"You guys are really enough, bullying people and bullying endlessly, right?" Bai Yu shouted, she really couldn't stand these bratty kids anymore, she drew her sword and stood in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was embarrassed to beat a girl, but she was not afraid, she was also a girl, so she didn't have so many worries, and, how could she say that she was more than one enemy, and no one would talk about it when she said it.

Although Bai Yu is not as powerful as Lu Chen, he still has the ability to deal with these little girls without hurting them.

Therefore, Lu Chen was pushed to the back by Bai Yu in this way, everything was handed over to Bai Yu, and Lu Chen only needed to look behind.

Bai Yu tidied up the little girl Xie Xie with three slaps, clapped her hands casually, and looked at the little girls on the ground with a proud face.

"Stinky kids, you're the only ones who come here to seek revenge. I'm dying of laughter. Come home and practice again." Bai Yu laughed triumphantly. The children wanted to say something, but the one who was beaten by Bai Yu It really hurts.

Bai Yu's strikes were still serious, but it just made these children feel a little pain, and they couldn't really suffer any harm.

"Thank you very much." Lu Chen saw that these children had been dealt with by Bai Yu, so he came forward, seeing Bai Yu's complacent look, and thanked him.

After all, it was Bai Yu who helped him, so I still want to say thank you, Bai Yu shook his head, this is just a trivial matter, but it is nothing worth mentioning at all.

become a gigolo

"Thank you, thank you, what a big deal." Bai Yu said, and walked out swaggeringly.

Without the obstruction of these children, Chase Lu and his party continued to set off. The competition place is nearby, so they need to find a place to rest now.

Now that the people from the Fifth Courtyard have come to Zhongzhou, it is difficult to find a place to live, and it took a long time to find a place.

As soon as they entered the door, Lu Chen and the others heard a lot of gossip, and it was all about him.

"Hey, have you heard that the competition between the five courtyards is about to start recently? Dongsheng's representative team is also here. You also know that Dongsheng and Zhongzhou have never been able to deal with each other, so ah, when they come I often get troubled by various things, and then what?"

A few men were sitting at the wine table, one of them was eating melon seeds, and he was speaking in a serious manner, and even made a fool of himself.

Lu Chen and the others looked at each other, thinking that listening to others talking about themselves seemed quite fun, so they sat on the table next to them, ordered a pot of tea, and listened with interest.

"Then what's the matter, tell me quickly." A man became impatient in an instant, and what he disliked the most in his life was listening to people's tricks, so he hurriedly asked.

"Then, a few little girls found them, and it can't be said that they found them. These little girls mainly wanted to deal with that guy named Lu Chen. Guess what happened."

The man smiled wretchedly, with an inscrutable expression on his face. He wanted to keep it a secret, but they couldn't help but they kept asking, and finally he explained honestly.

"As a result, Lu Chen didn't dare to make a move, and hid behind the woman, without any responsibility for a man, hahaha."

This man was laughing and leaning back and forth. I really didn't expect Dongsheng's main force to be a soft-faced boy. He knew how to hide behind a woman when he encountered a problem. He was really shameless.

Hearing what this man said, the few people who were listening beside him also laughed out loud. They really didn't expect that Dongsheng's main force would be such a person.

I don't know how such a person is the main force, maybe it is also relying on women. Thinking of this, several people laughed obscenely again.

And the atmosphere at Lu Chen's table was a bit subtle. Originally, Lu Chen just wanted to hear a joke and see how their gossip sounded, but what he didn't expect was that he heard someone say that he was a little boy.

Although it is true that he did not make a move, it is definitely not because he is a little boy, he just doesn't want to fight with women, but he didn't expect these people to spread such bad words.

Lu Chen didn't care too much, it was just a false name.

He coughed calmly, and drew back the attention of several people at the same table, then put the money on the table and went back to his room first.

Su Qiong was a little unhappy. When she got up, she wanted to go to those people who were free to gossip and gossip. Lu Chen is her friend, so she is not a bad boy. people to say.

As a result, he was grabbed by Zhan Hong as soon as he stood up, and they couldn't blame others for this incident, no matter how he said it, he couldn't keep their mouths shut.

Moreover, although what they said was a bit harsh, it was true that Lu Chen didn't make a move that day, so no one else could be blamed.

"Okay, sit down now." Chi Qianyu also spoke up, Su Qiong wanted to say something more, but everyone refused to let her go, so she had no confidence.

"Then what to do now, Lu Chen is not that kind of person at all, and he was so slandered!" Su Qiong pouted, not usually angry.

However, Zhan Hong just shook his head, and he couldn't explain this kind of thing clearly. As Dongsheng people, they were tortured in Zhongzhou, and it is expected that they are like this now.

Unless Lu Chen can do something so that everyone can't find fault, otherwise, they will always be rumored by them.

Moreover, if Su Qiong goes, they will definitely be said to be angry and beat people again, so the gain outweighs the loss.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Chi Qianyu analyzed the pros and cons of this matter for Su Qiong in detail, but Su Qiong successfully fell silent.

"Okay, okay, I don't care about Chen Lu, I'm so angry." Chi Qianyu smiled, Chen Chen didn't look angry at all just now, and he didn't care about such things at all. Joan is so angry.

Then he turned his eyes to Bai Yu's body, and saw that the little girl was absent-minded, with her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

After all, half of the rumors came out because of Bai Yu. Chi Qianyu really wanted to know what Bai Yu was thinking now, but she didn't expect that she was completely empty now.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Chi Qianyu slapped Bai Yu lightly, only to see that Bai Yu was frightened, and was stunned like a frightened deer.

"Ah, what?" Bai Yu was stunned, making Chi Qianyu feel a little powerless. They said so much just now, it's possible that this little girl didn't listen to anything.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, let's go." Chi Qianyu yawned, seeing that it was getting dark outside, and they were already tired after a long day of driving, so they planned to go back to their room to sleep.

Although Su Qiong still looked angry, but after thinking about what Chi Qianyu and the others said, it seemed quite reasonable.

As for Bai Yu, after they all went in, she clenched her hands tightly, not in an absent-minded look, but in a tangled look, and she didn't know what she was tangled about.

As for Chase Lu, he started to practice after returning to his room. He didn't care about these rumors, and these rumors didn't affect him in the slightest, so he didn't need to care about them.

And when the competition is approaching, it is natural to practice hard. Before the competition, everything must be detoured. It is a waste of time to think about what is there and what is not.

At first, everyone thought that this matter would dissipate automatically in a few days, but for some reason, after a few days, this matter not only did not dissipate, but also fermented day by day.

This is a trivial matter, but I don't know why, and more and more people know about this matter.

People in the streets and alleys have been discussing this matter all the time. Whether it is the speed of spread or the scope of spread, this matter has reached a very terrible level, and it has reached the point where Lu Chen can't continue to ignore it if he wants to ignore it.

Lu Chen was originally in seclusion, with his ears closed to world affairs, and he only cared about his cultivation for the upcoming competition, but when he left the seclusion, he realized that this matter was out of his control.

Bai Yu's heart

Bai Yu was tossing and turning on the bed, and she was also very entangled in the rumors about Lu Chen outside.

Although he knew that explaining was useless, Bai Yu really didn't want to explain.

In fact, she has a good impression of Lu Chen. Lu Chen is good-looking, and his strength is also very strong. There is nothing to say about his personality. Sometimes he is really attractive.

Moreover, Bai Yu is a young girl who has just begun to fall in love, and it is normal to fall in love with someone who looks good, but she has not realized that she has fallen in love with Lu Chen yet.

It's just that now when she thinks of Lu Chen, she feels sweet in her heart, and when she thinks of what those people outside said, saying that she protected him, she feels even sweeter in her heart.

Although he didn't know what the reason for this feeling was, Bai Yu still felt a little shy when he thought about it now, so he just thought about it secretly in his heart.

"Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door, and Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, as expected, he couldn't hide anything in his heart.

"Who is it?" Bai Yu looked at the sky outside, it was already dark, and he didn't know who could come at this time, so it was better to ask.

"It's me, Su Qiong." Su Qiong's gentle voice came in from outside the door, and Bai Yu's hanging heart was relieved. Fortunately, it was Su Qiong, and at that moment, it was Lu Chen who Bai Yu wanted to knock on the door. Really insane.

"Here we come." Bai Yu replied, and then hurriedly got out of bed and opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Su Qiong who was smiling.

Although they are all from the same college, they usually don't have much contact with each other, so their relationship is not very deep.

But this time when going out, there were few girls in the first place, and there were only a few of them, so the relationship between Bai Yu and Su Qiong became deeper and deeper.

"What's the matter?" Bai Yu stared at Su Qiong who sneaked in nimbly, and was taken aback for a moment. Their rooms are shared by each other, so Bai Yu and Su Qiong don't live together, but now that Su Qiong has sneaked in, could it be Want to sleep with her?

Su Qiong had an inscrutable expression on her face, after Bai Yu closed the door, she pulled her onto the bed, and the two girls sat on the bed facing each other under a quilt.

Although she didn't know what Su Qiong was going to do, it seemed like she had something to tell her, so it was not easy for Bai Yu to intervene.

"Hey, Bai Yu, tell the truth, do you like Lu Chen?" Su Qiong suddenly approached and whispered to Bai Yu with an ambiguous expression.

But after Bai Yu realized what she said, her face turned red all of a sudden, she looked at Su Qiong shyly, and denied it, "No, no, how can it be, don't talk nonsense."

Seeing Bai Yu's shy face and stuttering, Su Qiong was even more sure. If she was just guessing at the beginning, but now, she is really sure that Bai Yu just likes Lu Chen.

In fact, it's not surprising that Bai Yu likes Lu Chen, after all, Lu Chen is also very good, so it doesn't matter if there are so few people who like him.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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