Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2737 5 feet

Time passed slowly, and many people had reached the height of [-] feet, and some were still within [-] feet.

At this moment, Lu Chen has walked to five thousand feet. At this stage, the position is equivalent to a hill pressing him down. The sweat on his head keeps flowing, and the veins on his arms are faintly showing. His breath is a little unstable, and he seems to be unable to hold on. Live the same.

But after Chase Lu formed an energy shield with magic energy, the heavy pressure disappeared.

After walking five thousand feet, it was rare to be able to take a deep breath, but the feeling of relaxation had not yet passed, and other pressures followed, the energy shield suddenly crumbled, and the magic power maintained by Lu Chen increased rapidly.

Soon the energy shield shattered in an instant. When he was looking at other people before, he didn't see them releasing the energy shield. He thought it was because they couldn't think of it. Now it seems that this kind of cheating method will not work, and it must be done. You have to carry it through with your own will.

Lu Chen gritted his teeth, felt hesitant, and walked up quickly, the pressure that followed was also increasing rapidly, and soon Lu Chen walked to [-] feet, which is not the distance that the previous [-] feet can reach Than, it's not as simple as adding two five thousand, but more than adding them together.

It seems that this position is a big mountain, pressing on Lu Chen, his feet are slowly unstable, and it seems that if he takes one more step, he will kneel down.

For Tianshan magic treasure, within [-] feet is a stage, and above [-] feet, even if it is one foot longer, it is equivalent to a hurdle, just like the sixth floor is about to break through the seventh floor, it is also a hurdle, after passing it is a new level.

But he was very unwilling to fall down here. He looked up and glanced into the distance, his eyes were bright red and then turned into a determined look, and he slowly took a step forward. The further he moved, the greater the pressure, until he seemed He couldn't hold on anymore, so he rested his feet in the air for a while, that was his current limit.

The one who is now in the leading position on Tianshan Mountain is the tenth floor demon soldier, and now he has reached [-] feet.

His speed is not as fast as before, but it is not very slow now. He can also walk a thousand feet within a stick of incense. There are also four who have just passed [-] feet. They are all magicians.

The rest had more than 2000 competitors between [-] and [-] feet.

An hour has passed.

Zhong Sheng was still sitting there, his eyes never opened.

Meng Lao moved his body and moved his hands.

"That thing on the top of my head made me feel very uncomfortable. I am old and can no longer withstand the scorching sun. What do you think, Fellow Daoist Zhong?" Elder Meng said.

When Zhong Sheng heard Mr. Meng's question, he opened his eyes, but he still squinted them. He didn't know if he was old or what. His eyes had never been fully opened before.

"Everything has its own laws of operation. If you can't force it, don't force it, but those things can't be controlled by the old man."

"Friend Daoist Zhong has such a state of mind, Meng really admires it." Mr. Meng shifted his gaze to the old immortals in the auditorium and said, but after a pause, he looked at the contestants in Tianshan: "This session , Compared with the previous ones, it is a big difference, but Zhong Daoyou can still barely do it. There are not a few decades between you and me. Look at the big area over there. After a while, you may lie on the ground. Underground, the ancestral talisman transformed into an ancestor talisman"

"You don't need to talk about it, fellow daoist." Zhong Sheng interrupted him, "It turns out that I am not willing to give you what God gave you. In the last hand, I have to fight against it. I, Zhong Sheng, can't choose this time, and next time, if Without this old bone, it’s gone.”

The two above are talking about their great principles, but they don't know how many times they can talk about it.

The contestants below are not at all easy.

At this moment, Lu Chen has never stepped on his foot. He has an illusion that once he steps on it, he will lose his qualifications.

The huge pressure came like a tide, but he wasn't the type to admit defeat either.

In the end, he exerted all his strength, exhausted the remaining spiritual consciousness, and took the last step, stepping down.

There was no feeling of dizziness, nor the crushing gravity, only a faint warm current poured into his body.

Ten thousand and one feet, one foot away, one step further is life, one step back is hell, he succeeded.

At this moment, he is enjoying the warm current of that breakthrough, which is not a breakthrough in the realm, but spiritual power. His spiritual consciousness, which was seriously injured, has recovered a little under this pressure.

This made him overjoyed. You must know that any genius treasure that can restore spiritual consciousness is very precious, and it is impossible for him to find it with his cultivation.

It would take a long time for him to restore his spiritual consciousness to its peak, but he didn't expect that it had already recovered a little not long after.

Soon he calmed down, and slowly fell into deep thought.

His consciousness is now trying to recover, and it seems that under strong pressure it will help him recover, so it seems that this magic treasure is his lucky star.

Lu Chen looked at the other people in front, and then looked back at the young people behind him, and found that some of them had been eliminated behind him.

While thinking about it, Lu Chen found that the rest of the contestants had already rushed to the high point. Seeing this, he hurriedly followed.

But then, he calmed down again, the first place in front of him was only [-] feet away, and his goal was the top of the mountain. He wanted to finish this journey and see if his spiritual consciousness could heal completely.

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Now he walked up slowly, but when he reached [-] feet, the pressure was more severe than before, and Lu Chen's strength was getting weaker and weaker. In order not to walk, he couldn't stand up. Hold on, Lu Chen could only bow down, walking side by side with his hands and feet, and even the magic energy was consumed in the back.

In his mind, he could rely on this pressure to recover, but the process still killed him, and he almost couldn't help crying out.

As he stepped to [-] feet, [-] feet, and [-] feet, there were fewer and fewer people in this position.

After 100 feet and [-] feet, he was the [-]th person to reach this position.

It was only one step away from the [-] feet. He knew that this step was more terrifying than the one of [-] feet, but he was definitely not afraid.

Lu Chen put away his thoughts, looked calm, raised his footsteps, and took a step directly. The mental pressure almost made his eyes black, but what followed was a warm current that was stronger than before.

Soon, the consciousness recovered a lot, and the whole person was refreshed.

one step, two steps, three steps

No one paid attention to his actions here, and few even noticed. At this moment, those old antiques outside only watched the juniors they were familiar with. Chase Lu walked calmly. As the steps climbed, layers of coercion rumbled Arriving, for many people, it will gradually be difficult to move, but here Chen Lu started to walk on the ground, calmly, always maintaining a certain speed, step by step, and walk slowly.

He is not the only one who walks so fast on the steps of Tianshan Magic Treasure, the first person in front of him is also like him, at this moment he has walked [-] feet, this person still does not show too much effort , but others are different. For such a long time, some of them may have walked hard, sometimes rested and sometimes struggled. For these contestants, this Tianshan Mountain is a symbol of their qualifications, and it can also give them spirit With the above training, the spiritual consciousness gradually becomes stronger, so naturally he will not quit immediately.

After all, there is no time limit for this competition.

At this moment, many people on the mountain saw Lu Chen and walked past them one by one with a calm expression. When they saw Lu Chen easily walking through the steps that made them feel extremely difficult, all the people who were left by Lu Chen walked past them. The contestants behind were all taken aback.

And those who lost their qualifications gradually noticed him below, and some uproar came from these people.

"Who is this person! How did he walk so fast! There are already more than 2 steps here. Could it be that he is a genius with No.1 again! Why don't I know him!"

The monks who were eliminated below immediately buzzed, and it became more and more intense. From the bottom to the top, the uproar gradually spread.

As Chase Lu surpassed one contestant after another, there will be more uproar. There are even some contestants who are easily surpassed by Chase Lu and step on the steps they could not step on before more easily. Some illusions appeared, thinking that the pressure had disappeared, and subconsciously raised his feet and stepped out, and was directly blasted out of the mountain by the coercion from Tianshan.

"This person is really amazing, he is almost [-] feet away!"

The magic soldier on the tenth floor would also turn his head and look at him at this time. He had just stepped into the [-] feet, but he didn't expect to catch up later. He was not reconciled, so he started to go faster. go up.

"Wonderful, I thought that No.1 could go up to [-] feet, but I didn't expect him to use all his strength!"

"Looks like they hit it off."

"I just don't know who will win till the end!"

The people below, including those who were eliminated, made comments. Although there was an uproar from time to time, in fact, their envious expressions had already been revealed. They knew that even if one of them lost, they would still be included. In the Dan Pavilion Gate, after all, Zhong Sheng, who was punished above, has opened his eyes, which shows that their outstanding performance has been recognized by this

"They're going too fast!"

"The cousin in my teacher's school told me that no one has ever been able to walk a distance of [-] feet in the time of a stick of incense. Look at them, they walk so easily, and they are also monks of the magic soldier. Ah, there are hundreds of people below who are stronger than them."

"These two might be able to reach a height of [-] feet!"

Tianshan magic treasure has two stages, the first stage within [-] feet, divided from mediocre to excellent.

After [-] feet is the second stage, divided from excellent to genius.

And when these people's hearts were stirring, Lu Chen looked as usual, and continued to move forward, one step at a time, not fast, maintaining the previous rhythm, neither faster nor slower.

At 1 feet, [-] feet, he slowly drew closer to No.[-], and the former moved forward at a fast speed, not to be outdone. Under the stunned eyes of these people, they saw Lu Chen Stepped over [-] feet calmly.The relaxed appearance and calm pace made these people gasp after seeing it, and when they looked at Meng Luchen, their eyes shone brightly.

They know that there must be a hurdle if they do not exceed [-] feet.

After passing [-] feet, Lu Chen received four benefits, and his spiritual consciousness became stronger and stronger. Specifically, whether he can recover to the level of a teacher depends on how much pressure this magic treasure can provide him.

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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