Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2390 Divine Sword

Because they all know that if today's matter is not resolved clearly, they may not be peaceful in their entire lives.

For the fate of this family, each family is going all out.

The so-called family and country feelings are even reflected in this small ethnic group of more than a hundred people.

On the other side, in that narrow passage, only endless darkness can be seen.

In the darkness, a burst of light suddenly rose.

And Chase Lu looked at everything in front of him coldly.

Lu Chen had already experienced countless shocks today, but at this moment, he still felt a slight tremor in his heart.

Although the scene in front of him was not shocking at all, Lu Chen's soul was trembling constantly!

"This is?" If it weren't for the fact that the Holy Dao domain was still struggling to support, Chase Lu might not have been able to stand the coercion long ago.

The scene in front of me is actually very simple, just a huge secret room with nothing around.

Only the body in the middle that was still bleeding was left!

"Could it be! Is this the body of the green energy?" Lu Chen thought silently.

I could see that the body in front of me was constantly releasing infinite coercion, which almost made Lu Chen breathless.

Lu Chen adjusted for a long time before he could adapt to this change.

Is this the power of ancient sages?

It's just that facing such a body, Lu Chen felt that it was more suffocating than facing the Siren Emperor.

If such a person stood in front of Lu Chen, I am afraid that Lu Chen would not even have the intention to do it.

This is too strong, Lu Chen looks like a little ant compared to this person at the moment.

Then, who could kill such a terrifying guy?

Lu Chen couldn't help but have some doubts and curiosity in his heart, so he walked forward under pressure.

Seeing this, Lu Chen was taken aback.

There was still a long sword stuck on top of that corpse!

This sword has been mottled over the years, and it looks filthy already.

But Lu Chen clearly discovered that the sword had been suppressing the corpse's body!

"Could it be that this sword is the real reason why the dead ancient sage could not be resurrected?"

Lu Chen thought silently in his heart, but his hand unconsciously wanted to pull out the sword.

wait!Lu Chen suddenly realized that something was wrong, just when he was about to pull out the sword, countless coldness flashed in his heart.

really!Lu Chen cursed secretly in his heart, it must be the dead guy who is doing the ghost!

"Sure enough, he's not dead yet?"

What the ancient sages probably didn't know, his secret control made him lose the opportunity to hide in the dark.

No matter what he said, from now on, he would always be wary of this ancient sage.

"Even this sword fairy couldn't kill him? Then how can we pojiě?"

Lu Chen buried his head in thought, he had to come up with a reason for this matter.

Otherwise, there is no way to cure the black water in his body that is about to stir!

Lu Chen looked up at the sword, it seemed familiar, and then walked forward.

He took a closer look at the sword, and something seemed to flash in his eyes.

"This..." Lu Chen only felt that this kind of thing was very wonderful, but he didn't know how to talk about it.

He seems to have never seen the artistic conception on this sword.

A sword tells his life, it seems that Lu Chen vaguely saw the peerless swordsman in the sword.

Lu Chen even felt that he was also in that sword.

"What exactly is this?" Sensing the closeness of that sword intent to him, Lu Chen couldn't help hesitating.

After all, many things he encountered today were also extremely strange, and many things made Lu Chen have to guard against them!

But the intimacy became more and more intense, and Lu Chen hesitated.

"What does he want from me?"

Feeling the beeps on the hilt of the sword, Lu Chen was a little puzzled after all.

Under the friendly induction of the sword, Lu Chen still lightly tapped the hilt, but he didn't intend to hold it up at all.

Seeing that Lu Chen was still afraid to hold the sword hilt, he swung it twice, as if to vent his dissatisfaction with Lu Chen.

This gave Lu Chen a big jump. If this aunt's aunt was really pulled out, Lu Chen would probably die in a hurry.

But with this beating, some visions appeared between the sky and the earth.

Lu Chen's eyelids jumped even more in fright, what kind of magic weapon is this!

This beating caused some purple air to come out from all around!

Could it be that this sword was used by that Tai Chi?Lu Chen couldn't help guessing.

It's just that in the next scene, Lu Chen was slapped hard.

Lu Chen felt it carefully and found out that he just entered the mental power scene again.

It's just that the mental power is too strong this time, and even Lu Chen couldn't tell it at first.

here is?

When Lu Chen looked at the altar, he felt a little familiar, and when he took a closer look, isn't this the room outside?

It's just that the altar, which was originally antique, is now covered with bloodshot eyes, looking gloomy and terrifying.

"What the hell is this guy doing?" The man possessed by Lu Chen said softly, his words were full of disdain.

"Jie Jie! Is that all you want to know?"

Suddenly, there was a cloud of green energy in front of Lu Chen, and a person walked slowly from the passage.

At first glance, it was actually the corpse brother lying there before.

Sure enough, this green energy was the dead ancient sage.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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One Sword Sovereign

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"Using this method will only make people feel disgusted." The man Lu Chen possessed was even more disdainful in his words, and he didn't even want to look at him directly.

"You still dare to be so stubborn now, do you know how strong I am now? In my eyes, you are just a little bug that slaps your hands!" The master of Qingqi was obviously furious at the moment. With a movement of his hand, a ball of green The air has already blown away.

"You always thought you could overwhelm me, but now? I've already half-stepped into the fairyland, but what about you? Obediently suffer!"

The green energy also blasted at the person possessed by Lu Chen in response.

"It's really like a useless dog!" The person possessed by Lu Chen said indifferently, and then chopped off with a sword.

At this moment, Lu Chen finally knew the true identity of this possessed person.

With this extremely familiar sword intent, Lu Chen also remembered that sword again.

That sword that kills everything!

This possessed person is clearly the Juggernaut that Chase Lu saw before!

Seeing this destructive sword intent again, Lu Chen couldn't help but want to observe more.

But it seems to be the damned rules of heaven and earth again, the moment the sword intent collided with the green energy, the whole space became chaotic.

"No way! Come again?" Chase Lu didn't want to go to a dark space to practice penance again. He didn't know how many years it took to come out.

Lu Chen turned into a bitter face on one side, but seemed to respond to Lu Chen on the other side. The spatial chaos disappeared at that moment.

Until the next second, he saw a similar scene again.

"Do the bosses like to do this now?" Lu Chen covered his face with helplessness.

All he saw was the revived Sword Immortal in front of his eyes!

The sword fairy is also the same as the Tai Chi sage, and he smiled with him, everything is so similar.

"You can come here, I believe you have already obtained the approval of that person!"

However, unlike the old man, Jianxian actually spoke to Lu Chen, which surprised Lu Chen.

"I believe you can realize my sword. After years of invasion, I believe that he has become very weak now."

The sword fairy continued: "Take my sword and kill Gou Tianzong, I believe you can do it."

"I can do it?" Lu Chen was a little surprised, and suddenly met the senior Chuanyi, why did he seem to have seen this kind of plot somewhere?

"I think you must think that I can hear you now, but you don't think about it carefully. Even the big guys who have already become gods can't do it, so I can do it?" The sword fairy said again, obviously seeing Past the images left by the Tai Chi sages.

"Huh?" Lu Chen didn't understand it, and he really thought that the sword fairy was communicating with him in real time.

Now it seems that he was almost deceived by this hologram.

"Come on! Learn my sword intent! By the way, remember to take good care of my old friend!" The sword fairy said with a smile, but suddenly changed his style again.

A cheap style, which not only made Lu Chen feel uncomfortable for a while, but also felt a little bit bad.

"Because, I don't know what your talent is. My current cultivation level doesn't allow me to think about it. To be on the safe side, I will always let you realize it."

After finishing speaking, the sword fairy smiled lightly, showing his white teeth.

"What do you mean?" Lu Chen was a little confused.

In the next second, that destructive sword struck again, and this time, it was Lu Chen who slashed!

Before Lu Chen could react in the future, he was divided into two halves!

Is this what death feels like?The dying Lu Chen couldn't help thinking.

Did he really die like this?Do not!How could Lu Chen be reconciled?

So, he opened his eyes!Want to compete with this world again!

come on!Lu Chen said silently in his heart, mobilizing his spiritual power again.

Even if this body is already in ruins, I still have to fight!

"Huh? How am I doing?" Lu Chen was stunned after feeling that his physical condition could not be better.

He raised his head, and saw that destructive sword again!

"I rely on!"

Lu Chen probably died five or six times before he realized that this space seemed to be repeating constantly, but what was repeated was only the funny scene of him being hacked to death by the sword fairy!

What the hell is going on here!

Do you want me to comprehend the sword intent after death again and again?

There was less than two seconds between every time he was seen dead!

Lu Chen felt as if he was going crazy, and experienced the pain of death in just two seconds, how should he realize this kind of thing!

At the same time, when Lu Chen was on the verge of going mad, the Heijian clan from outside gradually entered the interior of Heijian.

Their progress was very fast, because something happened that they couldn't understand.

Just when they searched for a long time and didn't know where to enter, the water of the black stream surged over and took them to a certain direction.

That black stream of water was actually guiding them!

"A miracle! This is a miracle!" The Heijian patriarch couldn't help shouting up to the sky, apparently greatly stimulated.

The Heijian family is also very grateful, thinking that the gods they have served for thousands of years in the Heijian are silently helping them find a way to rebuild their homeland.

If they knew that Gou Tianzong actually just wanted them to bring in and kill Lu Chen by taking them away, what would he think?

Lu Chen obviously didn't know all this. If he knew, he might try his best to get out of this space.

Otherwise, if Gou Tianzong gets the body, even if it's just an ordinary half saint, it's not something Lu Chen can deal with!

Everything seems to have become so confusing again.

Lu Chen didn't know how many times he had died, maybe hundreds of times, maybe thousands of times, or even tens of thousands of times.

Lu Chen only knew what kind of sword it was. No matter how many times he had endured death, he was still so small in front of this sword.

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