Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2644 Sneak Attack

Just now he laughed at himself, he must win the round, let him see what is strength, not necessarily superior family background must have strength, but at the same time Liu Chenqing feels extremely pressured, what if he really has not won against him If so, then I really don't know what to do.

Doesn't that mean that the impoverished people have no strength invisibly, and it even verifies this sentence?So no matter what, even if he gets hurt, Liu Chenqing must try hard, and he will definitely make others look down on the people at the bottom of society, because there are some excellent people among them.

Liu Chenqing couldn't just let them slander and ridicule her.However, Liu Chenqing's attitude looked like acrobatics to some of their upper-class people, which seemed really funny to them.

These people can't even get formal cultivation methods, let alone the wealth and treasure land advocated by practitioners.

Just relying on that domineering aura, no matter how much it is, how could it be possible to compare with these rich sons who have been holding golden keys since childhood?

In their view, Liu Chenqing's idea is simply a fantasy.

Maybe it was just a fluke that he passed the previous assessment. As for Liu Chenqing, everyone just looked forward to seeing his embarrassment later, and they all stood aside, laughing at Liu Chenqing.

But Liu Chenqing ignored their mocking words. As long as he was firm in his own mind, he would not be afraid of other people's gossip. With a ringing bell, it meant that the assessment had officially started, and everyone was watching.

According to the order of the assessment, the elders called the contestants group by group. After the first group was called, they officially entered the field.

The time lasted for a long time, and this period of time was the most difficult period for Liu Chenqing. After all, the waiting was tormented and long, and he really wanted to prove himself to the fullest.

He was very angry, extremely angry, he was hated by the whole circle, but he couldn't find a way to vent it!

Because the words in his ears really made him a little unbearable, he must vent to them to prove that he can do it.

Even without those skills, I will definitely be able to win everyone's respect through my own efforts and strength, and win the final victory in the assessment.

Finally, when the referee saw the stalemate between the two of them, he blew the whistle and asked them to stand aside and wait for the results to be announced. Then the two were at a loss, but there was no reason to resist, and they walked off immediately. On stage, a new group came on stage to compete.

And this group of abilities is quite different from the previous group. The difference in strength in this group is particularly large. The other person directly blasted his opponent to the audience with just a few moves, and it was over in an instant. This assessment.

There was also a burst of cheers from the audience, it seems that this guy is also a ruthless character in all likelihood.

Liu Chenqing looked at the stage calmly, silently remembering his name.

Li Huan, I hope you can still laugh later!

The elder nodded after seeing it. After all, he was dominated, and he couldn't let himself choose a player who matched him. After all, everyone didn't know everyone's strength, and they were assigned to compete with such a strong player. If not, there is no other way, it can only be regarded as bad luck.

At this time, Liu Chenqing and Li Huan were called, and the two were about to go to the arena to compete. When Liu Chenqing heard his name, he was a little excited, and with that inexplicable thought, he walked into the examination room angrily.

And that person walked into the examination room surrounded by everyone, because there is no shortage of curry dogs in this test room. When they saw that the man was of noble status and was the son of a big family, they went forward to curry favor.

Liu Chenqing expressed disdain, but in the eyes of everyone, Liu Chenqing is completely ignorant of good and bad, and should be soft in front of this kind of person, maybe they will give you some rewards when they are in a good mood, then you will be rewarded. It can solve the predicament in the cultivation process.

But Liu Chenqing didn't want to rely on being a dog's leg to bring convenience to himself. He knew that his way definitely didn't come out like this!

He now wants to prove himself through his real strength. At this time, the drum beats and the competition officially begins.

Regarding this competition, although the people in the audience had no idea what the final result would be, anyone watching would think that the person opposite Liu Chenqing would win.

After all, how unbearable Liu Chenqing is in their eyes, Liu Chenqing is really not reconciled, she doesn't want others to belittle herself like this, she must show off her own strength, so that those people can quickly shut her mouth .

However, Liu Chenqing was steady. He knew that the opponent's strength must be very good, so he didn't have any desire to attack forward.

A few minutes had passed since the game gradually, but Liu Chenqing still did not attack, but he was not idle either, constantly avoiding the opponent's sharp attacks, using all his strength to feel the opponent's energy.

He knew that if this dragged on, if he could not know himself and the enemy, it would be easy to backfire.

"People at the bottom of society are definitely not qualified to enter the arena, let alone want to enter Dongsheng Academy!"

Liu Chenqing's constant dodging finally angered him. With a roar, he rushed forward, and a wave of spiritual power hit Liu Chenqing's side as if he didn't want money.

But if he could stop and observe carefully at this time, he would find a strange airflow flowing around beside Liu Chenqing, skillfully defusing and diverting all his attacks.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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In the eyes of everyone, his attack set off the climax of the competition. Everyone was cheering and cheering for him, but no one was worried about Liu Chenqing daring.

Except for one person on the field now, that is the elder. In fact, the elder has been listening to the conversation of these few people, and he can understand Liu Chenqing better. Naturally, he broke into a cold sweat for Liu Chenqing.

He also hoped that Liu Chenqing could convince everyone with his real strength. At this time, he was very worried about Liu Chenqing.And Liu Chenqing probably knew his skills when he saw him. Compared with Liu Chenqing himself, he really doesn't have much strength.

From Liu Chenqing's point of view, when he threw his fists at him, he just waved them randomly without any rules at all. This was not like a set of boxing techniques, but rather like a person who strikes at will, showing his teeth and claws on the field.

The boxing is full of power and momentum, but the real lethality is still lacking, let alone the point of grasping the enemy's flaws!

Liu Chenqing smiled, feeling that he was not strong enough to dare to yell at her, and even said that he was not worthy, it seemed that I should teach him a lesson and show him some color, because he didn't know who I was.

Let him see and see, even the dust in their mouths can be better than him.

Immediately, Liu Chenqing dodged those fists cleverly and skillfully, and stretched out his hand to attack!

When I was doing farm work with my parents before, I developed my own boxing method, which was practiced blindly in the field. Until now, after countless modifications and improvements, this boxing method has become A part of Liu Chenqing's body.

As soon as the fist is swung, the law has come!

Li Huan didn't have time to dodge at all, the fist had already slammed into his body.

The external force and internal force all came together at the same time, turning Li Huan's meridians upside down.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Li Huan's mouth.

Liu Chenqing didn't dare to be negligent, and then used his fist as a hammer, hitting Li Huan's chest again with one blow.

With just one blow, Li Huan was thrown out!

Everyone in the audience was in an uproar, and even Liu Chenqing thought that Li Huan was definitely eliminated.

But suddenly, a flash of light flashed, and Li Huan barely leaned against the ring, panting heavily.

At this moment, he was about to cry, but the poorly dressed man opposite him was clearly a real master!

Originally, he had been mocking this person all the time, but he never thought that things would develop to the present situation.

If he hadn't possessed this secret life-saving technique handed down in his family, he might have been kicked down by Liu Chenqing just now!

Apparently that person did not expect Liu Chenqing to be so powerful. At this moment, that person was a little flustered, but suddenly there was a burst of shouts from the audience, cheering for him!

The corner of Liu Chenqing's mouth twitched. These guys in the audience are really looking for a fight!

With a flash, Liu Chenqing had already arrived in front of that person.

"Don't go down yet?"

Facing the man's panicked eyes, Liu Chenqing stretched out his hand slightly, and the fluctuation of spiritual energy wandered around the man's neck and shoulders.

The distance between the two was so close that Liu Chenqing could even hear the man swallowing.

And the shouts on the field just now stopped immediately.

Everyone was silent, and felt a little terrified. They didn't expect that this person was so powerful. Everyone was very surprised. Liu Chenqing's attack completely gave everyone a bad blow, making everyone dare not continue. clamored.

But the son of the rich family who is used to domineering, is he willing to be suppressed like this?

He gritted his teeth and silently took out something in his hand.

"I was thinking about using it to get a good ranking in front of those monsters in the future! It's a pity to waste it in the hands of such a waste like you!"

The ferocious wave of spiritual power erupted in an instant, even pushing Liu Chenqing straight out!

Then, the person who almost fell to his knees just now jumped up, flipped his palm, and another prop flew over!

If it wasn't for thinking about the situation just now, it would really hurt his face. After all, there are still so many people watching on the field, that would really make him lose face at all.

Otherwise, he would never waste this item!

If it gets out, I'm afraid it will be bad for his reputation in the family, and the cultivation resources he can get at that time may be deducted a lot.

So he must punish and punish Liu Chenqing properly, he cannot be allowed to continue to be so arrogant, and if he is slapped in the face again, he will really lose face.

However, there is still a trace of haze in his heart.

He was a little scared, afraid that Liu Chenqing would explode with even more terrifying strength like before.When Liu Chenqing punched just now, he couldn't even feel the wind, but he was suppressed by Liu Chenqing's power in an instant.

Liu Chenqing didn't pay much attention to it, and Li Huan's tricks were more than just the bastard punches before.

If it wasn't for Liu Chenqing's quick dodge, he would probably have been knocked out on the spot.

The elders in the audience were also sweating deeply for Liu Chenqing. He was quite optimistic about Liu Chenqing, but he was afraid that this group of dudes would ruin Liu Chenqing in the end!

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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