Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2635 I Disagree

Lu Chen hoped that he could use his own strength to defeat him again. In this case, he would be convincingly defeated. Even if some improper means were used, he was still defeated in a mess.

Lu Chen just wanted to let him know that evil can never defeat justice, because justice always belongs to the side of light, and we all admire light, evil can only stay in dark places forever, but sunshine will always overwhelmed everyone.

Chase Lu very much hopes that honest people can make him realize this, so this game is particularly critical. Although it means that it can only produce a first place, and it can only get some rewards, but this game In the hearts of the people, it is even more necessary to arouse people's thinking.

Whether it's friendship, people's hearts are more important, or the outcome of the game is more important, everyone has to think carefully.

But now it seems that everyone is actually relatively good. It can be seen from their mentality that Chase Lu knows that they really hope that honest people can win. This fully shows that they actually value it more. friendship, against ambition.

So the current atmosphere on the field is also very good, now we have to see how the honest man himself does it, if he really keeps avoiding those 8 minutes like this, even though it won't produce a victory or defeat like this, Both of them will be eliminated in the end, but in this way, the ambitious person can also be eliminated in the end, and this is his final fate.

But Chase Lu hopes that an honest person can fight bravely, even if his body does not allow him to do so, but as long as his willpower is firm enough, as long as he has a share of the competition, even a little bit of respect for himself expectations.

You should work hard for a while, let your body cooperate with your willpower, and shine the brightest light on the stage, illuminating those darkness and melting all those dark ice cubes.

After Lu Chen thought about it, another 2 minutes passed, and now there are only 6 minutes left. Shouldn't it continue like this?

And the honest people on the stage seem to have realized that it is really impossible to continue like this. If they continue to consume, they will be eliminated. come?

At this time, the honest man fell into a state of reminiscence. He remembered the scene where he was surrounded by those little brothers he brought together, bullying him, and persuading him to quit the game. What he said firmly at that time, at this moment lingering in my ears.

At that time, he said, "I must participate in this competition, so that I can be worthy of my dedication during this time." This sentence has been lingering in my ears, and now as long as I take a brave step forward One small step may be able to overcome.

Although the current physical condition does not allow it, it is only a small step away. There are only 4 minutes left. Seeing the person on the other side, he directly goes to the honest man, but the honest man still seems to be in the memory In such a state, he didn't realize that the vicious person on the opposite side had quietly approached him.

At this time, everyone was very scared, afraid that honest people would lose this game, and some audience members even directly covered their eyes, not wanting to see what was going to happen on the stage now.

But it didn't go as everyone expected, something unexpected happened on the stage at this time, the honest man suddenly came back to his senses, he turned around and immediately attacked the vicious man , taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he immediately attacked the past, so that the vicious person never thought of it.

He even thought that he had been reversed, that he already knew that he had just passed by but pretended not to know, and wanted to give himself a fluke mentality.

But he didn't know that he was also wrong. The obviously honest man didn't react just now, but he just wanted to turn around and attack him, but he didn't expect that he himself came to the door.

Everyone didn't expect that it would be such a result, but the blow did not cause any great trauma to the vicious person, so he didn't fall to the ground, and immediately continued to fight, and now only It took 2 minutes, 2 minutes, this is the most exciting moment for everyone, as long as you firmly grasp it, it depends on who can win.

The honest man came to his senses in an instant, got rid of his physical predicament, and slowly used his willpower to transform into his physical strength, and continued to fight the vicious person. Lu Chen watched During this scene, he was full of smiles. Now it seems that this game is not that important anymore.

Even if the honest man didn't win in the end, Lu Chen still firmly believed that he was definitely the best choice in his heart, and that he was able to overcome his predicament in such a short period of time, which is also a relatively powerful feature. There was a lot of jubilation, and no one expected that such a situation would happen.

The elder suddenly spoke at this time, and now there is only 1 minute left, as long as none of you fall to the ground within this 1 minute, then both of you will be eliminated soon, and these words spread to both of you in an instant. Among the people, the two immediately fought together.

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The honest man tried his best to attack the vicious man, but at this moment, the vicious man suddenly dug up from the ground and struck the honest man violently.

Immediately, the honest man was about to fall to the ground, but he clenched his teeth tightly, and immediately jumped up, so he didn't fall to the ground.

But because the attack was too violent, he flew off the stage directly, and the time had come to the cut-off point, so everyone didn't expect that such a result would happen, but now We can only see what the elder's final judgment is.

The elder looked at the current situation, made some thoughts, and then discussed with everyone, and finally shouted to the audience: "Everyone, I now announce that the winner of this duel is us Let us applaud and congratulate the player who is standing on the stage now."

At this time, the elder said these words, but no one in the field responded to the elder's thoughts. Everyone seemed to be dissatisfied with the result, and Lu Chen also felt that things would develop to the current state. The elder was suddenly a little embarrassed.

But he is an elder, how could he get into embarrassment because of such a small matter, it was just a twitch of his mouth, just trying to resolve the embarrassment with a smile.

At this time, the vicious man standing on the stage had a very annoying smile on his face, while the supporting boys off the stage cheered and applauded for him, he had no guilt or guilty conscience Look, standing on the stage is bowing to everyone, and even saying words of thanks.

At this moment, the elder wanted to announce that it was time for the next group of players to compete.Lu Chen suddenly yelled: "I don't agree!"

Everyone didn't expect that Lu Chen would stand up and say this. At this time, Su Qiong and Chi Qianyu were a little sluggish, and then pulled Chen Lu's sleeves and said to Lu Chen: " What were you talking about just now? Chase Lu, what are you doing?"

After Lu Chen heard what Su Qiong and Chi Qianyu said, he ignored it, and immediately looked at the stage again, and shouted again: "I said I disagree with the final judgment of this game , I don't think he won."

The field was boiling again, Su Qiong and Chi Qian were even more surprised, Su Qiong walked over immediately, and said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, don't do this, if you If you don’t agree, just think about it.”

"That's all for this game. We all came to watch the game, just to watch their duel, so don't interfere with them. The game is still going on now."

However, after hearing Su Qiong's words, Lu Chen still ignored Su Qiong's words. He just looked at Su Qiong with determination in his eyes, and then walked towards the stage. Everyone was a little confused. It was even more strange for Li Wei to sit aside, why Lu Chen was a little abnormal today.

Although everyone is very unclear, they agree with Lu Chen's statement that everyone is actually dissatisfied with the result of the competition. It is also very good to have someone come forward for everyone, but at this time the elder also feels a little strange. Boy, why did he become like this today? I never saw him like this before.

The Great Elder said to Lu Chen at this time: "Lu Chen, you brat, don't rely on your ability to act like this. I tell you that the result of the game is like this. The outcome has been decided, and it will never be easy. change."

"What's more, the current result is indeed relatively normal. That person has already been attacked and left the stage, so strictly according to the rules of the competition, the last person standing on the stage can win the final victory."

"Why do you say that you don't agree? I tell you that this game is not up to you. I'm still sitting here. I advise you to leave the stage quickly, otherwise, I will punish you."

At this moment, the Great Elder suspected that Chase Lu had taken the wrong medicine, and this kid actually stepped forward.

But when Chase Lu heard what the elder said, he immediately yelled at everyone present: "Maybe you think my approach is a bit inappropriate now, but I can tell you that the final judgment of this game How exactly? I don't know."

"But what is the conspiracy behind this game? I know it very clearly. If you all still think that I am wrong after I tell the truth, then you can punish me and blame me. No complaints or regrets."

"It's just that I really can't stand it anymore. I must tell the whole thing about it today. I will never allow anyone to use any improper means to obtain the final success of this game. Such a person Didn't deserve to win at all."

When Lu Chen finished speaking, the elder felt that Lu Chen had taken explosives at this time, but he couldn't figure out what happened to him today, but after listening to his words, the elder seemed to have so much A little curious, wanting to hear what kind of medicine is sold in Lu Chen's gourd.

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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