Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2507 Abnormal

Because of the harassment of black shadows, Lu Chen couldn't practice with peace of mind, so he became a little irritable.He stopped practicing, and wanted to go outside the window to see what it was, so he got out of bed, came to the window suspiciously, opened the window, and observed everything outside, but found that there was nothing outside, only that one A bright moon hangs high in the sky, and there are frogs jumping from the side from time to time, but there are no dark shadows.

Lu Chen felt very suspicious, and then opened the door of his room.I wanted to see if there was anything outside the door, but when I opened the door, I found that there was nothing.Lu Chen felt that he was a little suspicious. After all, there were too many things that happened today, which might lead to a little messy mood, so he couldn't calm down and practice.

Lu Chen thought it was his own fault, so he closed the window, closed the door, and returned to his bed, crossed his legs, put his hands together, calmed down, and started to practice again.However, what Lu Chen really didn't expect was that the black shadow was still relentless, and leaped past the window again.

Lu Chen didn't intend to care about its meaning in it, because after all, there was no result to observe it by himself, so it's better to ignore it.Since the black shadow didn't want Chase Lu to find out what he was, it was not so easy for Chase Lu to notice every bit of him.

Thinking about it, Lu Chen no longer cared about the black shadow, but no matter how much Lu Chen wanted to get his thoughts back, he couldn't get them back no matter what, so Lu Chen planned to take a rest.

But I don't want to be resting, the black shadow is still skipping, this is not the reason of Lu Chen himself, there must be something outside, but Lu Chen can't find it right now, what is it.

Early the next morning, Lu woke up. She and he didn't fall asleep because of the black shadow last night. After tidying up and washing, Lu Chen went out to meet Ye Zi and Liu Changqing, but they laughed at them. The reason is, Because of the thick circle of sleepy eyes above Chase Lu's eyes.

At the beginning, Lu Chen didn't know what Ye Zi and Liu Wenqing were laughing at. This situation was a bit strange, and Lu Chen was naturally confused.

Afterwards, Ye Zi took out a mirror from the backpack she carried with her, and Chase Lu took the mirror that Ye Zi handed to him with great doubts.Then, looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Chen was also stunned.

I saw Lu Chen now has a panda eye, and the eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes, which is obviously a sign that he didn't sleep well last night.

Seeing Lu Chen like this, Liu Changqing asked Lu Chen, "Did you not sleep well last night? Could it be that you were so excited that you couldn't sleep because you were thinking about coming to the Land of Talisman Cultivation today?"

Liu Changqing had no way to see Lu Chen like this, and he really wanted to laugh out loud when he saw it. It's not that this look is so funny, but Lu Chen's usual rigorous appearance, changing to this today, no matter who I feel a little funny.

However, looking at Lu Chen carefully, there are several cutenesses.

After hearing Liu Changqing's sarcasm, Lu Chen said loudly to Liu Changqing: "What do you think? You think I'm like you, I won't be happy because of this little thing, and I won't be able to sleep all night .”

After Liu Changqing listened to Lu Chen's loud scolding at himself, he shut up embarrassingly.Ye Zi looked at Chase Lu as if he was very tired, and asked Chase Lu: "Do you need to take a break? I look at you and feel very tired. We have to walk a lot on the way to reach I’m afraid you won’t be able to survive on the way to the place where Taoism is discussed, oh, right.”

Before Chase Lu could say anything, Ye Zi looked at him again and asked: "You look very abnormal, I have never seen you can't sleep because of something excited, please tell me the reason, Let's listen."

After listening to Ye Zi's question, Lu Chen said to them: "Actually, I want to tell you about this. I didn't sleep well last night because I don't know why my window was closed last night. There is actually a black shadow in front of it, floating around, passing by from time to time. I tried it with magic, but it turned out to be nothing."

"Then, I went to the window to check, but found that there was still no clue, and there was nothing outside the window. This surprised me, but I couldn't find the reason. I It was because of the disturbance of the black shadow that I didn't sleep well last night, so now you will see me like this."

After Liu Changqing and Ye Zi heard this, they immediately stopped laughing at Lu Chen. They didn't expect such a strange thing to happen in this inn, which really made the three of them unable to guess.

Ye Zi looked at Lu Chen and said to him: "Then why don't you call me, maybe I can help you." After listening to Ye Zi's words, Liu Changqing also said to Lu Chen immediately: "Yes, You can also call me, and this will not lead to the current consequences." After listening to Lu Chen, he shook his head to make his mind clearer, after all, because of the whole night last night No sleep, causing him to be a little tired.

He calmed down, and said to Ye Zi and Liu Changqing: "One of you is a girl, and the other lives in a place that is so far away from me. How should I find you? Do I tell you that there are people outside my door and window?" The black shadow passed by, please help me?" As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, Ye Zi and Liu Changqing quieted down and looked at each other.Because they also felt that what Lu Chen said was not unreasonable, the three of them fell into embarrassment.

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At this time, the gossip Liu Changqing finally played his role.He said to Lu Chen and Ye Zi: "Oh, by the way, the time to go to the talisman repair discussion is quite urgent. I think it's getting late, so let's start now, or finish there It's not good."

After hearing this, Ye Zi pulled the tired Chen Lu and followed Liu Changqing to find the place where the Taoism was discussed. The three of them had never been to the place where the Taoism was discussed before, so they were a little dazed on the road.

Although Liu Changqing is very familiar with the area on this side, it is still difficult to reach the place of discussion, so he randomly caught a few passers-by on the road to ask, but after listening to Liu Changqing's inquiry, those passers-by They all shook their heads, expressing that they didn't know where to discuss Dao.

The three of them were a little lost and didn't know what to do. At this moment, Ye Zi suddenly thought of a good way. She wanted to use the talisman paper to find a place to discuss the Dao.After all, it is because the talisman paper and the aura of discussing the Tao are coherent, so as long as one is led by the talisman paper, one will be able to find the place of discussing the way that gathers the aura of the talisman.

After hearing about Ye Zi's method, Liu Changqing praised Ye Zi again and again.But Chase Lu remained silent. Although he knew that Ye Zi's move was very well thought out, he still didn't want to praise Ye Zi, so he stood aside and watched Ye Zi cast the spell coldly.

I saw Ye Zi took out the talisman paper that she carried with her, used her magic power to make it fly into the air, and finally injected spiritual power, the talisman paper slowly lifted into the air and moved forward slowly.Ye Zi said to Lu Chen and Liu Changqing: "Okay, now we just need to follow the direction of the talisman paper and move forward. It will definitely help us find a place to discuss the Tao."

Liu Changqing and Lu Chen nodded at Ye Zi, and then all three followed behind the talisman.But after the talisman paper flew to the front, Ye Zi realized something was wrong. Chase Lu saw that there was a hot swamp in front, and then the three of them also fell into confusion. It turned out that the talisman There was a swamp ahead of the road that the paper took them on. The three of them were very distressed and didn't know how to get there.

Liu Changqing said to Lu Chen and Ye Zi: "Or, the three of us will fly over." After hearing Liu Changqing's words, Ye Zi said to him fiercely: "No, we can't fly because the swamp If the three of us fly over it, it will suck us in, so it is very dangerous, we can't do this, we should think of another way, and we must not act rashly. "

Ye Zi immediately stood aside, looking for a way, and suddenly, she had a good idea.She had learned how to make the talisman paper bigger before, and when Lu Chen saw Ye Zi's movements, she felt a little confused.Ye Zi took out another piece of talisman paper from her luggage, put it aside, and began to meditate in front of her, with her hands clasped together, she didn't know what she was chanting.

When Lu Chen saw it, he walked up to Liu Changqing and asked Liu Changqing: "Hey, Liu Changqing, don't you also practice talisman Taoism? Look at what Ye Zi is doing now? Both of us are thinking about it now. I tried to figure out a way to cross this swamp, but she was there alone, I don’t know what she was doing.”

Liu Changqing followed Lu Chen's gaze and looked at Ye Zi. After seeing Ye Zi's movements, he smiled and said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, you underestimate Ye Zi, she is helping us. .” After finishing speaking, he kept staring at Ye Zi.

It didn't matter if Lu Chen didn't listen, but after listening, he became even more confused.Obviously what he saw in his eyes now was Ye Zi sitting there and didn't know why he suddenly meditated, but Liu Changqing said to himself that Ye Zi was helping them, which made Lu Chen really puzzled.

Afterwards, Lu Chen didn't think about it anymore. After all, he really couldn't think of any reason, so Lu Chen followed Liu Changqing's gaze and looked at Ye Zi, wanting to observe her carefully.As a result, Ye Zi suddenly got up at this moment, pouring all her strength into the talisman paper, and saw the talisman paper flying up lightly.

At first, the talisman paper didn't change much, but as the energy accumulated later, it quickly expanded and became bigger and bigger, which made Lu Chen a little dumbfounded, he had never seen it before. Such a large talisman repair paper.

Lu Chen couldn't figure it out all the time, so he walked to Liu Changqing's side and asked Liu Changqing: "You said she was helping us, so how can she help us now?"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, Liu Changqing immediately gave him an explanation. Liu Changqing said to Lu Chen: "Actually, I can see what Ye Zi thinks. She is injecting power into that talisman paper now. After all, talisman paper is also Only when it is controlled by others can it burst out of power. Since we can make it attack others, we can naturally make it play a huge role. Now that Ye Zi has enlarged this talisman paper, it can smoothly Lift off, so that the three of us can sit on the talisman and fly across the swamp together."

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