Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2421 Fighting

Chapter 420 Fighting

"Why is he here?"

Lu Chen's eyes widened suddenly, although he was puzzled, but the anger was not willing to burn in his eyes.

A force emerged from Lu Chen's heart, the sea water quickly passed by Lu Chen's side, and scenes filled Lu Chen's surroundings like retrospectives.

But suddenly a sharp pain came from Lu Chen's chest, the silver trident pierced Lu Chen's chest, lifted Lu Chen from the sea water, and his heavy breathing hit Lu Chen's body, the scales radiated light from the ancient gods Majestic, the mythical giant raised the trident and looked directly at Lu Chen.

"Experience death, mortal."

The scene presented in Lu Chen's eyes was so horrifying.

Because Lu Chen's aura has gradually dissipated, and under the attack of the three marshals, the Lord of Thunder was submerged in the pile of rubble.

Everyone lost their will to fight and fled in all directions, leaving only Lu Chen's relatives and friends.

Everyone broke through all the way, just to save Lu Chen.

On the contrary, this is in line with the Sea Monster Emperor's wishes. Only by killing all the people around Chen Lu can his anger be extinguished.

Here, it was the scene that Chase Lu had just seen!

Black smoke suddenly ignited from the tentacles, and scorching heat came from Ling Zhiyun's chest.The Siren Emperor's face darkened, and the tentacles squeezed into Ling Zhiyun's chest forcefully, tearing the wound further.

The sharp pain in the chest kept stimulating Ling Zhiyun's nerves, but the witch marks on his body were shining with even more dazzling brilliance, and the monstrous fighting spirit radiated from Ling Zhiyun's body.The blood that rolled like magma poured scorching heat into the hall.

Lu Wang, who was on the side, just wanted to help, but was also inserted by a tentacle.

Not to mention alive, Lu Wang's body seems to have been cut into half at this moment!

There was anger in Lu Chen's eyes, but he didn't know where to vent this endless anger.

He who was already a little weak was already being severely suppressed and beaten by the Siren Emperor!

"No! Can't!"

Lu Chen's eyes seemed to be no longer clear, filled with endless despair.

And the last trace of longing under the hesitation.

The Siren King pierced Lu Chen's body with another blow, and Lu Chen's blood dripped on the ground, which still sounded pleasant!


Lu Chen's eyes were full of unwillingness!

How could he be willing!

Countless times of waiting, countless times of hard work.

How come it still falls short in the end!

Lu Chen couldn't figure it out, and he didn't even want to figure it out.

His eyes were full of pity.

For my pity!


With a long roar, Lu Chen roared out the indignation in his heart for all these injustices.


Chase Lu blamed himself in his heart, and he was also blaming the injustice of this world.

The blood in those eyes became more and more bloody.

Lu Chen didn't know, but before he knew it, his peaceful heart had changed.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the hall changed.

Rays of light lit up from the stone pillars of the palace, nodes flashed and connected on the ground, and beams of light from all directions rushed towards the statue.

The ancient power in the blood aroused the last defense of the hall, and many energies rushed towards the statue.

Even the Siren Emperor never expected that another miracle could be created in this hall!

The history in the sea is so long that later generations used to attribute these miracles to humans.

Even the myths have forgotten this race, until the blood flowed down, and the boiling blood in Lu Chen's heart awakened the ancient ruins.

The dormant power is revived, defending the dignity of human beings in the ancient sea!

The Siren Emperor's face changed drastically, and a golden trident appeared between Lu Chen's eyebrows, and all the energy of the palace rushed to Lu Chen's body to repair Lu Chen's damage.

"This is?" Lu Chen only felt refreshed and looked at his state in shock.

Chase Lu didn't know the specific situation at all, he only felt a strange force pouring into his body.

What is this?

Lu Chen's eyes were full of horror, he slowly raised his head, but found a more bizarre scene.

The endless dusk and night in the sky were also collapsing unexpectedly.

At a glance, Lu Chen's heart was full of mixed feelings.

Looking back, he found that the Siren Emperor's familiar aura had quietly disappeared.

Lu Chen smiled wryly, and already had some guesses about where he was.

"Oh." Lu Chen sighed, then raised his head and looked at the crumbling world.

Suddenly, there was an ethereal sound between heaven and earth.

"Congratulations! You have completed the trial."

The sound echoed in the ocean, and it seemed to have its own flavor.

Lu Chen gave a wry smile, just as he had guessed, it was just as it should be.

The Siren Emperor who just appeared here was obviously simulated.

Here, if Lu Chen guessed correctly, there is a high probability that it is a trial space.

But Lu Chen had no clue as to why he could come here.

He was still fighting desperately with Xu Daoguang just a second ago, but why did Lu Chen come here out of nowhere?

Moreover, what Chase Lu felt was even more doubtful at the moment.

At this moment, it seems that due to mental reasons, Chase Lu has already passed this inexplicable test.

But why is Chase Lu still staying in this space?

When Lu Chen was puzzled, the answer was that he came out by himself.

"Long time no see!" A white-haired man walked up to Lu Chen slowly, smiled at Lu Chen, and said.

Lu Chen stared at the man, a little puzzled, but soon he was relieved.

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"You don't think I was created by this secret realm, do you?" The white-haired man smiled at Lu Chen.

This smile is like all sentient beings.

Looking at the extremely familiar face, Lu Chen didn't know what to say.

"I won't talk nonsense to you anymore." Seeing that Lu Chen didn't reply to him, the white-haired man continued.

"This place is one of the relics left by the ancient forces in the sea area. Xu Daoguang used this relic to have the capital to fight against you."

Lu Chen nodded, he had guessed eight points of this information before.

The white-haired man swallowed, and then continued: "Then do you know that the Siren King is undergoing the same trial as you at this moment."

"Huh?" This was really breaking news for Chase Lu.

If the Siren Emperor is also participating in this trial, doesn't that mean that its body is only tens of kilometers away from Lu Chen!

In this way, it suddenly broke the method Lu Chen had thought before.

"You know what I mean." The white-haired man showed a strange smile.

"Huh?" Lu Chen became more and more puzzled. Is this white-haired man planning to fuck?

The smile on the white-haired man's face remained unchanged, but he walked over slowly.

He patted Lu Chen's shoulder lightly, and said softly: "You are tired, it's time to rest."

Before Lu Chen came back to his senses, all the sensations in his body disappeared at that moment.

The white-haired man smiled, stared at the "sleeping" Chase Lu for a long time, and then stepped out.

Following this step, a crack opened in the space.

Everything fell into silence.

I don't know how long it took before Chase Lu slowly regained consciousness.

But in front of him, it was no longer the mysterious ocean.

Lu Chen stretched out his hand to touch his head, but the trident logo was still there.

"This, what happened?"

Looking around, it was a place Lu Chen had never seen before.

"What happened when I was in a coma?" Lu Chen only felt terrified and asked.

But in the huge room, no one answered him.

In other words, there is not a single person in this room.

Chase Lu didn't know what happened at all, and his spirit was on the verge of collapse.

"Here, is it reality or illusion!" Lu Chen roared hysterically towards the sky, his eyes full of madness.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" Hearing Lu Chen's roar, a woman rushed in from the door.

Lu Chen just wanted to have an attack, but when he saw the man clearly, the original sharp eyes gradually eased.

Not for anything else, just because that woman is Jiang Xinyue.

"Where is this place?" Lu Chen stared blankly at the person in front of him, and said slowly.

Eyebrows have slowly lowered.

"You're finally awake!" Jiang Xinyue seemed extremely pleased with Lu Chen's state at the moment, before answering Lu Chen, she said eagerly.

"This is the Diyuan Continent!" Before Chase Lu could continue to ask, Jiang Xinyue continued very caringly.

"Diyuan Continent?" Lu Chen's eyes gradually became weird, and he became more and more suspicious that he was still trapped in that illusion and couldn't extricate himself.

Although it is said that the concentration of aura in Lu Chen's experience seems to be much more abundant than that in the Xuanwu Continent.

But one second before, Lu Chen was still fighting with the sea monster forces, and the next second he came to the Diyuan Continent?

This kind of divine development made Lu Chen feel at a loss.

"What happened during the days when I was in a coma?" Lu Chen sighed, calmed down his impetuous heart a little, and continued.

Where is this place and what happened, Chase Lu doesn't know anything now.

"Husband, have you forgotten?" Jiang Xinyue looked at Lu Chen with strange eyes at the moment.

Lu Chen, how can you forget?

"It's no wonder, after all, my husband, you were injured like that at the time, and it may not necessarily leave sequelae."

Jiang Xinyue muttered to herself, but it made Lu Chen even more confused.

"No, what happened?" Lu Chen only felt a mess in his head now, and after thinking about it for a while, he had a splitting headache.

Jiang Xinyue looked at Lu Chen like this, and the pity in her eyes became even more pity.

"Husband, you are the one who led Sifang Continent to victory!" After Jiang Xinyue finished speaking, she wiped Lu Chen's sweat from nervousness even more gently.

It's just that what he said was unclear, but it made Chase Lu even more unnatural.

"What's the situation?" Lu Chen was a little crazy at the moment, grabbed Jiang Xinyue's hand and asked.

Judging from Jiang Xinyue's tone, it seemed that during the period when Lu Chen lost consciousness, he did something else himself.

"Master Juggernaut killed the Sea Demon Emperor and Dong Shuai by himself. His record is outstanding. Don't you remember, Mr. Juggernaut?"

Lord Thunder came in slowly from the door, and said suspiciously.

In his opinion, there is no reason not to remember this kind of thing!

Even the Holy Lord of Thunder can't forget the scene at that time.

At that time, when their fleet arrived at the main hall, what they saw was a bloody scene!

It was a unique bright red, and slowly, it stained the entire ocean.

And standing alone on the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood where Yin Hong was, was Lu Chen!

"I killed the Siren King?" Chase Lu felt more and more that something was wrong. What did the white-haired man do?

Lu Chen didn't know what to say, there was nothing but astonishment in his eyes.

Not only did he not have the slightest impression of this, but he even felt a little incredible.

"You really don't remember? That day when you divided the sky with your sword and killed the Sea Demon Emperor, we all saw it!"

Lord Thunder also felt strange, and continued to ask.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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