Lu Chen watched them go out, and felt lonely in his heart.

Ever since he came to this world, everything has changed a lot. Although he is eager to return to the Tianyuan Continent, the price is probably worth his whole life, not to mention that he doesn't know what's going on there. His friends, brothers, Brother, brother, the person he loves doesn't know what to do.

"Oh, what's the matter with me, I suddenly become sentimental."

Lu Chen covered his heart with his hands, and looked ahead silently, as soon as he came, he would be at peace, and there would be a way to get back there.

"Speaking of which, I haven't taken a bath for more than half a year."

Lu Chen untied the only remaining clothes on his body, jumped into the bathtub, and the clear water instantly became turbid, and the floating lotus petals and pus accumulated together.

"Ma'am, do you really want to do that?"

The commander just looked at Mrs. Mo in front of him.

"I didn't expect that when you were mistaken, it turned out to be worthless. Naturally, we wouldn't provide him with anything, even though the contract has been signed, so just arrange some doctors for him, don't waste too much.

All right, you go out. "

Mrs. Mo looked a little impatient.

If it weren't for the person in front of her who has been with her for many years, she would have issued an order to evict her. Every time she thinks of this bloody letter, she will have a headache. After all, this is similar to a two-way agreement.

"Yes, ma'am."

The leader had just left Mrs. Mo's room, so he could only shake his head and smile wryly. Although he already knew what was going on, he still had to check it out.

But this can only be blamed on himself.

In fact, if he was in Mrs. Mo's position, he would do the same. There are already a lot of people in Liuque's mansion. Although there are a lot of resources, it doesn't matter to raise one or two more trash, but it is not such a waste.

I just shook my head and stopped thinking about it.

"Lian'er, come out!"

Madam Mo turned her head and said to the barrier.

A pink jade man jumped out and stuck out his tongue at Mrs. Mo.

"Mother, why didn't you save brother Lu, how pitiful he is."

Lianhua hugged Mrs. Mo pitifully, shaking her arm.

"Why, my Lian'er has grown up!"

Mrs. Mo joked to her.

"No, I just see him being pitiful..." "Look at you, your face is flushed."

"Really! Where?

No! "

Mrs. Mo looked at her with a half-smile.

"Ah! Mother, you are fooling me."

The little girl Lianhua's mouth swelled up angrily.

"I'm ignoring you."

Mrs. Mo looked at her and shook her head: "Lian'er, some things are not as simple as you think, and you will understand later,? You still have a long way to go with Tweety, and you are not allowed to get close to him anymore. .”

"I didn't approach him."

Lianhua looked unwilling.

"It's hard for me to say anything about you when Mr. Fang was inside that day, but under the bed is not a place for you to stay alone. Okay, let's not talk about it. How did you practice that day? I want to test you .”

Madam Mo said seriously.

Lianhua heard that the incident was exposed at that time, and her face became rosy. At that time, the girl just wanted to see if there was any fun, and eavesdropped on what they said. Momentary pride.

But when he heard the second half, his face turned pale again.

"Mother, I..." Lianhua bit her lips.

"Lucky, if not, stay in the room and don't come out, and come out when you have practiced well."

Mrs. Mo didn't soften her heart just because she was her own daughter. She was someone who had experienced it, and she knew that when she was gone, they would be the ones in charge. It doesn't matter if they don't have strength in this world.

Ever since Mr. Fang took the initiative to treat him, the doctors who came here were not as good as one doctor, and several of them almost killed him.

Afterwards, Chase Lu refused to let those doctors heal him, and he also wanted to understand that an incompetent waste is not worth the other party's spending a lot of resources to treat him. The reason why the other party sent doctors is entirely because of the power of the contract. Otherwise, he would have been thrown on the road.

If he can show his value... But he can't, maybe he has no ability to show it, Lu Chen shook his head and smiled wryly.

In the past few days, the leader came to visit him at first, but as time passed, he no longer cared about him. Later, Lu Chen told the other party that he would no longer let the other party send someone to treat him.

The other party is also happy with this. Another function of the contract is that one party can give up one of his agreements, but the other party's agreement must still be fulfilled, and both parties' agreements cannot be abandoned at the same time.

Chase Lu checked his body. On the surface, he looked safe and sound, without any injuries, but in fact, external injuries did not pose any threat to him. Only internal injuries could damage his foundation, so he had to find medicine to treat his injuries.

In the past few days, no one has disturbed him, and no one asked him to do anything, and he is so happy. After some rest, his spirit recovered quickly, but his spiritual consciousness is still weak and needs to be recovered by geniuses and earth treasures , Just relying on warming is not enough.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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On this day, Lu Chen casually wore a set of clean clothes. It was a blue robe, which was worn by the servants below. It turned out that the clothes were rotten and were taken away by the people below. .

Although it was worn by the servant, Lu Chen didn't care.

Push open the door and walk towards the gate of the mansion according to the route you came in before.

The mansion looks very clean now, and the servants and servants coming and going are doing their own things, but when passing by Lu Chen, it seems that he is like a stone, indifferent, and goes straight to his own business.

There are humans and land tribes among them, and they work together in it, and they seem to be very harmonious.

This phenomenon has long been remembered by Chase Lu. Although he had many questions after he came here, he dared not ask anyone, for fear of being known that he is not from this world. What will happen to him then? I don't know.

Qingyu City is composed of East Street and West Street. There are many small streets and alleys, and no one has counted the specific ones.

Among them, there are many civilians living in the East Street, and Liuque Mansion is one of them, while the West Street is mainly populated by wealthy families.

On the way to Liuque Mansion before, Lu Chen didn't take a good look at these streets, but just paid attention to the changes in his injuries.

Now if he wants to go out and have a look, he has to grope by himself.

There are many creatures coming and going on the streets, most of them are earth and human, and there are also some strange beasts, which look very terrifying and exude a dangerous aura.

When Chase Lu saw them for the first time, he wanted to avoid them. If he hadn't seen the normal communication between the human race and them, he would have thought that the city was being invaded.

"Yufang Pavilion" is the largest store in the city, with a complete range of goods, and many rare things can be bought in it, as long as you pay enough, and there are several auctions of various sizes held here every year.

Lu Chen looked at the Yufang Pavilion in front of him, thinking about his future plans.

The first thing must be to restore one's cultivation base, and the second is to consider integrating into this place, and then find the teleportation array to go back.

But no matter what, you need money first.

Here, he found that the residents here used a kind of goods called "magic crystal" to trade.

The magic crystal is black, prismatic, about the size of a palm.

He didn't have these things on hand, not only that, but he had nothing.

Immediately gave up the plan to go in.

Leaving Yufang Pavilion, Lu Chen inquired about some news on the way. There is a large information library near here, "Dianpei Pavilion".

Dianpei Pavilion records many useful news, even some secret things are also recorded.

Lu Chen's current plan is to go there first to see if he can get the information he needs.

"Dianpei Pavilion", an attic covering a large area, nine times high, with three big characters written in thick black on the door plaque - Dianpei Pavilion.

The door was always wide open and never closed when the historic loft was first opened.

There was a counter next to the door, and a drowsy old man was sitting inside, flipping through the classics with relish. Although there were many people coming and going, they didn't affect him at all.

Lu Chen stepped into that threshold and looked around. On the whole, the structure of the first floor is almost composed of many classics, which are placed on the cabinet in rows, without any order or category.

A small number of jade pendants of different colors are stored in open boxes, and the information and price of the jade pendants are written on the outside of the box.

After browsing through it roughly, Chase Lu concluded that there is no charge for classics and they can be browsed by all viewers.

Although he hasn't read it, he can deduce that the content recorded in the classics is just common knowledge, while the jade pendant records some important knowledge or secrets, but the fees vary.

In fact, Lu Chen did not guess wrong, but one thing is that the jade pendant not only completely records important knowledge and secrets, but the things recorded in the jade pendant are more comprehensive, and there are also exercises and so on.

The first floor is so big, there are more than a million classics, presumably the second floor is about the same.

Lu Chen walked to a row of nearby books, and stretched out a hand to grab one of the books. The cover was the same as their books, and there was no similarity, nor was there any font printed on it.

Lu Chen held it in one hand, and gently opened it with the other hand, revealing many densely packed characters.

"I didn't expect the text to be different here."

Lu Chen's head was a little dizzy looking at the words that he had never touched before, although he already knew it when he looked at the plaques on the road.

However, Lu Chen still didn't believe in evil, and flipped through every book one after another, and didn't stop until there were a hundred books.

At this moment, Lu Chen fell into deep thought, but soon a bright light lit up in his eyes, and his whole person became different.

The old man inside the door was still holding a book and reading, sometimes nodding, sometimes whispering to himself, sometimes jumping up... Lu Chen walked over with crisp steps, looked at the seemingly crazy old man, He opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated for a while, and still didn't make a sound.

In this way, this scene appeared in Dianpei Pavilion: one person was standing and the other was sitting, as if time had stopped and had not moved.

Finally, Lu Chen couldn't help but said: "Senior, I have something to ask for advice."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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