Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2386 Land of Loose Immortals?

Is this the strongest way to kill?

Lu Chen's heart felt desolate for a while, but it was full of longing.

Presumably, I can become such an existence in the future!

Lu Chen smiled, and seemed to be full of expectations for the future again!

In front of his eyes, in this world where the rules do not allow existence, those magical instruments that were once top-notch in the world have all been turned into scrap iron.

This time, Chase Lu really felt death, and under that sword, he couldn't even give birth to the slightest thought of resistance.

Do not!It's not that it can't be born!

Rather, it seemed that from the moment the sword came out, the law of the way of the sword had been attached to Lu Chen.

The fall of the sword is the fall!

That sword, like separating life and death, clearly separated the two worlds of yin and yang!

After a while, Lu Chen still had lingering fears in his heart.

How strong this power is, Chase Lu doesn't know the general idea.

But he who used the sword knew that the sword fairy just now had a terrifying artistic conception of the way of the sword.

How high it is, Lu Chen can't say for sure, but according to Lu Chen's estimation, if he can realize the sword just now, he may be able to walk sideways in this Xuanwu Continent based on this artistic conception.

Lu Chen stood on the spot, thinking about it for a long time, as if he was a little reluctant to part with this extremely overbearing sword intent, and wanted to seize the time to comprehend this sword intent.

After nearly a day, until the sword intent gradually dissipated, Lu Chen, who had been sitting cross-legged on the spot, finally stood up.

"Hey!" Lu Chen sighed slightly, this kind of sword intent is too domineering and profound, even with his talent in swordsmanship, it may take him a month to realize it.

But in fact, this sword intent can only be comprehended in this black stream, and he has also tried to enter the small world.

But as soon as he entered the small world, the sliver of inspiration that had arisen just now was gone.

It seems that the rules of the sword intent and the small world are mutually exclusive, and can only exist in the broken world of Heijian.

Lu Chen smiled, and his heart gradually became calm.

He just buried the ax left by the predecessor properly, and set out on the road again.

People always have gains and losses in life, so what's the point of always worrying about gains and losses?

Instead of regretting something that passed by, it is better to chase the original goal in your heart!

Because he couldn't fly with his sword, Lu Chen walked extremely slowly.

As if looking at the scenery, he stopped and walked, appreciating the scenery left by the prehistoric desolation along the way.

In the past few days, he has also seen the pictures left by countless strong men, but he has never been as strong as the sword fairy that Lu Chen saw for the first time.

The strange thing is that the sword fairy seems to be only a flash in the pan, and the shadow of the sword fairy can no longer be found in the pictures left by the other strong men.

Although Lu Chen didn't really realize any artistic conception along the way, after all, the people in those scenes were not as strong as the sword fairy.

Afterwards, it has experienced the baptism of countless years, and now the artistic conception is somewhat incomplete.

But Chase Lu also knew that he had already made a lot of money in this line of work.

Because of his already calm mind, after going through the polishing along the way, it is obviously more stable.

At this time, Lu Chen's xinxing foundation may not be shaken by the outside world.

"Where is the real entrance to the Black Stream?" Lu Chen muttered to himself.

Time is running out, of course it is impossible for him to use any carpet search.

It can only be a matter of luck. If he can't find it, Lu Chen can only exit the black stream first.

In his heart, his hometown is far more important than his own hidden dangers that may not exist.

With doubts, Lu Chen walked step by step towards the black stream.

In his heart, there is always a voice telling him to move forward.

But after another half an hour, Lu Chen still didn't find any sign of entering the real interior of Heijian.

Lu Chen didn't want to scurry around like a headless bird, and he was slowly calculating in his heart.

Where is the inside of this black stream?

Lu Chen was also full of doubts.

The inside of this legendary black stream may not exist, but it may be right in front of us.

Lu Chen couldn't help remembering that the Lord of Thunder had specifically explained it before he came.

The way to enter this black stream is at the point of extreme yin!

If you want to enter the black stream or even the land of yin, you have to follow the rules of the most yin!

But how to understand this rule?

Lu Chen frowned, thinking carefully about clues.

But in the end, he still couldn't understand.

And the power of yin brought by the water of the black stream swept over again!

Lu Chen had no choice but to stop his recollection, and once again used his spiritual power to expel the Yin energy from his body.

For a while, Lu Chen also felt a lot more comfortable, but for some reason, Lu Chen felt that his body was far less flexible than before.

It seems that we still need to find the source of this black stream!Lu Chen thought to himself.

But how to find it?

Lu Chen had no eyebrows for a while, until he looked towards the ground.

Lu Chen gently picked up a piece of scorched black soil from the ground, put it in his palm and kneaded it carefully, feeling the original power in the black soil.

According to the Holy Master Thunder, the water of the Black Stream was cultivated with the burial soil of the Black Stream.

The yin and softness of the water in the Black Stream, and the eerie coldness should be the monstrous evil spirit from the burial ground in the Black Stream.

However, Chase Lu felt it carefully, and the handful of soil in his hand could not sense the energy fluctuations at all.

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

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Even the bit of evil spirit originally contained in the soil dissipated as it left the ground.

Lu Chen raised his hand casually and threw the soil in his hand.

Chase Lu had already conjectured about this situation, and now that it was confirmed, he didn't think it was too strange.

Originally, the world of Heijian was so vast that even the ancient sages could hardly cast spells with such a wide range.

But the burial earth of the black stream can nourish the evil spirits and cultivate the water of the black stream that is invulnerable to all laws.

This kind of effect is something that some treasures that gather the aura of heaven and earth cannot achieve it.

Lu Chen seemed to have a little guess about this black stream in his heart, and he was afraid that the black stream burial soil was the soil where immortals buried fallen sages!

The ancient sages were extremely powerful, each of them could comprehend the rules of this world, and even the strong could suppress a small world.

If countless ancient sages were buried here, it would not be surprising to have this effect.

Lu Chen looked into the distance, and continued to walk forward.

He had a conjecture in his mind, and he was afraid that it would not be confirmed until he found that place.

The world in Heijian is very vast, and the fierce aura of walking on the ground has greatly affected Lu Chen's own detection ability.

Lu Chen had no choice but to calm down and search patiently, looking at the world with his calm mind.

There is no sun in Heijian itself, and the sunlight from the outside can't come in. It seems that the rule of time has lost its effect here.

Here, Chase Lu couldn't perceive how long time had passed.

He only felt that he was repeating the process of picking up soil and throwing it again and again.

Fortunately, many years of practice in the small world have made Lu Chen extremely strong, and he has endured it.

Otherwise, this silent and boring journey can drive people crazy!

During this period, the scene of the ancient battlefield still replaced Chen Lu from time to time, causing Chen Lu to experience death over and over again.

Even this death has gradually become Lu Chen's daily life.

Lu Chen was mocking himself in his heart and said: "Could it be that people here always say first when they meet: 'Did you die today?'"

With the accumulation of many death experiences, Lu Chen also slowly adapted to the coercion from the ancient power.

Although he still couldn't slowly struggle out of the gradual death, he was able to deal with it calmly and calmly.

Moreover, Chase Lu was surprised to find that as he became more accustomed to the ancient battle scenes, the ancient battle scenes that appeared actually changed!

Those ancient battle scenes can only show the scene of the battle before the death of the half-holy at the beginning, to the battle scenes that have been traced back to the days before the half-holy.

The biggest benefit brought about by this change is that Chase Lu was forced to die when he could only see half of it, and then he could clearly follow the memory of the semi-holy to perceive the means of those semi-holy.

Most of the semi-holy attacks in the picture have been carried out naturally, conforming to the heaven and the earth.

Therefore, with one blow, the heaven and the earth echo, and all laws follow.

And Chase Lu completely let go of his body and mind, and tried his best to perceive the feeling of success.

Over time, compared to the previous ones that just tempered their minds, Lu Chen also realized a lot of rules.

And Chase Lu kept repeating the previous process, and he actually found a pleasure in the pitch, and he didn't have any resistance to this job.

This is so rare that even Lu Chen couldn't believe it.

Every time you go to a place, you can feel the power buried in the black stream burial soil, and what is contained in it.

From the burial, I realized the long-lost history!

Such things are indeed a habit of Lu Chen.

"It's not." Lu Chen lowered his hands, letting the sand flow out from between his fingers.

I don't know how long before this distance, Lu Chen only felt that the previous stiffness no longer existed, and his condition seemed to have improved a lot.

The strength of the yin force made Lu Chen's physique begin to approach the most yin and soft, and its most direct manifestation was the strong attraction to the evil spirit of the black stream.

Chase Lu, who already needed to fight against the fierceness, became more and more fierce around him after his physique changed, which affected Chase Lu's actions.

"We must find the black burial ground as soon as possible to solve the strong Yin power in the body, otherwise, if the Yin power continues to develop, I will be in danger because of the thicker and thicker evil spirit in a short time." Lu Chen thought secretly, and put the The speed of my search increased again.

The Qing Dan enters the throat, and the spiritual energy spreads to all parts of the body along the meridians.

Lu Chen was meditating on the spot to adjust his own state. This was the second time he had taken the panacea.

The consumption of fighting against the evil spirit was greater than what Lu Chen had imagined, and Lu Chen frowned. If this continues, he can only exit the black stream first.

And he couldn't inhale the fierce power into his body, which made Lu Chen really difficult.

After all, the problem of the power of yin can be neutralized by the most yang thing to adjust the breath, but the attraction of the evil spirit by one's own physique can be further improved.

In this world where the rules are invalid, Chase Lu is at great risk.

There was a sudden change in front of my eyes, and the picture of the ancient battlefield gradually emerged in front of my eyes.

Lu Chen's face darkened, and he secretly thought that something was wrong. Now is the time for him to adjust his luck.

This memory of being brought into the ancient battlefield, the air current collided in his body without his own guidance, ranging from damage to the body, to severe damage to the broken meridians and regressed cultivation base.

Regardless of the situation, Lu Chen couldn't accept it at this time.

Seeing that the sword spells around him became more and more real, Lu Chen gritted his teeth, opened his own small world, and prepared to forcibly lead Lu Chen away from Heijian.

The power of the small world spread to Lu Chen, and Lu Chen's body gradually faded away, and along with it, the picture of the ancient battlefield also gradually faded away from Lu Chen's eyes.

It seems to work!There was ecstasy in Lu Chen's heart, it seemed to be effective!

At this moment, the power of the small world was forcibly terminated.

what happened?Lu Chen felt that something was wrong, so he quickly let go of his mental power to control the small world.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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