Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2502 Experiments

Thinking about it, Lu Chen immediately started to practice his knowledge of talisman cultivation.However, due to his lack of experience and lack of understanding of the Tao of talisman cultivation, he became a little distressed.

He stayed in the dormitory for a long time, but he still didn't have a good idea, and he didn't have a way to improve his knowledge of talisman cultivation, so he was at a loss.Lu Chen thought it was a solution that he couldn't find in the room, so he wanted to go for a walk outside to see if he could break through the bottleneck of not knowing how to cultivate.

But he didn't expect that when he went out for a stroll, he would meet Chi Qianyu, Bai Yu, Zhan Hong, Hua Ruoxi and others again.Lu Chen wanted to go back to his dormitory, fearing that the few of them would ask questions again.

No, sure enough, a few of them walked straight towards Lu Chen, and Lu Chen couldn't escape.Chi Qianyu immediately walked in front to stop him, and said loudly to him: "Lu Chen, what's the matter with you? Why do you hide when you see us? We are not tigers, and we will not eat you. "

After Lu Chen saw what he said, he smiled wryly and said nothing.Then Hua Ruoxi noticed with sharp eyes that Lu Chen actually held a piece of talisman paper in his hand.A little curious, she snatched it from Lu Chen's hand, and said to Lu Chen, "Don't you practice other Taoism? Why are you wandering around with a piece of talisman paper?" Seeing this, Hua Ruoxi became suspicious stand up.

Lu Chen looked at them, all of them were shrewd people, and he really couldn't hide it from them, so he had to tell the truth frankly.He said to them: "Actually, after a while, Ye Zi and I will go to the west to participate in a seminar on talisman cultivation, so I have recently thought about practicing the art of talisman cultivation."

"However, I haven't learned the way of talisman cultivation, so I'm a bit at a loss about this matter. I don't know where to start. I couldn't find a way in the dormitory. After I came out, I thought I could find a good way to solve it. Now I have encountered a bottleneck in front of me, but I didn't expect to meet you." Lu Chen said with a sigh.

Immediately, Zhan Hong became a little unhappy, and came to Lu Chen's side aggressively, and said to him: "Why did you sigh when you met us? We won't delay you, maybe we will Helping you. Hearing what you said, we probably understand a little bit in our hearts, in fact, although we have never practiced, the knowledge of talisman cultivation."

"However, after all, everyone has Taoism. Although they are learning other Taoism techniques, this does not affect them. After all, Taoism is interlinked. It may not be so difficult for this talisman cultivation method. Therefore, I think that if we gather together and comprehend well, we may be able to find and understand the knowledge of talisman cultivation and Taoism, and then you may get twice the result with half the effort in cultivation."

After Lu Chen heard this, he also became enlightened.He patted himself on the head fiercely, and said a little excitedly: "Yes, why didn't I think of this?"

"We are all practicing Taoism. After all, this talisman is also the same in the Tao. Maybe we can find their resonance, and then untie it. How to practice talisman cultivation. As expected of Zhan Hong, it is really You have a quick brain." As Lu Chen said, he didn't forget to praise Zhan Hong by the way.

After hearing this, Zhan Hong was already happy in his heart. Faced with Lu Chen's sudden compliment, he also chose to accept it, and exaggeratedly said: "That's right, I, Zhan Hong, am very good. Don't you know that?" ,I"

"Okay, okay." Chi Qianyu heard Zhan Hong bragging so excitedly, and couldn't help but want to interrupt him.

After Zhan Hong heard this, he shut up knowingly, and Chi Qianyu stepped forward and stood in front of Lu Chen.He said to him: "Since we want to comprehend the knowledge of talisman cultivation, none of us can, just stand outside and comprehend it, Lu Chen, or you can take us to your dormitory, and we will go back together to find a way .”

After hearing this, Lu Chen took them all back to his dormitory, wanting to study this talisman carefully.

Several people discussed together, intending to look for some classics about talismans, and then combine the above content and their own methods of practicing Taoism to comprehend the way of cultivating talismans.

In the past few days, Lu Chen also spent a lot of effort to find some classics, and consulted the above information, studied repeatedly, and finally came to some conclusions.That is the way of talisman cultivation, which comes from the power of the heart, just like what Ye Zi said to him before, if you want to use talisman cultivation, then the desire for power in your heart will be even stronger.

After finally comprehending some methods, Lu Chen immediately felt confident. With this confidence, he wanted to learn the talisman well.

In the past few days, apart from studying the talisman with Chi Qianyu and the others, Chase Lu did nothing else.

Study with them through these few days.Lu Chen felt that he had a certain understanding of Fu Xiu.Before wanting to study talisman cultivation well, the whole reason was to be able to be frightened in front of Ye Zi.But after a few days of understanding, he found that Taoism such as talisman repair is much more difficult than other Taoism.

He immediately expressed his admiration for Ye Zi in his heart.Although Ye Zi has some flaws in character, but in terms of strength, Ye Zi is considered superior.Lu Chen felt that learning the road of talisman repair required a lot of experimentation and overcoming many difficulties before he could understand it thoroughly.

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Although he didn't intend to compete in this way.However, it did not completely express that he had no interest in this talisman.He felt that after learning the knowledge of Talisman, his strength would be improved, and his strength would also increase a little more than before, so practicing Dao of Talisman was beneficial and harmless to Chase Lu.

In the past few days, Chi Qianyu and the others were exhausted.Come here early in the morning every day, together with Lu Chen, to find the way of this talisman, and will not leave until evening.

Everyone's good intentions were all taken into Lu Chen's eyes.With grateful eyes, Lu Chen said to them: "In the past few days, thank you all, it is really hard for everyone to accompany me to learn the Tao of Talisman Lu. I am here to express my gratitude to you all. .”

Then Lu Chen bowed deeply to them.Seeing this, Chi Qianyu hurriedly walked to Lu Chen's side, and signaled that he didn't need to make such a big show, after all, we are all good brothers and don't need so much courtesy.

Lu Chen looked at his group of good brothers, who would help him when he was in trouble, and thanked them from the bottom of his heart.Seeing that it was getting late, Chi Qianyu and others bid farewell to Lu Chen and prepared to leave.

Seeing that they were leaving, Lu Chen asked: "Everyone has worked hard in the past few days, and you have come here day and night to help me understand the matter of talisman repair. Then you must pay more attention to rest and take good care of yourself after you go back. fan."

After Chi Qianyu heard this, he said to Lu Chen: "You are still talking about us, you are not young anymore, you should know how to take care of yourself. Okay, let's not say more, since we can help you , then we are also satisfied, we will go first, and the rest of the road will be completed by you alone."

Lu Chen nodded heavily at Chi Qianyu.Seeing that Lu Chen agreed, Chi Qianyu left Chen Lu's dormitory with Zhan Hong and the others.With the help of these few of them, Lu Chen can get twice the result with half the effort for the subsequent study. After successfully understanding the knowledge of Talisman, Lu Chen began to practice.

But recently, because of learning the knowledge of talismans, it seems that some of the techniques of Taoism that Chase Lu himself learned have been delayed.So, taking advantage of the fact that he was planning to delve into the art of talisman repair recently, he also had to practice his own Taoism by the way.

Lest he forget what he learned before, then he may want to cry without tears.Lu Chen took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket, which was given to him by Ye Zi, saying that it was the ticket to the western talisman practice.

Lu Chen wanted to use it as a reference example to make another talisman paper, and wanted to try its power.Lu Chen imitated the talisman paper given by Ye Zi, and started to make it. He found that its material was special, but because of face, he refused to get it from Ye Zi.

I had no choice but to look at the ingredients, and searched for them one by one, and then finally all the collection was completed, and the collected materials were smashed, flattened, and filtered one by one.After that, it finally became the shape of a piece of paper.

After Lu Chen was done, he imitated the size of that piece of talisman paper and started to make it. The reference data was completely developed according to that piece of talisman paper.Seeing a string of runes written on it, Lu Chen also wrote a string of runes on the talisman paper he made himself, and then used the technique of mind power to lift the completed talisman paper in an attempt to make it fly into the air.

Lu Chen was just an experiment, and he didn't have any hope at all, but he didn't expect that this talisman paper was successfully lifted into the air, which made Lu Chen a little ecstatic.So, he took the next step. After seeing Ye Zi lift up the talisman paper, Lu Chen quickly transmitted his power to the talisman paper, and read out a series of strange runes.

He also wanted to imitate it. Hearing what Ye Zi said before, if he wanted to make the power of the talisman paper stronger, then he had to rely on his inner desire for a strong power.In his heart, Lu Chen silently increased his consciousness, and read a string of runes to the talisman paper.

Immediately, the talisman paper fluttered around in Lu Chen's dormitory. Lu Chen wanted to control it, but found that the talisman paper was out of control and was floating around.

Chase Lu stretched out his arm, wanting to command and control, but the talisman paper was still not interested in Chase Lu's control, flying around.Lu Chen was angry, so he wanted to take off the talisman paper, but the talisman paper didn't give Lu Chen a chance at all.Instead, it flew higher and higher, making Lu Chen out of reach.

Seeing this, Lu Chen gave up. Anyway, the talisman paper has no power at all, and there is no way to destroy anything, so he has to let it fly by itself.

Sure enough, after a while, the talisman finally got tired and stopped.Seeing this, Lu Chen grabbed it and tore it into pieces.

Although Chase Lu's experiment failed this time, failure is the mother of success. Moreover, when Chase Lu was experimenting just now, the first one or two steps were considered correct, but the control later was still a little too late.

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