When the ore-eating beast was in full swing, the magic energy that Master Liu poured into the Twin Flame Fan reached its maximum, but the magic power of Master Liu who breathed it was gone by one-third, but it was still difficult to deal with it just by relying on this power alone. He does damage.

He took out another jade bottle from his bosom, and poured out a few pills, which restore magic power.

Then he sent it to his mouth, and immediately the magic power was replenished, and Master Liu took advantage of the opportunity to pour magic energy into the double-flame fan. After two breaths, Master Liu's face turned pale, and he dispensed a few more pills. Repeat this until the fan is filled with magic energy.

Master Liu, who had regained a bit of magic energy, flew to the front of the ore-eater, waved towards the ore-eater, and even the flame saliva was within range.

With a wave, a terrifying energy came out, followed by two kinds of flames.

One ice and one heat intertwined, it looks like the ice fireworks.

The impact energy of the fan made the ore-eater retreat, and even with his weight of tens of thousands of catties, he couldn't help it.

The flame hit him, and everything burned up.

The flames were even more terrifying than before, and the giant beast was quickly burned off its skin, accompanied by screams, echoing in the sky.

"This treasure is really easy to use, but it's a bit useless." Master Liu smiled palely.

But it's all worth it, this is the first time he has used this fan's supernatural power with all his strength, before he can defeat the enemy with only half the power.

After those few breaths, the flames became more intense, and the ore-eater's eyes turned red. Even with his tough body, he couldn't bear it. When the huge mouth of the abyss opened, a large amount of dark saliva spewed out, trying to Scatter those flames.

But these saliva did not achieve that effect, but instead contributed to the power of the flame.

This time it burned more violently.

Master Liu was quite proud at this moment, the power of this fan lies in the flame, the wind power is only second, it just fuels the growth of the fire.

The ore-eater unbelievingly got into the sand, trying to use the sand to destroy it.

But it still had no effect, instead even the sand started to burn.

This kind of flame is not to mention sticky, it basically recedes a layer of skin when it is burned, even Mr. Liu, who is the owner of the flame, carefully controls it. He almost burned himself to death in order to get it. I still have lingering fears.

Under the burning of the flame, the ore-eating beast gradually lost its color until the flame went out by itself, leaving only a charred corpse.

The smell, blown by the wind, can be smelled in a radius of ten miles, not to mention Master Liu who is so close.

"I didn't even think about it, so I won't be able to use it anymore, but it would be a pity to burn it to death directly. I won't be able to use the skin and bones." Master Liu was annoyed secretly and then complained a few words.

But looking at the magic mine, I felt a little better. Although the trip was a serious loss, it was not unacceptable to get a magic mine.

Master Liu put away his fan, and flew to the corpse of the ore-eater with his weak body, trying to see if there was anything else that could be used.

"Bang..." Master Liu was sent flying by the "corpse" before he could step forward to check it out.

The "corpse" stood up, but the whole body was pitch-black, and its appearance could not be fully seen.

Master Liu flew a hundred meters away, spitting out blood, the suppressed injuries on his body broke out one by one, and the poisonous gas gradually entered his body.

"How is it possible!" Master Liu forced himself to stand up and yelled.

That is his most confident treasure, and also the strongest treasure.

He used it to kill countless enemies who were stronger than him. Ever since he brought it out in a secret place, he hadn't missed it yet.

It is not too much to call it the strongest treasure below the devil general.

Because of its power, he also regarded it as his own natal magic treasure after he became a magic general in the future.

But even if you don't believe it, the scene in front of you actually happened.

The ore-eating beast was really angry at this moment. He roared, dragged his wounds and walked towards the magic mine. He opened a huge mouth of the abyss and wrapped everything in his mouth.

The voice of "硌硌硌" sounded in his mouth.

The huge magic mine was eaten up in an instant, and the rest were some scattered magic mines.

After the ore-eater swallowed the last bite, the scorched parts of his whole body recovered in a state visible to the naked eye.

"Not good!" Seeing that this guy was like this, Mr. Liu couldn't restrain himself at the moment. He grabbed the elixir from his bosom hastily, and swallowed it without knowing what kind it was. Step on the flying sword, and suddenly accelerate to fly far away.

After the ore-eating beast noticed it, it was furious. Naturally, it was impossible to let him run away, so it chased after it while absorbing its strength and recovering.

Even though Master Liu's speed is already very fast now, he still finds it too slow, wishing for someone to pull him hard in front.

"No, that bastard is catching up." Master Liu's face suddenly changed drastically, he kept taking out the pills in his arms, grabbed them and swallowed them into his mouth, thinking that the monster would at least recover for a while He caught up, but he still underestimated the ore eater's hatred for him.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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But the good news is that his speed is not very fast, and he can't fly, he can only run on the ground, which gives him some comfort.

"It's almost here, just stick to the time for one stick of incense." Master Liu began to pray in his heart.

When he was not injured, this distance was only a cup of tea, but now that he is injured, and there is not so much magic energy to provide, the speed is much slower than usual, but it is not too bad.

Fortunately, he can still bless his speed when he is half-demonized, so it is much more comfortable to think about it.

At least one person and one beast were injured, and they are currently in a balance.

Time passed bit by bit, and the orcs were chasing.

When Mr. Liu swallowed an unknown number of pills, he had already recovered his human form, and he no longer had any extra magic energy to support the supernatural power. He took the time to explore back with his divine sense, and found that the fellow was actually faster than before. up.

Seeing that it will arrive in a while, but somehow he senses a sense of danger. This is the monk's sixth sense, which arises from time to time, but it is this sixth sense that often saves his life, so he dare not gamble.

Without the slightest hesitation, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body turned into a half-demon once again. This time, the speed unexpectedly reached its peak, but Master Liu's complexion gradually turned pale, and a few strands of his jet-black hair turned gray. This is a secret method to improve one's ability by sacrificing one's lifespan, which is known by ordinary monks.

However, most monks will not use it lightly, unless their lives are in danger.

The ore-eating beast chased after it, like a mountain coming towards the ground, swaying and deafening.

At this time, he was chasing him while absorbing the magic crystal. After he recovered some functions, he watched the person in front of him slow down for some reason, and suddenly a huge ball of dark black saliva gathered in his mouth.

"Pfft..." Suddenly, the huge mouth of the abyss opened, spewing out more saliva than before, just like the river.

When the saliva was about to touch Master Liu, Master Liu left that position instantly with a mouthful of blood, opening the distance between him and him.

Mr. Liu noticed a gust of wind passing by, looked back, and immediately understood, the monster recovered a little strength, and started to strike, fortunately he made a move one step ahead, otherwise he would have passed away before he got there up.

Fortunately for him, he flew to the starting position, and it can be said that there is nothing left at this moment.

But he knew that they were all in hiding, and he could know that there were people here if he scanned them deliberately with a little divine sense, but he could detect it, and the ore-eating beast could also detect it.

According to the original plan, another plan was used, but who knew that he was injured all over his body. At this moment, he could only use his body as a lure to bring the monster in, otherwise all of them would not be able to leave.

Master Liu pretended to be exhausted and reached the edge of the deep formation.

The ore-eating beast has been dominated by anger at this moment, so he didn't think there was any trap here, not to mention that when he saw that hateful human finally stopped, he felt happy and walked quickly to the center.

Master Liu was startled, he didn't expect to get it so soon, but soon he sent a message from Mrs. Mo's position.

After Madam Mo received the sound transmission, she sent out a bright light above her head.

She also saw the ore-eating beast chasing the injured Master Liu earlier, she panicked and wanted to go up, but she didn't dare to come out on her own when she didn't receive the order from Master Liu, for fear of being beaten. Mess plan.

At this moment, Lu Chen opened his eyes, and the pale face remained on his face, lingering.

It was only about half an hour between Mr. Liu's back and forth. During this half hour, he not only just meditated and rested, but also used the remaining time to think about how to avoid this disaster.

And Mrs. Mo has never disturbed him during this period of time, which also made him quite comfortable.

As the ore-eating beast stepped into the center of the formation, Master Liu quickly took a few steps back, away from the center of the formation.

After Mrs. Mo's bright light came out, all the elites of the Liu Mansion who had ambushed in advance all emerged from under the sand, and more than 70 iron swords formed a formation and connected together.

The ore-eating beast was directly trapped by the magic circle, and he tried to break free but it was useless.

Madam Mo flew to Master Liu's side at this moment, looking at his injured body, her face showed worry.

Master Liu's injuries are very serious at this time, but the most important thing is the lost blood, and the injury from the ore-eater's claws.

The wound was poisonous, and now he could take a breath and use magic power to suppress the erosion of the poison.

"Husband, how could you be hurt so badly? With your proud ability, even if you can't beat it, you can escape."

Mrs. Mo took out a handkerchief to help him wipe the wound on his body, and said with concern.

"It's my husband's carelessness. Ma'am, don't worry, the injury is still under control, but I have to open the treasure house after I go back."

"The beast is very old. I'll recover first, and you go to help them first." After finishing speaking, Master Liu took out the bottles and cans from his arms, put the pills into his mouth like snacks, and closed his eyes on the spot. Sitting up cross-legged, but with a ray of consciousness, he kept paying attention to the battlefield in front of him.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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