Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2370 Catastrophe

It is worthy of being the half-step formation king!No matter from the time of setting up the formation, the power of the formation is incomparable.

An Pu put a pill into his mouth, and the eyes under the bamboo hat showed madness.

His body was almost collapsed, but his spirit seemed to be sublimated.

A sense of fairy fluttering arises spontaneously, as if wanting to break away from all shackles and fly immediately.

"Could this be an external technique? How could it be so evil."

From Lu Chen's eyes.At this time, a large amount of black energy surged from An Pu's body, his body was suspended in the air, became distorted, and lost his human appearance.

Judging by this domineering aura, could it be Ling Yunzhi's Wu clan blood.

No, although the blood of the witch clan is domineering, it is not evil.This evil aura is comparable to Lu Chen's Senluo Palace.

The sound of curses became clearer and clearer, and the vertical eyes in the sky turned crimson, as if filled with blood.

"Heaven, Earth and Man, the Three Talents Sword."

Lu Chen was not idle either, he had already set up the sword formation, the Sancai sword was shining brightly, and the entire formation was fully activated at that moment.

The Three Talents Sword is only a high-level magic weapon, and it is still slightly inferior to the top magic weapon.

But those top-level magic weapons in Lu Chen's hands haven't had time to practice yet, so it's not appropriate to use them now.

I'm afraid it's not as powerful as the Sancai sword that has been practiced.However, with the combination of these three swords and a powerful formation, even a top-level magic weapon may have the power to fight.

Not only that, but the Qiyao Formation has to be arranged. Although there are no other swords comparable to the Sancai Sword, there are still some high-level swords that will be used.

The next step is to pour five attributes into each sword.

As the name suggests, the Qiyao Sword Formation requires seven attributes.

Lu Chen poured five kinds, leaving only two kinds of yin and yang.

good stuff!

He made a one-handed move.The yin and yang ball condensed by Ji Yin and Sheng Yang, the overflowing yin and yang power was collected by him.poured into the sword.

When the seven divine swords started to work, the formation was upgraded several levels at once.

Before making a move, An Pu, Ji Yin, and Sheng Yang felt great pressure.

"court death!"

The two of Sheng Yang were furious and felt that they were being used.

In a fit of anger, the two shouted and threw the Yin-Yang ball in their hands.

After the two threw the yin-yang ball, their bodies finally couldn't bear the sense of collapse anymore, and fell to the ground unconscious.

The speed of the yin-yang ball was not fast, like a lightning ball that appeared after a thunderstorm, floating towards Lu Chen lightly.


For Chase Lu at this speed, it was easy to dodge, but just when he wanted to dodge.

A domineering suction held him firmly in place.

Looking up, it was indeed the countless vertical eyes in the sky that were causing the trouble.

No, to be precise, those vertical eyes no longer looked like eyes.

It's like a big mouth full of blood, sucking everything in this world.

There is a black hole in the big mouth, some big rocks and trees are sucked in and there is no sound.

The suction was too strong, Chase Lu could only keep still, let alone dodge, as long as he moved his body slightly, he might just fall into that vicious big mouth.

"not good!"

The speed of the yin-yang ball was not fast, but it had already floated in front of him in a short while.


Space Jump!

Lu Chen appeared ten meters away in the next second. At the critical moment, Lu Chen used the power of space to barely avoid the threatening Yin-Yang ball.

Not surprisingly, this time it was avoided.

When Lu Chen looked back, he was shocked!

The yin-yang ball was behind him, less than five meters away from him.

His hair stood on end, and he used the space jump again.

The frightening thing is that Chase Lu found that although the space jump just moved, he believed that he fell ten meters away.

But for some reason, Lu Chen's body returned to the original place in an instant.

It's like it never moved.

What a terrible power this is!


As those vertical eyes split bigger, countless vertical eyes merged together, forming a huge pool of blood.

The black sky and the red pool of blood, together, looked extremely strange and terrifying.

An Pu was no longer seen on the battlefield.

I don't know if he was sucked into the blood pool, or died of backlash because of summoning this kind of blood attack, Lu Chen didn't have time to care about these at all.

At this time, he fell into a crisis, which made him feel that he might die at any time.

I can't die here, let alone die like this, it's too embarrassing, it's a supporting role's job to die in a big way!

He panicked.The ball of light was approaching step by step, but the reason why it hadn't touched his body was because he was constantly performing space jumps.

Although it is impossible to jump out of this vicious circle directly, it can be delayed for a while.

Because he found that every time he performed a space jump, the ball of light would fall five meters away.Quite weird.

However, the spiritual power consumed to perform space jump is too great, there will always be times when you can't jump, and the consequences will be unimaginable at that time.

While swallowing the elixir, he used formations to suppress it, hoping to slow down the speed of the yin-yang ball.

But the yin-yang ball seemed to be detached from any shackles, there was no limit, and it still kept repeating the speed of approaching Chase Lu.

Forget it, Chase Lu can only perform the space jump again.

As time passed by second by second, Chase Lu gradually became a little tired.

Could this be the power of time!

In a short time, reincarnation continues.

Now let's not talk about how lethal it would be to be hit by this ball of light. This endless reincarnation alone is enough for Lu Chen to drink a pot.

What's more, how can the light ball with its own reincarnation characteristics be less lethal?

The several holy masters who were watching from afar were stunned.

I can't understand what's going on with the blood pool in the sky, let alone how it feels like the Yin-Yang Ball and Chase Lu are constantly following in space.

Hang Yuan couldn't say a word, his mood was complicated.

He could see Chase Lu's strong spiritual power capital, and was even more amazed at Chase Lu's non-stop space jump.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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If it were him, it would be impossible to complete such intensive jumps.

Even if you can jump continuously, you have to rest for a while.Otherwise, not only will it cause indelible damage to your body, but it will even damage your foundation.

What is that black and white ball of light?

No one in the room knew clearly that even the Lord Thunderclap, whom he had seen for a long time, had never seen this kind of power of rules.

Could it be the power of time?

Hang Yuan expressed a bold idea in his heart.


The Lord of Thunder's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't believe that this black and white ball of light was actually the power of time.

At their level, they naturally know what the power of time means.

There is a saying that only a sage can glimpse the past and understand the present.

It means that without a saint, it is impossible to touch the threshold of the power of time.

What's more, the saints are just touching the threshold, let alone the top saints like them.

Although both have a holy word, there is still a world of difference between the two.

So in their concept, it is completely impossible to be the power of time.

Due to the broken rules, the Xuanwu Continent can only cultivate to the void, and that is the end.

The legendary saint is probably a creature from another world, or in ancient times, only that level of powerhouse could be born.

In this day and age, it is impossible for a saint to be born, and it is even more impossible for a saint to survive.

So the bold idea of ​​the power of time was ruled out at the first time.

However, I was very unsure in my heart.

Because they watched Lu Chen keep avoiding the yin-yang ball, and the yin-yang ball was like brown sugar sticking to Lu Chen.What's scary is that Chase Lu escaped one second, but reappeared in the same place the next second?


None of them dared to go forward to save Chase Lu.

This level of battle, they can't get their hands on it, and there will be disaster if they touch it.

It's too late to hide, let alone save.

"Hey, the hope of Xuanwu Continent seems to be shattered."

Lord Thunder shook his head, compared with the future of Xuanwu Continent and his own life, the result is obvious.

It's not that without Chase Lu, there would be no hope in the Xuanwu Continent. Isn't there still an outsider like An Pu?

Lord Thunder looked over and found that there was no sign of Anpu on the battlefield, and the sky was covered by a blood-red pool of blood.

This is An Pu's skill?

How can it be so evil? Can a person of this kind of background be a good person?

Lord Thunder was a little worried.

"Hey, this kind of genius really shouldn't die here."

Hang Yuan sighed a lot.Seeing Chase Lu's mastery of the rules of space, he has great admiration for Chase Lu.

It would be great if I could remind myself a bit.

Is God going to kill me?

Chase Lu, who was in distress, didn't think of a good way to deal with this disaster.

But his great cause has not yet been completed, and the Sifang Continent is still in dire straits, if he dies like this.

Sifang Continent, my relatives, everything is over.


A loud noise interrupted Lu Chen's thoughts, and a pair of big black hands poked out from the pool of blood.

"Hey, who is calling this king!"

The hoarse voice seemed to come from hell, looking down on all living creatures in the mortal world.

This is the final form of the moves performed by Anpu.

Summon the ghost king?

Is this terrifying hand from hell?

It's reincarnation and hell, it's my life.

For a while, Chase Lu thought a lot, the most was Sifang Continent, and his unfulfilled wish.

Unwilling to fall, and never surrender, or die in battle!

For some reason, there was no fear in Lu Chen's heart at this time.

After going through so many hardships, how could this little difficulty be difficult for me, Lu Chen.

I, Lu Chen, shall stand in this world, immortal and immortal!

Not some kind of spiritual victory.When this battle surged in Lu Chen's heart, the spiritual granulation in the depths of his spiritual world that had not moved for a long time moved again.

This time it was different from usual, but a hole was opened.

Endless white light emerged from it, giving birth to a phantom, whose appearance could not be seen clearly.

It can only be distinguished by the outline that it is a human figure.


Accompanied by the vibration of Lu Chen's spiritual world, the outside world was also full of loud noises.

"Is it this weak bug?"

I saw that the big black hand seemed to have eyes, and it found Lu Chen and slapped it.

The distance between the two is still far away, but the power has already reached the ground.

In an instant, the ground continued to collapse, and the protective formation that had been arranged before also collapsed in an instant.

Originally, Lu Chen was making the last space jump and was preparing to fight back, but the aura was too powerful, and it actually pressed Lu Chen so tightly that he couldn't move.

And the yin and yang ball also arrived instantly!

"It's over!"

At this time, Chase Lu's consciousness was suddenly interrupted, and only two voices were heard at the moment of interruption.

One came from the depths of my spirit: "Relax." The voice was so soft that even men and women couldn't tell the difference.

It's like being blinded on purpose.

The other one comes from those big hands: "Hey, add a new soul

Uh it is!Oh no! ! ! "


After a long time, all the mountains near the holy cliff mountain battlefield were beaten and collapsed.

There are broken walls and ruins everywhere, and the tall trees don't even have a root.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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