Lu Chen immediately nodded at Li Wei, and then the two went to the old man's residence together. This time, they must uproot and overthrow all the forces hidden in Dongsheng, so that they dare not Bully Dongsheng's students again.

At this time, the two had come to a hut, Lu Chen poked his head, and there was a yard in front, it seems that there should be several disciples living together, Lu Chen asked Li Wei and said: "These old students should all Do you live here?"

After hearing this, Li Wei nodded at Lu Chen, then looked forward, and said to Lu Chen: "Yes, these old students live together because they are disciples of my teacher."

"So the elders entrusted me to take care of some of their food and daily life, and they are also subject to my daily discipline, but I never thought that they would dare to do something under my nose. I really can't forgive them for such bad things."

Thinking of this, Li Wei became even more excited, his eyes were dark, his fists were tightly clenched in his legs, and his body was still trembling faintly.

Lu Chen saw his anger, and also knew how uncomfortable it would be if his junior brother did evil under his nose, but he didn't know it at all.

Therefore, Lu Chen also felt a little worthless for Li Wei. He usually relies on Li Wei to solve everything, but this person doesn't know how to cherish at all, and violates his bottom line again and again. , this time he might not be able to escape so easily.

Li Wei took a deep breath and said to Lu Chen next to him, "Okay, Lu Chen, let's go in now, I want to see if he has the guts to admit it."

So, the two of them walked into this small room immediately, the yard inside was actually dirty, probably no one came to clean it at ordinary times, Li Wei looked around and took a look around the whole yard.

I found that the cleaning tools were directly thrown in the corner, covered with spider webs, and those spiders were crawling wantonly on it, as if they didn't feel afraid at all because of the sudden arrival of strange guests. It seemed that this The house should have not been cleaned for a long time.

The more Lu Chen and Li Wei thought about it, the more angry they felt. Usually, even such a small matter that they were asked to clean up could be ignored in this way. It seems that if they don't clean up properly, it is really insulting their dignity.

Li Wei walked forward with such a thought, crossed a few steps, and came to a door. The wooden door was full of dust. The desolate scene made the two of them seriously doubt whether this hut was actually inhabited. At this time, Li Wei seemed to have found out. something different.

He stuck out his ears directly, moved towards the edge of the door, and listened to the side. Li Wei saw that there seemed to be something different at this time, so he followed Li Wei and went forward with his ears.

It was found that there were some noises coming from the hut, and there seemed to be several voices yelling and shouting inside. From this point of view, all the old students in this hut should have gathered in this room.

However, what are they doing in there with such loud noises?Lu Chen and Li Wei knew nothing about it, but they must not be doing something good, Lu Chen concluded.

Li Wei has been attached to the door for so long, listening to the content of their conversation, he did hear the voice coming from the room: "Move, you should move, oops, lost again, you just can't do it, I can't hold back this time!" wrong"

When Li Wei heard these words coming to his ears, he smelled a smell of deterioration, guessed the content inside, and affirmed in his heart, it must be like that in all likelihood, Li Wei Repeatedly verifying his conjecture in his heart.

I was so angry that I didn't knock on the door, but pushed it hard, the wooden door seemed to be a bit dilapidated, and the wooden door, which seemed a little loose because it hadn't been cleaned all the year round, had already made a creaking sound, which couldn't stand Li Wei's words. With a strong push, it broke open directly.

Lu Chen did not expect that Li Wei would be so strong. Li Wei, who is usually very good-tempered, also seemed very impulsive at this time. Lu Chen was also surprised. As Li Wei suddenly entered the door, Lu Chen was also nervous After that, he entered the room full of dust and impurities.

I saw five or six seven people surrounded by a wooden table. They were all dressed in black and white and green gauze. Judging from their clothes, these old students who lived here were Dongsheng after all. There are strict regulations, when freshmen come in, they can only wear all gray attire.

And when you reach the class of old students, you can wear black and white. If you go to the inner courtyard and can become a senior in the inner courtyard, you can wear black and black green robes, and even the green gauze on your head can be divided into black and white. Extraordinary hierarchies.

Therefore, Dongsheng is quite strict about the dress code. From clothing to daily life to practice places, etc., there are strict requirements and regulations in all aspects. Dongsheng is such a strict college, and there will be such college fights , college bullying happened.

It can also be preliminarily concluded that the people who usually inspected did not strengthen management properly, and were negligent in management. Instead, they directly thought about making money from these students.

And when those disciples heard the noise one by one, they turned around in a hurry, and after seeing Li Wei, they all seemed to have seen a ghost, and they just stayed there without moving, very frightened. Panic, eyes wandering, hands clenched tightly, not knowing what to do.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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I saw those people put a few stools and a wooden table in a relatively clean place, and then put two things on the table, and two of them were sitting there, as if they were holding a piece of paper in their hands. Li Wei had a panoramic view of everything these people did.

And when Chase Lu saw their posture, their actions and those things, he could preliminarily judge that these people should be gathering a crowd to gamble, and the small box should contain crickets.

And the people standing next to each other should be putting pressure on each other. If you think that the crickets of one side can win, then bet on that side. If the side you predicted wins, you can get part of the money from the opposite side.

I didn't expect these scoundrels to be so rampant at ordinary times. They hid in this place and gathered people to gamble. They didn't pay attention to Dongsheng's rules at all. At this time, Li Wei clenched his fists and directly directed at A few of them walked over.

The dust under his feet was scattered all the way. Lu Chen followed closely behind Li Wei, covering his nose with his sleeves, trying not to let himself inhale the dust. At this time, Li Wei's shoes were also covered. Dust, the white shoes turned gray-black when they met the dust.

Li Wei was even more annoyed, and walked directly to the wooden table, holding his powerful and huge fist, and hammered on the table. At this time, the coins were ejected directly by the strong vibration. The two crickets fell to the ground directly, escaped from the trapped box, and flew away.

Those people were even more aware of what would happen next, and they must have been a little hard to escape. Chase Lu felt a trace of fear ahead, as well as the powerful aura.

I know, the good show is about to start now, but at this time, Liu Chenqing is not around, and Lu Chen feels a little lost. If Liu Chenqing is here at this time, it will be much better to see these people who bully him being insulted and punished OK.

Lu Chen stopped going forward at this time. After all, it was Li Wei's responsibility to manage those old students, and Lu Chen was too embarrassed to step forward to intervene. The time spent in the academy must have been very long.

Although they did do some bad things, they just don't have the ability to take care of other people's affairs, let alone Li Wei is their senior brother.

He is some disciples of Master Li Wei, and only Li Wei can make them feel that kind of fear. I am afraid that if I go forward, I will be preached by them instead, so Lu Chen decided to just watch from the sidelines.

At this time, several people have been in a stalemate, the atmosphere is extremely awkward, almost condensed, everyone is a little nervous, and no one speaks at this time, they are all a little scared.

At this time, Li Wei stared at the old student closely. After all, he was just standing on that wooden bench, teasing the cricket with a grass stalk, and swearing from time to time.

"What kind of rotten cricket is this? I don't want to do it today. What kind of rotten cricket did you guys find for me? I won't pay for it."

Li Wei recalled the words he had just heard outside the wooden door, and looked at it with confidence, and now he stared blankly at the old man who seemed a little scared.

It was a fury in my heart, and the feeling of hating iron but not steel was born spontaneously. At this time, those old students saw Li Wei staring at them all the time, but they couldn't tell what his mood was at this time with a blank face. how.

But if I let a fool make predictions, I also knew that Li Wei must be angry seeing Li Wei's appearance, so the old man wanted to break the deadlock, maybe he just needed to apologize to Li Wei, and that would be enough.

After all, a few of them have committed a lot of things, isn’t it okay? This time it’s just a trivial matter, and it’s definitely not going to be a big deal, they thought so.

So the old student Vivinono asked Li Wei with some fear: "Brother, why did you come to us at this time? Could it be that you have something to come to us? As long as you tell us, the few of us Will definitely do it.”

And when Li Wei heard the old man's words, he became even more furious. He didn't expect that he would have the face to ask himself why he came to his residence. If he didn't come today, I'm afraid he didn't know that they often It's gathering people together to gamble.

Moreover, they haven't even completed the tasks I entrusted to them. I usually tell them that they must clean their yard well and be diligent. This is a place to live, so how can they live in such a dirty place?

The more Li Wei thought about it, the more angry he felt, and he seemed a little speechless to these people in front of him. Didn't they feel a little compelled when he came today?

Li Wei walked over slowly, and after the teacher saw it, he hurriedly used his sleeve, waved it lightly, and wiped the wooden stool clean, and then Li Wei sat on it.

And those people also obediently stood opposite Li Wei, waiting for his lecture.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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