Lu Chen shook his head, then fell back dully, and entered his own small world.

But not long after entering the small world to practice, Lu Chen only felt a burst of irritability in his heart, and his Dao heart was hard to calm down.

Sighing, he lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling above his head, staring at it all the time, not knowing what kind of adventure he would have tomorrow, Chase Lu was looking forward to it very much, but he was troubled by what happened today.

I still take Liu Chenqing too seriously.

Maybe it's because he resembles me!

The night is still long, but Lu Chen can't sleep

The next day, Chase Lu sat up from the bed with panda eyes on his face. There were some things in his heart yesterday that he hadn't solved. It was because of these thoughts that Chase Lu had insomnia last night, so he seemed to be completely Very listless.

However, when Chase Lu saw the wisps of sunlight appearing outside, he walked over, and in front of the window, along the slit of the window, the sunlight that shot in directly pierced into Chase Lu's eyes Among them, Lu Chen subconsciously raised his hand to block the sun.

The fierce sunlight seemed to be a little brighter. Lu Chen felt that the morning sun should not be so bright. At this time, he raised his eyes and looked at the time, but found that it was already noon. Lu Chen immediately said Waking up with a start, the previous listless look was swept away.

Lu Chen seemed extremely energetic. After all, it was noon now, and there was only half a day left after lunch. It was a little short of time to solve yesterday's doubts in this half day.

Therefore, Chase Lu must cheer up, get up to 12 points, and work hard to find the answer with full energy. Now Chase Lu has cleaned up immediately, and then went out to investigate.

He wants to take a walk around the campus first to see what everyone is like now?If you meet an acquaintance, you can still go up and ask, Lu Chen thought so, but felt that it was a waste of time, so he had to think of a plan.

But at this time, he had no clue, so Lu Chen had no choice but to walk slowly in Dongsheng College, but at this time he met a few people talking and laughing, Lu Chen didn't think there was anything strange, after all, the college If such a little bit of gossip is missing in the book, then everyone will be very uncomfortable and bored.

As soon as Lu Chen passed there, he felt a little commotion in his heart, and always felt that something was wrong.

Like God's will, Lu Chen amplified his perception in a timely manner, wanting to find out everything related to him that secretly caused the commotion.

Sure enough, it turned out that what the group of people were whispering about was Lu Chen's recently adopted younger brother--Liu Chenqing!

Lu Chen was a little baffled, and immediately set up a little trick to be beside the few people, using his spiritual power to eavesdrop on the conversation.As for himself, he continued to walk in the path of Dongsheng College.

I saw a chubby man gossiping to the chattering people in front of him, "Didn't you have the opening ceremony yesterday? I heard that there was a competition for new students. Did you know that there was a new student?"

"It's that Liu Chenqing, isn't it the Liu Chenqing who was often bullied in the past? He actually dared to go on stage to participate in the mountain opening ceremony. It's unbelievable."

And another person who looked taller and thinner, after hearing what the fat man said, had an expression of disbelief, and asked that person: "Really? That person dared to go up If you go there, aren't you afraid of being bullied by your seniors? Wasn't he quite arrogant when he was first admitted to the hospital, why is he so timid now?"

Everyone is really talking about Liu Chenqing, and Lu Chen just ran into each other just like that. It is really fate, but listening to the conversations of these people, it seems that Liu Chenqing's life in Dongsheng seems to be not what he imagined. Well then, what exactly is the reason.

Lu Chen didn't want to be exposed, he only left a little spiritual power here, but he walked forward for a long time.

And next to my ears, I was still listening to those people who continued to gossip, "You said that he seemed to be very powerful when he entered Dongsheng. Later, because he offended a senior, he was isolated by everyone, so he is now To become like this desolate look."

"No one is willing to share their learning experience with him. He is studying in secret alone. I really don't understand that this kind of person dares to go to the freshman competition of the Opening Ceremony. He is not afraid of being embarrassing. I am afraid I don't have it. Learn those tricks."

"And I also heard that when he entered Dongsheng, it seemed that he entered Dongsheng because the invigilator was letting the water go. Same bad luck."

After hearing what the fat man said, everyone nodded their heads and said that they really should stay away from him, otherwise they would bring bad luck to themselves. It's from a college, and it's so vicious when he speaks.

And Lu Chen really couldn't listen anymore, even if they were not talking about his little brother Liu Chenqing, then Lu Chen would definitely go out and scold them vigorously.

This kind of person is like rat droppings in a bowl of soup.

One must know that he did not have sufficient evidence, so he abruptly recruited others to isolate Liu Chenqing.

Lu Chen himself couldn't stand it anymore, so he stepped forward and wanted to take good care of them.

Lu Chen didn't move, facing the few people in the outer circle, following the direction of the wind, he directly hit them with mental power!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Although Lu Chen didn't actually use much skill, but Lu Chen's mental power was much higher than this group of freshmen.

Just at this moment, they had to wait for a full 3 minutes before they recovered and turned to look in Lu Chen's direction.

When they saw that it was Chase Lu, those people quickly closed their mouths. After all, who in Dongsheng College didn't know Chase Lu? By the side.

Only the two felons were left standing there with their hands down.

Seeing their honest appearance now, Lu Chen felt that it was too difficult to accept what they just said. Lu Chen squinted his eyes like this, looking at the two with a dangerous look, and the two Being stared at by Lu Chen, he felt a little panicked.

Why did Chase Lu look at them like this, did they do something wrong?But they didn't do anything wrong, the two of them immediately hesitated and asked Lu Chen: "I, we don't seem to have done anything wrong, do you have anything to do with us?"

Lu Chen listened to the two of them like this, and what he said to himself seemed like a guilty conscience.

He said to the two of them in a slightly fierce tone: "You didn't do anything wrong, really? Is it really as you said? I was just here listening to the conversation between you .”

"Leave a good time, don't train, and gossip about other people here, are you interested? I would like to hear how the conversation between you is, and tell me about it."

Lu Chen looked at the two with a dangerous look, and the two were shocked at this moment. It turned out that Lu Chen came out because he heard what they were talking about Liu Chenqing. At this time, the two were a little surprised. And also a little flustered.

It has long been heard that Lu Chen protected Liu Chenqing yesterday, and the two felt that Lu Chen's presence here today would definitely cause trouble for the two of them. After all, they just said bad things about Liu Chenqing. He also heard everything, and now both of them are in trouble, and they don't know what to do.

Just now, you look at me, I look at you, staring at each other, at a loss, Lu Chen looked at the two of them standing there awkwardly, looking at each other, and couldn't bear to look at each other up.

He shouted at the two of them: "Hey, which one of you two wants to tell me about Liu Chenqing? It's not a gentleman's behavior, it's a villain's behavior at best."

"Do you really want to be this kind of villain? Or, I will report this matter to the elder and let him judge and judge."

As soon as the two of them heard that Lu Chen was talking about the elders, they immediately panicked, and immediately begged Lu Chen for mercy: "Lu, Lu Chen, brother Lu, please, we didn't do anything wrong. Big mistake, we just chatted casually for a while, don't tell the elders about this, we are right."

After hearing what they said, Lu Chen smiled, and said to the two of them: "Since you two are just chatting occasionally, and you haven't made any mistakes, why are you afraid of the elders coming to judge?"

"You are all right, so there is no need to be afraid of the elders, so it is okay for me to inform the elders now."

After hearing what Lu Chen said, the two of them immediately trembled with fright, and their legs were still trembling.

He looked at the two of them with a serious expression and asked: "Tell me about Liu Chenqing, you two, I want to hear the whole process, if you really don't want to talk, then go to the elder Make it clear."

Lu Chen also wanted to slap him in the face with a big mouth, but anyway, he is also a somewhat famous person now, bound by this rule, naturally he can't do everything rashly like before.

As soon as Lu Chen said this, the two of them immediately became very scared, their legs softened, and immediately collapsed on the ground, looking up at Lu Chen, who had a hint of ferocity in his eyes, said : "I, we said, but please don't tell the elders, can't we say it?"

Both of them were frightened at this time. It must be better to speak out at this time. After all, they don't want to make a big fuss about this matter. After hearing what they said, Lu Chen was very satisfied and aimed at them. Nodding his head, his face softened a little.

He said to them again: "Then you guys hurry up and talk, I don't have much time to spend here with you, I will give you 10 minutes to explain everything clearly to me, from now on."

And when the two heard Lu Chen's words, they felt that Lu Chen was deliberately making things difficult for others, but they didn't dare to say anything, so they had to swallow their anger, and immediately began to explain to Lu Chen.

After Lu Chen heard the whole process, he finally realized suddenly that the truth of the matter was actually like this.

So he said to the two people who fell on the ground: "Very well, you two have finally explained it clearly to me, but I have to investigate whether the truth of this matter is true. If you dare to tell a lie, then you two will be finished, let me tell you, I, Lu Chen, have a lot of means."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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