"Then let's go, it's a pity that that thing is not here, or maybe we can't find it here."

Lan Lingdao said.

"Let's go."

The two of Lu Chen and the beast were about to go out, but at this moment they felt a breath of destruction sweeping over.

The pressure of that breath was so great that even though it was still far away, it still made Chase Lu and the others feel uncomfortable.

They sacrificed their body protection weapons one after another before they eased up a little.

"What it is?

Come over to us quickly! "

Lu Chen was shocked.

Their faces were covered with sweat at this time, their bodies were slightly lowered, and their feet had sunk into the ground.

"Not sure, but it's not a good omen, it seems... It seems to be the power to destroy the world."

Of the few present, only Lan Lingdao could answer his question at this moment.

"I'm afraid that thing came over in less than a dozen breaths, and the guardian who wanted to come here couldn't resist the power of that thing.

quick?!Let's go! "

Lan Lingdao shouted hoarsely.

"Where are you going?

Where else can I go now? "

Lu Chen's face was pale, and suddenly, a shadow of death enveloped everyone.

"Altar, on the other side of the altar, there is a key to open the formation.

That painting is, take him down and insert it in the middle, then the formation can be activated, sending us away, quick! "

Lan Lingdao's expression was the same at this time, he knew that their time was running out, so he simply finished talking quickly.

"I can't move, the pressure is too much!"

Lu Chen really wanted to do what he said, but he couldn't move forward no matter what. It seemed that there was a mountain pressing him down.

At this time, Lan Lingdao's face was livid and ferocious, and he said to the ancient fierce ape: "Brother, let's use all our energy to protect the rear immediately, hurry up!"

The Primordial Fierce Ape did not speak, but expressed all this with actions. A surge of energy exploded from him, and so did Lanling Dao, one red and one blue alternated.

Lu Chen immediately felt the pressure shrink instantly, and he could take a step forward, so he ran out with all his strength and the power of that day.

He seized the painting with lightning speed. According to his original thought, it would take some time to get it. Unexpectedly, there was no mystery in the painting, so he succeeded quickly.

Immediately insert the painting into the center of the altar, and immediately the whole altar comes alive.

The whole space began to light up.

Before he could be happy, the breath of death had already reached outside the hall, and it must have reached them in two more breaths.

"Come on!"

Lu Chen shouted loudly.

"Take care, Brother Lu!"

Lan Ling said that it's not that he didn't want to leave, but he couldn't, not to mention that this death was not in vain.

"Oh..." The ancient fierce ape had a trace of unwillingness and pride in his eyes, but he didn't come over and still fought for him.

Now is not the time to think about messy emotions, when death comes, it doesn't matter who you are!He will use a sickle to reap you severely, when it is time to reap.

Lu Chen is not the kind of mother-in-law, so he immediately jumped into the teleportation array.

And at that moment the teleportation array was activated, and the breath of death also began to overwhelm Lan Lingdao and the Primordial Ominous Ape.

Before Lu Chen had time to look at them for the last time, a white light instantly drowned him.

I don't know how many months it has been. Chase Lu lay motionless in the desert, with a big sun hanging above his head, turning around day and night.

Let him be left to dry here, and he has never seen the coldness of the night.

A few months ago, the moment he was sent out by the teleportation array, his entire spiritual consciousness was destroyed, and he once thought that his body and head were separated.

Just when he was about to rejoice that he survived, he internally breathed his body again.

Only then did he realize that his cultivation was gone, and even his dantian and all the treasures had been shattered by the transmitted power.

He couldn't let go of this result for a long time.

But the only good thing is that his spiritual consciousness has been preserved. Although he has been seriously injured, as long as he still has his spiritual consciousness, he may not be able to restore his previous cultivation base.

It didn't take long before countless black spots flew over his head, and the ear-piercing screeching gave his consciousness another slight blow.

But it's not enough to hurt the most fundamental.

He had never seen that black spot before, with four wings on his waist and eight fingers on his feet, exuding a faint devilish aura.

The black dot above didn't seem to notice him, or didn't like him, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye, leaving only the faint clouds to outline a beautiful landscape.

In this huge desert, a group of convoys are slowly marching in the distance.

The leader is a humanoid monster with long horns, more than two meters high, and it is unknown whether the naked body is male or female, male or female, and riding an eight-legged strange beast, also known as Bar Jun.

Behind him there are hundreds of horned humanoid monsters like him and those handsome men.

There are so many items in the car, which are blocked by several closed cages.

This appearance seems to be somewhat similar to those businessmen from the mainland, the only difference is that none of them are holding convenient weapons.

Just like that, this group of convoys went straight to a position. If there was no deviation, they would definitely meet Lu Chen on the road in a short time.

......Above the top of the clouds, there is a mountain range, but ordinary people can't see it.

There were two old men playing chess, one of them was dressed in black, with horns on his head, and he had the same body shape as the guy in the desert; shape.

The black clothes held the chess, and when he made a move, the opponent's chess pieces were trapped in an instant.

The white clothes hold the chess, one step falls, and the situation stands back.

One person and one chess, you attack and I defend, evenly matched.

"The world has changed, you and I have played this game of chess for millions of years, during which there were back and forth and never stopped.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Only this time, the chess piece has changed, and it's time to draw. "

The old man in white was stroking his long beard and holding on to the chess piece, as if he had nowhere to play.

The old man in black was silent, but his mind became active.

He pinched his hands once, and his eyes suddenly turned gray. He looked into the distance, as if he could see through the ages.

"No, there are still chess to go."

The sun has gone through the sky several times and several times.

But Lu Chen was still lying there, bored, counting the days based on that trajectory.

After so many days, he found that the time here was slightly longer than that there.

Today, when he was about to count for a short period of time, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance.

This is the voice he has heard again since some time ago.

In the distance, a group of figures could be vaguely seen appearing in his eyes.

When the convoy was more than 100 meters away from him, the leader seemed to be saying something, and then jumped off the bark.

He quickly came to Lu Chen's side.

The horned monster looked him up and down, so Lu Chen might as well be different.

It was the native inhabitants of the continent that he had seen for so long.

Although I don't know whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, it's okay to say if it is a friend, but if it is an enemy, he can only be slaughtered based on his current state.

As the two looked at each other, the horned monster opened its mouth first, and spit out some words that Chase Lu could not understand.

He wanted to speak, but in the end he remained silent.

The monster seemed to be talking for so long, but the other party didn't respond, and immediately understood something.

He stretched out his hand and waved it back.

I saw a little monster more than one meter tall running from behind.

He took a box and handed it to the big monster.

The big monster opened the box, and used its thick fingers to take out the only remaining pill.

He motioned to Lu Chen, and gently put the pill demon into Lu Chen's mouth.

Lu Chen had the elixir in his mouth, and he scanned it several times with his faint spiritual sense, and found that there was no poisonous ingredient, so he swallowed it.

It melts in the mouth and is amazingly potent.

The big monster was not in a hurry, and after Chase Lu digested the time for a cup of tea, he asked.

The strange thing is that this time Chase Lu understood what he was talking about.

"This fellow Taoist can understand what I'm saying.

I ask you now, who are you and why are you here?

You must know that the Yellow Wind Desert is so dangerous, ordinary people can't easily set foot here. "

"Yellow Wind Desert! I don't know, I came here only because a certain space broke and got involved.

And I'm just a mortal, nothing special.

You can call me Lu Chen. "

Lu Chen could only answer with a wry smile.

"This doesn't look like a fake. Recently, the number of space cracks here has increased more and more. Like fellow daoists, there are so many every year."

The big monster laughed softly.

"Okay, I see that fellow Daoist, you are seriously injured, and your foundation has been damaged. Why don't we treat you like this, but the price is that you will work for us for 20 years. You will be free after the term expires."

The big monster said with a sinister smile.

After the big monster finished speaking, Lu Chen began to calculate the gains and losses in his heart.

And he didn't urge.

Soon Lu Chen agreed, because he learned from him that few people come here, and he doesn't know how long it will be until the next time he meets someone. Anyway, 20 years is not long for him.

Besides, he also needs an identity now.

"Very good, fellow daoist's move is definitely a wise choice."

The big monster laughed loudly, and took out an object from its bosom.

Slowly unfolding, there is a long piece of paper with many people's names printed on it.

"Fellow Daoist, seal it!"

Lu Chen looked at it for a long time, frowned, and said nothing.

"You don't understand this, do you?"

The big monster said, and then slapped his palm on the head, "I almost forgot, you can't lift your hand at all with this injury!"

"I'll help you!"

The big monster took out a sharp weapon, poked Lu Chen's thumb lightly, and printed the long paper on the bleeding place.

"Contract knot!"

Once a verbal promise is made and pressed on the bloody paper, the oath will wrap around the oath-taker and allow him to fulfill his promise automatically.

This kind of contract is very popular with the horned monster, and it works well.

With the pressing of the handprint, Lu Chen felt something extra on his body. Although he didn't know that there would be the above hazards or other effects, he could remove it when his strength recovered.

The big monster put away the bloody paper and laughed.

"My name is Gang, and I'm the leader of the following team. From then on, we are teammates. Welcome to join us."

Na just picked him up, pointed to the back and said.

The one-meter-long little guy beside him was also a little happy at this time, and stretched out his hand.

"My name is Mi Ling! You are welcome to join me. I like Luqi Tang the most. Can I give Mi Ling Tang?"

That Mi Ling looked at him with big eyes, which made him feel a little turbulent, and then he shook his head.

Back in the convoy, Lu Chen was helped into the last row of the convoy, where there was an idle car dedicated to work and rest.

After looking at Lu Chen's position, he raised his leg and walked to one of the car positions, pulled the curtain, and walked up.

The seat inside is big enough to accommodate ten people, and even a person with a body like this one can fit seven or eight people.

There are three women sitting firmly inside, they don't have that kind of horns, each of them has a different body shape, and each has its own beauty, which is comparable.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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