of the top three, it is possible to ensure that Wang Zhi can change his fate against the sky.break through to the sub-demon realm,

Otherwise, the rewards for other rankings are for Wang Zhi, who is in the Great Perfection of the Demon General realm.At best, it is icing on the cake, with no real effect.Only when Wang Zhi broke through to the Demon Separation Realm, did Lu Chen think that he could pay off the favor.

The second goal is to enter the Suzaku Gate and capture the Suzaku Fire.Suzaku was born of Phoenix, and the natal flames possessed by Phoenix and Phoenix are divided into Yin and Yang.Suzaku is a descendant of Phoenix, and Suzaku's fire has yin and yang attributes.

If he gets the Yan Jinhuo from Thunder Sect again, then he will have enough gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang.Seven kinds of heaven and earth strange fire, as long as you get the heaven and earth strange fire with two attributes of wind and thunder.

Then the Nirvana Holy Fire can be evolved, and the Nirvana Holy Fire can fuse with the Demon Soul.Lu Chen is looking forward to the evolution of the demon soul and the Nirvana flame.

Lu Chen got the magic melting grass in the exchange hall.It was just that when he wanted to blend the Earth Yaohuo with the Demon Soul, there was resistance.

After [-] years of getting along, Lu Chen got rid of the hunger of the Nirvana Holy Fire.I learned one thing, that is, if you want to evolve the holy fire of Nirvana, you cannot fuse one attribute, heaven and earth, and different fires alone.

Nirvana holy fire can evolve only if nine kinds of different fires from heaven and earth are fused at the same time.

Thinking about these things, Lu Chen went to Donghua Gate day and night.Passing through many towns, Chase Lu did not enter but detoured.Along the way, Chase Lu met many teams, all in the same direction as himself.

It's just that those teams rarely have their own speed.They are often just met, and they are left behind in a while.After a while, it will be beyond the detection range of the demon soul.

On the ninth day, Lu Chen encountered a chariot flying in the air.It was pulled by four demon beasts, a chariot of a sixth-level top-grade magic weapon.The chariot was wrapped in a formation, and the scene inside could not be seen with the naked eye.

It's just the appearance of the chariot, which is extremely ornately decorated.The four corners of the carriage are decorated with bells, and there are jingling sounds during high-speed flight.The sound is pleasant to the ear, but it gives people a sense of dizziness after listening to it for a long time.

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