Another chaotic light shone from Xu Tianshen's eyes. This light was the gaze, which came from the gods looking down.

A look of fear suddenly appeared in the eyes of the fierce ape, and its scarlet eyes became clear.

Because from that gaze he saw something unbelievable, something he had never seen before, not because of the power of this gaze, but because of his fear, the fear of unknown existence, even though it has the power from ancient times. The blood of the ancient fierce ape, but under the gaze of that gaze, he felt ashamed, and the inherent evil thoughts in his mind were subdued, and it should kneel down as a matter of course.

The fierce ape's huge body suddenly knelt down, and its ferocious face became peaceful. Its hunger disappeared at this moment, and it looked so devout.

"Is this the way of the gods?" Everyone was stunned. It's unbelievable to make an ancient fierce ape kneel willingly. Even the person who trapped the giant ape probably didn't have the ability Bar?Otherwise, if the giant ape was sincerely guarding the gate, why would he add chains and suppress it with inscriptions?

Then wouldn't it mean that Xu Tianshen is more powerful than the person who suppressed this ancient fierce ape!

Lu Chen was also surprised. He was very curious about what the fierce ape saw, and what in those chaotic vertical eyes could make such a fierce beast kneel down.

Li Wei, who had fought before, was amazed in his heart. Now he thinks that he is no match for Xu Tianshen. This is a bit of a blow to him, but it can even arouse his desire for a strong man. As long as his sword intent is strong enough, then he will be God, I also cut down with a sword!

Suddenly, Xu Tianshen spurted blood out of his heart for some reason, and that ray of chaotic gaze was quickly withdrawn into his vertical eyes. His body softened and he fell straight down, mocking himself in his heart: "The Taoist heart is not stable!" , I shouldn't have disobeyed the old man."

The vicious ape's expression was astonished. I don't know why the god in front of him fell down. Will the god fall down too?

So, isn’t the meat of God delicious?

This thought of the fierce ape suddenly aroused the evil thoughts in his heart, the originally clear eyes turned scarlet again, the evil thoughts that had been suppressed for a while rose from his heart, and the hunger instantly dazzled his brain.

There are only four words in its mind: "Eat the gods!" This evil thought is like a squeezed spring, the heavier it is, the higher it bounces.

"Not good, Xu Tianshen is in danger, his current Dao Xin has not yet reached that stage."

The vicious ape grabbed Xu Tianshen who was lying on the ground, his eyes were full of greed, and there were two rows of nail-like teeth growing in the gaping mouth, and it was about to swallow Xu Tianshen.

The situation changed too quickly. One second before the ominous ape was surrendered by Xu Tianshen, he knelt down piously, and the next second he was about to violently eat Xu Tianshen. Everyone's mood fluctuated as if they were riding a highland car.

As long as such an ancient monster is swallowed by it, even if Xu Tianshen is really the reincarnation of a god, it will not help.

It only takes a blink of an eye, and Xu Tianshen is about to die here. At this moment, Lu Chen came to the dangerous area with a bang, and a sword pierced the armor. Li Wei's line of sight flickered, and Li Wei also shot, using the Ling Xiao smashing style, which was also fierce and tragic.

The fierce ape was stabbed in the eye by this sword, and he let go of the pain for a while. Lu Chen took the opportunity to rush up, his steps were blooming, and his wonderful steps unfolded. He came to the dangerous area in an instant, and rescued Xu Tianshen , carrying his collar back to the crowd.

Although Xu Tianshen couldn't move, his consciousness was very clear at the moment. He saw a strange figure rescued him, and seeing that his life was not in danger, he passed out heavily.

Unknowingly, it was already midnight, the wild wolves outside the Forbidden Mountain howled up to the sky, and passed into this empty canyon in the Forbidden Mountain, a huge dark cloud floated over and completely blocked the huge moon.

The ape who was in pain realized that the food he had reached his mouth had been taken away by someone. He was in pain, angry and regretful for a while. He kept slapping the ground and his own chest. For a while, the entire Forbidden Mountain Valley trembled. Shake, even the huge stone tablet, with its golden light, can't suppress the rage of the fierce ape.

A dark cloud in the sky blocked the pale moonlight, and the stone monuments around the Forbidden Mountain seemed to be affected and began to flicker, as if the energy was insufficient, and the power to suppress the fierce ape was getting weaker and weaker.

The vicious ape was extremely violent, and in his eyes, he could only calm down his anger by killing and eating the group of people in front of him. His aura suddenly increased by accident, and even he didn't notice it. The stone tablet gradually faded away. Can't suppress it.

The iron chain was pulled straight by him. Normally, it was suppressed, and it was impossible to straighten this mountain-heavy iron chain. Its strength continued to grow.

rub rub!

A burst of extremely cold breath burst out from the fierce ape. The fierce ape looked at the chains in his hands in surprise. The long-lost strength made his body gradually swell up. Unknowingly, its figure grew a little bit, and it looked up to the sky. Shouting, the tragic breath filled the entire canyon.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"No, the seal can't suppress it!"

Lu Chen put Xu Tianshen down, watched the growing fierce ape break out in cold sweat, and said in a trembling voice: "The fierce ape wants to get rid of its shackles, it has to break free from this chain."

"Go quickly!"

Li Wei carried Xu Tianshen on his back, intending to sneak into the canyon while the vicious ape was not paying attention.Lu Chen was at the end, and more than 30 people passed by the fierce ape, their hairs stood on end by the fierce breath. It was like walking a tightrope, as long as the fierce ape was distracted to deal with them, it would be inevitable destruction.

After all, it is the Primordial Ominous Ape comparable to the Tianyuan Realm, so close, Lu Chen and others must not be able to bear it.

This section is a dangerous place that must be passed, and at the moment it can only slip away quietly.At this time, the fierce ape was radiating a biting cold, and it had no time to worry about Lu Chen and others. It just tightly grasped a chain that roasted its left hand with both arms, and showed pain. Knowing that the fierce ape was going to counterattack, he tried his best to suppress it. At this time, the golden light of the stele was burning, and it was transmitted to the fierce ape whose chains were burning.

The fierceness of the stele and the coldness of the fierce ape collided with each other, causing the canyon to emit a terrifying "buzzing" sound. One side was like a raging flame, and the other was like a raging fire. They were incompatible with each other, and both wanted to destroy the other.

"Let's go!" Li Wei shouted in a low voice.He and more than a dozen other senior brothers had stepped out of the dangerous area first, while Lu Chen and others were still walking behind the fierce ape carefully like walking a tightrope.

At this moment, the fierce ape sent out a bolt from his chest, and hit Lu Chen and the others with a terrifying sense of extreme cold.It noticed that this group of food wanted to sneak away.

"You go first, my queen!"

Lu Chen took out the Killing Sword and struck out several sword flowers with the ultimate Taoist rhyme to meet the ruthless horse, but the sword flower collapsed as soon as it touched the horse, and it was useless.

Lu Chen said in his heart: "This fierce ape has a natural body of extreme cold. This kind of attack is not magic or Taoism, but the extreme cold that comes with it. It has not been processed in the slightest, but it is extremely fierce and breaks everything."

If it is assisted by exercises, it will definitely shine and make it to a higher level.However, Lu Chen didn't have time to think about how unique this thing is, and how to meet the attack of the fierce ape in the current crisis.

After all, this kind of species that survived from ancient times is unique to the sky. It has such a good foundation, but it has not been well-crafted. Although this blow seems terrifying, Lu Chen still found a flaw.

After two years of seclusion, Lu Chen's understanding of sword intent and kendo has reached an incredible height. When he concentrated his mind, the surrounding scenery slowed down, and the cold streak became extremely slow and clear.

This feeling is very familiar. Chase Lu has entered it before, but it is not enough and it is different from now. At that time, the realm was far from the current state.

This state is very subtle. Chase Lu seems to be standing in the middle of a lake, with his toes lightly touching the surface of the lake, ripples spread out in circles, and all the scenes are very clear.

"Get away!" Li Wei shouted hoarsely. Lu Chen was his favorite junior, and he didn't want Lu Chen to die here.

Seeing that Chase Lu suddenly stopped moving, the brothers in the safe area thought that Chase Lu was going to give up the resistance, but who knew that in the next second, Chase Lu pulled out the killing sword in his hand, and a blackness flashed by. It was dark in front of my eyes, as if my vision was blocked by something just now, and I couldn't see anything for a moment.

It was blacker than the dark clouds that blocked the moonlight, but a tiny black line could affect everyone's vision, as if it could cover the sky and the sun.

It's like a light that can be big or small, long or short, with neither shape nor breath. The difference is that what Lu Chen wields is a "darkness", a seemingly ordinary "darkness".

Such a "darkness" actually shattered that road in an instant, and the broken horses turned into pieces of icy mist that sank into the air and fell into snowflakes.

It's hard for you to imagine that it's snowing in the desert in the canyon.

Then the "darkness" continued unabated, and hit the stone tablet by coincidence. A tiny crack appeared on the stone tablet. This crack blocked the movement of the formation on the stone tablet. It seemed that it was not a serious problem. But for the fierce ape, it is a great opportunity.

Lu Chen slashed down with a sword, as if his body had been emptied, and he couldn't control that much. At this moment, his footsteps were weak, and the most urgent thing to do was to get out of the dangerous area quickly. What's more, he doesn't even have the strength to resist now: "You stay still, don't worry about me, I can come out."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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