Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2471 Realm Improvement

Chase Lu released his perception, and continued to probe into his body.

He could only feel that the blood in his whole body was boiling non-stop, as if his whole body would be able to expand in the next second.

"This effect is too scary!"

Lu Chen gritted his teeth, bearing the burning of the blood dragon and green fruit.

He already felt that the energy of the blood dragon Bi Guo was constantly churning in his body, even swaying around his meridians.

And Chase Lu felt the indescribable pain in his body all the time.

But he had to hold back, if the energy of the blood dragon Biguo swallowed his whole body, I'm afraid Lu Chen's sanity would never be possessed again!

And the outside world is also buzzing at this moment.

Although due to the maintenance of Lu Chen and other leaders, the casualties were still much less, but still, many participants were injured by the beast.

This was originally just a small experience, but now it has turned into such a mess.

No matter which side it is, they will never want this competition to continue!

It is precisely because of this that everyone hastily withdrew from the island.

The contest ended just like that, and the organizers began to count the number of people. After all, there must be a count of who passed the test and who did not.

Moreover, there are still many people who go alone to find their own opportunities, so naturally they cannot act recklessly.

However, everyone who passed the level fought to hand in their number plates at the designated place.

Even those Lone Rangers came back one after another, but Lu Chen didn't arrive for a long time.

The time is almost up, if Lu Chen can't hand in the number plate within this period, then the competition during this period will be in vain.

Basically, all those who passed the customs arrived at the designated place and handed in their number plates. Only Chase Lu, who has not arrived for a long time, does not know where he went.

Although the time has not yet come, Chi Qianyu and the others are still very anxious.

It's really worrying that Lu Chen hasn't come here for a long time. What should I do if there is anything else.

"Why hasn't Lu Chen come yet?" Chi Qianyu was full of anxiety, and there were only a few minutes left before the end of the time. If Lu Chen still didn't come, he would really be blind for such a long time.

Time passed by, just when everyone thought that Lu Chen would not come again, Lu Chen finally arrived, although Lu Chen looked really embarrassed at this time.

"How did you make it like this?" Chi Qianyu saw that Lu Chen had made it like this, and hurried forward.

I saw Lu Chen's clothes were torn, a lot of skin was exposed, and there were many stains on it. It looked dirty and his hair was messy, as if he had just experienced some major accident.

It felt as if he had just fought with something, and he still didn't win. Anyway, he looked particularly embarrassed.

Chi Qianyu asked Lu Chen, Lu Chen also didn't say anything, ignored Chi Qianyu, just handed in the number plate, and didn't disclose anything else.

"What's the matter with you, talk, what happened and why are you so embarrassed." Chi Qianyu was very concerned about him here, but Lu Chen didn't say anything, and she really had nothing to do.

I have said good and bad things, but Lu Chen really didn't cooperate, which made Chi Qianyu very angry. She was very kind, but Lu Chen seemed to be deliberately guarding against her. It was really too much .

"Wait, let me go slowly first." Seeing that Chi Qianyu was really angry, Lu Chen hurriedly said, in fact, he was just too tired, and felt that there was nothing to say about this matter.

But he didn't expect that Chi Qianyu would be angry, so in order to prevent Chi Qianyu from getting even more angry, he could only comfort her first.

This time Lu Chen was so embarrassed not because of fighting with others, nor because of anything else, but because of Bi Guo.

The role of Biguo is to purify the blood. Chase Lu optimized his own blood and walked out of his own way, and his realm was once again raised by a small stage.

Moreover, how easy is it to purify the blood? Chase Lu really rushed to complete the purification before the competition was completely over.

It was also because of the rush of time that Lu Chen was in such a mess.

After Chase Lu slowed down a bit, Chi Qianyu finally couldn't hold back anymore, "What's the matter, why did you become like this?"

Seeing Chi Qianyu caring about him so much, even if Lu Chen didn't want to say it, he had to say it. After all, he had good intentions, so he couldn't be too cold.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I just evolved a bloodline. I wasted a little more time, so I was almost late."

Lu Chen told the truth, but he still didn't tell them many details, not to say that he deliberately concealed them, but there are some things that really don't need to be said so clearly.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Chen said that, Chi Qianyu opened his mouth wide in surprise. It was an evolutionary bloodline. What a rare thing. How could Lu Chen say it like a commonplace? Does he know how rare this thing is? what.

As a result, such a rare thing, Lu Chen just said it so casually?

"No. Such a rare thing, did it succeed?"

Chi Qianyu hurriedly asked, but looked at Lu Chen's current state.It should be a success, which can be seen. Although Lu Chen is in such a mess now, it can still be seen that Lu Chen really looks different from before.

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"It worked, no big deal, really."

Lu Chen really didn't think it was a big deal, and just after the purification was successful, there were still many places in Lu Chen's body that needed to be cultivated properly.

"Since it's a good thing, let's talk about it from the beginning. Really, it made us very worried. Okay, let's rest, I'll go first." Chi Qianyu also realized that he was too inked, and said After a few words, he fled quickly, and the others also left after saying a few words.

Lu Chen shook his head, Chi Qianyu can just leave, anyway, she is useless here, except for causing some trouble.

After all, although Lu Chen has successfully evolved his bloodline, he still needs to continue to practice well, otherwise, the bloodline is likely to be wasted.

Fortunately, Chi Qianyu is gone now, otherwise Lu Chen really didn't know how to drive her away. Although Lu Chen knew that Chi Qianyu was also kind, but most of the time, Lu Chen said it was okay, so it was really okay .

Sometimes Chi Qianyu is really too ink-stained, which also makes Lu Chen really feel a little overwhelmed.

Lu Chen's realm has also been raised by a small stage. Now that there is no one around, he practiced quietly and well by himself, and he feels much more comfortable on his body.

After resting for a while, Chase Lu knew that he could not rest anymore, and he had other things to do.

Chase Lu mainly wanted to see if there were any good things in the island auction house, and if there were any, he would just take a photo of them.

Anyway, Bi Guo's bloodline optimization function only works once, so we should take advantage of this opportunity to get more good things.

Thinking about it this way, it happened that the competition was taking a break, so I took advantage of this time to island the auction house.

Although Chase Lu had a premonition that there would not be any particularly good things, he could still go and have a look. If he saw something worthwhile, wouldn't it be a profit.

However, there were still some emergencies in this competition, such as the sudden appearance of a fierce beast this time.

Normally, this competition is not dangerous, and all the dangers in it are predictable, but this time, a fierce beast appeared in the competition.

It’s fine if there’s a beast, it’s fun to be a little bit exciting, but no matter how you say this beast has to be controllable, it turned out that this beast is not controllable at all

What's even more unbelievable is that this time, people were killed in the first quarter.

Moreover, as far as this competition is concerned, this competition has always attracted much attention, and it has attracted the attention of many people.

Therefore, this competition caused a death, and many people paid attention to it.

This competition caused fierce beasts and human lives, and was questioned by all parties, but the organizer did not make any response.

I don't know why, but the organizer of this competition didn't respond.

It may be because they don't know how it happened, or there may be some unexplainable things. In short, the organizer also deliberately avoided this matter.

This has nothing to do with Chase Lu. It doesn't matter if the organizer responds or not. It's just because of this incident that the organizer didn't pursue the loss of the genius treasure.

This is a good thing for Chase Lu.

Tomorrow is the day when the auction will start, and Lu Chen is still very excited. If he can buy something good tomorrow, it will be really beautiful.

Although Lu Chen didn't want to go with Chi Qianyu, but since Chi Qianyu wanted to go, it's okay to go together.

"Let's go." Lu Chen got ready, and then went to Chi Qianyu to find her. After waiting for her for a long time, Chi Qianyu hurriedly got ready.

However, Chase Lu didn't care about these. Anyway, it's still early, and Chase Lu is not in such a hurry, so it's okay to wait a while to delay Qianyu.

What Lu Chen didn't expect was that there were still many good things in this auction.

When Chase Lu knew that there was a high-level formation, he was really excited. Anyway, Chase Lu would definitely win this formation.

In the end, there was nothing to say. What Lu Chen wanted to get was not too difficult. Although Lu Chen felt that it was not worth it to pay for this formation, he was still very happy.

After all, this high-level formation was actually very useful after it was given to Chase Lu, so Chase Lu felt very satisfied when he got it.

After waiting for a while, there was nothing that made Lu Chen feel bright.

Although there are many good things in this auction, some Lu Chen thinks it is useless.So I didn't shoot it either.

After waiting for a while, it was probably useless to stay any longer, so Lu Chen had already planned to leave, and just wanted to call Chi Qianyu, but saw that Chi Qianyu looked energetic and seemed very interested.

Probably there should be something that Chi Qianyu really wanted, and Lu Chen was not that selfish person, the two of them came together, since Chi Qianyu wanted something, then Lu Chen would wait for her for a while.

But what I didn't expect was that what Chi Qianyu wanted was gauntlets, which was of course a surprise to Lu Chen.

He really didn't expect that Chi Qianyu had waited so long for the gauntlets. After taking pictures of the gauntlets, Chi Qianyu obviously didn't want to take pictures of anything else.

Originally, I wanted to ask Chi Qianyu why he wanted this thing, but Lu Chen saw that Chi Qianyu didn't really want to say it, so it was inconvenient to ask again.

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Temple of Heaven

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