After the old student heard this, he couldn't believe it. Is this person in front of him still Li Wei?Where did that Li Wei, who was always begging for himself and was completely ruthless to him, go.

He would actually say such vicious things to himself, and even said that he was going to tell the elders, so after telling the elders, would he have any way out?

The old man was a little flustered and frightened at this moment, what was it that made Li Wei act so heartlessly, and suddenly scolded everyone, and wanted to tell the elder?

That old man really can't remember, after all, there are too many bad things he did in normal times, and the accumulation of time and time is really innumerable, and he can't remember which one he did more ruthlessly.

But since this is the case, he still has to think of a way. The old man felt that he would never admit defeat until the last moment. At this moment, he suddenly rolled his eyes and thought of a plan. Li Wei usually doesn't care about his own affairs. .

So how would he know the bad things he did in normal times? Someone must have come to tell him suddenly, not to mention the bad things he did in normal times, no one has said it out, why suddenly someone said it out at this time, what a coincidence Ah, who is it?

The old student fell into deep doubts and felt a little puzzled, but it seemed that he could really start to investigate from this place.

So the old student said to Li Wei, who was a little angry and hated iron and steel in front of him: "Brother, I think you must have heard what someone said. Let me tell you, the world is dangerous now, so how can others easily use it?" Are you going to tell me these words?"

"So, he must be deceiving you, not to mention you have to believe me, I really didn't do anything bad, I really didn't do anything these days, you have to believe me, or you will When you asked me just now and gave me two ways, why did I suddenly resolutely choose not to tell you?"

"This can only prove that I really didn't do anything bad. Otherwise, why would I not choose a good life and insist on touching your bottom line and taboos? Brother, think about it, I really didn't do it What a bad thing you have to believe me."

This old student is also stubborn. After everything has happened, he is still struggling. However, Li Wei is indifferent. It's just that he has been disciplined a few times, but he still knows what he is like.

What's more, Lu Chen himself still believes it very much. Although Lu Chen and himself have only known each other for a few days, judging from the contact and getting along with each other in the past few days, Lu Chen Chen really wouldn't lie to himself.

What's more, why did he come to lie to himself, what reason did he have to lie to himself?Is it just because he felt that the old man in front of him blocked his way last time, so he held hatred?

So this is impossible, it is obvious that this is nitpicking, Lu Chen will never do this, it must be nonsense, not to mention that the person in front of him has done it many times.

And every time he lied, he had educated him, but he still did not change his mind. Li Wei felt that there was nothing he could do about him now, and he hadn't repented until now, and there was no cure.

He just shook his head at him and said: "No, I don't believe your nonsense anymore, you just wait here, and I will inform the elder, whether you have lied or not, elder I will decide for myself.”

"At that time, I don't need to intervene in person. Maybe if I intervene at that time, others will say that I am quite familiar with you. If this is the case, the final judgment will be unfair. "

"So, it's fairest to let the elders judge. You don't need to say it anymore. I have my own conclusion." Li Wei made up his mind that he would never let him continue to do evil.

Just when Li Wei raised his leg and was about to leave here, the old man seemed to be watching the time, flew over, and then rushed out, hugged Li Wei's thigh, and lay down on the ground.

He begged Li Wei for mercy: "Brother, I beg you, really don't tell the elders, I've made it very clear, I really didn't do anything bad during this time, you have to believe me Ah, can you trust me one last time, please?"

"If I do this again in the future, I will never pester you like this again. If you want to tell the elders, go ahead and tell, but this time you have to forgive me. I really, really didn't do anything bad. .” The old student almost wanted to cry in a hurry, but the poor man must have something to hate.

It is obviously impossible to get away with what he did by relying on his tears alone. After listening to his words, Li Wei raised his head and looked forward, feeling that there was something wrong with him. My heart softened.

But this person is really obsessed with his obsession. To soften his heart is a kind of irresponsibility to him, and it is also a kind of irresponsibility to the freshmen of Dongsheng. Better than doing something.

So, at this time, I will never allow myself to be soft-hearted. At this time, Li Wei suddenly lowered his head, looked at the old student lying under his feet and hugging his thigh, and said, "Since you haven't done anything wrong, you can't do anything wrong." You didn't do anything wrong, so why ask me to forgive you?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"I just feel that I was too confused before. I indulged you for so long time and time again, but you still don't know how to repent. How do you want me to forgive you? I can't forgive you anymore. Even if I forgive you, I will I feel bad about it too.”

When Li Wei said this, he took out his finger and poked his chest directly, feeling that he was really sorry in his heart, "Okay, let go, there is no room for maneuver in this matter. Now, you have to bravely admit what you have done yourself."

"To be a human being, you must be responsible. What's more, you are still a boy. Boys have to stand upright when doing things. Usually, I can turn a blind eye to you in Dongsheng."

"But you have gone too far. Now I can't allow you to be so soft-hearted. This is not only harming yourself, but also harming the entire Dongsheng students."

As soon as Li Wei finished speaking, he wanted to leave, but he found that his thigh had already been caught by him, and he couldn't get rid of it completely. Li Wei seemed a little helpless at this time At this time, the old student continued to beg for mercy.

As long as Li Wei hasn't left this room for half a step, then he definitely has a chance to turn the tide. I hope Li Wei can give himself this chance.

Suddenly, for some reason, Li Wei felt a little bit of angina. Today’s incident really made him feel a little uncomfortable. He didn’t dare to admit what he did. What kind of boy is this, but he feels inexplicable sad.

At this moment, his feet have been firmly imprisoned by him, and he can't get out completely. When Li Wei thought about it, he looked down at his feet lying on the ground, his whole body was covered with dust, and now his hair was slightly The old student was a little messy, and his expression was very painful, and he also looked a little aggrieved and pitiful.

Realizing that he was indeed pitiful, Li Wei's heart gradually softened. After thinking about it, he decided to give him another chance. Li Wei bowed his head to him and said, "Well, I'll give you another chance now An opportunity, you must firmly grasp it."

"Let me ask you again, have you done any bad things outside? If so, please tell me, although you don't know what punishment I will give you right now."

"But as long as you don't say anything, you will definitely go to the elders. Why don't you take a gamble again? I will definitely not tell the elders about the punishment I mentioned. If you continue to be so obsessed, I will absolutely I won't be softhearted again."

But at this time, when the old student under Li Wei's legs heard that Li Wei was willing to give himself another chance, he was thinking about it, and now he had to review the whole process of this matter carefully.

When Li Wei asked about him before, he gritted his teeth and said that he hadn't done anything bad. If he suddenly said it now, it would be shocking.

But it is obvious that Li Wei knows the bad things he has done, should he say it?The old student is still hesitating now, but Li Wei has been staring at him at this time, looking at his own facial expression now, to deduce what his current psychological activities are like.

Looking at his expression, frowning for a while, and suddenly thinking of something, he knew that he must be very hesitant and contradictory in his heart now, but Li Wei couldn't understand it more and more. Given him a chance, what reason does he have for not telling the truth to himself?

Could it be that he was really too soft-hearted and made him feel that if he missed this opportunity, would he still give him another chance?

When Li Wei thought about it like this, he felt very ironic. If he had a second chance, he would definitely hold him firmly. Why would he hesitate so much?

Li Wei was waiting, waiting for him to tell the truth to himself, waiting for him not to lie, and when Lu Chen, who was standing aside, saw the situation in front of him, he felt that Li Wei's heart softened again. , I really don't understand what this person in front of me is worth forgiving.

He failed his trust in him time and time again, and became a school bully on campus, bullying those newcomers, what is there to forgive for such a person?

Lu Chen really couldn't stand it anymore, and was really afraid, what if Li Wei forgave him again and he continued to do those vicious things?That being the case, Li Wei had no choice but to go out.

All of a sudden, Li Wei shouted at the people in front of him: "Li Wei, don't forgive people like him, there is nothing to forgive, don't let your heart soften again!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked towards Lu Chen, but Li Wei was shaken. After all, what Lu Chen said was indeed true. I was too soft-hearted before, which caused the current situation. situation.

And when the old student kneeling on the ground saw Lu Chen, he unconsciously widened his eyes, frowned, and suddenly his eyes turned hard, turning into a fierce and sharp look, as if Like a knife, he stabbed towards Lu Chen directly.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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