Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2710 Get Inherited

"Go, don't worry about me." The Primordial Vicious Ape squeezed out a few words from between its teeth in pain, and its eyes gradually became lax.

Such a huge amount of energy was directly poured into the five-colored god stone from its body, and it simply couldn't bear this kind of load.

"No, let's go together!"

The Primordial Fierce Ape has never been a person who is afraid of death. Although this family is bloodthirsty and cruel, as long as it recognizes you as a friend, it will exchange its life for another.

Lu Chen poured out a lot of items from his interspatial ring, a dazzling array of rare treasures of various colors, Lan Lingdao's eyes were straightened, the background was probably more than his, and he put away the things in his eyes in a blink of an eye. Being greedy, he also took out some of his rare treasures.

"Suppressing the Devil's Table!"

Lan Lingdao tried his best to use his tongue and blood to force the magic table to work.

"What is this?

Such a powerful magic energy! "

While rummaging around, Lu Chen couldn't help being startled when he saw that Lanling Road was full of demonic energy.

The Demon Suppressing Terrace was acquired by Lanling Dao in a murderous tomb in the early years. This thing is dangerous, and it seems that it is not the righteous way.

It is worth mentioning that the Demon Suppressing Table is not a traditional magic weapon, but a sacrificial offering.

That's right, it's an offering for sacrificial offerings.

The Demon Suppressing Terrace looks like a blood-colored stone from a distance, but it is scary when you look at it up close.

Its surface is glued together by countless skulls, each with a big mouth open, chewing each other, densely packed, tumbling and surging, very attractive.

"This is the Demon Suppression Platform that has absorbed [-] demon souls, have you seen the skulls on it?

As long as a monster is killed, this thing will have an extra demon soul. This item is effective for monsters, but not ideal for humans. "

Lanlingdao knew the story here, and had already made preparations before coming here. In order to prevent the remnants of the dark demon, he specially brought this thing with him.

Although he hasn't encountered it yet, and he doesn't know if this item is useful, but he is willing to take it out and try it in order to save the Primordial Vicious Ape.

When such an item appeared, the world fell into chaos, and the black mist that had been floating in the air seemed to be affected, and began to swim restlessly.

But Lu Chen had no time to care about other things, he helped Lan Lingdao to mobilize the Demon Suppressing Platform together.


With Lu Chen's help, this magical weapon suddenly became larger, and the skull head was activated, scrambling to break free, staring at the sky, the black mist in the sky was extremely tempting to it.

After the mnemonic mantra in Lanling Dao's mouth was finished, thousands of transfigured skulls flew out, passing through the ancient fierce ape and crashing directly into the five-colored god stone.

And some of the skulls flew into the air uncontrollably, devouring the black mist, and every time they devoured one, the skulls grew stronger.

The Five-Colored Divine Stone was staggered by the overwhelmed skull, and finally let go of one finger of the Primordial Ominous Ape.

"Just work harder!"

Lan Lingdao said loudly, he mobilized the blood, and spit it on the Demon Suppressing Platform, the phantom suddenly rose sharply, the skull shot back like a shot, and the Primordial Ominous Ape finally got out of trouble.

At the same time, Lu Chen's "burning stick" shattered with a bang, and there was a loud sword cry, and a bright golden light burst out from the sky, and a crazy will swept across the entire space. The ape almost went crazy, but fortunately, Lu Chen sealed its five senses in time.

At this time, at the other end of the Tongtian Sect, a huge ancient building stood majestically, and a fat monk appeared at the top of the building. He sat cross-legged, watching his nose, nose and heart, blending with this space, peaceful peaceful.

The scabbard next to him shook violently.

The fat monk looked at the scabbard and praised: "It's faster than I thought, it's a good seed.

I can wait for him, and when he grows up to be about the same as me, I will challenge him. Don't say that I bully the small with the big. "


The crazy will slapped on Lu Chen's body, Lu Chen trembled physically and mentally, he gritted his teeth, not to be affected by this will.

This kind of will is like resurrecting a god. In front of this god, Lu Chen couldn't even breathe smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, stars flickered in the sky, and a vague figure burst out from the divine sword that broke out of the cocoon.

When this figure appeared in this space, the world seemed to quiet down.

There is no more will to go crazy, the black mist in the sky no longer surges, the astonishment on the faces of Lan Lingdao and the Primordial Ape still stays on their faces, this space is still.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"The power of time!"

Lu Chen was a little nervous. The fire stick was obtained from the inheritance of the mad swordsman, and this sword was probably the most amazing thing among them. Lu Chen boldly guessed that this sword was probably the sword of the crazy swordsman.

The sword that accompanies the crazy swordsman to give glory is right in front of his eyes. If it is said to be inherited, this is already the greatest inheritance.

However, Lu Chen was not dazzled by the surprise, because in front of him was a figure of unknown origin, a person who could control the power of time.

This figure gradually manifested, and slowly, Lu Chen saw the appearance clearly.

This person is tall and middle-aged, and his sword eyebrows are raised very high, revealing a hint of arrogance.

"Senior Crazy Sword?"

Lu Chen asked hesitantly.

"Boy, did you wake me up?"

The middle-aged people wandered around Chase Lu, looking at him wantonly.

"Unintentional move, senior is still proficient in the art of space?"

Lu Chen.

"It's not proficient, it's just a little fur that I practiced in my spare time."

The middle-aged man watched Lu Chen for a long time and suddenly smiled and said, "It's interesting, your story is very long."

Lu Chen was puzzled. The crazy swordsman said that his story was very long. Could it be that he could discover his previous experience just by looking at it a few times?

Lu Chen became vigilant and stepped back a few steps.

The other party just looked at him a few more times, so they can see his past experience. A person of this level is unpredictable.

"Oh, don't be nervous, I won't eat you again."

The middle-aged man pointed to the divine sword and said with a smile: "Since Luanwu has chosen you, it means you are worthy of my inheritance."

Coincidentally, this sword was actually taken by Lu Chen at will. At that time, he thought that he could not return empty-handed, but he did not expect to pick up a big deal, and it turned out to be the inheritance of the mad swordsman.


Lu Chen silently read the name of the sword, guessing the meaning of the name, and said: "This sword is called Chaos Wu, which means fighting chaos with force."

"No no no."

The middle-aged man shook his head again and again: "It means dancing the sword indiscriminately. My sword has no rules, only dancing randomly."

Lu Chen was ashamed, he didn't expect the dignified mad swordsman to name his sword so casually, but Lu Chen benefited a lot from the mad swordsman's next remark.

The crazy swordsman said: "If there is no trick, there will be no flaws. I only need to dance the sword for the rest of my life, and this sword will surely move Kyushu."

When Lu Chen was pondering the meaning of this sentence, a huge amount of information was directly poured into Lu Chen's mind domineeringly.

This is the way of the mad swordsman, including many secret books of exercises, which is the root of the mad swordsman's fame in Jiuzhou.

"Everyone has their own Tao, you only need to refer to it, and it is your own decision whether to learn or not."

The middle-aged man handed over Luan Wu to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen felt the weight of the sword, and the mission it originally entrusted seemed to be on Lu Chen's body at this moment.

Lu Chen understood the good intentions of the crazy swordsman, and accepted the inheritance. The crazy swordsman is his master, and Lu Chen bowed: "Master."

"Ah, finally freed, finally fulfilled my last long-cherished wish.

Don't disgrace this sword, or I'll be a ghost and I won't let you go. "

The middle-aged man laughed.

"I don't dare, I will definitely make this sword shine in the future."

Lu Chen hereby makes a promise to the crazy swordsman.

Although the master and apprentice only had a brief contact, Lu Chen only felt that the crazy swordsman is extraordinary in this moment, and this master Lu Chen recognized it as a good one.

Under Lu Chen's respectful gaze, the figure gradually disintegrated and turned into a little bit of starlight, shining brightly in this world for the last time.

Time entered the normal order again. Lan Lingdao wondered what the crazy will was just now, and he didn't notice the strangeness of Lu Chen just now, and he didn't notice that the sword had been accepted by Lu Chen. The god stone attracts attention.

Because enough energy was absorbed, the multicolored god stones that had been broken into countless pieces were automatically combined at this time, and a huge disc appeared in front of Lu Chen and the three of them.

"This is the complete spider eye."

Lan silently pocketed the Zhenmotai, and this item will be of great use in the future.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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