Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2505 Luo Yunxia

But then, she fell into someone's arms unexpectedly, and the two hugged so tightly.Ye Zi became shy at the beginning, but thinking that this was a trick of Lu Chen, and it was just to allow the two of them to teleport to one place, she was no longer shy or embarrassed, and just let nature take its course .

Finally, the two cuddled tightly to each other, and that force couldn't do anything to them.Then the two of them saw a burst of light appearing in front of them, and Ye Zi said to Lu Chen: "The exit is ahead, and we will reach our destination soon." When Lu Chen heard this, his heart became elated, and he wanted to see something different. same world.

Both of them were transported by the phalanx to somewhere in the west.Lu Chen looked up, but found that this place was a desolate place in the wilderness. He felt that he had been tricked by Ye Zi, and asked Ye Zi loudly: "Didn't you say that it would be a particularly mysterious place? Why? Is it just a piece of wilderness?"

As soon as Ye Zi heard Lu Chen's tone and saw the slight anger on his face, she stopped teasing and teasing him, and said to Lu Chen: "Yes, this is where I want to tell you, look. "Then Ye Zi waved her sleeves, but in Lu Chen's eyes, an extremely incredible phenomenon appeared, that is, a very mysterious city appeared.

After seeing it, Lu Chen became shocked. He didn't expect that such a mysterious city was hidden in this place, and then he said to Ye Zi: "Is this the place we are going to reach?"

Ye Zi heard Lu Chen's inquiry, and said: "Yes, this is the destination we are going to reach. The reason why it is said to be mysterious is because this place, when outsiders come, they think it is a piece of wilderness, but If you have been there before, as long as you unlock the secrets, you can draw another scene, that is the city of talisman repair in the west."

Ye Zi pointed to the city in the distance and pointed forward. When Lu Chen saw it, it was indeed very magnificent and magnificent, which made Lu Chen's eyes shine.

The reason why this place is called the City of Talisman Cultivation, Lu Chen also understood. When he saw this city, he found that it was very different from other city buildings.I saw that the buildings in this city are all developed in the form of runes and runes, and even the doors are in the shape of runes. Tall buildings must be equipped with a rune and runes as standard.

Lu Chen didn't expect that there was such a city of symbols in the west. If Ye Zi hadn't brought him here today, Lu Chen might never have known it for the rest of his life.

After Ye Zi saw that Lu Chen was so excited, he sold a favor and said to Lu Chen: "I see that you seem to be very interested in these buildings, otherwise, I will take you to see them." Ye Zi asked road.

When Lu Chen heard this, he felt that Ye Zi knew something more mysterious here, so he nodded vigorously at Ye Zi.Seeing how excited he was, Ye Zi turned and led him to a place, and Chase Lu followed Ye Zi all the way.

Now he suddenly discovered that Ye Zi's personality is cloudy and uncertain, and it's not good for a while, so Lu Chen didn't want to provoke Ye Zi at all, but in fact, Ye Zi's overall personality is not particularly annoying.

Ye Zi finally led Chase Lu to a small hillside. Chase Lu was particularly puzzled, why Ye Zi would bring himself to this small hillside, just a hillside. As for making it so mysterious?Why bother to lead yourself here with great fanfare?Lu Chen thought in his heart, but he followed Ye Zi closely.

After following Ye Zi up the hill, there was an overlooking platform there, and Ye Zi led Lu Chen to the overlooking platform.Said to Lu Chen: "You stand on the top and look down." Lu Chen was a little surprised, but had to do as Ye Zi said.

He stepped towards the overlooking platform and took a look down. The scene immediately made him feel very miraculous. He saw that the smoke was lingering below. A large talisman paper with runes written on it, and many small talisman papers beside it.

After Lu Chen saw this scene, he felt very incredible.Seeing Lu Chen, Ye Zi was so interested, and explained to Lu Chen next to him.

"Actually, this talisman city has its unique buildings. From the bottom, it looks like there are only talisman papers and runes on the buildings, but in fact, if you look down from a high place, it's another scene. This building, they have spent a lot of effort to build it."

"Not only must people look like they have the logo of the talisman paper and the strong breath of the talisman, but they also contain a lot of rich ideas. Now, right in front of your eyes, what is presented is another scene carefully conceived by them .” After Lu Chen heard Ye Zi’s explanation, he felt even more incredible.

These buildings also seem to be very old, and it should be some time, according to Ye Zi.Lu Chen felt that the architect who built this city was so smart and imaginative. He didn't expect that the previous architects were also so powerful, so Lu Chen sighed unconsciously in his heart.

This city gave Lu Chen a feeling that it was both mysterious and beautiful. After seeing it, Lu Chen secretly marveled in his heart.He thought, if he stayed in this city forever and didn't care about worldly affairs, he would have a different kind of beauty.

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But Lu Chen has a heavy responsibility, and there are many things on his shoulders.This thought flashed across his mind.Now it seems that it was a very correct decision to come to the west with Ye Zi to participate in the talisman repair discussion.

After seeing the scene in front of him, Lu Chen seemed to be more interested in this trip.Lu Chen and Ye Zi watched for some time on the overlooking platform until the sunset dyed the sky red.Ye Zi said to Lu Chen: "Since we have finished viewing the beautiful scenery, it's getting late now. Can we go down now?"

Ye Zi looked at Lu Chen tentatively, because there was still some reluctance in Lu Chen's eyes.After Lu Chen heard it, he subconsciously looked at the sky, and realized that even the sun had already set, and it was getting late.

Then he said to Ye Zi: "I didn't realize that it's so late now, that's all right, then let's go down now." Then, Ye Zi and Lu Chen walked down and came to the bottom of the building.

Lu Chen asked Ye Zi, "Then where are we going after we come down now? When is the time for talisman repair and discussion?" Lu Chen now said to Ye Zi with a tone of inquiry and wanting to learn .

Ye Zi replied to Lu Chen: "The time for the talisman to discuss the Tao has not yet arrived. It seems that we must stay here tonight, or we can only sleep on the street." After finishing speaking, Ye Zi waited and watched After a week, I found that there were many people coming and going.Then he looked at her towards a bed and breakfast inn called "Luoyunxia".

Then he said to Lu Chen: "Why don't we stay in the inn first, then we will look at the itinerary, and finally arrange the time." After listening to Ye Zi's words, Lu Chen nodded, indicating that the only way to do it now is to do so. Otherwise, if they delay for a while, they will have to sleep on the street.

Then Lu Chen and Ye Zi came to the inn and said to the shopkeeper inside, "We want two rooms." But the shopkeeper looked at them, and Lu Chen felt a little suspicious immediately, thinking that the shopkeeper hadn't heard What they said just now, they repeated loudly to the shopkeeper what he said just now.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the shop caught off guard and said to the two of them: "Sorry, everyone, the shop is full now, but there is only one room left. Judging from the appearance of the two of you, it should belong to the one who is relatively close." How about some kind of relationship, how about the two of you squeeze together, or just squeeze into one room?"

The shopkeeper thought Lu Chen and Ye Zi were lovers, so he told them. Immediately, Ye Zi blushed again.Lu Chen was also rather embarrassed.

Although he is a man, seeing others misunderstood them, he also said to the shopkeeper: "No, no, shopkeeper, we need two rooms now. Your guess just now is completely wrong. This girl and I just The relationship of friendship has not risen to such an intimate level, so the owner, please see if you can forgive me, and see if there are any other rooms in the store that can accommodate the two of us."

The shopkeeper frowned when he heard this, and he didn't expect that his always accurate eyesight would be a miscalculation, so he said to Lu Chen, "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you two were in that kind of relationship, It's all my fault that I was blind and misjudged, I'm really sorry, I misunderstood you two."

After hearing this, Lu Chen said to the shopkeeper, "Don't worry about it, shopkeeper, we both don't care at all." Then he looked at Ye Zi, and saw that the blush on Ye Zi's face became even redder.Lu Chen knew subconsciously that it was what he said just now that made Ye Zi's face even more blushing.

Then he quickly changed the topic and said to the shopkeeper: "Then shopkeeper, please see if there are any spare rooms in your shop for me to live in."

The shopkeeper thought for a while, and then gave an answer: "We do have them in the shop, but there is only one room left for the guests, but there is really such a small miscellaneous room, but it is very It's messy, it can't live in people at all, and there are so many things, so"

When Lu Chen heard this, he quickly said to the shop owner: "Boss, there is absolutely no problem. As long as you are willing to let me live in that small miscellaneous room, then we can add more money." After saying that, he immediately became happier.

After all, the shop owner is also in business, and he was very happy to hear that he could make more money, so he said to Lu Chen repeatedly: "Okay, okay, then I will order someone to clean it right away. I promise to be able to do it tonight." Let you stay inside."

The two of them first paid some deposits and then reserved the two rooms.But Lu Chen didn't expect that just after he booked the room, there was a sudden yelling behind him.

Lu Chen turned around and saw that it was actually Liu Changqing. Liu Changqing walked towards Lu Chen with big strides, looked left and right at Lu Chen, looked up and down, put his hands on Lu Chen's shoulders and faced Lu Chen Chen said: "Ah, Lu Chen, it really is you. I have been watching from behind just now, and I think this figure is very familiar. I didn't expect it to look like you now. By the way, why are you here?"

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