Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2428 Landscape

It's just that what Su Qiong didn't tell Lu Chen was that besides Chi Qianyu and other romantic figures in Dongsheng Academy, there are many other freaks.

Zhou Xiaoxu is considered a man of influence in Dongsheng College, although his reputation is relatively small, not too big.

Although it is still a lot worse for Lu Chen's type of boss, it is more than enough for some people.

From this point of view, Zhou Xiaoxu is not only not an ordinary person, but also has some qualifications.

It is equivalent to giving him a platform someday, the kind that can soar into the sky.

It's a pity that if these words are really said in Dongsheng Academy, I'm afraid it will make people laugh out loud!

Zhou Xiaoxu's strength is close to the top, and he was ranked fifth in the leaderboard when he entered Dongsheng Academy.

It stands to reason that in this Dongsheng Academy, which respects the strong, it should also occupy a place.

But many facts prove that he is not. To use a fashionable saying in Dongsheng College, even if the next 150 five guys are promoted, it will not be Zhou Xiaoxu's turn!

Why do people say that?

We have to get to know Zhou Xiaoxu first.

First of all, let's look at it on the surface.

Zhou Xiaoxu looked very sorry to the audience, and others felt hot eyes at a glance, and couldn't bear to look directly at him.

But he himself is not that self-aware, self-willed, thinking that he is handsome, at least comparable to people like Lu Chen.

So I often imitate those handsome and unrestrained young men dressed in white, and swaying around with a beautifully made fan in their hands.

Walking on the streets of Dongsheng College, he himself felt that he was flirting with girls all the time.

It's a pity that the external conditions are really bad.

Really stupid, thinking that wearing white clothes and holding a fan is Mo Shangren Ruyu, a son who is unparalleled in the world?

But as the saying goes, you can never only look at a person by his appearance, but also observe his heart.

It doesn't matter if a person's appearance is not good, Zhou Xiaoxu's moral bottom line is even lower and lower, and it can even be said to be almost non-existent.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Xiaoxu's friends around him are just wine and meat friends.

This kind of friend can be easily summed up in two sentences.

We are friends when we have meat and soup to drink.

If not, who are you, I don't know you.

So Zhou Xiaoxu doesn't have any good friends who treat him sincerely.

In fact, there were originally, but later he was chilled by his death.

Every time he went out to do something with Zhou Xiaoxu, he just wanted to eat and drink, and wanted to be cheap.

It's fine if you don't pay, and if people don't invite him, they will say that they don't treat him as a friend.

It's okay to do this once, but it's been like this all the time, which slowly makes friends' impression of Zhou Xiaoxu not so good.

Later, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I just died of old age.

The main reason for this result is not just because he is greedy for petty gain, but also because he not only does not lend a helping hand to his friends when they are in trouble, but also fuels the flames behind his back and stabs others.

In the past, Zhou Xiaoxu had a true brother, but it was a pity that Zhou Xiaoxu didn't cherish it later, and sold his brother's information to his enemies in exchange for information.

In doing so, there is no second person who can do it.

If we only talk about this point, it's not enough to make this person shouted and beaten by everyone in this Dongsheng Academy.

Let's talk about Zhou Xiaoxu!Another great feature is that it is particularly lustful.

His lust is different from other people's simple desire, on the contrary, it has reached the point of madness.

Because of this, every time a girl who walks in the academy to run and practice kung fu, she immediately hides away when she sees Zhou Xiaoxu, as if Zhou Xiaoxu is a disgusting virus, for fear of being contaminated with some filth.

On the day when the story happened, Zhou Xiaoxu went out for a walk with a group of friends, and took a look at today's prey.

Suddenly, Zhou Xiaoxu's sight suddenly broke into a slim figure, which made Zhou Xiaoxu fascinated all at once.

He hurriedly raised his steps and quickly chased after her, for fear that the beauty would disappear before his eyes.

I didn't tell the friends behind me what I was going to do, so I just left.

"As the saying goes, a beautiful woman deserves a hero, and a talented man deserves a beautiful woman. If there is no such talented hero as myself, how sad is this beautiful woman?"

With such a thought in mind, Zhou Xiaoxu walked forward slowly with infinite emotion in his heart.

A beautiful woman is fleeting, so Zhou Xiaoxu naturally refused to let go of this opportunity.

After Zhou Xiaoxu followed, he found that the beauty was looking at the scenery under a cherry blossom tree, and stretched out his hand to catch the cherry blossom petals falling from the sky. The whole person was immersed in the fragrance of the cherry blossoms, everything was so beautiful and dreamy.

Of course, all of this would be perfect without Zhou Xiaoxu, a wretched man who was peeking behind other trees.

Zhou Xiaoxu looked at this situation and the beauty of the beauty, couldn't bear it anymore, rushed out, thinking: I am so handsome, as soon as a beautiful woman appears on the stage, she will definitely be fascinated by me!

Even if it doesn't work, I will conquer him by force!

I don't believe that you, a weak woman, can escape the impact of my peerless master's strength.

Zhou Xiaoxu was bragging in his heart, without considering the possibility of implementing these so-called plans at all.

The beauty was originally looking at the scenery, but suddenly a person came in, and she was taken aback by surprise, thinking it was some dangerous creature.

Then looking at the figure, I knew that it was only one person who let go of the heart that was raised in the throat.

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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But I also complained in my heart why Zhou Xiaoxu came so without a trace, like a crazy person.

The beauty later saw Zhou Xiaoxu's appearance clearly, and was shocked in her heart. She had never met such an ugly man since she was a child. The expression was so shocked that his face was distorted and hideous.

In the end, it was her good qualities that prevented her from looking down on and laughing at people with bad looks.

But Zhou Xiaoxu thought that the undisguised shock on Jiaren's face just now was because he was too handsome, and he had never seen him before.

So Zhou Xiaoxu casually took out a fan and fanned the wind, and cast a seductive wink at the beautiful woman and said: "Hello, beauty, we are all civilized people, so we don't talk nonsense, you look really good." Pretty, I like you, do you want to follow me?"

The tone of Zhou Xiaoxu's speech sounded like a wretched uncle no matter how he said it. Coupled with his shocking expression and his incomparable appearance, calling him a wretched uncle was an insult to the wretched uncle.

Wretched Uncle: What did I do, why did I get involved again, I was shot while lying down.

As soon as the beauty heard what Zhou Xiaoxu said, she didn't have a good impression of him at first, but now it's directly a negative number.

Covering his nose, he said to Zhou Xiaoxu in disgust: "You're still vulgar and rude, and you're a sèláng again."

She turned around and was about to leave. It's not unheard of to harass her, but it's the first time she's seen someone as rude and barbaric as Zhou Xiaoxu.

Zhou Xiaoxu looked at the beautiful woman contemptuously, his complexion changed suddenly, and he said ferociously: "Don't fucking say such things to me, it's your honor that I like you, you have to obey if you don't."

At this moment, Zhou Xiaoxu was already furious, thinking that this place is remote anyway, so he became more and more courageous.

After speaking, he was ready to attack the overlord of the beauty. Although the strength of the beauty was quite strong, she was still a step behind Zhou Xiaoxu. No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get rid of Zhou Xiaoxu.

I had no choice but to yell loudly, "Help, help, someone is playing hooligans here." After shouting for a long time, no one came to help, and I felt a little desperate.

Zhou Xiaoxu raised the corners of his mouth, thought he was charming and handsome, raised the beauty's head and said, "Stop shouting, no one will come to rescue you no matter how much you shout, this place is all mine."

Suddenly, just when Zhou Xiaoxu was about to kiss the beauty, Lu Chen appeared out of nowhere and shouted, "Stop, don't touch her!"

It turned out that it was because Lu Chen was walking on the path just now, but suddenly heard a woman calling for help, so he came to have a look out of curiosity.

Looking at it this way, it is precisely seeing the big secret!

Lu Chen recognized that woman, she was one of Bai Yu's girlfriends.

Bai Yu helped Lu Chen a lot, and Lu Chen was naturally willing to sell him a favor.

What's more, Lu Chen is not a bad person, and he is naturally very happy to punish such a wicked person.

The appearance of Lu Chen rekindled hope for the already desperate beauty, and she asked for help with her eyes like Lu Chen.

Lu Chen has always hated the kind of people who bully others, bully the weak and fear the hard, and force the women of a good family. This kind of people can't be called human beings, they are even worse than animals.

Zhou Xiaoxu saw that Lu Chen was about to save the beautiful woman, and threatened and said: "You stinky boy, get out of here, or you will be at your own risk, don't disturb brother's work, or do you want to get involved too? "

Lu Chen had no expression on his face, and it didn't matter what Zhou Xiaoxu thought about him, so he went straight to the point: "Let that girl go, I don't want to say it again."

The duck that Zhou Xiaoxu was willing to get flew away like this, and finally recognized Lu Chen.

Knowing that he was no match, he prepared to run away in embarrassment, without Chase Lu making a move.

But he seemed to have thought of something again, and rushed towards Lu Chen.

While rushing, he also shouted: "If you are not afraid of the family behind me, just come!"

Lu Chen was a little surprised. Of course, he was not surprised when he heard that Zhou Xiaoxu had some powerful influence.

It's because Zhou Xiaoxu's stupid look really shocked him this time.

Who is he, Chase Lu, who is afraid of the so-called big power at 01:30?

Lu Chen raised his hand and slapped Zhou Xiaoxu.

Lu Chen's slap was finally rounded, and he directly slapped the fat man away.

He just didn't want to cause trouble, but who would have thought that this move would be regarded as a deliberate concession.

For this kind of guy, Chase Lu didn't want to waste any more time on him.

With this slap, Lu Chen himself was very happy to slap him.

"You! How dare you!" Zhou Xiaoxu obviously didn't expect Lu Chen to touch him directly.

If he dared to say this, he naturally had his own capital.

Otherwise, even if Zhou Xiaoxu had the 55th place in his class, he would probably be killed.

And it was his elder brother who had already entered the inner court who gave Zhou Xiaoxu confidence!

The Zhou family is also a well-known existence in this Diyuan Continent. Even if there are such unworthy children as Zhou Xiaoxu, it still cannot lose the prestige of the Zhou family.

All of this is because Zhou Xiaoxu's elder brother, even in the inner court, is a king and hegemony.

You must know that after entering the inner courtyard, all this will no longer be the same.

In the outer courtyard, there may be high-level guards, and there may be help from his own family.

But after entering the inner courtyard, all of these will no longer exist.

Many children in the outer court are extremely jealous of Zhou Xiaoxu's elder brother, which is why Zhou Xiaoxu dared to dominate the outer court for so many years.

So in this way, Zhou Xiaoxu is naturally a fox pretending to be a tiger, but he didn't know that Lu Chen didn't have a detailed understanding of Dongsheng Academy, even the inner and outer courtyards.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

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