Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2408 Warmth

Lu Chen sighed, but he still didn't stop Lu Wang. After all, it's good to let him think about it.

"Let's go!" Lu Chen patted Lu Tianxing, who was a little confused, and motioned him to lead the way quickly.

"Oh!" Lu Tianxing finally came to his senses, and quickly took Lu Chen away.

Not long after, the two arrived at that destination.

Looking at the ordinary little house in front of him, Lu Chen's heart ached even more.

"Go!" Lu Tianxing patted Lu Chen on the shoulder encouragingly, and left.

Because he knows that this kind of personal matter can only be solved by Lu Chen alone.

Lu Chen tremblingly pushed the door, but it didn't close.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chen was a little surprised, Jiang Xinyue is not such a careless person!

As soon as he entered the door, all the objects were neat and tidy, very much like the days when Lu Chen was there.

After passing through several small rooms, Chase Lu finally found the right owner.

Lu Chen looked at the beautiful figure by the window. The green qiluo skirt was worn with a blue jade bun, the bun was raised high, and the pretty face with a little make-up was full of haggardness. Her cheeks were propped up by a pair of lotus root arms, and the woman was staring out of the window. Peach Blossom was in a daze, her slightly drooping eyes filled with lovesickness.

It's just that there is a bloodshot in those eyes.

Lu Chen hid his breath and approached the woman quietly, his heartbeat became active, the wind moved, peach blossoms fell like rain, the woman's eyes burst into light, and a strong arm embraced her in his arms.

"Xinyue, I'm back!"

Feeling the trembling of the beautiful woman in his arms, Lu Chen's face couldn't help but be deeply buried, and three thousand black hairs swept across his face, bringing a gust of breeze.The cold liquid hit Lu Chen's arm and also hit Lu Chen's heart.

Jiang Xinyue tightly grasped Lu Chen's arm with both hands, she wanted to turn around but didn't dare to look back, she was afraid that everything was just a dream, and she would be alone again after waking up.

Since she said goodbye to Lu Chen, she hadn't seen each other for many years. During this period, she also inquired about Lu Chen's news everywhere, but found nothing. Lu Chen seemed to disappear from the world, and there was no news.

The world is unpredictable in the journey of cultivating Taoism, and death has been with us ever since we embarked on this path.Everyone in the world is good at cultivating the Tao, prolonging life and being at ease.

Jokes, where does one come from, there are all kinds of discomforts in this world!Everything is fate, and everything is involuntary.

Jiang Xinyue originally planned to leave blood for Lu Chen. Since Lu Chen left, no matter how difficult and cold the world is, she never gave up. There are really too few kindness in the world, and she is so stingy that she can't even understand the love of a single mother. Determined to let gossip and close relatives do the trick.

I don't know how many years have passed, from the tenth month of pregnancy to the upbringing of adults, how can I expect outsiders to understand the hardships during this period.Jiang Xinyue persevered through all of this, she was no longer a princess who was cared for in the palm of her hand, held in her hands, and loved by thousands of people who shed blood and tears.

She is a mother, a single mother, and she has to support her father's absence, and she wants to let her children grow freely in this world.Even with flesh and blood, in front of a child, he should stand shoulder to shoulder with a god!

Bitterness was brewing in Jiang Xinyue's heart, and decades of bitterness seemed to have found a flood point. She turned her head, and tears were blinking in Shuiling's eyes, and Lu Chen's face gradually appeared in the haze.Familiar and strange.

The years have left traces on her and him. Lu Chen's youthful childishness has long been polished by practice, and she is no longer innocent and active, her hair has turned white. The best part of her life is in the acquaintance and love with Lu Chen inside.After Lu Chen left, he had to learn to be strong.I once imagined that I would grow up slowly and be free and easy, but in the end I realized that growing up does not refer to a process, it is often a moment.

It's a great time, but it's a pity that it's too late to be young seriously, and then start to age seriously.

Lu Chen just hugged hard, and then pressed harder, the tears never stopped from Jiang Xinyue's face, but couldn't stop more and more. The romance and surprise that were planned, but after meeting, they couldn't stop being owed and bitter.

Practice is such a world, holding a sword to walk the world, staying together until the end of life, those stories that the storytellers keep singing are not told by the practitioners to the world after drinking.In that world, the naive self can't agree with it and can only talk about it when bragging about the past after drinking.In a world where strength is valued, reality is infinitely magnified.Only by constantly strengthening yourself can there be a real way out.

The poet sang that the moon under the sea is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of you is the person in your heart.The world is amazed, and the beautiful scene surrounds the heart, which makes this poem spread to thousands of people and live forever.People in the world are used to indulging in beauty and listening to what they like.They cut it at will, spliced ​​it together at will, they make themselves happy so they don't see the next line of the poem.

The heart is always the heart of the audience, but who is the person in the play!

After experiencing the precipitation of the years, the youthful elegance has passed away. The person who returns with a sword for thousands of miles is no longer a youth.

The so-called passage of time and change of time, the passage of time, should be exactly this principle

"Husband, are you hungry?" Although Jiang Xinyue obviously knew that Lu Chen had already fasted, she still smiled at Lu Chen.

"Hungry! Hungry!" Lu Chen's face was already flushed with joy, and he was a little incoherent at the moment.

Jiang Xinyue smiled at Lu Chen, with a slight smile on her face, but she was already a decisive victory in half the city, and the stars in her eyes almost made Lu Chen faint early.

Turning around, you have already entered the small kitchen, and gradually a puff of smoke comes, like the smell of the long-lost hometown.

Although Lu Chen was smiling, his eyes were already full of tears, and his heart was full of memories of that year.

But after a while, Jiang Xinyue, who is ingenious and ingenious, has already cooked the food.

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lu Chen helped Jiang Xinyue move the food to the dining table, looking at Jiang Xinyue's busy figure, the corners of his mouth could not stop rising.

Even Lu Tianxing, who just came in to check on the situation, sat down knowingly at the side, not saying anything, for fear of spoiling the atmosphere between the two of them.

Lu Chen arranged the dinner plate neatly, leaned on the chair and sighed softly, a kind of warmth spread in his heart, there was no intrigue, no life and death, no blood and fire of revenge on Lu Chen's shoulders.

Here, he is just a father at home, a husband waiting for his wife to serve dinner.

"Husband, it's time to eat!" Jiang Xinyue smiled at Lu Chen, as if talking.

"Yeah!" Lu Chen responded, then grabbed his job and ate on his own.

This long-lost taste also made Lu Chen's memories more real.

The warmth blended with this space and permeated this small room, making Lu Chen feel a little joyful and emotional.

"Eat lightly, don't choke." Jiang Xinyue subconsciously cared, and just remembered that Lu Chen is an extremely high-level cultivator. It was a bit embarrassing for herself to say that.

"Does sister-in-law have my share?" Fortunately, at this time, a certain Tie Hanhan suddenly came to solve this non-existent siege for Jiang Xinyue.

It's just a pity that Jiang Xinyue didn't seem to care much about this sentence, and she still looked at Lu Chen in front of her like a nympho.

It is self-evident.

Tonight's good night is not to be wasted!

The next day, Chase Lu with a tired face stretched his waist in front of the newborn sun.

It was a very nourishing and exhausting night. If it weren't for Lu Chen's strong recovery ability, he would have been a little weak.

Because Lu Tianxing also told Lu Chen where he usually is yesterday, so Lu Chen just made a flash, that is, he had already arrived at Lu Tianxing's office.

It was already high in the sun, and Lu Tianxing had already arrived at the office to wait.

"Brother, you're here!" Seeing Lu Chen approaching, Lu Tianxing hurried forward and said.

"Well! I want to look for Lu Wang, do you know where he is?" Lu Chen smiled and said to Lu Tianxing.

"Well, brother, instead of caring about your brother, I think there are still some things you need to pay attention to first." Lu Tianxing seemed a little embarrassed, and he was stuck for a long time before he said it.

Hearing this, Lu Chen suddenly felt a little strange. Could it be that the sea monster called again?Already subconsciously replied: "Oh? What's the problem?"

"The snake you promised to help transform the dragon before seems to be coming soon. It is said that it has reached a bottleneck!" Lu Tianxing said.

Hearing this, Lu Chen was also a little nervous. When he was holding the Sancai Sword before, he still wanted to help him transform into a dragon!

"Hurry up and take me there!" Lu Chen said a little excitedly, and Lu Tianxing also led the way very consciously.

But after a long time, Chase Lu came to a strange cave.

It can be seen that the snake's cultivation is entering a state of tranquility, but when did the big snake become so small!

Lu Chen was a little confused, looking at the "big snake" in front of him, which looked much shorter than ordinary wild snakes, he was very surprised.

"Maybe it's because you want to transform into a dragon!" Sensing Lu Chen's astonishment, Lu Tianxing also said silently from the side.

Before Chase Lu could continue to speak, that nimble figure swooshed past Chase Lu's ear, and came to the palm of Chase Lu's holding the ball.

Feeling the anxious emotions in the little snake's body, the gentle aura continued to emanate from Lu Chen's palm. The little snake twisted comfortably in Lu Chen's palm, its coiled tail slightly raised,

Shaking with the flow of aura, the smooth and small forehead gently rubbed against Lu Chen's palm.

Feeling the warm and itchy touch from the palm of his hand, Lu Chen smiled slightly, and the aura flow slowed down, but the aura in his hand continued to warm and nourish the little snake's body.

However, the obedient attitude of the little snake also surprised Lu Chen a little. The snake is cold in nature, but in Lu Chen's view, the little snake seems to be a little uncharacteristic since it became smaller, which vaguely made Lu Chen feel kind The illusion of having a puppy.

Absorbing the connotation of Little Snake Baohua, which absorbs Lu Chen's aura, the snake scales look exquisite and gorgeous in texture, and each piece contains amazing power.The little snake is different from other snake monsters, with a piece of purple gold scales flowing against the slender neck, shining with brilliance.

The ancient legend records that the dragon has nine sons, five claws are dragons, and four claws are jiao.

The promiscuousness inherited by the Jiao makes the blood of the dragon spread everywhere, but all the snake monsters are more or less touched by the side of the Jiaolong.Snake-like monsters sucked in spiritual energy painstakingly and gave birth to reverse scales, hoping to break through the restrictions of blood and transform into dragons, truly becoming a noble party in the world.

The little snake is born with reverse scales, and its bloodline is superior to that of ordinary snake monsters. It is possible for it to transform into a dragon or even reverse its bloodline, and return to its ancestors as a dragon.

Lu Chen thought in his heart, every time the little dragon practiced, the little snake would come and rub some of the dragon's aura on the little dragon's body. After a long time, his physical fitness and blood were already extraordinary, and Lu Chen inherited the dragon aura from Sancai. The dragon energy is also a big help in awakening the blood of the little snake dragon.

The little snake's body has long been contained and not leaking, and Baohua is restrained. Perhaps, now it is possible to try to break through the limitations for the little snake, transform it into a dragon or even return to its ancestors as a dragon!

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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