The corpse hit Lu Chen's side impartially, and Lu Chen's closed eyes slowly opened.

"Perhaps in a little while."

He laughed at himself.

"Maybe we can last a while."

Before that very imposing voice came, he even gave up the possibility of being alive, but now, he still wants to hold on for a while, after all, if he can live, he still has to live.

The "corpse" next to him moved, but he didn't wake up, and a faint sound of breathing came from his nostrils.

"He didn't die, but his consciousness should have passed out."

Both of them are in the same situation now, and Lu Chen would not complain about the knife he stabbed before. If it was him, he would, and he started to feel sorry for each other in the face of death.

But this kid is also very fateful, although the ore-eating beast didn't sweep him hard, but the strength is not what this fifth-level magic soldier can bear.

I wanted to wait for those people to come to the rescue if I waited a little longer, but a bad news came out.

The inherited power of the crazy swordsman's sword has been exhausted, and under the protection of the previous power, Lu Chen's body can still stabilize the broken dantian and the pain of the broken tendons.

Now, without the protection of this force, Chase Lu, who was on the verge of death, felt even more pain and accelerated the speed of death.

It is not known whether there will be a flashback before death, but Lu Chen feels that his mind is particularly clear at this moment.


At this moment, he recalled the content of a classic: life and death are fate, a person has only one chance to live, but a monk has two lives.

Anyone who achieves the realm of the magic soldier can develop spiritual consciousness, and the uses of spiritual consciousness are many, so I won't briefly describe them here, but it has a great advantage, that is, it can be used when monks are in crisis and their lives cannot be guaranteed. Use divine consciousness to take away other living creatures, but success depends on the opponent's "strength" and luck.

Seizing a home is a chance to win the world, changing one's fate against the sky, only once in a lifetime, beyond the second lock of the heavens, oneself will be wiped out from now on, and cannot be reincarnated... At that time, he read this classic and thought it was a bit magical, and wanted to try it out After a while, get rid of the injuries on your body.

But he still held back, he thought maybe it was fake?

What's more, how can parents say that they give up when they are exposed to human skin?

He who failed to break through this psychological barrier at that time finally accepted it at this moment.

When he was about to collapse, he exhausted all his consciousness, condensed into a small ball of light, escaped from the body, and then flew into that person's body.

Fortunately, the location is not very far away, otherwise the ball of light would probably have disappeared after passing tens of meters.

Although it is good to seize the house, it has many restrictions, and there must be very weak creatures nearby.

The lying person sat up quickly after the ball of light entered.

Then he rubbed his head, his eyes slowly opened.

He got up and sat down for a few movements, stretching the joints of his whole body.

"It was really painful, but it couldn't compare to the physical pain I had before."

This person is Lu Chen, and now he has successfully seized the house.

In his heart, he thought that he was going to fight the opponent, but he didn't expect that it would go smoothly after entering. The person's consciousness was in a deep sleep state, and the light ball transformed by Lu Chen turned into little green light with a light touch. Into the light ball transformed by Chase Lu.

After Lu Chen absorbed the green light's consciousness, his consciousness became much stronger, and he also knew that the name of this person in life was Ji Ke. He entered the Three Holy Pagoda at the age of 15 and discovered the Tongxuan body. The resources in the Liuque Mansion After more than 20 years of practice, he reached the fifth level of the magic soldier, and has since become one of the elites in Liuque Mansion.

Lu Chen got acquainted with his body, and silently felt the devilish energy in his body.

"Is this the magic energy, it really is different.

It is much stronger than the energy in Tianyuan Continent. If I continue to practice like this, I will be able to go back one day. "

Lu Chen silently set a goal for himself.

However, the realm here is similar to that of the Demon King realm, and I don't know the connection between the two.

Just as Lu Chen wanted to get acquainted with it a few more times, a powerful aura approached far away.

Before he had time to do anything more, he remembered that this person had a storage bag in his arms, and immediately took it out, and put away "Lu Chen" who was lying on the ground.

Living things can't fit in storage bags, but dead things can.

After doing this, two light spots flew in the air, but with Lu Chen's eyesight, he could clearly see that the light spots were two people.

A man and a woman, the man is in his seventies and eighties, he looks like a fairy, with white temples, and his mustache hangs straight on his shoulders.

The three women, who were in their early forties, looked bright and dignified.

"The breath disappears here!"

Those two people quickly landed in Lu Chen's position.

The old man looked at Lu Chen, "Your Excellency, do you know what happened here?"

The old man is the deputy city lord of Qingyu City, and his cultivation level as a peak magician is not inferior to that of Master Liu.

The woman stood aside expressionlessly, but her divine sense locked onto Chen Lu firmly.

Lu Chen didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately told the cause and effect of this body in detail, but he didn't reveal some secret things about himself.

The woman showed an angry face after hearing this, and a violent breath came out.

Both the old man and Lu Chen were almost injured. Fortunately, the woman stopped the anger quickly.

The woman didn't say anything, she turned her wrist and a disc appeared with only one pointer on it.

The woman read a few formulas in her mouth, then picked up a handful of yellow sand under her feet, and poured it on the disc.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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After a cup of tea, all the yellow sand turned into blue smoke, the pointer rotated quickly, then stopped slowly, pointing directly to a certain position, but sometimes moved slightly left and right.

"Friend Daoist Meng, I've troubled you earlier, I'll take care of the rest by myself."

After the woman finished speaking, she flew towards the direction of the pointer without looking back.

"Senior Zhou, this is as it should be."

The old man surnamed Meng didn't care whether she heard the woman or not, but replied respectfully.

At this moment, his head is a little big. After all, the matter is too big and it is difficult to deal with it. If it is not handled well, it will implicate Qingyu City. Even if the city owner has already cultivated to the late stage of the demon general, behind this woman, even the city owner dare not offend of.

Hope the bodies of those two people can be found, the old man secretly sighed.

That woman is naturally Mrs. Mo's mother, Mrs. Zhou. When she heard the sound transmission from the jade pendant, she already understood the seriousness of the matter, but her location is tens of thousands of miles away from Qingyu City. It will take more than an hour to fly the mid-term strength there.

The old man surnamed Meng simply put this matter behind him for the time being, and waited for that person to settle the matter before discussing it.

It has been three months since what happened that time. After finding the monster, Zhou seems to have hacked the monster tens of thousands of times to vent his anger. Each knife opened a big hole, and the screaming sound echoed in the sky. A sword cut him to his feet, and the matter ended.

However, Chase Lu was "invited" to talk many times in the past three months, and he was not let go until some follow-up matters were resolved.

Naturally, Qingyu City was implicated, and after compensating a large amount of resources, he managed to calm down that person's anger.

In a remote place on the East Street of Qingyu City, there is a small hotel standing there, and there are very few guests coming and going.

The first floor sells food and wine, and the second floor provides guest rooms.

In one of the rooms, there was a person sitting cross-legged inside, whether it was Lu Chen or someone else.

At this moment, his appearance has returned to its original appearance, and he is now familiar with the changes in this body.

The realm that had stayed on the original owner's body for a long time broke through a layer in an instant.

Now Lu Chen has become a magic soldier monk in the sixth level.

After the breakthrough, Lu Chen was neither happy nor sad. It seemed that all of this was taken for granted. After all, he used to be a person who mastered the way of heaven, and this small matter was easy for him.

Lu Chen sighed lightly. For the past three months, he has been under surveillance. It was not until the matter was resolved that the feeling of staring at people completely disappeared.

It wasn't until a few days later that he found a remote place and waited and observed for a few days before he started to do what was delayed.

First, the structure of the original body was transformed into that of Chase Lu's original body, but this was an easy task for Chase Lu. He had remembered the technique of reversing the body before, but he didn't dare to use it.

It has a side effect, people who use it will never recover from it, and it has a one-time permanent effect.

But it is actually some parts that people want to change themselves, and no one can detect it.

The body is transformed into the familiar one, but the dantian cannot be changed back. Fortunately, this body has the Tongxuan body. Although the aptitude is quite poor, at least it can be cultivated.

There was a mirror in the room, he picked it up and looked at himself, and found that he was no different from the original self.

But when he thought about that incident, he felt a little dark in his heart.

The body of "Lu Chen" disappeared in the world soon after it was put into the storage bag. As the classical saying goes, seizing the house is a way to seize the good fortune of the world and change the destiny... But he has no regrets, only living is everything.

It's just a skin, so what if you give it up.

He had been examining some things before, and although he had roughly scanned them, until now he had time to open the storage bag to see what happened.

There are not many things inside, a lot of sundries, clothes, weapons, and magic crystals. He poured out all the magic crystals. The number is not very large, and there are a few slightly larger magic crystals lying in a corner.

Lu Chen waved his hand, and the larger magic crystal flew into his hand.

Lu Chen continued to observe, and with another wave of his hand, a relatively small magic crystal flew into his hand.

Two magic crystals were extracted by him and slowly inhaled into his body.

"The smaller ones seem to be low-grade magic crystals, and the larger ones are middle-grade magic crystals."

Lu Chen nodded and put away the magic crystal.

In the world price, the mid-grade Demon Realm is equal to 100 yuan low-grade magic crystal, but he found that although the middle-grade magic crystal's magic energy is about 80 yuan low-grade magic crystal, the absorption speed is ten times faster than the low-grade magic crystal.

In some world prices, very few people exchanged 100 yuan for low-grade magic crystals with middle-grade magic crystals.

After confirming the rank and effect of the magic crystals, he scanned carefully with his spiritual sense, and found that there were more than 200 low-grade magic crystals, and four middle-grade magic crystals.

This number is already considered too much for the fifth floor of the magic soldier. The original owner did a lot of tasks and collected so much by saving money, and now he even made wedding dresses for others.

"So-so, there are still some things that need to be confirmed."

Lu Chen muttered a few words, put away the magic crystal, opened the door, and walked out of the hotel.

He walked in the direction outside the city, and soon arrived at the gate of the city. It is not checked when you go out of the gate, but you must be checked when you come in.

After leaving the door, Lu Chen took out the iron sword, stepped on it and flew into the air, arousing his spiritual consciousness, and the sword flew away from the range of Qingyu City with people.

Seeing that there was no one around, Chen Lu jumped off the sword.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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