Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2657 Violet Ring

"When I used it just now, I found that the spiritual power it attracted seems to be very pure, and it can also increase my cultivation base. Such a good treasure, Lu Chen, how did you get it?"

Liu Chenqing's eyes did not leave the purple ring for a moment, and after Lu Chen saw that he liked the finger wrench in his hand so much, he felt that in order to repay Liu Chenqing to himself, the magical golden power was decided. I want to give it to Liu Chenqing.

What's more, after listening to Liu Chenqing's discussion just now, he also understands that he may really be more suitable for using the Violet Ring. What's more, since the power of his body has completely disappeared, he will not be able to practice in the future. Knowing what to do, maybe it would be the best choice to completely hand over this purple ring to him.

After all, he is his little brother, and his energy has disappeared, so if he doesn't give him something, it may easily lead to no power. How can he help himself then?

Lu Chen still made a purposeful decision, so he said to Liu Chenqing: "I found this when I went to Wenwen Mountain with a senior brother at the opening ceremony." When Liu Chenqing heard Lu Chen's words, it was like Nod thoughtfully.

At this time, Lu Chen started to speak to Liu Chenqing again, "I see that you and it seem to match very well just now, and I feel that it can be used by you, or I will give you this purple ring. What's more, you gave me that power just now, now that the power in your body is gone, how can you help me in the future."

Lu Chen was afraid that Liu Chenqing would not be willing to accept what he gave him, so he wanted to use his current status as his younger brother to give it to him, and told him that without this purple ring, it would be very difficult for him to practice in the future Now, if your own energy can't catch up, it will be difficult to help yourself.

And when Liu Chenqing listened to Lu Chen's words, he felt a little moved. Obviously, he looked at Zi Luohuan differently. He seemed to like it very much, not to mention that he really didn't have that power now. Now it's like a person with almost zero ability.

And there are so many people in Dongsheng who are bullying him. If he has no energy, he will really suffer from other people's bad habits, and he can't even help Lu Chen. Liu Chenqing is thoughtful at this time, a little hesitant, I don't know how to answer Chase Lu.

After all, if I really took things from Chase Lu, I would feel very ashamed. I didn't help Chase Lu at all, except for that power, not to mention that power itself would be abandoned by me and given to Chase Lu , just let nature take its course.

Therefore, if you took such a precious violet ring from Lu Chen, then you would be really embarrassed. When Lu Chen saw Liu Chenqing's hesitation, he knew what was going on.

He immediately said to Liu Chenqing: "Don't you want to accept my purple ring?" But Liu Chenqing still didn't give a firm answer.

Lu Chen said to Liu Chenqing: "Actually, I wanted to give you this purple ring before. When I just started practicing, I found that you seem to be very suitable for this purple ring. Maybe you If you cooperate with it to practice, you can strengthen your cultivation level."

"I have never tried the Violet Ring to cultivate. Maybe I am not as good as you in cooperating with it. Maybe I am not suitable at all. So I thought about it and decided not to bother."

"Since it suits you, why not give it to you, not to mention who told you that you are my partner. If you are not stronger, how can you help me?"

As soon as Lu Chen said this, Liu Chenqing raised his head, looked at Lu Chen's firm face, and felt that Lu Chen seemed to be doing it for his own good, so he nodded and agreed to Lu Chen, but still I feel a little embarrassed.

When Chase Lu saw him like this, he thought it was really funny, but even though he looked shy and embarrassed now, it was better than the previous one that didn't like to talk to people.

Lu Chen felt that since he forced the energy out of his body, his whole person became very humble, and he communicated with himself more, and he would talk a lot more than before. Lu Chen liked the feeling Liu Chenqing gave him now. .

Hope to get in touch with him more and help him in the future.No, since he is his younger brother now, he should help him.Lu Chen thought for a while, then nodded.

Afterwards, he walked out completely from the thoughts of recollection, and when he saw Liu Chenqing who was full of joy, he said to him: "Chenqing, since I want to give you this purple ring, then You have to make good use of it."

"Raise your cultivation to a higher level. In this way, if you can improve your ability, you can help me a lot. I hope you can make good use of it." As soon as Lu Chen said this, Liu Chenqing immediately He nodded heavily at Lu Chen.

Said that he would make good use of it and would not disappoint Lu Chen's intentions. Immediately, Lu Chen looked at the jade wrench in his hand, passed it to Liu Chenqing, and carefully placed it in Liu Chenqing's hand.

And when this violet ring was placed in Liu Chenqing's hands, a purple light flashed through it. Lu Chen felt that maybe this was its uniqueness, and it was also reminding them that they could exchange masters.

After seeing it, Lu Chen was very happy, but Liu Chenqing was just very surprised. He didn't expect that this good baby would belong to him. This is thanks to Lu Chen. If Lu Chen didn't give it to him, it would be so good Where can I find my baby?

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Thinking of this, Liu Chenqing decided to thank Lu Chen well. If it wasn't for him, she would still be entangled by that energy, and would still look very decadent and inferior.

And Lu Chen also felt that it was very good that he could help Liu Chenqing. At this time, Lu Chen suddenly thought of this purple ring, which seemed to be discovered by Li Wei on Wendao Mountain.

At that time, Li Wei insisted on giving it to him, and he also promised Li Wei at that time that he must practice hard to bring his ability to a superior level, but now he gave it to Liu Chenqing after changing hands, and Lu Chen was at this time. I feel very bad.

However, when I think about it carefully, I feel that there is nothing wrong with it. After all, when Li Wei gave it to him, he told himself that he must practice hard to be worthy of him. Now if he gave it to his little brother, let him do the same. If you practice more, then you should be able to fulfill Li Wei's entrustment to him.

Even if he didn't cultivate by himself, it would be the same to entrust his younger brother to practice. Thinking about it this way, Lu Chen just opened up the depressed knot in his heart, which he didn't think of at all before.

I was hesitant just now, after all, it was something Li Wei personally gave him, but since the previous sword was given to Chi Qianyu, and Li Wei also saw it and didn't say anything about himself, then this purple sword Luo Huan, now that he is giving it to someone who needs him more, Li Wei probably won't say anything.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen got a little comfort in his heart, but he pretended to be calm, thinking that if it was really unnecessary, Li Wei still couldn't find out.

If it is true that he will hate himself because of this, then it will be over, and then Liu Chenqing, who was very happy to get the purple ring, said: "Chenqing, I have something to do Tell me."

"I have to ask you, if you have nothing to do, don't take out this purple ring easily, and don't let others find out, otherwise you may be robbed by others, or you may be attacked by others. What suspicions."

"After all, many people regard this purple ring as a treasure, especially those elders. Although they know the purple ring, they didn't tell us the reason for this purple ring."

"Even if everyone doesn't know it, you can't take it out and show it to everyone at will. I'm afraid that if you take it out, it will bring something bad to yourself, then it's really bad. "

And when Lu Chen said this, Liu Chenqing nodded at Lu Chen immediately after hearing what Lu Chen said, thinking that what Lu Chen said was very reasonable, and he would definitely not take it out, really Some people are afraid of what will happen to them.

Because everyone is very eager for such a good baby, and they must want to take it. Thinking of this, Liu Chenqing nodded firmly to Lu Chen again, thinking that he would definitely listen to Lu Chen.

He just said to Lu Chen: "Okay, Lu Chen, I will definitely keep it safe, and I will never let it fall into the wrong hands, let alone take it out at will. Sheng also doesn’t have any friends, so how could he show it to others?”

When Liu Chenqing said this, he felt very downcast. When Lu Chen said such words to him at that time, he actually forgot his current situation in Dongsheng, so this seemed to be It's a little embarrassing.

If Liu Chenqing knew the reason why Lu Chen said these words to him at this time, he just didn't want senior brother Li Wei to know that he gave him this jade ring, then he would definitely be very sad.

However, Lu Chen also did this out of helplessness. At this moment, Liu Chenqing was a little unhappy. When it came to friends, it really poked his heart.

When Lu Chen thought of this, he suddenly realized that his purpose of coming here was not to teach him how to practice. What was the purpose at that time?Lu Chen just felt that his mind seemed a little confused, and he didn't know what his purpose was when he came.

After thinking about it carefully, I found that it seemed to be related to some friends, and then I had an idea, and suddenly thought of it.Oh, it turns out that I came here to have a good discussion with Liu Chenqing, how to punish that old student, and to let all those who isolated him be punished accordingly.

Lu Chen finally recalled his purpose of coming here, and when he saw Liu Chenqing who was so lost and sad, he said to him: "Chenqing, I know what you are sad about now, but you have to remember me What I told you before."

"You must be brave enough to face all of this. Those bad guys will always have some way to punish them, but you also need to have the courage to bear and face it, not to mention you promised me before .”

"I will definitely be brave enough to face all this, have you forgotten? So don't feel sad and lost because of this matter, it's nothing."

These words of Lu Chen were deeply heard by Liu Chenqing. He felt that Lu Chen was really doing it for his own good now. He never thought that there would be someone who was so kind to him in Dongsheng. If he was not loyal to him, It was really a waste of his kindness towards him.

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