Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2666 Let You 3 Moves

Lu Chen suddenly felt embarrassed to bother him, not to mention that the back of the inner courtyard was originally from his inner courtyard, and he could come up to practice, but it was really embarrassing to come here as a person from the outer courtyard, especially on this It was extremely embarrassing to meet people from the inner courtyard.

Lu Chen planned to sneak down the mountain again, but unexpectedly, a voice behind him came to Lu Chen's ear, "Isn't it already up, why do you still have to go?"

Lu Chen knew that according to Li Wei's body skills and his own abilities, he naturally knew that he had come behind him, and his insight and sensitivity were relatively high, so it was important for him to know that he had already gone up the mountain. It came, Lu Chen was not surprised at all.

Lu Chen turned around slowly, only to find that Li Wei had already raised his eyes to look at him at this time. Since the old incident ended, the two of them hadn't had much intersection.

Lu Chen didn't dare to look up at Li Wei now, because he felt very embarrassed.After not seeing each other for a few days, the two of them became very estranged, and Li Wei naturally felt it.

Then, he turned around alone and looked at the green hills in front of him, sighing sadly.

After Lu Chen saw him, he suddenly noticed that his back was particularly bleak, so he raised his legs and walked beside him, and sat down suddenly.

"How are you doing these days?"

A slightly tired voice came from Lu Chen's head. Lu Chen realized that Li Wei was talking to him, and was a little excited for a while, but he didn't know how to answer Li Wei.

The two hadn't seen each other for a few days, and they didn't know how the old man's matter was handled. Lu Chen didn't ask Li Wei too much, for fear of arousing his disgust.

Unexpectedly, Li Wei's eyes turned at this time, from the angle facing the green mountain, he turned to look at Lu Chen, trying to see something from his eyes, Lu Chen was very flustered at this time.

Immediately turned his eyes away, not looking at Li Wei, and replied: "It's okay recently, since the day I parted from you, I have been helping Liu Chenqing to practice, and I found that his physique is slightly stronger."

"Extreme cultivation power has also slowly increased a lot. This is thanks to you. The purple ring that was given to me on Wendao Mountain that day can have the fruit he has today."

Li Wei's eyes lit up after hearing this. He didn't expect Lu Chen to hand over the purple ring he gave him to Liu Chenqing. It's no wonder. After all, Liu Chenqing is his younger brother. That is also a way to help yourself.It is conceivable that Li Wei really admires how smart Lu Chen is.

The more he thought about it, the more powerful he felt, and a smile unconsciously rose from the corner of his mouth. At this time, after Lu Chen said that, he found something was not right, so he quickly covered his mouth with his hands , eyes widened.

Unexpectedly, he unconsciously told the matter that he gave Liu Chenqing Zi Luohuan. Lu Chen felt that he was a little stupid at this time, and wished he could fall headfirst into the green hills.

Now I really don't have the face to see Li Wei again, but I don't know what his mood is at the moment, and whether he will blame himself. With such a mentality, Lu Chen looked up at Li Wei, but found that Li Wei is now He looked very calm, expressionless, and looked into the distance again.

But Lu Chen knew that he must have been worried for nothing. Li Wei is not the kind of stingy person. Since he has already given the purple ring to him, it should be his own how to deal with it matter.

Lu Chen was in a trance, and suddenly understood the whole thing. Li Wei would not blame himself for this matter. Lu Chen knew it well at the moment, but he didn't know why, and he felt really uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, the old man's matter has been resolved. He now knows his mistake and has already apologized to those people. This should include your little brother Liu Chenqing." Li Wei still turned his head to Lu Lu without changing his face. Dust said.

After hearing this, Lu Chen felt very surprised. He thought that this matter would always be left alone, but he didn't expect that he could get such an answer when he came here today. Naturally, it couldn't be better.

Since he already knew how to repent, it would be nice to be able to change his past mistakes. With Li Wei teaching him behind, then he should not make any trouble again, Lu Chen nodded with a smile at this moment.

"By the way, I think you came from there. If there is no accident, you should be looking for me for something, right?" Li Wei already knew everything.

When Lu Chen heard this, he nodded in panic, not knowing whether to tell him about the agreement on that day in this situation or in this place.

Li Wei looked up at Lu Chen, expecting his answer.Lu Chen closed his eyes, thinking that since he had already made up his mind to come to him, he might as well go all out, but wanted to see Li Wei's abilities, and what kind of supernatural powers he had, which would make Dongsheng's elders, those The elders were all in admiration.

It's also good to let myself see and see, and ask him for the scriptures by the way, so as to get the way of cultivation, maybe it will increase my cultivation practice and allow myself to break through the level of the original realm.

When I went to participate in the founding ceremony of Wenwen Mountain that day, I naturally wanted to seek the truth from him, but I didn't expect that one of the episodes would lead to the final result of that day, and I didn't get what I wanted.

Since I was lucky enough to meet him today, it would be better to tell the story together and ask him for advice by the way.

For a while, Lu Chen stood up suddenly, looked down at Li Wei who was looking at him at this time, and formally extended an invitation to Li Wei and said: "Brother, since this is the case, the previous matters have been properly arranged and resolved. Of course, we must abide by the agreement of the day."

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"You promised me that when this matter is over, you will have a good contest with me. I also want to see what kind of state I can reach. Then let's have a fight?"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he bowed deeply to Li Wei to show his sincerity, and when Li Wei saw what Lu Chen said, he pursed his lips and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth Come.

"Since that's the case, that's great. Let's have a good competition. I also want to see, how is your skill?" Li Wei also stood up immediately, and the two went to an open space. place.

"The terrain is flat, and it doesn't lean towards the cliff. It's very safe to have a competition here. Then I will let you make three moves. After three moves, if you can't beat me, then I will fight back , Just try your skills."

After hearing Li Wei's words, Lu Chen felt a little uneasy, and his expression suddenly changed a lot. He felt that Li Wei was looking down on him, so he sternly reprimanded him.

Facing Li Wei, he said: "Senior brother, are you looking down on me? Why do you want me to do three tricks? Since we are competing in martial arts, we must be fair and just. What do you mean by asking me to do three tricks?"

"Although I know that your skills are extremely high, and your level of cultivation cannot be compared with mine, but I also have my principles. Since it is a competition, it is better not to care about who each other's opponent is, and to use all your strength. okay?"

When Li Wei heard this, he smiled naturally. Looking at Lu Chen's serious expression, he couldn't say anything more. Since this was his strong request, he promised him that he would accept it. Don't be too surprised when you come down.

Li Wei nodded at Lu Chen and said, "Okay, since this is what you asked for, then I won't say anything more. If that's the case, then let's start." Lu Chen didn't expect Li Wei to agree so neatly made his own statement.

Aren't you afraid that you will hurt his face like this?However, what Li Wei said made him satisfied.Lu Chen nodded immediately, stepped back and jumped, and the distance between Li Wei and Li Wei was ten meters, so that the two of them had room to play.

On the back mountain where the smoky springs reflect each other, the two are in a school of their own, with a different charm and scenery, which is pleasing to the eye.

When they were ready, the two started a formal competition. Lu Chen was the first to walk towards Li Wei's place. Since he wanted to compete with the respected senior brother Li Wei in front of him, he naturally had to show his true skills. Come on, that's the way to respect him.

Lu Chen took out his unique skills, and also took out his major in Dao Xing Jianxiu, and drew out his sword in no time. The sparks produced by the friction between the finely crafted scabbard and the sharp blade were amazing and admiration.

Lu Chen swung the sword in his hand, and it fell like the wind, causing a peach blossom tree on the back mountain to sprinkle its pink petals and leaves one after another. For this reason, Li Wei was also very surprised.

Unexpectedly, when Lu Chen drew his sword, there was such a powerful aura and energy waves. It seemed that he underestimated him too much, but this was just a face-to-face meeting. I don't know what his real strength is.

Just looking at it like this, it was impossible to see it. Li Wei's eyes were sharp, and he suddenly slammed, jumped up and rolled, and rushed towards Lu Chen, drawing a perfect arc in the air.

This made Lu Chen at a loss at the moment, so he had to look at the sky with his eyes to prevent Li Wei from attacking him from above.

But he didn't expect that even though Li Wei jumped, he had already come behind him, pulled the sword in Lu Chen's hand, easily snatched it, and put it on Lu Chen's neck.

Lu Chen didn't expect such a scene at all. He had imagined it for a long time and imagined many things that would happen, but even though he didn't expect that he would lose to Li Wei so easily.

"Do you know why you were defeated by me?"

Li Wei drew the sword, put it down directly, and then used a powerful turning force to arouse the scabbard back, and the sword returned to the scabbard as if it had strength and the power of life.

Lu Chen was immersed in the sense of loss of failure. When the scabbard in his hand suddenly gained weight, he immediately looked at his left hand, raised the sword and looked around, only to find that the sword that should have appeared in Li Wei's hand had already disappeared. He returned to the scabbard in his hand.

This surprised Lu Chen very much. He really didn't expect that Lu Chen immediately turned to look at Li Wei in front of him. He really admired him. Facing his question, he naturally bowed down to Li Wei.

Said: "Senior brother is so powerful, I was too reckless, but I don't understand why I was subdued by you before I made a move. How did senior brother use the method?" Lu Chen wanted to know, Li Wei's method. how is it.

If I encounter an enemy, maybe I can use it like this.When Li Wei heard this, he also nodded towards Lu Chen. Since this is the case, let me tell you about it. In fact, this move is called winning. When you are still drawing your sword, my strength has already been exhausted. start up.

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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