Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2396 1 Corner Curtain

Lightning flashed, and a large-scale power grid was formed.Waves of sea monsters passed through the power grid one after another, and the sound of crackling and scorching spread from the battlefield. The sea in front of the power grid seemed to be filled with dumplings, and a mass of black monsters continued to sink into the bottom of the sea.

However, as soon as the momentum of the wave of monsters decreased, more sea monsters rushed in stepping on the corpses of their companions.

The Holy Master of Thunder put his hands together, and the power grid shrank rapidly, and the power of rules came down, and the power grid became more and more solid, wrapping a lot of monsters into a ball, and at the same time, a thunder dragon twisted its body above the sea and circled in the air flight.The magnetic force emanates from the electric ball, and the thunder dragon seems to be induced, the dragon's mouth widens, and it devours towards the electric ball.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The moment the thunder dragon touched the electric ball, masses of electromagnetic energy blasted out, and the continuous blasts sounded continuously. The arc formed by the blasts spread rapidly to the surroundings, causing a large number of sea monsters to paralyze and die.Lord Fengyun saw the right timing, and blades of wind fell like a rainstorm, killing a large number of sea monsters in an instant.

The demon generals holding the formation finally couldn't bear it anymore, and one by one they approached the holy masters who showed their might.A terrifying aura continued to flash past Lu Chen, and the demon generals fought with the holy masters, setting off waves of terrifying cyclones.Lu Chen just held his sword and confronted the monster like a fortress on the sea. A sharp claw stretched out from the sea where Lu Chen was located and attacked Lu Chen silently.

The claw stretched extremely fast, and with just one click, it had already reached Lu Chen's feet.

"Looking for death!" Lu Chen felt the claw under his feet all at once, but neither the person nor the sword moved.

It was just a movement of the spiritual power in the body, and sword lights stretched out from Lu Chen's feet.

Before the owner of the claw could hear the cry from his throat, his body was already pierced by the sword light.

After a few blows of sword energy, the internal organs of the claw owner were torn to pieces.

The sea under Lu Chen's feet was stained red by the blood of this big thing just a few seconds later.

But Lu Chen's eyes were still fixed on the monster in front of him, and he held the Sancai sword tightly in his hand.

Chase Lu, this is gaining momentum.

For that stronger sword!

The monster's blood-red eyes were also staring at Lu Chen.

It knows that the human being in front of it is obviously extraordinary, and the previous methods alone may be useless to this human being at all. Naturally, it has to think of a good way to attack it.

"Humans, you are looking for your own death!" The big thing roared at Lu Chen in a low voice.

They were attracted by this phantom formation, but they saw this group of human beings waiting in full force. If this monster hadn't been a bit rational, it might have rushed up by now.

"You can try it." Lu Chen smiled cheaply, these sea monsters are already in their pocket at this moment.

You must know that this phantom formation does not only have the function of attracting, as soon as this group of sea monsters enter, a forbidden formation with a radius of thousands of miles will be activated immediately.

Although this forbidden formation can't trap those holy master level monsters, at least it can keep all the countless monsters brought here.

"Looking for death!" The sea monster in front of Lu Chen roared angrily, and the horns on his head moved.

A silver light gradually appeared, and Lu Chen tightly clenched the sword in his hand, staring at the silver light solemnly.

At this moment, Chase Lu has advanced nearly a hundred miles in the sky out of thin air, far away from the coastline.

The reason for this is not to prevent the aftermath of the battle from affecting the soldiers on the coast.

Lu Chen was still staring at the silver light, only to see the silver light getting brighter and brighter.

"Soon!" Sensing the fullness of energy on that horn, Lu Chen secretly said in his heart.

"Boom!" The silver light jumped out, and the huge energy instantly filled the entire ocean!

A huge wave hit Lu Chen, and Lu Chen's face became more and more serious, because he knew that the real means of the sea monster must still be hidden under the waves.

Lu Chen was not afraid at all, and rushed forward with his sword in hand.

In an instant, he had already rushed headlong into the waves.

Watching the boundless sea water submerge him with both eyes, Chase Lu flew forward alone.

"Ignorant child." The sea monster said disdainfully after sensing what Lu Chen was doing.

Now in his opinion, Chase Lu is just a little boy with little combat experience.

No matter how high this Lu Chen's realm is, he still has to be planted after all.

After all, the real murderous intent of his move is hidden in the sea water!

However, he still quietly observed the changes in the sea water.

If it weren't for its different prudence, it would not be possible to survive in this cruel competition until now.

The sea was turbulent, but Lu Chen was submerged in it.

Looking at the Thunder Lord in the distance, his heart was beating non-stop, and he almost yelled: "You have a sword!"

In the sea water, Chase Lu continued to explore.

Lu Chen already noticed that something was wrong with the sea water, but he knew that it was not the time to draw the sword yet!

The so-called raising a sword, of course one has to wait until that critical moment before drawing the sword!

"Die! Inexperienced kid!" On the waves, the monster's roar shook the sky.

With this shout, the murderous intent in the sea was launched at that moment.

The swelling spiritual power in the sea turned into a thread of needles and threads, strangling towards Lu Chen.

What is puzzling is that this spiritual power thread is actually blended with water, which is not only hard to detect, but also multiplies its power.

"That's it. I basically understand it!" Lu Chen squinted his eyes halfway, feeling the spiritual power line that was approaching rapidly beside him.

The monster was also eagerly waiting for the result, the wave that hit him just now consumed [-]% of his spiritual power.

If this blow fails, with its life-sacrificing personality, it probably has to turn around and run away.

If Lu Chen knew what the monster was thinking at this time, he might die laughing. This was the first time he had seen such a powerful monster that was afraid of death!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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But half a moment later, there was still silence in the waves.

The monster's blood-red eyes also cast a questioning look, but what surprised him even more was that not long ago, he couldn't even feel his own spiritual power.

"This is it?" The monster just felt confused for a while, but the waves were layer upon layer.

The monster couldn't help but widen its eyes, it just didn't control the water flow at all!

The monster's eyes opened wider and wider, and the water flow was getting closer and closer, so the monster hurriedly tried its best to defend against it.

It is definitely not easy to widen the waves.

Suddenly, a bloodstain passed from the sky!

It appears plainly, but it is as simple and bright as a broken mirror.

The sea monster's blood-red eyes were still full of shock, but it had already fallen heavily into the sea.

For a while, the sea water turned red again.

The death of this leader also caused a burst of mourning from the sea monsters.

Lu Chen looked back at the soldiers who were still fighting bravely, and couldn't help sighing.

Now he has just used up two swords, although his record is extraordinary, but it is also a huge waste, let alone a sword.

So far, I have to go back and rest.

After all, if there is another sea-monster of the same level as just now, he still has to deal with it.

For this reason, he had to go back to restore his vitality first.

Seeing Lu Chen's record, the soldiers on the field also saw their morale soared, and the crowd was passionate, and all their anger was vented towards the Kraken 1 in front of them.

But the other Holy Masters are suffering unspeakably at this moment, and the combat power of the Holy Master-level Kraken on the opposite side is also terrifying.

Not only is their strength already comparable to them, but they are even better than them in terms of physique, not to mention that this is still by the sea,

This battle lasted for a full day before it slowly came to an end.

"This matter is finally resolved." Lu Chen leaned on the pole of the boat, looking at the countless red spots on the coastline.

The so-called war is merciless, that's why!

"Master Juggernaut, when will you go to sea?" Lord Thunder took a breath, and said to Lu Chen through voice transmission just as he dealt with the monster in front of him.

"Let's leave in two days, and the army also needs to rest." Lu Chen sighed and said slowly.

In this battle, Lu Chen captured many monsters.

You know, according to Lu Chen's own prediction, at least half of the monsters he had seen before were captured this time.

But according to Lu Chen, their main force should still be staying in Sifang Continent!

Although there are still monsters in stock there, it still greatly reduces the strength of the sea monsters.

It also made Lu Chen happy for a while. The less powerful the sea monster is, for Lu Chen and for the Sifang Continent, that is excellent!

"Everyone, get ready and collect all the spoils!" The Holy Master of Thunder also sent a message to everyone, and all the holy masters gave orders one after another.

This actually made the Holy Masters very excited. The wages will be paid before they actually go to sea. Can you not be happy?

After a while, there were many salvaged ships on the sea, and it was a burst of joy to see Lu Chen.

Anyway, they have to pay some protection fees, right?

Although the sea monster is powerful and fierce, it has brought countless threats to people along the coast.

But this sea monster is also full of treasures!

Not only the key parts can be used as high-level refining props, but even the skeleton can be used as a framework for various buildings.

Not to mention the meat with high medicinal value on his body.

Although Lu Chen's side also lost a lot of soldiers, judging from the overall situation, Lu Chen made a lot of money in this wave.

In terms of the harvest of this batch alone, in fact, they have already earned a lot.

"Old Lei! This battle was fairly comfortable."

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing when he saw the Thunder Lord smiling like that.

"Haha! Although this battle is a bit difficult to fight, but fortunately we have prepared long enough, we didn't lose much, but this sea monster has won a lot!"

The Holy Lord of Thunder seemed to be full of joy, and his words suddenly became more frequent, and he started to say again: "I guess, this loss can be fully recovered by staying here for two days."

After all, combined with the many treasures dropped by the sea monster, even if they don't sell all of them, they are basically the ones that can pay back the cost and make a fortune.

More importantly, with the wave of income brought by this sea monster corpse, it is also able to capture the hearts of those holy masters.

Let them be profitable, these holy masters will have the motivation to continue participating in the expedition!

"Then you tell me to let everyone go back to rest after packing up the loot. Everyone must be tired after fighting for so long!" Lu Chen said empathetically, and he was ready to go back alone.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Lord Thunder reminded.

"What else are you talking about? Everyone is tired, so you are in the mood to listen to my nonsense!" Lu Chen replied, with a flicker, and returned to the base camp.

The Thunder Lord's face was covered with black lines for a moment, but after thinking about it, what Lu Chen said seemed to make a little sense.

But Lord Thunder can only use this pale thought to comfort himself, otherwise he would not dare to disobey Lu Chen!It had to deal with the problem of the placement of the army.

Time passed quickly, and it was already night in a short while.

Lu Chen stared at Dongfang in a daze as usual, and it took half an hour to see it.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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