Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2377 The Holy Way Conference Begins

Before he finished speaking, Lu Chen had already walked to the side of the Space Lord and his wife.

As far as the previous contact is concerned, he still has a good impression of the two.

After all, in this era, there are very few people who can fight for justice!

Seeing Lu Chen coming over, the Space Lord and his wife knew that there was no malice, so they let down their guard.

"I have nothing else to give you, so be it, I promise you two a promise that is not too much."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen just smiled evilly, then turned and left.

"Thank you Sword Master!" The Space Lord and his wife were stunned at first, and then overjoyed.

A promise from a strong man like Lu Chen is at least more important than a few magic weapons and the like!

What's more, seeing Lu Chen's promise at this moment, I am afraid that no one in the Xuanwu Continent will dare to touch the couple.

If this is moved, it will also affect Lu Chen's majesty!What he is facing is probably the frenzied pursuit of this big boss who is infinitely close to the earth element realm.

Who would do such a loss-making business?

At this time, the other Holy Masters also looked at the Space Holy Master and his wife, with envy and jealousy in their eyes.

Lu Chen was not in the mood to take care of the little Jiujiu in these people's minds, but just returned to the main position and thought on his own.

He still hasn't figured out who the white-haired man in his mind is.

Although this strength has been improved, the feeling that fate is not completely in his hands really makes Lu Chen very uncomfortable.

It was as if he was someone else's pawn.

The more uncomfortable it was, the more Chase Lu thought about it.

But the more he thought about it, the more he thought of a way out, and finally even Lu Chen felt a little headache.

It seems that there may be new clues only if we go to another level!

Lu Chen looked at the sky and couldn't help thinking that this matter was completely beyond his expectations.

In other words, this is beyond his control now!

Sure enough, the difference is the strength?Lu Chen stared at his palm and muttered to himself.

"Juvenile Master, the Holy Dao Conference is about to start, why don't you go there?"

At this time, a voice broke the long-lost tranquility, and when Lu Chen looked up, it was an unexpected holy master—Sheng Yang.

"Go, why didn't I go?" Lu Chen smiled, but he wanted to test Shengyang again.

This person just handed over his heirloom treasure to Lu Chen, and Lu Chen didn't think this person would be so peaceful.

But Sheng Yang has become no different from before, the same taciturn.

Lu Chen smiled, is it possible that he still wants to practice for ten or eight years and then come back to get back the scene?

I, Lu Chen, can defeat you today, but tomorrow, I will probably only be able to crush you!

Thinking about this, Lu Chen suddenly felt a great mood, cut open the space, and teleported to the main seat of the Holy Dao Conference outside.

After going back and forth, he has thoroughly figured out the formation in the Lord of Space's house. Not only can he come in and out at will, but he can even turn his back on the guest.

I'm afraid that the Lord of Space will die of anger after a mouthful of blood spurts after knowing the news.

At this moment, the venue outside was already crowded with people, full of various discussions.

But the most of them are obviously discussions about Chase Lu.

You must know that just now, the Lord of Thunder has personally admitted that he is the leader of the alliance!It was because of him that the meeting was brought forward by another day.

Although it is limited to the face of the Holy Master Thunder, people still don't know that the top ten Holy Masters have already surrendered.

But what the Thunder Lord said before was tantamount to giving in to the young man in front of him.

In addition, this young man suddenly took the first place as a matter of course, which deepened their thoughts.

After seeing that Lu Chen had arrived, all the holy masters also used their magical powers, and in less than 10 seconds, they were all here.

"Everyone's speed is good this time, you deserve to be commended!" Lu Chen made a joke, but his eyes searched the crowd wantonly.

After a while, Lu Chen's eyes dimmed a little.

That guy named An Pu hasn't shown up yet, but he's going to ask that guy about something!

No matter how he looked at it, Chase Lu felt that the nightmare-like guy in his mind had something to do with the spell that An Pu cast.

If you can ask him what exactly he put, it must be one step closer to the truth.

"Old Lei, you can host it." Lu Chen saw the look in the eyes of the Thunder Lord, and nodded knowingly.

Lord Thunder was obviously asking Chase Lu if he wanted him to host.

This meeting has to go on, but Chase Lu doesn't understand the meeting process.

Furthermore, Lu Chen was too lazy to do such an errand, and the Holy Lord of Thunder would come by himself, so he was naturally happy to have a leisurely time.

What's more, Chase Lu doesn't think there is any glory in hosting such a conference.

"I hereby announce that this Holy Way Conference has officially begun!"

The Thunder Lord also used a mixed sound transmission method similar to Lu Chen, but everyone has been intimidated by Lu Chen's terrifying coercion before.

At this time, being hit by the Holy Lord of Thunder doesn't feel too terrible.

"It seems that the strength of the man sitting on the seat is probably a bit higher than that of the Thunder Lord!"

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe it's because the Lord Thunderclap kept his hand."

"That's right! Sitting in the chair doesn't necessarily mean that you are the strongest!"

At this moment, there was already a lot of discussion in the audience, and combined with the materials just arrived, a comparison was made between the Thunder Lord and Lu Chen.

Although Lu Chen has gained the upper hand in terms of momentum at this moment, the Holy Master of Thunder is a veteran Holy Master after all, a role that has sat firmly in the top spot for countless years.

If someone suddenly said that someone surpassed him, if Lu Chen himself was born and raised here, he might not believe it.

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"Quiet! Is the Holy Dao Conference a noisy place?" The Lord of Thunder shouted sharply.

He knew it clearly in his heart, if the group of guys in the audience were to continue talking, I'm afraid Lu Chen would have another wave of power.

As for the candidate for Liwei, there is a high probability that he is the Lord of Thunder!

Thinking of not being able to face Lu Chengan head-on, Thunder Lord immediately stopped the people in the gossip.

Can't afford to provoke and can't hide, isn't that the only way?

After the shout of the Thunder Lord, the audience was silent for a long time.

"Okay, let's start the first item of the conference!" The Lord of Thunder said slowly, withholding his authority.

He doesn't need to introduce the first item of this conference to everyone, how many sessions have been held.

The process of the Holy Dao Conference is widely circulated in the Xuanwu Continent, and basically every emperor-level knows the entire process.

That's why Lu Chen, a stunned young man from overseas, didn't know.

Hearing the words of the Thunder Lord, the crowd became even more restless.

Of course, the first item of this holy way conference is to determine the qualifications of the challengers. For this qualification, many new generations have prepared for a long time!

After all, if he becomes the Holy Master, how can the benefits be compared to that of an idle half-holy?

And even if the strength is a bit weaker, if they can stand out in this competition, they will definitely have a long time to come to win them over.

All in all, participating in this holy way conference is beneficial to these semi-saints whose chances are not deep enough.

The restless crowd didn't flock in at this moment, but began to draw lots under the instruction of a Taoist boy from the Thunder Sage.

To put it bluntly, this method of drawing lots is also for the sake of some weak people. If there are only a few hanging people in the ring, what is the use of other people coming to this holy way meeting?

At the same time, the top ten holy masters also moved to the ring and began to strengthen the formation.

This competition is all started by the emperor, if there are no top ten holy masters to maintain the formation, I am afraid that the venue will collapse in a short while.

Seeing that all the holy masters were transmitting energy on the formation, Lu Chen also walked over with the idea of ​​watching the excitement.

"Master Juggernaut, that Anpu didn't come, there is a position that no one can replace."

Seeing that Lu Chen came over on his own initiative, the Thunder Lord was also overjoyed. He was worried that he didn't know how to tell Lu Chen about this!

"Oh? Then let me try it!" Lu Chen became interested. He didn't expect that this formation was maintained by ten people.

"Master Juggernaut is here!" Lord Thunder said happily, but he ran to another position in a hurry.

Lu Chen took a look, and the Thunder Lord pointed out to him that the position was in the middle, which was equivalent to the C position among the crowd.

From this point of view, it was clear that the Thunder Lord himself was sitting.

Unexpectedly, this old guy is quite sensible, Lu Chen couldn't help but praised in his heart, and touched the eye of the big formation with his hand.

It didn't take a while for Lu Chen to roughly figure out the number of paths in this large formation.

There are only two surprising points in this large formation.

One, in this formation, the power of each person is divided into each area, but because of the formation setting, they do not touch each other.

This kind of wonderful function is also the first time for Chase Lu, obviously because someone in this formation suddenly turned against him.

Another point is that Chase Lu discovered that this formation can immediately become a trapped formation as long as the eye of the formation is changed a little.

What this means, Chen Lu, who has experienced the incident of Xiong Yusheng, naturally understands it in seconds.

If there are such fools with precious treasures to participate in the competition, the result can be imagined.

But there are few such things, after all, not everyone is Lu Chen.

"Your formation is interesting!" Lu Chen said to the Lord of Thunder.

"Master Juggernaut is laughing at me!" Lord Thunder quickly replied, wiping his cold sweat with his hand.

He deliberately didn't give Lu Chen the way to activate this formation before, and he also had a little tentative heart.

But unexpectedly, Chase Lu discovered his details just by looking at him.

This proficiency in fighting against Dao made the Lord Thunderbolt have to obey!

The spiritual power of all the holy masters is naturally abundant, and within a short while, this large array of energy has been fully charged.

"Participants enter the arena!" Thunder Lord ordered, but the group of half-sages also entered the arena obediently.

It is said that this arena was built by more than a dozen holy masters together, and it can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and it can also guarantee the safety of watching the battle at close range.

But it is obvious that the Holy Masters back then had a little high opinion of the excellence of the younger generation.

Looking at the few people sitting sparsely, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little funny.

Why do you think they were so confident back then?

"Now enter the arena according to the lottery number!" The Thunder Lord continued to announce: "The Great Emperor Group: A[-] and A[-] enter the arena!"

"Why is there still a Great Emperor group?" Lu Chen asked curiously to Lord Thunder.

"Sword Saint, isn't this just to give the younger generation a chance! And then the top emperor who won the championship will fight with the group of semi-sages!"

After hearing the explanation of Thunder Sage King, Lu Chen also suddenly realized.

That's right, if it's all duels between semi-saint powerhouses, then those great emperors will still be beaten!

But Lu Chen has reached this level, and the duels of those great emperors naturally cannot catch his eyes.

So, Lu Chen simply closed his eyes, rested his mind quietly, and didn't even perceive the battle outside.

There were only a few people he wanted to pay attention to.

When it comes to those few people, these great sages will remind him.

Sure enough, after a while, the space lord took the initiative to say: "Sword Master, your little friend seems to be coming out!"

Lu Chen opened his eyes at the right time and looked at the field.

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