"Shua. Read the latest chapter and search on Baidu." A sword gang struck quickly, and the Holy Master Dongfeng used his palm as a knife to split the gang wind.

After the Gang Qi touched the strong wind in Dongfeng's hand, it exploded suddenly, turning into a big net and enveloping Dongfeng.And Ling Zhiyun's hands changed one after another, and tiny gang qi shot out from his hands constantly.Under the cover of the black ocean, it silently attacked the Holy Lord of Dongfeng.

The Lord Dongfeng launched a gust of wind, and at the same time retreated violently.Under the strong wind, all zhēnci transformed by the sword intent were destroyed. At the same time, the Holy Master Dongfeng held his right hand, and an extremely violent wind pressed down on Ling Zhiyun from top to bottom!

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!" There were bursts of violent collisions that exploded with the contact between the gang wind and the saber intent.The powerful wind pressure was oppressed with the coming of the strong wind, and the sword intent that was still baring its teeth and claws before was suppressed by this wind pressure, and it was flattened inch by inch!

Ling Zhiyun's face became gloomy. This strong wind didn't come out of thin air, but the layout that the Holy Master Dongfeng kept leaving in the space during the battle just now.

Every blow of these arrangements is not worth mentioning to him, but when the number of hurricanes left behind gradually increases, accumulating small and large, at this moment they are called up by the Holy Master Dongfeng at once, and they become all-round devastating blow.

Since Ling Zhiyun followed Lu Chen, although his strength has risen rapidly, but because he seldom goes out for training, his combat experience can be said to be quite insufficient.

As a veteran Holy Master, Dongfeng Holy Master has been walking on the edge of life and death all year round. His combat experience is so rich, and the gap between the two can be easily made up by a sword intent.

The Holy Master Dongfeng mobilized his own power of rules, the huge wind was gradually condensed in his hands, the saber intent was finally freed from the suppression of the wind, and was about to attack the Holy Lord Dongfeng, but saw the long wind The Tiangang wind shrunk extremely quickly, and condensed into a thin line that was almost solid across the two.

Ling Zhiyun's face froze, and a breath of death slowly emanated from the thin thread.

The thread falls, silently, with the fall of the thin thread, the whole saber intent is divided into two, the line divides life and death, the Yang world on the line, the hell on the line, the world is only one line!

The Holy Master Dongfeng created an effect similar to space cutting with his solid wind and indestructible wind pressure. Even the Holy Lord Thunder was not surprised by such means.

Ling Zhiyun jumped high with both swords in his hands, and at the same time he recited the spell.

The sword intent actually materialized into a huge sword in an instant, and followed Ling Zhiyun's slash to meet the thin line.

A burst of cold air suddenly spread, and under the blessing of the ice system rules, ice marks condensed in the air, and even the water vapor in the air was instantly frozen by the absolute low temperature.

The sudden cold air made Ling Zhiyun's attack slightly paused, but at this time the attack of Dongfeng Holy Master had arrived, and the speed of the cold air invasion was so fast that even the Thunder Lord did not react.

When the Thunder Lord wanted to rescue him again, it was too late.

At this moment, Ling Zhiyun bit the tip of his tongue violently, spit out a drop of blood, and suddenly, blood-colored strange characters scattered in the air following Ling Zhiyun's words.

Waves of spatial fluctuations spread around Ling Zhiyun, and time seemed to stop at this moment.

Two red runes appeared from Ling Zhiyun's forehead and continued to his arms, and the sword intent turned into a body shield to tightly cover Ling Zhiyun.

Only Ling Zhiyun's eyes were blood red, and two lines of blood and tears flowed down his face. With the blessing of the secret technique, Ling Zhiyun calculated the trajectories of all attacks clearly. Has hit Ling Zhiyun.

"Boom!" A figure in the sky flew upside down, a large amount of blood splashed in the air, and was burned by bloody flames before it hit the ground.

Although Ling Zhiyun used secret techniques to forcibly increase his body strength at the last moment, he saw the attack trajectory, and at the same time used the sword intent to protect his body.

But these were still not enough for Ling Zhiyun to block and escape those attacks, and eventually he was seriously injured and comatose, and his life and death were uncertain.

The Holy Master of Thunder was already furious, and these holy masters not only uttered nonsense in front of him, but also shot Lu Chen's people in front of him.It simply didn't take him seriously.

"Zizizi!" Violent electric currents scattered around in the lobby, and countless thunderbolts descended from the sky, mercilessly bombarding and killing the Holy Master on the ground.

The powerful electric current group formed by the collision of the restless electric currents continued to detonate in the lobby. The Lord of Thunder held a fine steel spear. As the current flew, the fine steel spear swung and rotated, and a stronger magnetic force spontaneously The long gun erupted.

The electromagnetic encounter became more violent, and a powerful force field suppressed the entire area.

The Holy Master Dongfeng frowned tightly as he watched the Holy Master Thunder who was about to kill. With a shake of his arms, he moved towards the Holy Lord Thunder at an extremely fast speed. The strong wind suppressed the Holy Lord Thunder from all directions.

With a sweep of the spear in the Lord of Thunder, a stronger electromagnetic force field spread out around the Lord of Thunder.

Holy Lord Dongfeng's expression remained unchanged, and the rapier in his hand stabbed out again and again.All of a sudden, the wind and thunder intertwined, the two holy masters fought, and the terrifying power of rules continued to destroy this area!

During the battle between the two holy lords of Thunder Dongfeng, several figures flew out of the crowd and fled into the distance.In a blink of an eye, he reached the sword mark drawn by Ling Zhiyun.

"Don't go, kid, let's fight this old man!" A thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit the head Holy Master.There was a trace of mockery on the Holy Lord's face, he met the attack of the Thundering Holy Lord with a sword, and at the same time stepped over the sword mark with one foot.

The Holy Lord just wanted to run away, but found that he was getting closer and closer to the ground.There was a dull sound when the head fell to the ground, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

I saw an ancient and simple long sword obliquely inserted into the sword mark, three points into the ground!

A majestic and unpredictable voice came from the sky.

"Those who cross the boundary without permission, die!"

The face of the holy master who was about to attack Ling Zhiyun changed, and before he could react, he just looked up and saw the sword!

That overbearing sword!

That sword that burns the rules!

After seeing the line of Dongfeng Holy Lord, the holy masters were already amazed.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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But after that line and this sword, it is not worth mentioning.

The sneak attacking Holy Master hadn't reacted yet, but when he raised his head, he was cut in half with a single knife!

But that sword didn't stop!It actually slashed towards the Holy Master Dongfeng at an even faster speed!

Lu Chen was full of anger at the moment, he didn't care how much combat power the Holy Master of the East Wind or the Holy Master of the West Wind could give him.

Anyway, if you touch his little brother, the consequence is only one word - death!

That sword came with the fate of heaven and earth, and the Holy Master Dongfeng just wanted to use the strong wind to take him away.

But when the strong wind continued, Holy Master Dongfeng's face turned pale in an instant.

Some kind of forbidden thing has been formed in this world, and the holy master Dongfeng can only be stuck in place, waiting quietly with a sword!

"Are you kidding me!" Holy Master Dongfeng became more impatient, feeling the power of that sword, Holy Master Dongfeng was completely desperate.

The strong wind in his hand kept beating this space.

He had to find a way out in order to avoid this fatal blow!

As for toughness?His wind element is not good at defense, not to mention the power of rules contained in this sword is too powerful.

The Holy Master Dongfeng believed that even an earth-type Holy Lord who was extremely good at defense would be reduced to dust under this sword!

"Open it for me!" Seeing that sword was about to come, Holy Master Dongfeng became even more impatient, but all the regular power in Holy Master Dongfeng's body had already been used.

But in this closed space, there was no looseness at all.

In desperation, Holy Master Dongfeng turned his head and looked at the domineering sword.

There is no blood, just for a moment, the body of Dongfeng Holy Master is like being cut off by the rules, and it keeps turning into powder!

"Who else wants to go?" Lu Chen walked in silently, and the whole hall could only hear Lu Chen's footsteps at this time.

"Master Juggernaut is gone!" All the holy masters said quickly, and many exaggerated people fell to their knees directly.

It's just because Chase Lu at the moment is too terrifying, domineering and tyrannical!

Lu Chen's eyes without a trace of emotion swept over everyone, as if looking at a group of dead things.

"Those who attacked Ling Zhiyun just now, please come out consciously." Lu Chen proudly looked at the saints in the field, his voice was still cold and heartless.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall fell into an inexplicable embarrassment.

Because everyone knows that if you go out and admit it, you are really looking for death.

"Not at all?" Lu Chen's eyes gradually became sharper, but his hand gripped the sword tightly again.

"Hmm!" After hearing Lu Chen's threatening words, not a moment later, a female saint was pushed out by her companions.

Looking at the female saint, Lu Chen couldn't bear the slightest bit of pity and pity, but said indifferently, "Make a blood oath and be his servant forever."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen pointed to Ling Zhiyun who was still in a coma.

"How could this be?" A male holy master immediately slapped the table and stood up. It seemed that he liked the female holy master just now.

Lu Chen looked at the guy who was so angry that he became a beauty, he didn't speak, and squeezed his hand forward out of thin air.

"Well..." The male holy master was slowly raised following Lu Chen's gesture.

"Then it's okay for the two of you to be together." Lu Chen looked at the flustered male saint and said jokingly.

"Sir Juggernaut, I know I was wrong! Your lord has a lot, please forgive me once." At this moment, the male saint crazily begged Lu Chen for mercy, which made the slight interest that Lu Chen had just aroused disappeared.

"Spineless." After Lu Chen said this, he also threw the Holy Master on the ground at will.

"Thank you Holy Master for not killing! Thank you Holy Master for not killing!" The male Holy Master bowed down to Lu Chen as if he had received a great favor.

These actions made Lu Chen more and more disgusted, so he hurriedly turned his head to look at the female saint.

"What about you? Want to resist?"

How could the female saint dare to say no, Dang even said quickly, "How dare I refuse to do what the Juggernaut wants me to do?"

Afterwards, it was done in one go, and within a while, the blood oath was made. '

It was so neat that even Lu Chen couldn't help admiring it.

"So today, what are you going to do?"

Finally, after watching the female saint make the blood oath, Lu Chen raised his head and smiled at everyone.

But what is the meaning in that smile, I am afraid that the holy masters will shudder when they see it.

"Naturally, go back and pack up your things and prepare to go to sea with Lord Juggernaut!" Some flexible people among the Holy Lord have already answered at this moment.

As soon as these words came out, everyone responded one after another.

The reason they asked to go back was that Chase Lu, the organizer, was not there, and now Chase Lu had returned.

Even Lu Chen's strength seems to be on the front line. In such a situation, why do everyone present not agree?

"That's good! Everyone go back first!" Lu Chen smiled and said to everyone on the field.

After receiving Lu Chen's words, the holy masters retreated as if they had received the imperial edict.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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