Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2706 Everything is ready

With Lu Chen as the center, a burst of water ripples lit up under Lu Chen's feet, and the whole hall began to roar, followed by a ray of light from Lu Chen's feet, covering the three of Lu Chen in an instant.

At the entrance of the Forbidden Mountain, two high-walled gates stood, under the dim moonlight, it looked desolate and majestic.

In the dark night sky, there was a ripple, and a voice came: "It's time."

"Tongtianjiao, the glory of the past!" Another handsome face gradually emerged from the darkness.

This person is the dean of the Academy of the Holy Way. He stands with his hands behind his back, gentle and refined, and he expresses his feelings in the face of these two heavenly gates.There is a scroll of calligraphy and painting behind him, obviously he came prepared, but no one knows what that scroll of calligraphy and painting is.

"Hehe, it deserves it. There must be a day when I wanted to teach you to swallow that fetish." Behind that handsome face was an extremely ugly face that opened its mouth and said.

"The Tongtian Sect, who has ambitions and an appetite, never imagined that he would have such a day. We haven't set foot here for many years, right?" The speaker was the head of Jiansha College, and he spoke with a vicious aura, without concealing it.

"The Tongtian Sect is just a flash in the pan, and today's era is our era." The Peacock King said, at this moment, she no longer has the previous care, on the contrary, she wants that thing more than others.

"The Holy Devil suffered a heavy blow. The mess that our colleges took care of, sealed the Holy Devil and sealed that thing underground. There was an agreement back then that Tianhuo Academy, Holy Dao Academy, Jiansha Academy and Danqing Temple were not allowed to enter this place. Here became ruins."

An old man fell from the sky, he was the vice president of Tianhuo Academy, he sighed: "It's a pity, it's a pity."

The dean of the Holy Taoist Academy said: "Gufen, are you pitying that person? Or pitying that thing underground?"

The vice president of Tianhuo Academy glanced at the little girl and smiled without saying a word. The little girl turned cold when she heard this.

There is an iron rule in Danqing Temple, as long as you are a member of Danqing Temple, you can't get close to men. The crazy swordsman abducted the most talented successor of Danqing Temple back then, which became the laughing stock of everyone at that time, and it was also something that Danqing Temple has always been difficult to cover up. pain.

It is also because of this that Dan Qing'an is very dissatisfied with the crazy swordsman, and has always kept a silent attitude towards the crazy swordsman who has left his name in history.

The little girl said coldly: "A dead man, he lied to me to teach the Supreme Book, what regrets? In my opinion, death is not a pity. The world is confused, and you are also confused?"

The Supreme Treasure of Danqing'an has always been passed on to women but not to men. In that place, men are just slaves for others to order.

"Hey, is the supreme meaning of Danqing Temple really pure and clean?" The ugly face smiled evilly and said, "The mad swordsman and you taught the saint to become Taoist companions, and their cultivation base increased greatly. So that's what happened."

"Shut up! Don't insult my teachings, believe it or not, I'll cut off your head?" The Peacock King stood proudly in the sky, and a peacock phantom manifested, domineering.

Seeing this, the ugly face shut up obediently and stopped talking.

"Cough cough cough cough!

Although this place has been abandoned for a long time, it was once the site of the Tongtian Sect after all, and there are many institutions, so the road will definitely be blocked.To be on the safe side, we enter from the Dark Demon Cave. "The old man coughed violently, and his body was shrouded in darkness all the time, full of gloom.

"That person is dead, Gufen, what are you afraid of? In this day and age, there are not many who can stop us." The Peacock King said.

Back then, the Crazy Swordsman was not long after he was born, and he tried to pick out the most powerful people from all major sects. Tianhuo Academy was one of them, and the dean has always been a mysterious figure who rarely showed himself in front of the world. Therefore, as the vice dean at that time The solitary tomb took place on behalf of the battle, the battle proceeded very quickly, the crazy swordsman only used three swords, and the lonely tomb was defeated. After the crazy swordsman left, he left a sentence: "If the mind is not right, it is difficult to make a climate."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Since then, Gufen has suffered a serious illness, and the root cause of the disease has fallen.

From then on, the crazy swordsman became the brightest star in that era, but the good times didn't last long. Under the coercion of the dark demon, the crazy swordsman entered the magic cave alone.Several colleges heard the news and knew that this was a good time to eliminate demons and defend Taoism, so they poured out their teaching power to block the forbidden mountain and bombarded it with Taoist weapons for dozens of days.

And the one who contributed the most was Tianhuo Academy. At that time, the dean traveled all over the world, acting as a teacher in a lonely grave, and devoted all the strength of the whole teaching, and killed the dark demon in the devil's lair at any cost.But in the end, whether it is an exorcist or an exorcist swordsman, the wise see their wisdom.

The Dao Artifact has always been the heavy weapon of this era, the foundation that only some great religions can have, and the treasure of the town religion forged with the painstaking efforts of countless sages.

This type of weapon is very difficult for individuals to use, because it is difficult to meet the energy it needs. Even if it is used by a strong person in the Tianyuan realm, it will drain one's own spiritual power with just one use.

Gu Fen shook his head: "Of course I'm not afraid of him. It would be better for him to live to relieve my demons." While speaking, there was something extra in his hand. It was a black teapot with a missing lid. The teapot had no spout and looked broken.But when such an ordinary but ordinary teapot appeared, everyone's expressions changed drastically when they saw it, and they exclaimed: "Swallowing Tianhu!"

"Isn't the Tianhuo Academy's Heaven Swallowing Pot always in the hands of the head of Tianhuo Academy? What about you?" The Peacock King turned pale, and hurriedly backed away, very afraid of this tattered teapot.

She was worried that Gufen would use this thing against her. The major forces in the southern region basically had weapons like Dao weapons, but she never expected that Gufen would bring it.

Since the last demon extermination, this ferocious Taoist artifact has never appeared in front of the world again.Legend has it that the head of Tianhuo Academy returned from traveling all over the world and took back the Tianhuo Pot.

"It is, and it is not."

Gufen smiled: "Don't worry, this is just an imitation, but it is not an ordinary imitation, it is also made by the sages, it is called the fairy light pot.

People in the world only know that my Tianhuo Academy has the Heaven Swallowing Pot, but they don't know that there is also the Immortal Light Pot. The Immortal Light Pot is its incarnation. Although it is not as good as a Taoist weapon, it is also extremely powerful. "

The dean of Jiansha Academy laughed loudly and said, "Haha, with this magical pot, I am a little more sure."

"You all don't hide it. I'm afraid your Taoism suppressing weapon is already aimed at this place?" Gufen said.

The scholar-like dean of the Holy Dao Academy and the dean of Jiansha Academy nodded. Just in case, unexpected things might happen here, and they had prepared for it long before.It's just that the Dao weapon is hard to get, and it's inconvenient to carry it on the body, but it's so powerful that it can kill a party across thousands of miles.

Dao artifacts cannot be like other spirit treasures, magic weapons can be large or small, it is so big when the modeling is completed, just like the Tao artifact of Jianshamen, it is a pagoda as tall as one hundred feet, that thing can't be carried on the body at all .

"With just a few of us and this thing in hand, it shouldn't be difficult to walk sideways here, right?" said the dean of Jiansha Academy.

"No, this time it's not just us. People from the southern and western regions have come. Don't worry, only a few little guys have come from the northern region. I heard that a big Buddha has come from the western region. I want to bring that thing back and suppress it in Wuxiang. Temple."

Wuxiang Temple is the highest temple in the Western Region, and as the ruler of the largest forces in the Southern Region, he is naturally well-informed.

"Hmph, are those bald donkeys in the Western Regions going to get involved in this matter? Don't be afraid of getting caught up in the fire, they are about to wither, and their so-called giant Buddhas probably won't be able to survive this era, right?" The Peacock King sneered.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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