Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2525 Soft-footed Shrimp

Along the way, everyone was talking and laughing.Ye Zi and some of Yu Wen's disciples walked in front, while Lu Chen and Yu Wen just walked behind.Yu Wen then said to Lu Chen: "Then after you return to Dongsheng, will you continue to investigate this mysterious organization?"

After Lu Chen heard what he said, he said to Yu Wen with great confidence: "That's natural, I think there must be something strange in it, so I will definitely check it out." Yu Wen heard Lu Chen After saying that, he nodded to Lu Chen.

Then, he said to Lu Chen: "That's all right, then this matter may only be investigated by you, and I may not have time to take care of this matter after I return to Western College. After all, the college's current mission Very onerous."

"I also have to devote myself to various things within the academy, and I can't continue to investigate this mysterious organization. Therefore, if you discover any results, you must remember to tell me. It's something very curious."

When Lu Chen heard that Yu Wen would not be able to continue to investigate, he felt a little lost.But it doesn't matter, no one can stop Chase Lu's determination to investigate this mysterious organization.Then Lu Chen promised to Yu Wen: "Okay, although you will not continue to investigate, but I will definitely stick to it. Then if I get the result, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Yu Wen glanced at Lu Chen, and then looked at him with serious expressions.But only the two of them understood how much brotherhood and commitment was involved.Then the two came to a fork in the road, where they were about to leave.

Because Dongsheng and the west are not in the same place at all, Lu Chen and Yu Wen bid farewell to his disciples, and then continued on their way back to Dongsheng with Ye Zi.

Along the way, Chase Lu felt that there was something suspicious, and recalling that everything that happened these days seemed to be not so smooth.It's strange to think about it, but why did today's Dao Discussion Conference end so smoothly.

This really made Lu Chen completely unexpected, and Lu Chen had a particularly strong premonition in his heart.Feeling that what happened next must be ominous, Ye Zi and Lu Chen walked for a while, and then they noticed some changes in the surrounding environment.

Lu Chen stood directly aside and listened carefully to the surrounding movement with his ears, but found that the feeling was different from before, and it became subtle in an instant.Lu Chen became vigilant, and then notified Ye Zi beside him.

Ye Zi realized what Lu Chen meant, and became vigilant.The two stood straight on the same road, and as expected, they were completely under Lu Chen's control. Suddenly there was some disturbance in the vicinity, and then a burst of footsteps came towards Lu Chen.

Ye Zi and Lu Chen stood back to back, and the two walked steadily, expanding outward in an orderly manner, turning around to observe everything around them.Suddenly, many people sprang out from the grass on the side, all surrounding Ye Zi and Lu Chen. Obviously, these people came out to intercept the two of them.

As soon as those people came out, they looked at Lu Chen and Ye Zi viciously. Suddenly they made a way out from the middle, and one person walked slowly in front of Ye Zi and Lu Chen, holding a machete and shouting at Lu Chen and Ye Zi. Said: "You two have finally been fooled by us."

After hearing this, Lu Chen and Ye Zi glanced at each other, and then wanted to test the enemy's situation, so they pretended to shout at each other: "Who are you? Why are you doing this to us? We didn't provoke you either."

Unexpectedly, the leader of the other party laughed loudly after hearing this, and said to Lu Chen and Ye Zi: "We are also following orders, you must have provoked some powerful people, someone sent us to hunt you down, And will silence you."

Now that you have finally been caught by us, I advise you two to be obedient and let them go. After all, there are so many of us here, and they are all carefully selected killers. No matter how strong a person's strength is, it can't match us, hahahaha. "

The words of Lu Chen and Ye Zi finally set the pattern for the leader on the opposite side. When the leader on the opposite side said these words, Chase Lu verified his previous conjecture.

I used to think that those killers must be manipulated by someone behind the scenes, but now it seems that it is indeed the case.Lu Chen wanted to continue talking to the leader on the opposite side, but he didn't want to, the person on the other side didn't want to delay any longer.

He yelled straight at Lu Chen: "You kid, don't delay any longer. We are very impatient. If you want to say it now, just keep it in your stomach and go talk to Lord Yan." Watching his brothers yelling: "Brothers, give it to me."

So everyone fought against Lu Chen and Ye Zi one after another, but obviously Lu Chen was not surprised by the number of people on the opposite side, but resolutely said to Ye Zi: "A good show is about to be staged."

Then Lu Chen withdrew his gaze from looking at Ye Zi, and Ye Zi was also wholeheartedly devoted to this battle.In fact, just before the Dao Discussion Conference was over, when everyone was about to pack up and rush to Dongsheng, Lu Chen guessed that there would definitely be some trouble along the way, so he thought about countermeasures.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Then he sent a message to Chi Qianyu to tell him to rush over here, and now, as expected, such a thing really happened on the road, as Lu Chen expected.But now Lu Chen hasn't seen Chi Qianyu's figure for a long time, so he has to spend his energy with them first.

Lu Chen had to fight with them first to consume their physical strength, and after Chi Qianyu came, he could capture them all.Although Ye Zi did not collude with Lu Chen before, after all, the two have experienced many things together and have certain combat experience. Both sides can get their true thoughts from each other's hearts.

Ye Zi understood that at this time, Lu Chen must have his own plan, so he followed Lu Chen's thoughts step by step.Chase Lu gestured to Ye Zi with his eyes, to fight with them first, and talk about the rest later.

After receiving Lu Chen's gaze, Ye Zi started a fight. The leader seemed embarrassed to fight Ye Zi. After all, Ye Zi was a girl, so he turned to attack Lu Chen.

Seeing this, Lu Chen faced the leader with swords and swords. At the beginning, the leader didn't know Lu Chen's true strength, so he didn't attack so hard, after all, he didn't want to waste his energy.But after Chase Lu easily dodged those attacks, the leader was obviously a little impatient, and wanted to quickly complete the task assigned to him by the mysterious man.

Then he attacked Lu Chen fiercely for a while, but Lu Chen didn't give him a chance to succeed.The leader cursed in his mouth, "Damn it." Then he was enraged, and the leader started attacking Lu Chen crazily, raising his own machete, just slashing at Lu Chen indiscriminately.

However, Lu Chen's agility and speed are outstanding. He dodged lightly and escaped the leader's attack.The leader lost his hand for a moment, and the machete slipped from his hand suddenly, standing straight on the ground. Seeing this, the leader wanted to pick up the machete, but unexpectedly, Lu Chen had already turned around opposite him.

Seeing the leader who was about to bend over to pick up the machete in front of him, Chase Lu attacked him quietly from his back.However, the leader didn't pay much attention at first, and he wanted to pick up the machete wholeheartedly, but he didn't want to be hit hard behind him, and the whole person fell to the ground, and suddenly felt the pain in his abdomen, and then Subconsciously, he covered his stomach with his hands.

He turned around and looked at Lu Chen who was walking towards him in horror. Seeing this, Lu Chen wanted to give him the last blow, but he also wanted to get some news about mysterious organizations through him. So he left his life as a dog.

Afterwards, he picked him up straight from the ground, and said to the leader with ferocious eyes, "Tell me quickly, who ordered you to deal with us." However, the leader was The one who was silent, just stared at Lu Chen with his eyes.

Lu Chen felt a little irritable when he saw him like this, and he became even more angry when he saw that he was silent again.Then grabbed his collar and lifted him straight up.Ask the leader again: "Quickly tell me who ordered you. If you still keep silent like before, then don't blame me for being rude."

Faced with Lu Chen's fierce eyes and those threatening tone, the leader showed his mouse-like eyes and immediately panicked.

He hesitated and said to Lu Chen, "Please, please spare your life. I, I also use money to do things for others. I have never even met the mastermind behind the scenes, let alone say Who is he? So, good man, I beg you to forgive me, I have an old man and a young man, I can't stand your torment, good man, please let me go."

The leader begged Lu Chen for mercy. Seeing him like this, Lu Chen couldn't bear it, and then said to him: "I don't think you were in this business before, if you can reflect on yourself now, Then I will spare you first, if I find out again and you continue to work for that mysterious organization, then you can do as you see fit."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he let go of his hands. The leader was so frightened that his legs went limp, and after being released by Lu Chen, he collapsed on the ground.However, after Lu Chen turned around, the leader showed fierce eyes again, raised the machete in his hand, looked at Lu Chen's back, immediately stood up, and gave Lu Chen's back hard. He hit.

Feeling the fierce force behind him, Chase Lu turned around to look, only to find that the leader got up from the ground and wanted to attack him again, so Chase Lu quickly dodged the blow. He still didn't change his mind, so he wanted to finish him.

Then he attacked the leader for a while, but he didn't want to, Lu Chen suddenly found that the power in Lu's body continued to increase, and he even had a feeling of wanting to surpass himself, so he blindly attacked the leader , but found that now he is gradually at a disadvantage.

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Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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