Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2486 Demonstration

When Chi Qianyu heard that it was because of this, he said to Lu Chen: "Ah, so it was because of this. I thought it was something else. If this is the case, you don't have to worry."

"Because Su Qiong came to inform me that when he was taking this course, I asked him who would participate. After hearing that you would also participate, I went to the scene to sign up, but found that you did not Sign up there, so I decided to fill in your name for you on my own initiative.”

Lu Chen's eyes flashed, and there was a glimmer of light. He looked at Chi Qianyu, squeezed his shoulder tightly, and asked him: "Is it true? Is what you said true? You signed up for me Ah." Seeing his excitement, Chi Qianyu teased him: "Do you regret it? If you regret it, then I will tell them that I gave it to you without your consent. Fill in the name, let them change it."

Lu Chen quickly said to him: "No, no. Fortunately, you made your own decision once, otherwise I would have no chance, thank you, brother." So Lu Chen let go of Chi Qianyu, jumped Jumping around, he ran back to his room, and started to study books about talisman repair.

The next day, I went to the classroom and waited for the teacher who taught Fuxiu.Suddenly someone came in from the door, and Chase Lu saw it was Ye Zi.So he didn't take it seriously, because he knew that Ye Zi had been practicing talisman cultivation, and had already ranked first in Dongsheng, at the top of the list. He was not surprised that she would come to study talisman cultivation.

So Lu Chen turned his head, looked out the window and continued to wait for the arrival of the talisman master. "Cough, students, be quiet." Hearing the familiar voice, Lu Chen slowly turned his head back, and found Ye Zi standing on the podium and shouting to the students below, he was a little surprised up.

Looking at Ye Zi's little face with a little makeup, it is capable, arrogant and arrogant.Lu Chen didn't know what kind of person she was, but from her expression, he saw that she was showing a little bit of displeasure, and after some banter, he felt that she might not be easy to get along with.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zi was actually their talisman instructor.The students below, seeing Ye Zi standing on the podium with a displeased look on his face, started discussing one after another.Ye Zi glanced coldly at the whole class, and slapped the desk hard.

He said to them: "Can you respect me? Didn't you see that I am teaching you now? If I am teaching you now, then I am your teacher. You always disrespect the teacher in class. Is it right?" As soon as the words came out, there was no sound from below.

This made Ye Zi a little satisfied, and Ye Zi introduced them formally. "In the future, we will get along with each other on a teacher-student relationship. I am the teacher who is here to guide you to learn the Fuxiu course. Although I am a teacher, I am not very familiar with this professional position."

"However, I am quite familiar with Fuxiu. Therefore, I think I will lead you to learn the course of Fuxiu. Now that I have introduced myself to you, please do the same now. Introduce yourself."

With an arrogant face, Ye Zi said to the students below, so the students who were provoked here were very upset, and suddenly it was as if a pot had exploded, discussing wantonly, and did not listen to Ye Zi's words.

Ye Zi was a little anxious, so she slapped the table hard again, "What are you arguing about, what are you arguing about? Talking loudly. Seeing Ye Zi's angry look, the students below all shut their mouths and didn't speak. All of a sudden, there was no sound again.

Ye Zi wanted to yell at them at this time, but she still cared about her position as a newly promoted teacher, so she suppressed her temper and didn't say it out.At this time, she suddenly looked at Chi Qianyu. She didn't expect that Chi Qianyu had also signed up for this course, so she began to sneer at Chi Qianyu.

"Yo, who am I supposed to be? So it's my defeated general. What's the matter? Because you didn't beat me, you didn't become the number one, so you have to learn how to repair." Immediately, the whole class burst into laughter, all in unison. All eyes were on Chi Qianyu.

Chi Qianyu suddenly became a little embarrassed and stood up, pointing at the leaf above her and said: "What are you talking about? You, don't just treat yourself with such disrespect just because you are the teacher of our subject now." Man. May I ask you to keep your mouth clean?"

Chi Qianyu said very angrily.Immediately, the whole class didn't dare to make another sound, and didn't dare to joke anymore.The leaf above was also frightened by Chi Qianyu's hostility, so he didn't say anything more.

Then her tone became a little more amiable, and gradually became more integrated. She started her lecture to the students below.She said to the students below: "Then let's formally enter the class content now. Come on, I want you to have a simple exchange competition. May I ask what is the talisman repair? You have a good discussion. Fan, and then give me the final answer."

The crowd started a heated discussion, and when the time finally came, Ye Zi began to question some people.But their answers were unsatisfactory.Ye Zi shook his head and said to them: "Although you have answered some points, but you haven't fully understood the talisman, so you should think about it again."

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Therefore, those students who participated in the answer were very disappointed, and continued to think with their heads down.Because Lu Chen has done a lot of homework about talisman repair recently, he has a deep understanding of what talisman repair is.

Then he stood up directly, and said to Ye Zi: "As far as I know, talisman repair is to write a string of words on talisman paper, and can make that talisman paper have power, turning it into a powerful weapon for yourself, so as to attack the enemy. make an impact"

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, the audience fell silent.Ye Zi expressed her praise, but she didn't expect that Lu Chen had done enough homework and understood the skills of Fu Xiu so well.

Then he said to Lu Chen: "Okay, what you said is very right, that's what Fuxiu is like." When everyone heard Ye Zi, who had always been arrogant, they looked at Lu Chen with such praise, and they all agreed with Lu Chen. From what Chen said, one can imagine that what Lu Chen said is absolutely right.

In private, he wanted to study harder and surpass Lu Chen. Since Lu Chen won this simple communication competition, Ye Zi invited Lu Chen to come on stage to explain to the students how Fuxiu attacked the enemy.Ye Zi asked Chase Lu to cooperate with her and give a demonstration.

Lu Chen stayed by Ye Zi's side, and found that Ye Zi took the matter of talisman repair so seriously, and found it inconceivable that a person who is usually so arrogant and domineering can actually become careful for the things he likes.

I saw Ye Zi took out a piece of talisman paper, cast a spell to make the talisman paper float in the air, and then Ye Zi brushed down a series of cipher texts with his own hands, and injected those cipher texts into the talisman paper, the talisman The paper suddenly emitted a burst of white shining light, and it went straight towards Lu Chen.

It was pasted on Chase Lu's head, and Chase Lu wanted to tear it off, but the talisman paper was still stuck on.Suddenly the talisman leaped up again.Suspended in the air, it kept spinning, and Lu Chen was dazzled. When Lu Chen was not prepared, he released a strong light and attacked. After Lu Chen was attacked, he fell heavily to the ground.

Lu Chen really didn't expect that this little talisman would be so powerful.Lu Chen was surprised.After Ye Zi saw Lu Chen fell to the ground, he quickly helped him up, and said to him: "Okay, thank you, this classmate demonstrated for us, you can go down now."

After Lu Chen left, he kept thinking that this talisman repair was so powerful, which aroused some thoughts of Lu Chen.Lu Chen became more interested in learning about talisman repair, and Ye Zi then said on the stage: "You all have seen that the power of talisman repair is very huge. So you must Study talisman well, it will be very, very useful to you in the future."

"Okay, that's the end of our class for today. When we continue class next time, I must ask you all to be able to tell what talisman repair is. And study this class seriously. Okay. Alright, students, get out of class is over." Then Ye Zi left the classroom.

After Ye Zi left the classroom, the classroom started to argue again.Chi Qianyu walked up to Lu Chen's side, patted Lu Chen's chest and abdomen, and said to him: "Okay, you boy, you are secretly working behind my back. You actually hide it from me, you Said, this talisman training class is so boring, you are so interested in him, I really don't understand you."

Lu Chen smiled wryly, and said to Chi Qianyu, "Interest is the best teacher." Even after Chi Qianyu chased him out of the classroom, Chi Qianyu chased Lu Chen and said, "I said, how have you become so lately? Dressed like a beast? You can even say that interest is the best teacher." Lu Chen didn't want to talk to Chi Qianyu anymore, so he walked straight away, ignoring Chi Qianyu at all.

Chi Qianyu left just to make fun of herself.Through recent studies, Chase Lu found that Fu Xiu, this course is relatively unpopular and a bit boring.The students around were all drowsy, but Ye Zi just ignored her and continued to explain what she hadn't finished.He shook his head.

He gradually found that the more he studied the talisman, the more he felt that this talisman could even be integrated into the formations he had learned earlier, because he had already learned the weapon formation and the beast shadow formation, maybe Maybe he can learn another talisman formation.

He wanted to study it carefully and then integrate it into his formation.Since then, he has been studying these, and he has quoted some concepts of Talisman into his formation.

Suddenly one day, when he was studying talisman repair, he had a huge question, that is, what was the rune that Ye Zi wrote on that piece of talisman paper at that time, which made that piece of talisman paper possess such great power.

The more he thought about it, the more strange he felt, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, and he didn't understand what kind of mystery there was.Now encountering difficulties, Chase Lu doesn't know how to solve them.So I wanted to go to Ye Zi to ask him what to do to make the talisman paper have great power.

He hurriedly ran to Ye Zi, who happened to be researching something in the teaching and research room. When Chase Lu got there, he found that Ye Zi was only after studying, so he was embarrassed to disturb Ye Zi.So he walked lightly to the chair next to him and sat down, wanting to wait for Ye Zi to recover and find him after finishing the research, and then he would speak again.

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