Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2384 Imbalance

"I was sitting here before, what's wrong?" Lu Chen said to everyone in the audience.

This voice is majestic and domineering, so that the holy masters can't feel the slightest resistance.

"Everyone listen to me! It's like this." Fortunately, the Lord of Thunder is still reliable, and he quickly explained to everyone when he saw this situation.

When the Holy Master of Thunder said that he had already won all the top ten Holy Masters before Lu Chen, everyone seemed to look at Lu Chen with some little stars.

Many young people also regard Chase Lu as their idols.

Regardless of the name=, it's too cool for one person to single out ten people!

And what about our Lord?

At this moment, Lu Chen is looking at the Thunder Lord who is incarnate as a storyteller, and he can't laugh or cry. The storyline told by the Thunder Lord is correct.

It's just that this guy has added too much oil and vinegar!

As a result, this supposedly upright Holy Dao Conference turned into a large storytelling scene.

Of course, most of these stories were made up by the Lord Thunder alone.

Lu Chen couldn't stand it anymore, and after staying for a while, he turned around and left, not even caring about the next challenge.

He knew that the Lord of Thunder could handle this matter well, so he was relieved.

Moreover, leaving it to the Thunder Lord to do it can further promote the harmonious relationship between the two.

Only in this way can Holy Master Thunder feel Lu Chen's trust in him.

The next day, Lu Chen walked out of the courtyard with vigor.

How should I put it, it's the kind that makes people feel that Chase Lu was doing something shameful last night.

Not only is it full of vigor and radiance, but even the spiritual energy flowing on the body is also active and relaxed.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Lei?" Lu Chen saw the Thunder Lord standing on the edge of the cliff at a glance.

I could see the Lord of Thunder standing alone on the cliff, looking at the clouds and mist all over the sky, with a pensive expression on his face.

"I've seen the Juggernaut, the Juggernaut is in good spirits today!" Seeing that it was Lu Chen, the Thunder Sage quickly turned his head to respond.

Lu Chen walked forward step by step, and caught a glimpse of the boundless clouds under the cliff at a glance.

"Can't you tell, Mr. Lei is enlightened!"

"Hey, I just sigh at the boundlessness of this cloud and mist, which will never disperse."

Lei Lao looked at the thick, solid clouds under his feet, and said with a sad face, feeling quite sad and unfulfilled.

When Lu Chen saw Mr. Lei with a desolate and resigned face, he also sighed lightly, and patted Mr. Lei on the shoulder.

"Old Lei, have you ever thought about what would happen if this cloud and mist were changed?"

The Thunder Lord was stunned, it seemed that he didn't understand what Lu Chen meant.

However, whether this is the truth or just pretending to be crazy, Chase Lu doesn't know!

"What I mean is, will this cloud and mist change with time and space?"

Lu Chen said the words again helplessly, and he couldn't believe that the Thunder Lord would not understand if they were so straightforward.

"Change with time and space?" The Thunder Lord repeated, but couldn't help but fell into deep thought again.

This topic seemed a bit profound, and even the birds in the mountains were silent for a while.

Suddenly, Lord Thunder raised his head and said: "Sword Master, what you mean is that if this cloud and mist were changed to a piece of land, from this mountain to the surface, it would disappear!"

The Thunder Lord seemed to have suddenly realized, and said happily: "In other words, Juggernaut, you just want to say that we can continue to survive in another place!"

In the words of Lord Thunder, Chase Lu is clearly encouraging Lord Thunder to tell him that there is still a chance of life!

No wonder the Lord of Thunder was so happy just now. Although this is tantamount to a short contract, since Lu Chen can say this, he is extremely relieved.

But Lu Chen had an indifferent face after all, so frightened the Holy Master Thunder thought he had done something wrong, and quickly said, "Did I say something wrong?"

"It's okay, it just deviates from my original intention."

"No, it's not this?" The Thunder Lord was completely dumbfounded, if it wasn't this, who else could it be?

Could it be that I am too old to keep up with this young man's thinking.

After thinking for a long time, Holy Master Thunder still couldn't think of any reason, so he had to ask: "Then what is that?"

"Do you know what will become of the cloud when it falls to the ground?" Chase Lu suddenly became more energetic, and his eyes became more energetic.

The Lord Thunder just wanted to reply, but was stopped by Lu Chen: "Stop talking, it will turn into water! You don't even know this."

The Holy Master Thunder has been with him for thousands of years, and he is so wronged that he is dying.

After all, Lu Chen obviously didn't give the Thunder Lord a chance to answer!

"You still know what I'm going to say!"

"What are you talking about?" The Lord of Thunder had a helpless expression on his face. What does the condensation of clouds and mist have to do with what he said?

"Even if it turns into water, the family is still there, your uncle is still your uncle!"

These words made Holy Lord Thunder very unhappy, he nestled in the corner and drew circles silently.

"Although we human beings are the primates of all things, we are also not seen by the world because of this."

After the Lord of Thunder, Lu Chen spoke again.

"But the reason is that this world has given us too much, but what do humans do to this world?"

"Throughout the ages, how many people want to break through this world, they all say that the way of heaven is unfair."

Lu Chen paused suddenly, and then said in an extremely weak voice: "How can human beings be fair?"

The Lord of Thunder said nothing at the moment, and he didn't know why Lu Chen sighed so much today, he just felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

If possible, Lord Thunder thought it would be better not to see Chase Lu.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lu Chen couldn't help smiling when he saw the stinky face of Lord Thunder that he didn't dare to show.

The reason why he suddenly became emotional again today is purely because he used the water of the black stream yesterday, which gave him a new understanding of Tai Chi.

As the saying goes, Tai Chi produces two ceremonies, two ceremonies give birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip.

Simply put, all things are derived from this Tai Chi, and Chase Lu also has a little understanding of the world because of this insight.

And this understanding of the rules of the world has become more and more perfect with the understanding of Tai Chi.

I have to say, this Tai Chi is really amazing.

Lu Chen even vaguely felt that this Tai Chi seems to be a way to enter Taoism!

If it weren't for Lu Chen not wanting to enter the Tao with this way, but this person is in love with the way of swordsmanship.

Otherwise, maybe Chase Lu broke the routine yesterday to break through the confinement of heaven and earth!

"How's the result of yesterday's Holy Dao Conference?" Xiao Ming smiled and squatted beside Thunder Lord.

"Oh, don't mention it, you have scared away anyone with a little bit of strength, and there have been ranking changes outside the top ten."

The Thunder Lord sighed, as if he was sighing that this talent withered.

In fact, the Holy Lord of Thunder is too powerful. You must know that a Holy Lord is like a god in the eyes of ordinary people!

Not to mention this kind of potential holy master who can pull down the old man.

"Oh!" Lu Chen also sighed, but did not speak.

But with his tone, he sighed that he had fewer talents to use.

No matter how potential the Lord of Potential is, his current combat power is only that great.

In such a big war, unless it reaches the top ten combat power, I am afraid that it will not be able to control the battle situation at all.

"Have we contacted those strong ones one by one?" Lu Chen asked Thunder Lord.

He didn't want to lose a large number of talents just because he beat them up. Those who should be bought still had to be bought.

"Basically, they all decided to go with you, Juggernaut, only the old man Heijian went crazy and didn't know what to say when he asked."

The Thunder Lord said, his tone was full of disdain for the old man Heijian.

It's Heijian again!Lu Chen frowned, it seemed that he might have to go to the Black Stream before going out to sea.

As soon as he went back yesterday, he asked Holy Master Thunder to find out. This black stream is located somewhere in the north of Xuanwu Continent. It is said that it was once the ancient battlefield of the gods.

There are even rumors that real immortals died there.

Lord Thunder also jokingly said at the time that there have been so many so-called ancient battlefields popping up in Xuanwu Continent, but without exception, they have been proven to be fakes. Only in this Heijian, no one dared to verify the real body.

The reason is that the inside of Heijian is extremely unfriendly to outsiders, and there have been expeditions there before, but in the end there was no news of them all.

Over time, this black stream naturally became a forbidden place in the world.

When Lu Chen heard the news, he felt strange, and then remembered the strangeness of the first encounter with the water of the Black Stream.

So this night, Lu Chen took the seized black stream water to test and test. After all, it should not be a big problem for Lu Chen to double suppress with spiritual power and mental power.

But no one expected that after studying for a whole night, Lu Chen realized Tai Chi from the dark side of the black stream water.

This is really wrong.

Looking at the suddenly sad self-closing appearance of the Thunder Lord, Lu Chen also felt that it would be better for him to think about it, so he also walked away.

After all, he still has work to do!

As soon as the Holy Dao Conference ended, the arrangements for going to sea were quickly and closely arranged.

Whether it is the procurement of materials, the recruitment of personnel, or the transfer of ships, it is all things that Lu Chen needs to go through in person.

Going back this time is not just to bring enough strength to encircle and suppress the sea monster that poisoned Lu Chen's hometown Sifang Continent.

And even if the disaster of the sea monster cannot be completely solved, we must try our best to rescue the villagers.

Fortunately, as the old No. [-] Holy Master, the Holy Master Thunder is extremely powerful, not to mention the No. [-] Xuanwu.

Coupled with the fact that other holy masters rushed to help and tried their best, the materials and ships needed by Chase Lu were fully equipped within two days.

But the problem is that most of the major holy masters play an important role in their own forces, and it is not easy to travel casually. In addition, Lu Chen's matter seems a bit strange, so the recruitment is even more difficult.

Fortunately, the Holy Lord of Thunder made a big promise and swore to the sky, so everyone was left behind.

Now the great lords are carefully calculating how many people they should take out to sea!

Lu Chen was busy for a long time before finishing the affairs. After feeling that everything was correct, he then entered the cultivation state again.

The Sifang Continent is still waiting for him!

This practice lasted nearly half a month.

Converted to the time in the small world, but I don’t know how long it has passed

"Huh!" As a wisp of turbid air was expelled from Lu Chen's body, Lu Chen withdrew from the training state.

"What's going on here?" During the past few days of cultivation, Lu Chen's body showed a trace of Yin power from time to time.

At first, he thought it was just a temporary mistake in the technique, but after suppressing it, it broke out again not long after.

This yin and soft power combined with the yin power in Lu Chen's body, breaking the balance of Tai Chi's yin and yang.

Lu Chen's yang power was still lacking, so the yang power naturally couldn't neutralize the overly strong yin power.

More importantly, Chase Lu just discovered it.

After the excess yin force infected the Taiji ring in Lu Chen's body, it began to gradually affect Lu Chen's physical body.

Even Lu Chen couldn't completely suppress this kind of subtle transformation. Lu Chen only felt that although his body was getting stronger and stronger, his constant temperature was slowly becoming abnormal.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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