Shocked expressions appeared on the faces of several people.It was just a guess that day, but now it is confirmed, it is still shocking in my heart.

"If you want to touch my husband, pass me first."

Seeing that her husband was in crisis, Holy Master Ice stepped forward.

"What a Holy Lord of Ice, you are very good.

How many people envied the marriage between you and the Holy Master of Space back then.

It's a pity that your husband is too stubborn to cover up foreign enemies.Forget it, let me break up a marriage and be this villain. "

Sheng Yang sighed.

Sheng Yang, who looked like a middle-aged man, had a pair of fiery eyes that made people feel as if they were being burned.

"Sheng Yang think twice, I think Hang Yuan is just full of love for talents, and has no other meaning. What do you think? Hang Yuan."

Lord Thunder said.

Hang Yuan was silent, hesitating in his heart.

He really couldn't understand Sheng Yang's attitude of looking down on the world.

Even if you bow your head today, it will be hard to live if you are controlled by this kind of person tomorrow.

Secondly, after seeing the battle between Lu Chen and the two of them, he also wanted to try how strong the power of time is.

Although the answer was obvious, he still had an idea of ​​not admitting defeat.

What's more, this is the sacred mountain of space, and it is his territory.

Xuanwu Holy Master and the others secretly laughed in their hearts.

They wished that Hang Yuan would be suppressed by Sheng Yang, so that they could vent their anger.

In their subconscious mind, Hang Yuan was closer to Lu Chen, but Lu Chen's whereabouts were unknown after taking their treasure away.

It would be comfortable to spread this bad breath on Hang Yuan.

The Ice Lord looked at Hang Yuan nervously.

She not only hoped that Hang Yuan would bow his head, but also hoped that Hang Yuan would not be humble.Because such a humble Hang Yuan is not the Hang Yuan he knew at the beginning.

But no matter what decision Hang Yuan makes, she will support it.

"I don't think Chase Lu has any bad intentions. On the contrary, I have an intuition that the hope of the future Xuanwu Continent lies with him, not you."

"Hmph! Stubbornness."

A powerful aura burst out from Sheng Yang's body, and his eyes were captivating.

He held the sky with one hand, and swung his fist down, full of Yang Qi, and smashed down towards Hang Yuan with a violent momentum.

The hall instantly became hot.

Yang Sheng Fist!

This move is his famous stunt, and it is the most powerful magic awareness besides the Yin-Yang Ball.

It was a fierce move as soon as he made a move, obviously he really wanted to get rid of Hang Yuan, and he didn't show mercy.

This stuns people.

"Don't think about it!"

The Lord of Ice flashed in front of the Lord of Space, opened the domain of saints, and sealed the world with ice.

The two formed a confrontation, and a huge ice wall was repeatedly smashed by that punch, and then hit the Ice Lord's chest.


The body of the Ice Lord flew out like a kite with a broken string, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from the mouth of the Ice Lord.

"Moon Cold!"

Hang Yuan's eyes were shattered, he caught the Ice Lord floating in the air, and looked at the Ice Lord with pity.

"Why are you doing this, Yue Han." Hang Yuan said softly, his voice choked up.

This moment happened too fast, and before he could react, the Ice Lord had already been injured by Sheng Yang.

"Yuan, be yourself, we girls are proud of you." The Lord of Ice said weakly.

She was seriously injured, the punch went straight to her heart, and her internal organs were shattered.

"It's all my fault." Hang Yuan's face was full of pain.

The Lord of Ice said tenderly, "Go."

Hang Yuan put down the Ice Lord and looked at Sheng Yang coldly.

The injury of the Ice Lord wiped away the fearlessness in his heart. At this moment, there is only one word of war in his heart.

"Ah, what a pair of fateful mandarin ducks." Ji Yin teased.

"For the sake of having known each other for many years, if you are willing to surrender to me, I will not blame the past for what happened before.

You can only blame yourself for this end, not my will.

Finally give you a chance!Surrender or die! "

Lord Thunder persuaded: "Hang Yuan, it's over if you bow your head now, why bother to make such a situation."

"Sage Yang, absolutely not, this kind of person cannot be kept," said Xuanwu Holy Master.


Holy Master Xuanwu wanted to say something more but was interrupted by Holy Master Thunder with a cold snort.He is still a little afraid of the Thunder Lord, and if he annoys the Thunder Lord, his life will be difficult in the future.

After all, the Holy Lord of Thunder is stronger than them, and he is a figure at the level of the overlord of the Xuanwu Continent.


Only one word came out of the mouth of the Holy Master of Space, and that was Zhan!

Only by fighting can the anger and unwillingness in his heart be resolved.

"Today, I won't give anyone face." Sheng Yang shouted, intending to strike first.

In the blink of an eye, a big halberd appeared in his hand.

The halberd waved in the air, bringing out a phantom in the shape of a dragon.

He rushed towards Hang Yuan fiercely.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were gloomy, and the situation changed color, except for this dragon-shaped phantom lying across the sky like the scorching sun.

"Balong Jue!"

This move is simple and direct, but it has the potential to swallow mountains and rivers with anger.

Hang Yuan was surprised, Sheng Yang's Fajue really emerged endlessly.

His figure flashed, and at the same time he made a tactic.

The formation of the Holy Mountain of Space was activated, and the phantom of the giant dragon was about to hit him, but was affected by the formation.

I saw that the speed of the phantom of the giant dragon suddenly slowed down, sometimes disappeared, and sometimes burst out.

This is the superposition of multiple spaces. The superposition of several spaces makes the giant dragon phantom never hit Hang Yuan, which seems to be less than ten meters away.

Use softness to overcome rigidity.

Sheng Yang's sense of magic is extremely strong, and Hang Yuan's defense is also very good. The mastery of the power of space and the formation of the holy mountain of space did not fall into a disadvantage for a while.

Then the two collided in the air for dozens of rounds, illuminating the entire holy mountain with brilliant brilliance.

"The power of space really lives up to its reputation, let you experience this." Sheng Yang is full of fighting spirit, and he has fully integrated into the battle now.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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He felt that Hang Yuan's strength was indeed worthy of his going all out.

The strength displayed by Hang Yuan made the faces of several other Holy Masters change.

They always thought that Hang Yuan's strength was just the bottom of the top ten in the Holy Master list.

After really seeing his strength, I think he can be ranked in the top five.

Sheng Yang sacrificed a fiery red furnace with a big vermilion bird printed on it.

"This is! The legendary mysterious bird furnace?"

Everyone was surprised.The legendary Xuanniao God Stove is a holy weapon.

The sacred weapon is the weapon of a saint, how could he, Sheng Yang, own it.

Not to mention that there have been no saints in the Xuanwu Continent for many years, even if a saint once fell, he would not easily pass on the holy artifact to future generations.

Because the sacred weapon is the weapon that the saint spends his whole life to forge, just like the weapon of his life, how can it be easily passed on to future generations.

Even if the saint falls accidentally, the holy artifact will be destroyed together with him.

In the Xuanwu Continent, there is only one person who has a weapon that surpasses the top-level treasure, and that is the 'Holy Staff' of the Thunder Lord.

Once its power is triggered, it is like angering the sky.

"Is it really the Xuanniao Divine Stove? It's a shame!"

Hang Yuan cursed in his heart.

At this stage of the battle, Sheng Yang never used the power of time, but directly took out the holy weapon.

Isn't this bullying?

But when he thought of this person seriously injuring Yuehan, he became very angry and couldn't back down.


I saw that the sacred furnace was activated by the Shengyang, and the big vermilion bird carved on it uttered a clear cry and moved on the surface.

Like a living thing, lifelike.

The sacred furnace turned and hit Hang Yuan.

Hang Yuan was shocked and scolded his mother in his heart.

It can only be avoided by the previous method, and it must not be hit head-on.

But what was unexpected was that all the space superpositions were smashed one by one by the fiery red furnace, and its flying speed could not be restricted at all.

The space superimposed in front of it is like a piece of paper, fragile and cannot be affected at all.

The face of the Holy Master of Space changed drastically, he threw out a large number of profound crystals, and practiced the formation with both hands to activate the Holy Mountain of Space.

At the juncture of life and death, he opened the formation of the Holy Space Mountain to the maximum.

The formation level of the Space Holy Mountain is equivalent to the Great National Defense Formation of the Xiongwu Empire.

Since Hang Yuan also added the power of space to the formation, the formation of the Holy Mountain of Space is even better than ordinary formations.

Such a big formation, if the top three on the Holy Master Ranking are trapped in it, they will have a headache.

But even if such a formation is fully activated, it still cannot resist the divine furnace.

A layer of raging fire was ignited on the surface of the sacred furnace. This fire is extraordinary and can burn all things.

The furnace approached, and Hang Yuan's clothes were burned to ashes.


Hang Yuan had no choice but to perform a space jump, and his figure appeared in the distance.

All of a sudden, he opened the distance from the furnace, and then he slapped the furnace with a big empty hand.

But the furnace didn't move at all, and it chased after him with unabated momentum, faster than before.

It's like being irritated by Hang Yuan.

Is it so hard to kill an ant?

This melting pot is afraid that it has already given birth to consciousness.

Hang Yuan is in this extremely hot environment, but his heart is already cold.


Just as he finished performing a space jump, one arm was rubbed by the furnace.

A smell of barbecue immediately filled the surroundings.

His arm was completely scorched black, and it was still burning with raging fire.

It was as if he was going to be cremated directly.

Hang Yuan gritted his teeth, enduring the severe pain and directly cut off the crippled arm.

Such evasion is not the answer.When he used the space jump again, he came directly to Sheng Yang.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Hang Yuan's mouth, turned into a blood sword and shot towards Sheng Yang's face.

The power of the blood essence and blood sword condensed by the saint cannot be underestimated.Often using this trick is a desperate way, hurting the enemy and even hurting yourself.

But Hang Yuan has no choice.

Success or failure is here!

"Be careful!" Ji Yin reminded.

"It doesn't matter. It's a small skill, and the donkey's skills are exhausted."

Sheng Yang was confident, he had an extra shield in his hand, which just blocked the Essence and Blood Sword, and his reaction was extremely quick.

That shield is undoubtedly a top-level magic weapon.

"It's over." Hang Yuan watched desperately that the blood sword condensed with his own blood was completely blocked by the shield, and the glimmer of hope in his heart was completely extinguished.


Sheng Yang shouted loudly, holding the sacred furnace and covering it directly.

Hang Yuan was so desperate that he was powerless to resist.

I didn't see the power of time until I died. Is this the difference in strength?

"do not want!"

The Lord of Ice looked desperately at the fiery red furnace and built it towards Hang Yuan, yelling not to.

He wanted to defend Hang Yuan, but he had more energy than he wanted.

I can only watch helplessly as my husband is about to die at the hands of others.

"Hey, a generation of Tianjiao Space Lord is about to fall, old man, I am really heartbroken."

Seeing that Hang Yuan was about to die under the scorching furnace, the Holy Master Xuanwu pretended to be sorry.

Lord Thunder turned his back, really unwilling to see this scene.


Scorching flames filled the hall, and the sacred furnace was blown away by an external force amidst everyone's incredulous gazes.

The temperature in the hall suddenly rose, and the flames falling in the hall actually directly burned out a series of large holes in the ground reinforced by the formation.

Thick smoke was billowing, and at some point there was a figure in the hall.

A figure stepped out from the smog, and he stood in front of the Space Lord.

"It's you!"

Sheng Yang's face changed drastically, he saw the person coming, and his heart was shaken.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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